JiMIVERf-ITr OF vyAr.MlNOTOH J?A-bxru/- 'T^u^t Sou*vcf REVIESEATTLE.WASHINGTOWN Washington, D. C. EKLY IN THE NORTHWEST FURY IN THE AIR U. S. air operation* out of Enf- land arc now by far the moat exten- ^gJSS^^BAINBRIDGEISb^ND^WASHINGTON; THURS.. SEPT. 16. 1943; VOL XIX, NO. 20 8 PAGES. 5 CENTS »lv« and toughest operation* of the U. 8. air forces. Flier* who have »een action In four theaters—China, the Pacific. North Africa, and Eu- rope—»ay the first three are child's YARD SEEKS play compared with the current flak- ami-fighter opposition of Germans. PLAN RAW SEWAGE OUTLET HERE The first flight a year ago was ISLAND AID made without the loss of a stogie V. S. plana. The Germans were caught off guard by the daylight Viailanrp NUfW WINSLOW HOUSING PROJECT i~aid. But such things don't happen IN BOND SALE any more. It la no secret that U. S. v lguance weeaea , . 1 W0ULD DRAIN NT0 mm losses on each raid over the conti- # o- to win a competition a- nent an high enough to hurt badly, mc *uget Sound ahlpyarda, em- • This is war. War means sacrifices. It means that a pleas- though not high enough to atop the ploy. at the Winalow Marine ant, rural island, sach as oars, must bow to "the needs of the Railway and Shipbuilding Com- times and permit construction of an eye-sore housing project STATE ORDERS INVESTIGATION War correspondent* In Britain de- pany, spurred on by their Super- clare that U. S. airmen who fly these visor*' Club,, were embarked on a• to rob us of some of the peace and quiet which we enjoy • According to construction plans, raw sewage from the mission* are the greatest heroes of whirlwind War Bond selling cam- here. If that sacrifice means bringing back our loved ones tfee wmr. DM? have to face more paign - today. 160 units of the Winslo^r federal housing project will be fighting fury, and face It with more Their two alma are to reach a by a day sooner, Bainbridge Island wants to sacrifice. poured without chemical or mechanical treatment of any akill. than any other men In this $180,000 cash aalea goal and to But, so help us Hannah, The Review does not see why we sort into Eagle Harbor, it was learned yesterday. war—whether fighting on land, sea have one of their, fellow women mast suffer the horrible risk of dumping the raw sewage But it was also learned that the State Department of or in the air. employees choaen aa "Miss Ship- from those 160 project homes into Eagle Harbor. We are I * ' * yard" In a brilliant theatte finale Health .may order a change in the plans which would halt PARA TROOP MIRACLE in Seattle September 30. very sure that the Island is not required to make the sacri- the contemplated laying of the Bewer drain, scheduled for late There was one thrilling bit of un- Each shift at Winslow will elect fice of an infantile paralysis or typhoid fever epidemic merely . next week. told history regarding the Allied •» nominee queen In semi-finals to The Review and Dr. J. T. Dow- landing in Sicily which only now can because the Federal Public Housing Authority hasn't done be reached Monday. "Mlaa Wina- llng, Wing Point, working Inde- be revealed. A division of U. S. low" will be selected from th«>a» what it should do in seeking, first of all, the approval of the pendently of each other, notified parachute troop* actually stopped three on September 25, all ready $750 NEEDED the department earlier this week about two Nail division* which were Slate Department of Public Health In its proposed sewage to compete with queens from As- of the project plana As a result, dashing to the seacoast to await Al- sociated Shipbuilders Corp., Se- system. lied landing barges. M. S. Campbell, chief public attle., Todd-8eattle Dry Docks, The Review also Ls quite sure that Bainbridge Island does FOR CENTER health engineer of the deport- This occurred the night before the Lake Washington Shipyard, Lake not have to run the risk' of a stinking, unsanitary condition ment, said he would confer to- landing barges arrived. Had the Union Drydocks, Seattle Ship- • At least $750 must be realized paratroopers not succeeded In hold- in our little harbor merely because our county's health of- morrow with the Federal Public building and Drydock Corp. and by public subscription to give Housing Authority. ing up the Nazi*. U. S. troop* might the ^sattle-Tacoma Shipbuilding ficer, Dr. Russell H. Wilson, weakly cries that he Is "power- have landed literally in blood. Bainbridge Island Its long-sought "It may be that we will find Corp. less" to act. If Dr. Wilson, who is charged with protecting young people's recreation center that harbor conditions warrant What happened wa* that the para- Yard employees said they could troopers, coming down mysterlous- in the old Japanese Hall, Wins- such an elimination of sewage," not hope to win the competition the public health here, won't do his job, others must see to ly at night, not far from the Nazi low, the Bainbridge Recreation Mr. Campbell explained. "In some unless other Islanders, not em- divisions, tooled the enemy Into It that the Job Is dttne, nevertheless. Council, representing most of the waters we have found It perfectly ployed at the yard, accepted a thinking he wa* outnumbered. Actu- Immediate vigilance must be the order of the day. The Island organizations, voted In a safe to dump raw sewage at a yard Invitation to purchase bonds ally, a paratsoop division Is far In- session at the Wln»low Congrega- depth of 30- feet below the mean in the Third War Loan thia month Review knows It will have the wholehearted cooperation of ferior in ijumbers to a division of tional Church Tuesday night. low water mark, ns I understand ground troops. But the Nazi* could at the yard's personnel office, all the Island in turning back this menace. The money will be used solely Is contemplated at Wlnslow. not tell In the dark how many Amer- near t£e Winalow ferry dock. for, materials necessary to trans- "But in other waters, with dif- icans there were, got the Impres- Anyone purchasing bonds there form the hall Into the Bainbridge ferent tidal and population condi- sion that the sky wa* packed with will receive free tickets to the LLOYD PARFITT Island Recreation Center, Carl tions, we have found such a dis- paratroopers. huge motion picture and vaude- MRS. COOK SEES 'DARK' SIDE Pratt, Wlnslow, chairman of the posal to be contrary to the best' So they decided to c*mp for the ville ahow In Seattle when the council's construction committee, interests of public health. In such night and get ready for a fight the winning queen will be named. OF ARMY' LIFE reported. He said high school stu- conditions, we have required sedi- next morning. But by daylight U. S. Shows will be held at the Or- dents would provide moat of the mentation or chemical treatment pheum Theatre and the Para- QUITS BOARDSpecia l to The Review landing ^barges were safely ashore. labor as their contribution to the of the sewage; I can't say what mount Theatre at 11 o'clock the • Mrs. Norma Cook. Eagledale, • GALVESTON, Texas. Wednes- project. we will find at Winalow, but the night of September 30, with a LUDWIC8 WARNING for more than a year the execu- day, September 15— Uoyfl E. Par- Donations may be left with the department certainly Intends to special awing ahift show starting - Emil Ludwig. famous German au- fltt, Winalow, who has just been Rev. Charles P! Milne, Wlnslow, make a thorough check. ' again at 2 a_m. at the Para- tive 'secretary of the Island's War thor and biographer, recently had a promoted to the grade of sergeant or with Harold Harmony at the Mr. Campbell said the federal mount. Admittance can be <*>- Price and Rationing Board, has unique session with the army's ;»t thil Arn.y Air F"eld here, sees Puget Sound Power and Light authority was scheduled 'o seek taimd on>y by fret tickets -given maigiMd _to accept a part-tlni# school for military government at the "dark side" of Army life. Company's Wlnslow office. The the state department's approval In war bond sales. assistant's job in the Port Blake- Charlottesville. Va.. a* to what the Sergeant Parfitt ia engaged aa finance committee includes Mr. of all housing project sewage Purchase of bonds at the yard ly postofflce, Walt Woodward, Allies should do with Germany after a night cook atvthe consolidated Milne, Mr. Pratt and Mrs. Roy plans, but had not done so on the also entitles the buyer to a vote •Rolling Bay. board chairman,, an- the war. nounced yesterday. mess hall and has charge of the Wa^dweII, Manltou, and V. E. Uh- Wlnslow Job. He said the situation In the queen selection contest. Ludwig gave a series of lectures preparation of meats and vegeta- rich, Winalow. waa "news" to him when Dr. Votes can be made In no other ' "Wo deeply regret to see Mrs. on how to prevent another Hitler bles for the next day's meal, as The councU voted to enter into Dowllng and The Review present- way. Cook go, but she has told us that from arising and plunging the world .well as the cooking of midnight negotiations with the War Relo- ed the facts to.
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