Brailovsky & Barrera: Six new species of Mozena 99 SIX NEW SPECIES OF MOZENA FROM MEXICO (HETEROPTERA: COREIDAE: COREINAE: NEMATOPODINI) HARRY BRAILOVSKY AND ERNESTO BARRERA Instituto de Biología, UNAM, Departamento de Zoología, Apdo Postal 70153, México 04510 D.F. México ABSTRACT Six new species of Mozena, M. atra, M. nogueirana, M. pardalota, M. perezae, M. preclara, and M. presigna, collected in Mexico, are described; dorsal habitus, antennal segments, pronotum, abdomen in lateral view, paramere and male genital capsule of most of the species are illustrated. Key Words: Insecta, Heteroptera, Coreidae, Nematopodini, Mozena, new species, Mexico RESUMEN Seis nuevas especies de Mozena, M. atra, M. nogueirana, M. pardalota, M. perezae, M. pre- clara, y M. presigna, colectadas en México son descritas; el cuerpo en vista dorsal, las ante- nas, el pronoto, el abdomen en vista lateral, los parámeros y la capsula genital del macho de la mayoria de las especies son ilustrados. The genus Mozena Amyot and Serville (1843) (H. S.), M. buenoi Hussey, M. gaumeri Distant, M. is a large, complex group that ranges from the hector Van Duzee, M. lineolata (H.S.), M. lunata Southern United States, throughout Mexico, (Burmeister), M. lunata rufescens Ruckes, M. lur- Cuba, and Central America to Northeastern ida (Dallas), M. lutea (H.S.), M. nestor (Stål), M. South America including Colombia and Venezu- pallisteri Ruckes, M. rufula Van Duzee, M. scrupu- ela, with the greatest number of species being losa (Stål), and M. ventralis (Mayr). This contribu- known from Mexico (Brailovsky 1999). tion adds six new species. These are medium-sized to large coreids which The following abbreviations are used to identify are rather variable in color and size as well as in institutions where types are deposited or which the general development of the humeral angles of generously lent material for this paper: AMNH: the pronotum, development of the hind femur, American Museum of Natural History, New York; and allometry of the scutellum. BMNH: The Natural History Museum, London, Within the tribe Nematopodini, Mozena can be England; BYU: Brigham Young University, Monte recognized by the triangular, flat, apically acute L. Bean Life Science Museum, Provo, UT; CAS: scutellum, the hind tibia only dilated ventrally, the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco; humeral pronotal angles produced but not into CMN: Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pitts- sharp spines, the body usually longer than 20.00 burgh; CUIC: Cornell University, Insect Collec- mm, the tylus produced anterior to antennifers, tion, Ithaca, NY; FNS: Forschungsinstitut und the dorsal surface of the hind femur armed with Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Germany; FMNH: tubercles or spines in three or more rows, the Field Museum Natural History, Chicago, IL; outer surface of the male hind coxa with large and FSCA: Florida State Collection of Arthropods, robust tubercle (blunt in female without tubercle), Gainesville, FL; LACM: Los Angeles County Mu- and the mesosternum with a median sulcus be- seum, CA; NMW: Naturhistorisches Museum, tween the bases of the fore coxae, with in which Wien; NRE: Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stock- the rostrum usually lies. In the related genus Pi- holm; TAMU: Texas A&M University, College Sta- ezogaster Amyot and Serville the anterior third of tion; UCB: University of California, Berkeley; the mesosternum lacks a median longitudinal UCD: University of California, Davis; UGA: Uni- sulcus (O’Shea 1980). versity of Georgia, Athens, GA; UNAM: Instituto The genus is usually associated with Legumino- de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de sae, and has been collected on Mesquite (Prosopis Mexico; USNM: National Museum of Natural His- spp.), sweet acacia (Acacia spp.), and Schrankia tory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. uncinata (Ward et al. 1977). The biology of most All measurements are given in millimeters. species is poorly known. Brailovsky et al. (1995) studied the immature stages, life history, and bio- Mozena atra Brailovsky and Barrera, New Species logical aspects of Mozena lunata (Burmeister). Figs. 13, 26 Previous to this paper, 15 species and one sub- species of Mozena were known in Mexico (M. affinis Description. Male (holotype). Dorsal colora- (Dallas), M. arizonensis Ruckes, M. brunnicornis tion: head including antennal segments I to IV or- 100 Florida Entomologist 84(1) March 2001 ange; pronotum bright chestnut orange with mixed with appressed setae; posterior third of outer margin of humeral angles black, and small pronotal disc, scutellum, clavus, corium, acetabu- tubercles dark yellow; scutellum creamy yellow, lae, and posterior margin of prothorax, meso- with chestnut orange spot on basal and middle thorax, and metathorax sparsely to strongly third; clavus and corium chestnut orange, with punctate; head, anterior third of pronotal disc, middle third of costal margin whitish; hemelytral calli, connexival segments, prosternum, mesos- membrane dark amber-like, with veins darker; ternum and metasternum, upper anterior third of connexival segments III to VII reddish brown, propleura and metapleura, and abdominal sterna with anterior third yellow, and posterior border impunctate; posterior third of pronotal disc with and spines black; dorsal abdominal segments scattered with minute tubercles; thorax with light orange yellow. Ventral coloration. Bright or- minute tubercles near upper margin of each ace- ange with following areas yellow: acetabulae, tu- tabulum; genital segments of both sexes minutely bercles nearest each acetabulae, posterior margin punctate and tuberculate. of propleura, and anterior third of pleural abdom- Variation. 1: Posterior region of scutellum in- inal sterna III to VII; rostral segments orange cluding apex black, with anterolateral margins with apex of IV black; propleura, mesopleura, and creamy yellow, and basal and middle third chest- metapleura with clearly creamy yellow vittae ob- nut orange. 2: Creamy yellow vitta along each liquely directed; anterior and posterior lobe of side of abdominal sterna III to VII complete and metathoracic peritreme black; fore and middle characteristically enlarged posteriorly. legs bright orange, with coxae tinged with bright Measurements. ? holotype first, then /: red; hind leg with coxa and trochanter bright or- Head length 1.90, 1.80, width across eyes 2.40, ange red, femur dark orange with ventral spines 2.35, interocular space 1.55, 1.45, interocellar black, tibia with inner surface bright black, and space 0.88, 0.79, preocular distance 1.35, 1.20; outer surface and distal third bright red to orange length of antennal segments: I, 3.85, 3.40, II, red, tarsus bright orange; creamy yellow vittae 3.80, 3.35, III, 2.90, 2.70, IV, 3.25, 3.00. Prono- along each side of abdominal sterna broken into tum: Total length 5.68, 5.36, width across frontal two sections on each sternite, the anterior one angles 2.70, 2.75, width across humeral angles small and more or less discoidal, and posterior 10.25, 9.85. Scutellar length 3.25, 3.15, width one bigger and enlarged posteriorly; rim of ab- 3.20, 3.25. Maximum width of abdomen 9.50, dominal spiracle creamy yellow to yellow. Antero- 9.70. Total body length 23.83, 23.20. lateral margins of pronotum obliquely straight, Holotype. ? Mexico: Sinaloa, 7mi S Culiacan, uniformly dentate; humeral angles produced lat- 23-VIII-1960 (R. L. Westcott). (CUIC). Paratypes. erally, each margin dentate, and apically acute; 1 ?, 2 /: Same data as holotype. (CUIC, UNAM). posterolateral and posterior margin straight and Etymology. From the Latin, atra, black, in smooth; calli behind with two short small tuber- reference to the color of the anterior and posterior cles laterad to midline (Fig. 13). Legs. External lobs of the metathoracic peritreme. face of hind coxa with a large and robust tubercle; Discussion. The laterally produced pronotal hind femur medially incrassate, with three rows shape is somewhat similar to that of M. buenoi of tubercles on dorsal surface, ventrally with two Hussey (Figs. 13, 14). However M. atra can be rows of lateral spines; hind tibiae conspicuously easily separated by having the anterior and pos- dilated. Scutellum longer than wide. Abdomen terior lobe of metathoracic peritreme entirely slightly dilated, wider than hemelytra, maximum black, the antennal segments orange, the bristle- width less than maximum width of pronotum like setae of antennal segment I appressed, and across humeral angles. intermixed with erect setae, and the rims of the Genitalia. Posteroventral edge of genital cap- abdominal spiracles creamy yellow to yellow. In sule simple, straight. M. buenoi the anterior lobe of the metathoracic Coloration of females similar to holotype. Con- peritreme is yellow with its inner margin nar- nexival segments VIII and IX black, with anterior rowly black, the antennal segments are not en- third yellow to orange; dorsal abdominal seg- tirely orange, antennal segment I is shorter (? ments VIII and IX orange yellow with posterior 3.20, / 2.75, against ? 3.85, / 3.40) with bristle margin black; genital plates orange with outer like setae appressed, and the rims of abdominal border of paratergite VIII and IX black. Scutel- spiracles black to brown. lum wider than long; external face of hind coxae blunt without tubercles; hind tibiae scarcely di- Mozena nogueirana Brailovsky and Barrera, lated. Plica located near the posterior border of New Species abdominal sternite VI. Figs. 6, 8, 17, 23 Body surface rather dull, seldom shiny, almost glabrous; bristle-like setae of antennal segments, Description. Male (holotype). Dorsal colora- legs, and body surface scattered, short and ap- tion: head dark yellow hazel, with tylus, midline pressed; antennal segment I with erect setae; fore stripe running from tylus to apex, and upper mar- and middle leg with erect to suberect setae inter- gin of antenniferous tubercles reddish brown; an- Brailovsky & Barrera: Six new species of Mozena 101 tennal segment I and II with dorsal face reddish Genitalia. Posteroventral edge of genital cap- brown and ventral face orange yellow to bright or- sule simple, with a weakly concavity (Fig. 6). ange; segments III and IV bright orange; prono- Paramere as in Fig.
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