Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1999-2000 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 4-13-2000 The thI acan, 2000-04-13 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1999-2000 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 2000-04-13" (2000). The Ithacan, 1999-2000. 27. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1999-2000/27 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1999-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. The b ;: Vol. 67, No. 27 Thursday ·-. ~ ,,, ·... , ·: i 1 , . · April 13, 2000 Ithaca, N.Y. ~; . r , ' ~ .,-: . , 32 Pages, Free acan www.ithaca.edu/ithacan The Newspaper for the 1/haca College Community C, Accent Sports Inside Accent 15 Oscar opportunity 102 wins Cla!>sificd 25 Senior part of Academy Award-winning Matt Schultz breaks school record Comics 24 team for ''The Matrix." Page 15 in career tennis wins Page 27 Opinion 12 Sports 27 New food service on the way Chartwells bagged after 13 years New provider fights allegations BY ELLEN STAPLETON Chart wells was one of the five finalists com- BY ROBERT B. BLUEY private, for-profit prison, which ha.-, come un­ Staff Writer pcling for the contract. Editor in C_l!!.~f _ der fire for alleged scandab. The college has invested much of this Sodexho Marriott's parent company. Ithaca College announced a major year reviewing the food-service plan, and Ithaca College's selection of S1xlcxho Mar- Paris-ba~cd Sodexho Alliance, 1s a !>harc­ change in its dining operations Friday: its next week will finalize the.five-year deal at riott as its new food-service provider come!> holdcr m the Corrections Corp. of Ameri­ food-service provider of 13 years will be re­ an undisclosed price. at the same time the company ha.\ made head- ca, which runs the private pn!->on facil1t1e!-> placed. Sodexho Marriott Services will John B. Oblak, vice president of student lines regarding its labor practices and cafe- Sodexho Marriott neither operates pn~on\ now be responsible for fcedmg students, fac­ affairs and campus life, said a new din- -It tcria conditions at the University of nor serve!> food in pn!->on~. ulty and staff for at least the next five years. ing services director will be appoint- • • Albany. Also, at 10 college The "Not With Our Money'" campaign The Maryland-based Sodexho Marriott cd and Sodexho Mamon , • campuses students held sit-ins question~ Sodexho Mamou 's rclation!->h1p to (NYSE: SDH) will replace Chartwclls will interview all current Sodexho Marriott April_ 4 ~o protest Sodexho the prison mdu!->lry, calling on \tudents to hoy- when its contract expires on May 31. SeeMARRIOTT,page4 -------·--·--- s~Rvtns ------------ Mamotts rcla11onsh1p to a See ALBANY, page 4 Evolution Party crushes Approach Evolution's opponent, the Approach Sere_ndipity wins Party, received 207 votes or 19.5 percent. In the Senior Class race, Serendipity was propelled into oflice with 263 votes (73.9 per­ in Senior Class race cent). Its rival, the Green Party, received 63 BY BENJAMIN B. MCMILLAN votes (23.6 percent). ~~raff Writer Junior Student Body President-elect Daniel Tillapaugh said lus party's win put a Landslide. close to a very good campaign. That word encapsulates the Evolution and "[The Evolution Party! is very excited Serendipity parties' victories over their op­ about the chance to represent the students of ponents, the Approach and Green parties. Ithaca College," he !>aid. "Next year we re­ Pending vote~ from the Los Angeles Pro­ ally want to ensure more participation in SGA gram, the Evolution Party received 850 votes on all levcb. We 111vitc students, faculty, staff or 80.3 percent of the overall student and adminislration to work along side ofus." turnout in the Student Government executive Tillapaugh was joined in victory by board race. Evolution's vice prcs1dent-elccts, junior John Balduui (campu!-> affairs) and sopho­ mores Jay!->on Pope (commu111cat1ons). Kia Ko1.un (acadenucs) and Amy Harrington (busmes!-> and finance). The member~ of the new executive board will begin their one­ year terms May 14 "We would like to thank everyone for vot­ ing for us," Pope said. "It 1~ encouragmg to know so many people have faith in our be­ liefs, and our party as a whole." Sophomore Douglas Gagnon, the Ap­ proach Pa11y's pres1den11al candidate. said he was disappointed, but will rem::11n involved with ~tudent activities on the campu~. "We totally support Evolutwn," he said. '"But we still plan to do !->omcthrng PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY ALEX MORRISON.THE ITHACN, about the ideas we sland for." Scrnor Cla~s Pn.::s1dent-clcct Meg B001.e said the campaign was handled College students allege police biases very well, and that her party. Scrend1p11y. i~ anxmu~ to get started BY GERILYN M. CURTIN I k ,.ud tht: p11licL' 1il1L'11 II) 1(1 d1,pL'l'L' "The campaign was reflective ol S11ur1, t-:tluo, lhL' Llll\\d all the people who were in­ ··s111L"L' 1hc1c· 1,11·1 .1 ,·11111c hc11H.! c,1111- volved," she said. ··11 was fair, rel­ It 1~ I a 111. on a Saturda) ThL' lo~·al bar, 111111cd. till') Pl ten g,1111 .md .111c111pi' 1,, lmd atively ca!->y-going, and the vibe was have JU~! clo\Cd and a crowd torm, ou1- ,I L'[IIIIL' ',\) thn h,I\L" ,I IL'.IS\lll IP hrL'.I" ll a friendly one be1wcen the parties " ~1de of G1110 \ P111.cna Sllllll' pcopk .,re up.'" 1-kun ,aid 8001.c and Sercndipty's other eating p111.a. oth.:r, arc ,onah1111g lth,IL,I 1'11hll' DLjl,lrllllL'lll ,,111, 1.tl, officers. Vice Pres1dcnt-clcct Lau­ Th111g~ hcg111 to get a llllle rnwdy and hL·­ 111,lllll.llll th.II clll\\d c'llllllPI 1,I ,111\ ren AcJ..cr, Secretary-elect Amy forc too long, the police an: hrcaJ..mg up gn,up 1, .1 ,c11llu, u11dL·11.d,111g th.11 111u,1 Dolan and Trca~urcr-clect 1c~~1c,1 the actwn. Th1\ 1~ a ~ccnc ,tudt:nh \\ 1lllL"\s hl' ,IL'(lllllplJshl•d S\\ lfll:, Ill jlllllL'd 1iffl­ "Zaminy" Hibbard will start their throughout their collq!e cart:cr, 111 lth.1L·.1 lL'[', .1, \\cll .1, C\l'l\(lllL' L'l'L' Ill thc ,lrl',1 term 111 Augu~t. Election Committee Jumor Conor H.:un ~.llll h.: ha, \\ 11- "C1m,d, 1u111 ugl:, 1.,,1. .. II'[) [).:put) Chall' Diane Nocerino, a Junior. ~aid nc~~ed police quc-,tH1n1ng pcllpk L'Pll­ Clue! L.1u1cn S1g11c1 ,.11d "Ou1 gu.il 1, IP Election 2000 was a succc~~- grcgaung: out~1de ot (,1110\ 111.,J..c \llrL" \\ C,lfl" .1hk 1,' fll l llCL'l l"\ LT) l lllC. ALEX MORRISON/THE ITHACAN "The elccllons committee did a very "'!The police I don't like 10 ,cc a lot lll 1ndud1ng 11111,L·hc, l'lll1,c arc the lal'lor, JUNIOR DANIEL TILLAPAUGH hugs junior good job at running a fair and unbiased college kids hanging out 111 the ~trcct. ht:­ thal ClllllCrll IJ\ lllllll'. lllll th.II II" ,I crllwd Lauren Acker upon hearing he had won the stu- election," Noccrino, the current SGA cau~e they thmJ.. thcr.: 1~ .1 po.,.,1hd1t) ol a prohlem ~tarting:· hc ,aid See ITHACA POLICE, page 4 dent body presidency Wednesday. Acker won vice president of commumcatwn!->, I the vice presidency of the Senior Class. said. "I congratulate al I the parties " ______J 2 THE ITHACAN THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2000 l~sues ,n rne N.ews European community asserts its independence from East and West BY MICHAEL W.• BLOOMROSE old parliamentary assembly set up to safe­ rope on a voluntary basis, rather than med­ tions, and they're asking us if we want to News Editor guard human rights in its member nations, dling in the political, military and economic be a colony of America." but which has little real power, caused the affairs of the continent as the EU does. Europeans read menace in a wide range The growing gap between Europe and Russian delegation to walk out of the In fact, by 2003, the EU plans to de­ of recent events, according to 'The New York the West. as well as Europe and the East, Council in Strousbourg, France. velop the ability to deploy up to 60,000 limes. Far from seeing America's involve­ widened last week following two Euro­ lnc Russian minister to Chechnya fol­ troops within 60 days and sustain those sol­ ment in Kosovo as a hand of support from pcan-unifying decisions. lowed up the walkout with this statement diers in a European operation up to a year. across the Atlantic, many Europeans saw it Six European nations that arc members Friday, "If anyone tries to come [to According to the Post, momentum for as an American manipulation of NATO. And of NATO but not the European Union have Chechnya] and impose on us his own so­ the EU initiative built after last year's the humiliating fact that the intervention reservations about a proposed EU military lutions, this will be a very dangerous un­ NATO air war against Yugoslavia. Euro­ would not have been possible without Amer­ force, which might not only weaken the dertaking," according to The Baltimore Sun. pean countries were embarrassed by their ican air power only rammed home the per­ Atlantic alliance but also Europe's tics to Members of the EU and the Council of weak contributions to the campaign, in ception ofAmerica's military superiority, and the United States, according to The Europe, notably France, have been push­ which U.S.
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