Centennial Report OF Tl)e fl^pieat) il)apat?l)i iDission i • * OF THE A.B.C.F.M . 1913 E d it e d * b y ALDEN H. CLARK. WILLIAM HAZEN. MISS CLARA BRUCE. Printed by the Scottish Mission Industries Company, Limited (J&s. Inglia, M a n a f* at Orphanage Press, Bast Street, Poona; and Published by Alden H. Clark for tM American Marathi Mission at Abmednugar. THE AMERICAN BOARD COMMISSION AND M ÈM BE^ OF Th|s AMERICAN MARATHI MISSION, WHO WERE PRESENT AT THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION IN AHMEDNAGAR, 1913. M T 3 0 CB A > * > 2 S - A / 9/3 “ Christian Missions have played a large part in the great intellectual and spiritual evolution that has slowly gone on in this country during the past century, and they have been one o f the potent factors that ham produced Modem India.1’ From address on behalf o£the non-Christian community, by G. K. Devadhar, Esq., M.A.—page 61. “ The kingdom o f heaven is like unto leaven which a woman took a/nd hid in three measures o f meal, till it was all leavened. ” Saying of Jesus Christ, Math. xL 3S. ô d * A m 3 r>n R l 3 ' - ■ -™ il THE PRESENT SITUATION TOWL OMUSnW COMMUMTV TOTAL HINDU COMMUNITY or western mou OF WESTERN INDU 245,657 20,9* 7,303 ¡¡¡UNITY I A ^ S i v T 1 ^ 1 3 JHF PRFRFMT SITUATO]»/ TOTAL QHR COMMUNiT OF WEST IN INDIA 24. 7,301 " t jr GROWTH OF PROTESTANT/COMAi Im l.43£ 000. IN INDIA t / t / / 5 5 ä £ 6l 3 2 4 ,258. ./ " I I INCREASE ----------------------------- 2 5 0 / 7 0 °/. IBOX THE COMING YEAR— 1851. 1871 1891. 1911. CENTURY. CENTENNIAL VOLUME. 1»SECTION I.— The C e n t e n n ia l R e p o r t ... 119 pages SECTION II.—T h e C e n t e n n ia l H ist o r y ... 109 pages SECTION III.— The Centennial Praise Service ... 17 pages PREFACE. N this Centennial Volume we have bound together under on I cover three separate publications—the Centennial Repor the Centennial History and the Centennial Praise Service. "W have inserted between these three separate sections a few pagt of pictures from the Centennial Souvenir. This book therefoi lacks any unity of its own in paging or indexing. But w believe that it presents rather a complete record of our grea Centenary, and as such we hope that it will prove of interes a.nd value to all special friends of the Mission and f.n who are to have a part in similar celebrations in the future. This Centenary has left its permanent and significant mar on the organization and conduct of our mission churches. W are sure that it has left a no less permanent and significan mark on the lives of many who have felt its enthusiasm. W hope that this volume may give its readers such an impressio of the celebration itself and of the centuiy of life which i celebrates as may make it possible for them to join with us i deep gratitude to God for the past and quickened courage an faith for the future. T h e E d it o r . AVA P O F INDIA SHOWIHG AREA OCCUPIED BY THE AMERICAN MARATHI MISSION i f c t /AAP OP INDIA The area occupied by \1 i'rv * The American Marathi Mission it included within the circle. 4RJEEctf*tG1 TAW K a r a c h i U L A f t A B A O tOAAAb (C u cv i ranooon SEA % A H U R /d 0 \ A h m e d n a g a r \ M oA& a m . M \ - p v „ * ¿ fa /?«?/ Mahabaleshmr \ _ \ j S h o l a p u m ® (S a t a r a 01 10 7A iii CONTENTS. P ag*. M a p o f I n d ia , show ing m ission a r e a - - - opposite ii L ist of G uests - .....................................................v .yi P r e f a c e .......................................... - - 1 S ketch o f O bse r va tio n o f C e n te n a r y . 3.9 N ew sp a pe r R eports - - - 10-17 A d d re sses a t th e B om bay T own H a l l M eeting— On behalf of the Mission, Rev. R. A. Hume, D.D. - 19-23 On behalf of the Board, President S. B. Capen, LL.D. 25-45 On behalf of the Christian Community, Mr. B. N. Athavale, Esq., LL.B., J.P. 47-49 On behalf of the non-Christian Community, Mr. G. K. Devdhar, Esq., M.A. - - - 49-52 By the Chairman, Sir Henry A. E. Procter, Kt. 53-54 F r a t e r n a l G reetin gs— By Henry D. Baker, Esq., American Consul ">:> „ John R. Mott, LL.D. - 56 „ Edwards Church, Northampton 56 ' „ United Church, New Haven 56 „ Rev. W. T. Armstrong, D.D. 56 „ „ H. C. Mabie, D.D. - . 55 „ „ H. D. Griswold, Ph.D. - - 57 „ „ J. A. Beattie - 57 „ „ E. P. Rice - . 57 „ „ R. B. Douglas - . 57 „ R. A. Adams, Esq. - 58 ' „ Frank Clark, Esq. - - - 58 „ B. N. Athavale, Esq., LL.B., J.P. 59 „ Rev. J. W. Youngson - 59 „ „ D. A. Yardi 59 „ „ Canon D. L. Joshi (jq „ „ W. H. Hannum - . 6U „ „ Shivramji Masoji . 60 „ . „ W. E. Hitchcock 6U „ „ E. P. Holton - 61 „ „ W. W. Bruere yi „ „ W. H. Stephens - - 61 „ „ G. W. Brown, Ph.D. - . 62 , „ P. E. Eicher 62 , „ A. J. Reynell - - . 62^ iv CONTENTS—(continued). Pages. O u tlin e of th e Pa g e an t - . 63-66 S e r v ic e of Offe r in g s— T. Buell - - 67 Treasurer’s Report - - - - 67-68 Memorial Gifts - - - 68-69 Trustees of Centenary F u n d ..........................................69 H isto r ical M eetin gs— A Century of the American Marathi Mission, by Rev. W. Hazen . .... 70-75 A Century of the American Board in India, by Rev. W. E. Strong, D.D. - - 75-78 Reminiscences of Rev. Gordon Hall, by Rev. G. A. Hall - - 79-83 Some of the Services of American Christian Missions to India, by Rev. J. C. R. Ewing, D.D., LL.D. - 83-85 W omen’s Me etin g s— Greetings from the Women of America to the Women of India, by Mrs. S. B. Capen - - - 86-87 What the American Mission has done for the Women of India, by Mrs. L. S. Gates - - - 88-90 A Vision of the Future Women of India, by Miss Susie Sorabji . 90-93 What America’s Women have done for India, by Mrs. R. A. H u m e ........................................... - - 93-94 What the Women of India are doing for Christ 95 F in a l M e ssa g es— Letter from the American Board - - 96-99 Rev. N. V. Tilak - . 100-102 President S. B. Capen 102-104 Mission R ecords for 1913— * Officers and Missionaries 106-107 Personal Record - - 108 Acknowledgments . _ jQg Special Donations and Grants - - - llQ-114 Statistical T a b l e s ............................................- 1] 5-119 SPECIAL GUESTS OP THE A m e r i c a n M i s s i o n a t t h e C e n t e n a r y C e l e b r a t i o n , p r e s e n t EITHER AT BOMBAY, OR AT AHMEDNAGAR, OR AT BOTH. Hon. S. B. Capen, LL.D. President of the American Board. Mrs. Capen and Miss Capen. Rev. G. A. Hall, Member of the Prudential Committee of the American Board. Mrs. Hall and Miss Hall. Rev. W. E. Strong, D.D., Editorial Secretary of the American Board. Misa C. Bodman, Official Delegate of the Woman’s Board of Missions. Miss A. Bridgman, Woman’s Board of Missions. Rev. W. T. Armstrong, D.D.,... American Baptist Mission, Burma. Rev. H. C. Mabie, D.D., Baptist Board of Missions of America Rev. H. D. Grisjvold, Ph.D., ... Chairman of the American Presbyte­ rian Missions of India. Rev. J. C. R. Ewing, D.D., Principal of the Forman Christian College, Lahore. Rev. C. A. Janvier, D.D., Principal of the Ewing Christian College, Allahabad. Rev. J. A. Beattie, Arcot Mission of the Dutch Reformed Church in America. Rev. E. P. Rice, South India Mission of the London Missionary Society. Rev. R. Scott, D.D., Acting Principal of Wilson College, Bombay. Rev. R. B. Douglas, Western India Mission of the United Free Church of Scotland. R. A. Adams, Esq., Secretary of the Bombay Auxiliary of the Bible Society. Frank Clark, Esq., Hon. President of the Bombay Book and Tract Society. B. N. Athavale, Esq., LL.B., Of the Managing Committees of both J.P. Bible and Tract Societies. Rev. J. W. Youngson, D.D., ... Church of Scotland Mission, Mode­ rator of the Synod of Bombay and the Central Provinces of the Pres­ byterian Church in India. Rev. W. H. Hannum, American Presbyterian Mission of Western India. vi LIST OF GUESTS—/ continued). Rev. Shivramji Masoji, ... American Presbyterian Mission of Western India. Rev. J. S. Misal, ... Nagpur Presbytery of the Presbyte­ rian Church in India. Rev. Canon D. L. Joshi, ... Church Missionary Society, Bombay. Rev. D. A. Yardi, ... Church Missionary Society, Bombay. Rev. W. E. Hitchcock, ... Ceylon Mission of the A.B.C.F.M. Rev.
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