E1020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 7, 2012 President and CEO of HealthNet, Inc., Mr. HONORING THE CAREER OF COSMO members of the 2012 Dartmouth College 7s Thomas oversaw a dramatic expansion result- PANETTA Rugby team. ing in the establishment of seven primary care Bill Lehmann ’12 centers, two specialty care centers, and eight HON. JERRY McNERNEY Nate Brakeley ’12 school-based clinics in order to better serve OF CALIFORNIA Derek Fish ’12 low-income Hoosiers throughout Indianapolis. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Will Mueller ’12 Paul Jarvis ’12 Today, HealthNet provides medical care to Thursday, June 7, 2012 Clark Judge ’12 50,000 Hoosiers and is the state’s largest Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Dave Turnbull ’12 Federally Qualified Health Center. Under his to ask my friends and colleagues to join me in Justin Ciambella ’13 leadership, HealthNet has garnered numerous recognizing the distinguished career of Cosmo Pat Flynn ’13 accolades including the Joint Commission’s Panetta and his 38 years as a small business Kevin Clark ’14 prestigious Gold Seal of Approval. His excep- owner in Pleasanton, California. James Sharpe ’14 tional leadership has positioned HealthNet as Cosmo embodies the American Dream, emi- Madison Hughes ’15 a community staple, ensuring that those most grating from Calabria, Italy in 1957. After grad- Coach Alex Magleby ’00. uating from Pacific High in San Leandro, he at risk in the 7th District will continue to have f access to high-quality medical care. attended Moliere’s Barber College. Cosmo ob- tained his state barber’s license and soon IN RECOGNITION OF DR. MAZEN Since his arrival to the 7th Congressional bought his own business to serve the resi- NAOUS District of Indiana, Mr. Thomas has been ac- dents of the Tri-Valley. Cosmo has been a fix- tively engaged in efforts to improve scholastic ture in the community ever since. He’s performance. As a board member of Indianap- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH touched the lives of all those he’s come OF OHIO olis-based non-profit Learning Well, thousands across, including my own. His work ethic is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of students have benefited from improvements exemplified by his shop’s 12-hour workdays in their health, well-being and academic per- and seven-day workweeks. There is even a Thursday, June 7, 2012 formance. I applaud him for his devotion to sign that hangs outside Cosmo’s barbershop Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in our community. reading ‘‘1 billion haircuts.’’ recognition of Dr. Mazen Naous, an inter- Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in With exemplary dedication to his adopted nationally recognized professor, poet and au- honoring Booker Thomas for being an out- country and outstanding service for 38 years, thor. standing community partner, and for the ex- Pleasanton will always be thankful to Cosmo. A native of Beirut, Lebanon, Dr. Naous im- emplary effort and passion he has brought to Grace, diligence and kindness are only a few migrated to the United States at the age of improving access to health care in the 7th Dis- of the many words that can be used to de- eighteen to pursue his collegiate career. He trict of Indiana. I wish him the very best in his scribe a gentleman of his exceptional char- attended The Boston Conservatory and grad- retirement. acter. He is a true example of the American uated in 1996 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dream and of what a person can accomplish Music Composition and Classic Guitar. He f in our great country. I ask you to join me in continued his education at the University of honoring Cosmo Panetta for his remarkable Massachusetts Boston where he earned a IN HONOR OF FATHER JOHN service to the City of Pleasanton. Master of Arts in 2001 and his Ph.D. in CARLIN f English Literature from University of Massa- RECOGNIZING THE DARTMOUTH chusetts Amherst in 2007. During his post- COLLEGE 7S RUGBY FOOTBALL graduate studies, Dr. Naous was the recipient HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH CLUB of the Kennedy Award for Outstanding Work in the Field of Poetry and a national Consortium OF OHIO for Faculty Diversity Fellowship. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. CHARLES F. BASS Dr. Naous has dedicated his career to high- OF NEW HAMPSHIRE er education and improving intercultural under- Thursday, June 7, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES standing between the United States and Arab Thursday, June 7, 2012 Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in world. Currently, Dr. Naous is an assistant honor of Father John Carlin, who is cele- Mr. BASS of New Hampshire. Mr. Speaker, professor of English and comparative literature brating his 25th Anniversary as Pastor of St. I rise today to congratulate the Dartmouth Col- at the College of Wooster. Previously, he Charles Borromeo Parish. lege Men’s 7s Rugby team upon winning their taught at the Lebanese American University, second consecutive USA 7s Collegiate Rugby City University of New York and College of Father Carlin graduated from Borromeo Col- National Championship on Sunday, June 3rd Staten Island. Dr. Naous will be returning to lege Seminary in 1972 and later from St. Mary Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Lebanon in the next academic year where he Seminary in 1976. Later that year he was or- Led by their coach, Alex Magleby, a power- will be teaching at the University of Balamand. dained a priest for the Diocese of Cleveland. ful and experienced Dartmouth squad de- Currently, Dr. Naous is working on his first In 1987, Father Carlin was appointed Pastor feated the talented team from the University of book, The Arab American Novel and Alter- of St. Charles Borromeo Parish at the young Arizona 24–5 in the final match. The Big native Poetics. According to Dr. Naous, the age of 38. Green was dominant throughout the 16- team, book aims to secure a space for Arab Amer- As Pastor, Father Carlin has been a loving two-day round-robin tournament winning a ican literature in the fields of American studies and compassionate leader of his church. He total of six games. During this time they and postcolonial diasporas, and assert its im- provides guidance and hospitality for his pa- outscored their opponents by a combined portance to aesthetics and artistic innovation. rishioners and serves as a mentor to seminar- score of 170–41. It was only during their semi- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me ians. He is dedicated to the spiritual and edu- final match against the University of California in recognizing the renowned career of Dr. cational development of each parishioner and that Dartmouth ever found their selves behind, Mazen Naous. has helped maintain St. Charles Borromeo but the squad from Hanover battled back from f a 12 point deficit to a 21–19 victory. School during his time as Pastor. Every build- PERSONAL EXPLANATION ing of the nearly 90-year-old parish has been The 2012 7s Collegiate Rugby National updated and renovated under Father Carlin’s Championship adds to the distinguished ´ pastorate. This year marks Father Carlin’s record and history of Dartmouth Rugby. In ad- HON. NYDIA M. VELAZQUEZ dition to the 2011 7s National Championship, 25th anniversary as Pastor of St. Charles OF NEW YORK Dartmouth has the most rugby wins and Borromeo Parish. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES championships among the members of the Ivy Thursday, June 7, 2012 Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me League, including winning 12 of the last 15 Ivy in honoring Father John Carlin, the Pastor League Championships (15s), as well as the Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, due to a who has shown tremendous leadership and 2012 Ivy League 7s Championship. personal family matter I was not present for guidance to his parish for the past quarter Mr. Speaker it is with great pleasure to rec- rollcall votes 294–314. Had I been present, century. ognize the success of my alma mater and the this is how I would have voted: VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:04 Jun 08, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07JN8.033 E07JNPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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