University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 3-4-1992 Sandspur, Vol 98 No 19, March 4, 1992 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 98 No 19, March 4, 1992" (1992). The Rollins Sandspur. 1728. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1728 THE SANDSPUR Volume 98 Issue #19 Rollins College-Winter Park, Florida March 4, 1992 student volunteers, held its annual conference the weekend of February COLLEGE 27 through March 1. Speakers, work­ shops, and seminars were scheduled at Rollins College, University of STUDENTS Central Florida, and Valencia Com­ munity College. In addition to volunteer workshops on topics ranging from fundraising to SET minorities in non-profit careers, par­ ticipants actually performed commu­ nity service in the event that became EXAMPLES COOL's theme, "Into the Streets." During Into the Streets, students volunteered a day's work at a site of their choice, from AIDS clinics to COOL students senior citizens' homes and child abuse shelters. lead the way to "I'm most excited about the Into the Streets event," Dara said. "It's so campus exhilarating to see and work with people who need our help." volunteerism Like so many of today's college students, Dara said she is drawn to volunteering because of her parents' influence. Her involvement is a new twist on their '60's idealism, she said. FROM THE OFFICE OF "My generation has definitely been photo I Andres Abril The candidates for SGA President and Vice President addressed the concerns of the campus during the COLLEGE RELATIONS influenced by that decade," she said. Candidate Forum on Monday evening. 'The difference is that we're much ForDara Schapiro, it started by taking more organized now than in the '60's. calls at a phone-a-thon at the age of The COOL Conference shows, for eleven. Today, ten years later, instance, that it isn't just one or two Campus Center plans underway volunteerism is as much a part of her people who :-r interested; it's an en­ life as studying and sorority parties — tire convention of people my age who FROM THE OFFICE OF COLLEGE RELATIONS and she's not alone. want to help. And we're not hist "There is a wave building on college talking about it. We're doing it." David Lord of President Rita Bornstein is pleased being able to complete the plan for a campuses," said Dara, 20, a junior Dara, a Baltimore native who is a to aT ^ounce that, thanks to the gen­ campus center within the next two majoring in psychology at Rollins. "I volunteer at the Coalition for the the class of erosity of alumnus David Lord '69 months. don't know why it's happening. Homeless, a member of the Women's (M.B.A. '71), planning for a campus "I know many people have dreamed Maybe with the economy so bad, the Issues Organization, Students for Safer 1969 makes center will soon be underway. "The of a campus center over the past media is focusing on the have-nots Sex and the Rollins Student Volunteer campus center is an extremely im­ twenty-five years," Lord wrote rather than the haves. Maybe it's that Partnership; and rush chair for Kappa donation to portant facility for Rollins," said Lord. President Bornstein. "While a student people are closer to it now because Alpha Theta, proves the stereotype of "In my capacity as a student and ad­ at Rollins, through editorials in the ministrator at Rollins, student life they're seeing friends and relatives the self-centered college student is Sandspur, I was able to advocate for a initiate meant a great deal to me. I am pleased having problems, losing their jobs, outdated. It is time, she said, for other field house. During my years as an to be able to help this project get a facing homelessness or drug abuse. Americans to follow the lead of her administrator, I worked closely on the project. good start." Whatever is behind it, people my age generation's volunteer spirit. Olin Library. Both these buildings Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson, and are the heart of campus life, and a are really coming together." "It would make a big difference in Abbott Architects of Boston, Massa­ campus center would be another es­ On February 27, more than 1,500 Americans' lives if they would do "I know that people chusetts, will develop conceptual sential addition." students from colleges and universi­ something other than throw money drawings and a budget estimate for President Bornstein agreed with ties across the country came together into an envelope," she said. "If they have dreamed of a renovation and expansion of the Rose Lord's assessment of the importance on three Central Florida campuses to got out there and met the people who campus center over Skillman Dining Hall and Mills Me­ of a campus center at Rollins. "This is learn more about making the world a need their help, it would completely morial Center into a College Center my top priority for the campus and better place through volunteerism. change their perspective. It wouldn't the past 25 years." for Rollins College. These documents David Lord is a wonderful alumnus be just scenes from some TV. Seeing COOL, the acronym for the Cam­ can then be used to support fundraising and friend for getting the process it firsthand reinforces the idea that we -Lord pus Outreach Opportunity League, a for the center. The firm anticipates started." national non-profit organization for can make a difference." Buchanan called incumbent Bush a Next, Kenna Taylor of the Eco­ Who's That Candidate?!? "liberal democrat" who had deviated nomics Department brought President from Reagan's brand of "true conser­ George Bush to the lectern, attempt­ BY LAYNA MOSLEY Lenora Fulani), Don Davison (Bob vatism." Buchanan pointed at Bush ing to demonstrate that the Bush Sandspur staff Kerrey), Eric Schutz (Tom Harkin), with an accusing finger, reminding presidency has been effective. He Mock forum discussed efforts to improve domestic On Monday, February 24, eight "can­ Tom Lairson (Pat Buchanan), Harry him of the past years' increased taxes, and foreign policy. He mentioned the didates" for the 1992 Presidential Kypraios (PaulTsongas), Kenna Tay­ saying, "This man said *no new illuminates fall of communism, reduced trade nomination — or at least the mock lor (George Bush), Rick Fogelsong taxes.'" He then begged for the vote barriers, and plans to heat up the do­ versions of those candidates — dis­ (Bill Clinton), and Alan Nordstrom from "true conservatives," promising issues while mestic economy. Specifically, he cussed their platforms with a group of (Edmund G. Brown). to cut taxes, freeze federal spending, pains a new tax credit for first-time onlookers. Approximately fifty people—with assault the welfare system, cut de­ demontrating fense spending, and bring home home buyers, a reduction of the capi­ At 7:00, following the moderator's a strong showing by one particular American troops — all part of his tal gains tax, and an extended unem­ caveat that "these views are not in any group — listened as Pat Buchanan, the FUN in the "America first" plan. In conservative ployment benefits. In the social realm, way necessarily the views of the pre played by politics professor Tom style, he also vowed to ban and elimi­ the incumbent promised a compre- fessors," the candidates were intro­ Lairson, introduced his "real conser­ political scene nate atx': tion under all curcumstances duced and discussed their rlotforms. vatism" as the direction of the nine­ and to restore prayer in public schools. please see Mock page 7 The participants were James Bell (Dr ties NEWS STYLE FORUM SPORTS r— THE TARS STAY WtLB AN OPEN LETTER TO GEORGE BUSH ACTIVE WITHIN CONTINUE TO PREPARES TO OPEN FROM BARRY ALLEN THE SUNSHINE iSPEAK OUT ON AT THE ANNIE OF THE :CAMPUS ISSUES; RUSSELL THEATRE. CONFERENCE llifE SANDSPUR READ ALL ABOUT I KEEP UPWlTh INTERVIEWS THE THE DEPARTMENT. OUR STUDENT :SGA OFFICER ATHLETES. INS SbANDIDATES. liilili SPOR7 PARSES 4-7 UiM -.- The Sandspur Volume 98 Issue page Senate Watch Crime Watch COMPILED BY JESSE FORTNER Alcohol, cable, and more! Sandspur Crime Watchdog INCIDENT # DATES BY MIKE PORCO Sandspur staff Vehicle Accident 1 2/21 It was yet another Wednesday night senate ing to be made with peer advisers and faculty Open Containers 3 meeting, and, from what I could tell, senators advisers. 2/22,23,27 are all burnt out. The seniors are ready to There was some small discussion as to the Altering College Decal 1 2/22 graduate and many of the underclassmen feel effectiveness of Student Hearing Board. A big that they come here every week and nothing problem is whether they are consistent with Intrusion Alarm 1 2/23 gets done. First of all, that's the way the senate their deliberations. This can cause unfairness is in "real life." It's quite a bit of work. As far to certain students. I think caution should be Grand Theft 1 as nothing getting done, I think they're acting a taken with the board because their are many 2/24 little unrealistic. What exactly do they want problems that could arise when students are Attempt Breaking & Entering 1 done? It takes some time to come up with an being judged by fellow students.
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