IV Jo> ——————————— - \ ^^™ *« ^^***- *^ S$j *^«.-*w^:^. <S^-v^v ' ^ N^. c v / 5 _ 9 ^x<S^>^Sii§^ Xi^ii^...... X v '^ ""S^-^^iils^ _ - -*>&*• * •*" VOLUME :>.] INO. ;'.. PHILADELPHIA, PA., APRIL 29, 18-5. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BILLIARDS. Headquarters for the Brutistrick B. Collendfr* Co. Billiard Tables, Carom Combination I fool. Billiard goods of every descri p- ^tlon always on hand. Over 500,000 Noise- ^Subduers sold. Orders from all parts ^of the world promptly attended to. 113 3: 9ti Si., Fiilii'j. Sportsmen's Depot. ECTAELISEID 183S. \JOHN KRIDER, You are N. E. cor. 2d & Walnnt Sts.,P3iila. invited to join'T/ie Ifa- DEALER IN t io n al Gun , Fishing Tackle,Guns&Sporting Goods -^ x ^ n c i at to n ." Se:. -oop' Salmon, Bass and Trout Flies dressed to of .k. giv­ order. Krider's Celebrated Centre Enamel ing - --. -_ation to 1 tpht Bamboo Rods. Spratfs Patent Dog Biscuits and Cheltenham Beef Fihriue tn 1292, KtClSMtt, No HOI ! ~V 'UEM015T ST. BOSTON, MASS. f^ARVIN SAFE m Co., "v "v- 727 Ctestnut St. PHILADA. AND 265 Broadway, N. T. S*- **&**e**< v>')«£< £t % I^>^o»0t'^ \oO*/*- <? ^SPA ^/ o^ ^ /4>- ,. ^ * ^° >* .^ /X/ •^ *3$jl$$$&•f + '* <*'?»*<• \o. .1 < # /^ -sV:Kv**j *-* +YJ ^ ^ > *cv> & / —: *^ ^^\> ^ / The Base Ball Department of The SPORTING LIFE^ 4°c? •=>* + Is the Finest Published. ^V This Space for Sale. <? the ^ *4 O. P. / Horse & Carriage Ba%aar9 % Broad and Cherry Streets, Philad'a, Auction Sales Every Monday and Thursday. D. V. S. tilCUOLS, Auctioneer. THE SPORTING LIFE. .April 29. country which are worth considering. This they foot up 284 as compared with 4til last AT ST. LOCIS. ago we paid a visit to room 20% to see his display is Major Taylor, the man who did the cele­ year. of samples of the Medford uoods. There must THE SPORTING LM brated "construction" feat. The Li»t of Awards at Thli Shew Last have been at least five hundred individual sam­ » \V*«k. ples of dog collars alone, ranging from the di­ (COPTBIOBT 1885.) Mr. Rutherford ought to have been better minutive one of three or four inches in length and treated by the fox terrier men. Our fore- The St. Louis dog show opened April 21 madeofvold chain, up to the massive leather PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT It was Mr. Appold who proposed to let i circlet suitable for the largest of dogs. Banging proxies be used at Boston, and Mr. Appold, moat exhibitor for years, and his classes under favorable circumstances. The entries between these extremes were collars of plain No. 202 South Ninth Street, with his vote as treasurer of the club aud an number only JO, while 78 were shown a year were not so large as those of last year, but leather, embroidered leather, others studded with Fhilada. ago. It is LOO bad. The club just saved , . , ,. ., brass or nickel plated ornaments, alligator leather extra one as the Baltimore Club delegate, itself by a change of front in the spaniel | tbe show was- nevertheless, a highly inter- BY THE sided throughout with the great "con- , . collars, spike collars, slip collars, Langtry col­ structor." This made seven votes cast by i classification, amiaud sectsecured an increase of en- : esting one, many of the dogs being of unu­ lars, bull terrier collars and colley collars i In bewilaering assortments of pattern acd design. Sporting Life Publishing Company, two representative members of clubs which tries - Collies ought to have been more sually fine specimens of their respective ! In addition to these there were greyhound and are still without a show record. The other ; numerous, Wit here again there is an in- breeds. The following are the awards. deerhound slips, whips, dog chain?, pug harness To tohote order all Checks, Drafts, Honey Or- seven votes were cast by lepresentatives of ciease. Mr. Dalziel's c lasses are very flutter­ < and a new style of muzzle of a very simple pattern. ing all through. Where no first prize is recorded, no first was We decidedly object to dogs being muzzled, but 4en and Remittances must be made payable. genuine clubs, but as they did not combine so long as our lawmakers remain in ignoranee of Entered at the Philadelphia Post Office at the votes all went in Taylor's favor. given: the structure of the dog. muzzles must be used, leoond class matter. Mr. Windholz has taken the proper course CHAMPION POINTER DOGS. George Appold, and the more humane and simple the better for * « * i Baltimore, Md., Bravo, 1st. the dog. Everything conceivable in connection The third vote was on the committee on in declining to accept Dr. Jarvis as a judge of English setters iu the Rockiugham-Fore- CHAMPIOB POINTER BITCHES. George Appold, with dog furnishings seems to be covered by the TERMS: credentials, the chair appointing Messrs. i Baltimore, Md., Daisy Bravo, 1st. > Medford Fancy Goods Company, and the best Subscription, per annum (postage paid)... »8.25 Smith, Childs and Osborn. Then to show man match. Dr. Jarvis is simply nomi­ | POINTER DOG, oifts. and over. Fred FinK, St. : Idea we can give of the extent of their business is nated by the Foreman party because he is 1 Louis, Mo., Jip, commended. i to state that the catalogue enumerates over S5O Stz months.............. " " ... 1.28 how little knowledge the committee members ! POINTER HITCHES, softs, and over. Missouri Three months............ " " ... 65 possess of the rules they are appointed to down on Mr. Westcot'.who placed Hocking- different articles. We would recommend our ham ahead of Foreman. When I saw Tall- Kennel. Belle Faust, 1st; B. F. Seitner, Dayton, readers to calJ upon Mr. Bremer and take a look Single copies............ " ' ... Be. carry out, someone proposed that the presi­ ' O., Lulu Faust, $200. at his samples ere he leaves tbe city. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. dent be added to the committee. Not one man, Jarvis, Tracy and Whitford holding a I POINTER DOGS, under softs. B. F. Seitner, Day­ secret caucus at Boston, I knew there was ton, O., Kap, 2d. of them seemingly knew that their by-laws Kennel Notes. ADVERTISING RATES: provided for the president being ex-officio a something queer going on. At one time I i POINTER BITCHES under 50fts. B. F. Seitner, j thought perhaps Mr. Tracy was trying to Dayton, O., Lass, 2d; H. C. Pierce, St. Louis, Mo., The MeadowbrooK Hounds announce the follow­ Per Line.................................. 1O Cents member of all committees except those on | Nellie, ccmmended. ing dates of meets: April 22, at Kennels, 4 p. x. Per Inch (18 lines to the Inch) ........ Sl.OO standards, and what is still more extraor­ j settle up the old Tracy & Co. firm of Chicago. ! POINTER Doas OR BITCHES, under 12mos. C. J. 25, Watermills,l:30 P.M. SPECIAL KATES on Long-Time Contracts. dinary and showing the one-man power of the i Some of my readers will remember the firm Bremer. St. Louis, Bow Faust. 1st; B. F. Seitner, ADVERTISERS should forward their favors so was started to publish pictures of dogs, but i Dayton, O., Lillie Bang, 2d; George N. Appold, The dog show season is now In full blast, and a* to reach us by 6 P. M. Saturday, as this paper association, he is, by article VI of the con­ Baltimore, Md., Bow Bravo, very highly com­ until early June reports of shows will follow one goes to press every Saturday evening.______ stitution, chairman of all committees of they ceased to appear alter about three had another in quick succession. come out. You have ouly to mended. which he is a member. In other words, know who CHAMPION ENGLISH SETTER DOGS. W.B. Gates, The time for muzzling dogs in Albany, N. Y., "Constructor" Taylor is to have everything formed the "Co." and the reason for the Memphis, Tenn., Paul Gladstone, 1st. has been reduced from four months to two. July SPECIAL NOTICE. under his own individual thumb. A stoppage may be guessed at. Mr. Wind- I CHAMPION ENGLISH SETTER BITCHES. Mem­ and August are the two months. CORRESPONDENCE on sporting topics, from any brilliant executive committee this of the A. holz had either to join in making it a farce i phis Kennel, Memphis, Tenn., Bessie A., 1st; no Mr. Chas. S. Fitch wants to organize a Black- by aopointfug Al Warts, Dan Foster, "Dr." , competition. _ and Tan Setter Club. The project will be ectlon of the City, State or country, solicited. K. C . ENGLISH SETTER DOGS. Geo. G. Ware, Stan- broached at the approaching New York show. COMMUNICATIONS. Manuscript intended for Dovey, Sam Browning, or some one in that ! ton. Tenn.. Gladstone's Boy, 1st: John A. Mc- « . * line, and then going for Harry Hill for The officers of the New Jersey State Agricul­ publication should be written on one side of the Donough, St. Louis, Mo., Count Glickstone, 2d: tural Society strongly contemplate holding a, paper ouly, and must be accompanied by the The Pierce case next attracted the con­ referee. I admire Mr. W indholz's position j Memphis Kennel, Memphis, Tenn., Koderigo, 3d: bench show of dogs in conjunction with their an­ writer's name and address, not necessarily for sideration of the solons and, after much de­ and I notice he wishes a reputable journal : J. A. Heether, Moberly, Mo., Aleck, highly com­ nual fair next autumn. publication, but as a private guarantee of good bate, it was decided that both Mr. Pierce and to be teferee.and names as such THE SPORT- ' mended. l»tth, and all communications, upon any sub­ ENGLISH SETTER BITCHES. Memphis Kennel, The premium list for the Illinois Kennel Club ject, or for any department, must be addressed to the club were perfectly correct.
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