y A 24—MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, April 13, 1990 LEGAL NOTICE DON’T KNOW Where to Is advertising expensive? TOWN OF BOLTON look next for a lob? How I cod CLEANING MISCELLANEOUS ■07 |j MISCELLANEOUS You'll be surprised now I CARS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS about placing a “Situa­ 1SERVICES FOR SALE FOR SALE economical It Is to adver­ FOR SALE Notice is here by given that there will be a public hearing of the tion Wanted" ad In tise In Classified. 643-2711. classified? Zoning Board of >^peals, on Thursday, April 26, 1990 at 7 NO TIM E TO CLEAN. SAFES-New and used. DODGE - 1986. ’150’, 318 p.m. at the Bolton Town Hall, 222 Bolton Center Road, Bolton, Don't really like to END RO LLS Trade up or down. CIO, automatic, bed CT. A clean but hate to come f o o l ROOMMATES 27V4" width — 504 Liberal allowance for WANTED TO liner, tool box, 50K, 1. To hear appeal of Gary Jodoin, 23 Brian Drive for a rear home to a dirty house. I $5500. 742-8669. [ ^ W A N T E D 13" width — 2 for 504 clean safes In good Ibuy/ trade set-back variance for a porch. Coll us 1 We’re reaso­ condition. American 2. To hear appeal of MIton Hathaway, 40 Quarry Road for a nable and we do a good Newsprint and rolls can bs Graduating? House and picked up at the Manchester Security Corp. Of CT, WANTED: Antiques and special permit to excavate sand & gravel at 40 Quarry Road. lob hunting but don’t lob. Rose $73-0667 or 27 Commerce St., Glas­ clean, used furniture. WANTED TO 3. To hear appeal of Demark Builders, 54 School Road for a Nancy 646-6364. We Herald ONLY before 11 am. want to live In Hart­ Monday through Thursday. tonbury. 646-4390 or 633- Please call 645-1174. BUY/TRAOE front yard set-back variance for construction of a house. also do offices. ford? I’m looking for a 5100. John H. Roberts male roommate, non- We buy clean, late model Chairman, smoker to share 2 bed­ MICROWAVE $75; love I CARS SPORTING I CARS used cars and trucks. Top Bolton Zoning Board of Appeals room, I'/a bath Town- I S i l GOODS FOR SALE seat and chair $50; end FOR SALE 041-04 house In Manchester, tables $10 each; dea­ prices paid. Mr. Duff-Carter ChevroM on bus line. Rent $360, MEN'S Takara Prestige con’s bench $40; other 1980 Grand PrIx, Good includes heat and hot misc. Items. 643-0124. condition, $875. or best 1229 Mdn Street 10 speed bicycle. 27". Manchester, CT woter. Call 646-9640. New. $200. Please call DATSUN-1976 B-210. otter. 646-3070 otter TOWN OF MANCHESTER FEMALE ONLY-2 pri­ 646-1292. Good condition $1000; 5:30pm._____________ LEGAL NOTICE vate rooms, share kit­ Old Rocker $5; 5 foot MAZDA-1984, 626LX, ex­ The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold public hearings on chen, bath. $450 month. cabinet with radio & CARS cellent condition, I CARS Monday, April 23, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in the Hearing Room, Lin­ Includes all. 645- CARS record player $100.643- FOR SALE loaded. $3800 or best FOR SALE coln Center, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Connecticut to hear 8776/646-2439. 2225. otter. 742-0597. and consider the following additional application: FOR SALE Item No. e CARS Appl. 1402 FOR SALE OUTTOBECOME Manchester Lione Club - Request for a special exception under Article II, Section 11 and Article IV, A ctio n 16.01 to MANCHESTER'S hold a carnival from May 8 1990 to May 12, 1990 from 12:01 CARDINAL BUICK'S VOLUME PM to 11:00 PM at 103 and 155V Tolland Turnpike, Business S c h a lle r's 2 Zone. #1 Quality Pre-owned Autos At this hearing interested persons may be heard and written Value Priced PRICING SAVES YOU CASH! communications received. A copy of this petition has been USED CAR filed in the Plannirig and Zoning Department and may be in­ 88 Subaru DLS/W spected during business hours. 6Spaad,4 WhaalDriva • *OUR’i 990 BuVeks ARE HERE!* DEALER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••######## Edward Coltman, $7,400 Secretary 85 Pontia;6000 $4^995 87 Oldsmobile Calais Zoning Board of Appeals Auto, A ^, Low MilM 85 Pontiac Fiero $3335 045-04 $6,490 87 Pontiac 6000 $6,995 87 Pontiac Grand Am $6,995 88 Ford Mustang SSpaad, LXPackaga” INVITATION TO BID 86 Ponfiac Firebird $6,995 tM Toyota Camry $4,995 The Manchester Public SCRANTON $6,990 Schools solicits bids for STU­ CHRYSLER-PIYMOUTH 88 Chevy Beretta GT 85 Toyota P-up SR5 $3,995 V-6, Aufo.A/C .BIadt DENT ACCIDENT HEALTH 55 Windsor Are. (Rts. 83), Wmon 1990 BUICK SKYLARK 1990 BUICK REATTA 1990 BUICK REGAL 83 byola Corolla $2,995 4 Dr., Sedan, Auto, A/C, Tlk. COMPANY OWNED VEHICLE INSURANCE for the 85 Dodge 600ES $3,495 $8,500 2 Dr., AT, A/C, V-6, Defoq., 1990-1991 school year. Loaded, TraiKpoiUllon Special 8^ ^lissw200SX $2,995 STOCK #1256 Loaded, STOCK #1247 STOCK #1249 Seeded bids will be received 86 PonUac 6000 STE 85 Toyota Pickup $4,665 V-6. Auto, A/C. Full Pow«f 84 Honda CRX $3395 WAS $28,885 SAVE $5,434 until May 17, 1990, 2:00 p.m., Automailc. Extra Clean at which time they will l» 87 Mazda B-2000P.U. $4,885 $6,450 85 Chevy Celebrity $4395 publicly opened. The right is S Speed, Low mlae. Ready to Qo 85 Chevy Monte Carlo $7395 $10,625* o.;$23;451 513,799* reserved to ^ e c t any and all 87 [M ge DaKota P.U. $6,785 86 Hyundiai Excel 5 Sp«iaa, AM/FM, Atforbabla 85 Century Wagon $8395 -Prices include Factory RebatesI bids. Specifications and bid Long Bed, Low mlee. Eha/p truck iilanrtiPHtpr Iprali ON SELECT MODELS 6.9% A.P.R. FINANCING IS AVAILABLE IN UEU OF FACTORY forms may be secured at the 87 Chrysler New l^ k e r $6,875 87 Ford Tempo $4395 4 Door, Loaded, Le«tM.' Interior, Extra $2,900 Business Office, 45 North dean 86 Ford Escort Wag $4395 REBATEI DELIVERY MUST BE ON OR BEFORE 4 /3 0 /9 0 . School Street, Manchester, 84 Olds Ciera Brougham 87 Mercury Cougar $7,865 v-6, Auto, CiMn C ar 87 Ford Mustang $5395 Saturday, April 14,1990 Connecticut. 2 Door. Many extras, Needs to be sold PRE'OWNED CAR OF THE WEEK Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents 033-04 87 Chrysler Lebaron $9,245 $3,900 84 Dodge Charger $1395 Ainomatic, 29,000 miles 1989 BUICK CENTRUY COUPE 88 Chrys Lebaron Convert $SAVE 84 Olds Firenza Cruiser 86 Dodge Caravan LE $7395 Auto. A/C. Low MIIm Low Mileagel INVITATION TO BIO Automalic. Top Down Special 88 Grand Cara'/an $11395 o 89 Plymouth Sundatioe $8,845 $3,600 “n The Manchester Public Automatic. A/C. Only 9,000 rrxlee 88 Pathfinder SE $14395 , THIS ONE Schools solicits bids for 89 Dodge Grand Caraveri $14,995 83 Olds Cutlass Supreme 82 Cadillac Eldorado $5395 MUSIC EQUIPMENT for the 7 pats., e cyl., 6 year warranty v-6. Auto, A/C. Low Mikw Watch Thh Space Each Week MUST BB SEEN! $10,980 ^ F 1990-1991 school year. $3,400 80 Lincoln Town Car $4395 Sealed Uds will be received 875 -3 3 1 1 85 Linnoln Town car $10395 until April 19. 1990, 2:30 p.m.. USED CARS — m 83 Toyota Tercel 89 Lincoln Town Car $19395 at which time they will be Auto. AM/FM, Low MiIm threaten sanctions O o publicly opened. The right is 85 Colony Park Wag $6395 1989 Oldsmobile Calais Sedan................. $8,995 1986 Buick Skyhawk Coupe........................$5,980 CARDINAL $2,900 1989 Buick Regal Coupe..........................$10,980 resen/ed to reject any aind all 87 Nissan Pickup $4395 1986 Chevrolet Corvette......................... $18,990 bids. Specifications and bid BUICK, INC. 86 VW Golf 1988 Oldsmobile 98 Regency Brougham... $13,490 1986 Chevy Celebrity Sedan.......................$6,380 ^ w forms may bo secured at the 1985 Olds Calais Sod $8,995 5 Spood. Air CondAionino 87 Mercuiy Sable $7395 1988 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier..........................$8,980 H ^ 1989Buick Regal Coupe $10JMO 1986 Pontiac Grand Prix........................... $8,250 Business Office, 45 N. School 87 Mercury Cougar $8395 1988 Pontiac Sunbird Coupe...................... $7,895 See stories pa^ 4 Street, Manchester. CT. 1988 98 Reg Broughain $13,490 $4,700 1986 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe................... $6,850 m . 1988 Fbntiac Firebrd Coupe SOLD 89 Merc Sable Wag $11395 1987 Buick Century LTD Sedan................ $8,280 1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme........... $5,895 034-04 1988 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier $8,980 90 Integra GS Sedan o AutomuiC, Fully Loadod 86MazdaRX7 $7395 1987 Buick Park Ave. Coupe.................... $11,490 1985 Ford Tempo 4 Door.......................... $3,995 1988 Rsntlac Sunbird Coupe $7A9S 1987 Buick Century LTD Wagon.................$8,680 1987 BuIckCent LTD Sedan $8,280 $16,400 87Mazda626LX $7395 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Sedan Loaded.... $9,795 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1987 Buick F^ik Are Coupe $11,490 1987 Oldsmobile Ciera Wagon.......... ........ $6,280 1982 Mercury Lynx 4 Door..........................$2,995 ESTATE OF 1987 Buick Century LTDVWg $8,680 87 Acura Integra LS 87 Mazda Pickup $4395 1987 Buick Somerset Cpe SOLD Automatic, Air ConoAioning STANLEY S. WANDYCH 88JagucsXJ6 $29395 a/k/a STANLEY S. 1987 Olds Ciera Wag $6,280 r“ 33 1986 Buick Slyhawk Cpe $8,995 WANDYCH JR.
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