rnlrable position exists which la so aided by natural BOUND. AMUSEMENTS. obstacle* aa to reduce the treat to be de- TWEED HOMEWARD ANOTHER RAILROAD DISASTER. CABLE NEWS leaded to between eeventeen and eighteen from Lake Berko* on mile*. Thia line extendi t»»lTlt AT ST. THOMAS BTxnrwiY ball.beiwiiakd fimt A TRAIN OF III THE MOW OR NKYBBI the right te Ute backwater or Buyuk Chek- OF TBI FM*IU* scubklz's CABS BUNS OFF THE TBACK there la a har¬ Bat a (.« ahort weeka will Intervene until the MKk if mege on the left. At Buyuk Chekmege EKJOTMBNT OF EXCBt- SYMPHONY COMCZBT. JERSEY CENTRAL RAILU04I) DEPOT.WAS IT bor, and the backwater.a mile and a quarter wide. KB. TWEED 1* THE So»»mbcr wh-n the Urtsd Draalng ul the KKNTL'CKT guard* for fire mtlea the left n| the poaition. The por¬ A concert of raro attract!v*neaa took plao* last night AN ACCIDENT, OB THE LACK OF HANDB? CASH DI8TUIBUTION COMPART AT FRANKFORT, From All Parts -of the a broad r.tiw HEALTH.VBT THE NEWS OF THE AB- at nail uuder the of Br. Reinbard will meat certainly take place. Another poatponement It tion then follow* a rang* ol hill* commanding Stemway direction Yeaterday afternoon, when lha Philadelphia pum- .Imply impuulhla OOTUUfOB I'OltTEK hat a fortia U advantage work the a mora fleet¬ and epea valley, a*d oCerlng every military BITAIa WAS NOT EAELIEB.THE Schmelz, an orchestral leader of long experience and dua at the M Its min¬ making Anal preparation!, and in taw Old World. for purpose* ol defence, and eventually rente on Lake BUCEITED (.r train, Communipaw lerrjr ing da.va sverytning will !>. readr for the cloemg scene. Derkoa Between Lake Oerkoa and the Black Sea the undoubted excellence. Tiler* waa qalte a large au¬ utes put lour, retched the Central Railroad Thoa#. therefor*, who expert or desire any share In the EUAN KLIN EXPECTED TO BE AT QUABAHTIHB Jersey abower of in *ift« to be dlatrlliuted Ilex by a aarrow aandhank, easily com¬ dience present and the programme possessed ao many It ran of golden JHiai.OUl, 11,15" only approach of Derko*. depot, off the track, carried away a portion at that drawing, mill make their arrangements IMMKDI- manded by a amgle worn near tha village features of Interest that tbe the ATKLY. THE RUSH rOR TICKETS IS S<- TjNPBEOE- from runa the OM THUKSDAT. performance Ireigbt odlce and plunged into the river. Fortu¬ The railway Constantinople through waa thosa DKNTEM Til KICK IS DANUKIt THAT THBRB MAT THE EASTERN SETTLEMENT. lefl centre of the poaition, and there is «ea the heartily enjoyed by present. nately only slight Injuries were unstained by any of NOT BE KNOCOH TO Oil AROUNIt. Ergo bay yoar [From Evening Telegram. ] IV BARROW CO ara the communication on both flanks. There la abundant aup- There was as orchestra, selected Irom the and no one waa at ticketa at one*. Q. A , waneral passengers, but Ibecouduetor Eaatrfrn .*cent a, with offices at! No. 710 BRUADWAV . ply of water everywhere, and the countcy la peculiarly Hatax a. Sot. IX, Wi the beat § The elements of tbe Thomas and Philharmonic all acrtoualy injured. The cause of the accidout NKW YORK, and Branca ofBoe at Mo. 206 MONTAOU) adapted lor the encampment of troopa. proposed 8t »rriT«d it BROOKLYN. line of defence could eaailr be conttructed by encamp¬ The rranch sleamir from Thomu organizations, and two favorite soloist*. Miss Emma baa not aa yet received any plaaslbla explana¬ ST.. who would throw tb* vio¬ The Czar Claims That He Has Bronght ing troop* along the position up thin port this morning, with (lospatches to the effect C. Tbnrsby, soprano, and Br, S. K. Jacobsohn. tion, but a theory prevails that the vacuum necessary work*. Mince the Introduction of breech- linist. Tbe concert with the over- arma it baa tieen that a Ironl attack thai the United SUM* Commander opened deliRbtiul brake* gave way and the engineer was nnable to alow loading proved frigate franklin, waa A..FOR GENTLEMEN'S HATS OF EXTRA To His Terms. upon a atrong line of well defended work* I* practically tar* of Schubert, "Alfonso and Estralla." It up In time to avoid the It appear* that Ibe Turkey be with William M. Tweed on arrived at disaster^ quality go to ESI'BNSi'llKID, Manulacturer, 1 It Nuui at. Impoaelble. In the proposed line both funks would Franklin, board, played with a heartiness, espresalon and Are that train waa on in at the uaual eommumcationa would be and with preciaely time, coming FOR THESE TIKES. aveura, and open, 81 Thoman on the morning ot tne 6th last, b«t augured well lor the *ucc«sa of lb* rosl of A FACT an unlimited laclllty of aupoly. Thu* a hostile tho concert. The Inexhaustible fancy of tbe princ* of rate of apeed. The switches were adjuated and safely T.ix difference batwaan the n«U Improved atylai of th« from tb* north of ordinary sewing machine and ilia naw "Aotonatm of tha approach to the Bosphoru* owing to the recent galea and the disarrangement lyrist*, tbe "Midas of Muatc," aa ho baa been rightly paased over and the engine rushed along, entering the I NO MACHINE Il HONORS EASY IN THE EAST. land would be rendered It i* in the Schubert overture. Tbe WILLCOX A (1IBBS SEW COMPANY. by Impoaaible. the wlre« I hare been unable te an¬ called, displayed pt|ia|e to the depot at Its road pace and showing no ¦ Imply marvelloua. la evident that the narrow aeck ot land eahle and telegraph aecond piece on tbe bill waa tbe ballet music irotu Sen<l card forfait and llat of oBces m connecu the with Roumelia, evidenc*a of alacking up. At once it occurred to the p'mtal particulars which Chersoaeae nounce her arrival sooner. Giuca's "Parla and Helen," given tor lb* first lime in 658 Broadway, New York. and which i* only between three and four this country. It consist* of an aria, a cbaconne and a taw bystanders lhat something was wrong. An alarm mile* In width, and with anchorage close in *hor* for the and caal In a rather serious mood waa which caused on the tracka AXAXXAXXXAXAXXAXXXAXaXXAXXXAXAX- Your correspondent there wai accorded privilege gavotte, although given, loungers wintar W 36, $3 A Reminder of the Lost Strath- .hip* ol war on both Dan**, oiler* auoh facilities tor lor modern idea* of ballot the to out of the and the clerka in the Gentlt'tnen'a Uaitkus, S3, 76, H, bid mane, yet exquisite scamper way St 50, $¦>. up; Due cmtorn work oar aperialty. the delence of tbo approaches to the Oardauellee Irora of hoarding the Franklin, and although the voyage symmetry of tho movement*, characteristic of th* freight oltice, which lay almost on a lino with the ex¬ W)RIN BROOKS A SON. 4J* Broadway. Clyde. the north that thia l>e considered a* on- 01 tbe of tbe tnauo to make au exit poaition may been a Mr. Tweed waa fonnd to be 1b style ordinal founder music-drama, tremity of the track, oxpedluou* CURED BY DR. aaaallable. But can Constantinople be reached by a tempeatuons one, a profound on tb* bearer. Beethoven'* Irom the acene of their labor*. Warning were A..RUPTURE RADICALLY Impression ligUla radical euro Truss. Silk Mastic Stockings, Russian army acting from the Cauca«u* and marching excellent health. second symphony in D major, opu» 36, was suotber swung by tbe guard* and a cry burst MARSH'S and Ada from the Caucasu* to Belts, Ac.; Shouldar Braces, Suspetisoilea Abdominal Not. 1878. through Minor* bright feature on tbe bill Tbe principal attrac¬ from some of tho onlookers aa tbe train came thunder¬ Mipi>oriar>. 2 Yeaey at. (Astor llonaei. No Bmalwsy Lommm, 11, Conauntinopie by road la upward ef 90o miles. The Franklin bad run ehort of coal and waa eem- tion, however, waa tbo "Marcho Fuuebre," Irom ing through the depot. Hut only a moment paased branch. The feature of this evesiDg's now* ia the full text of There are no roada tor artillery, and the oountry the Onale of Rstreuth "Twi¬ before the engine rushed ofT and the maintenance to etop at 8t Tbomaa la order to replenish. Wagner's trilogy, mighty beyond HATS OF BURKE, 214 BROAD, the Caw's at Moscow yasterday which oame to oilers every difficulty relative to the peiied light of tb* God*," representing tho death track, caught with tbo srouket>lack the projection ol A..BUY TOCil epeech of The flank rear of an army way. Park Bank. Styla aud texture unsurpassed. Popular The said"I thank supplier and A delay of three day* waa occaaloncd at that port of Siegfried. It i* a marvel of Instrumental the roof, dashed through the wail ol iho freight ottlce hand at a late hour. Emperor yon so advancing would be exposed to attack by any I'ower effect, and from th* orchestra and tb*ir admirubla and plunged into tbe river alongside. As the train price*. "tor yoor sentiments respecting the political situation In command of tho Blaea Sea. Finally, the approach to and the Franklin tailed thence for New York on leader it received all tbe attention and Onlsh of per¬ whirled along and just a* It reached tho end ol the A S3 HAT ~fr»0 .UKNTLEMEN'S SILK HATS land hi Naw Church at. ulalr*. which la now more dcQnod than beiore. Yon Constantinople i* al*o by a narrow n*ck of oaly formance It roqulred.
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