XHE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County N US PS 63020 .; TH YEAR, NO. 38 Second Out Postage Paid Published 20 Pages—30 Cents II Wtuficld. N.J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1987 Every Thursday Jtilities Authority Acting Committee Formed To Review To Establish Recycling Center South Avenue Traffic Circle In a ove ablish a re- pating municipalities and the Oc- ed materials would be distributed Mayor Raymond Stone today Members of the public who have verge in the vicinity of the circle. cycling waiter „ regional re- cupational Center of Union Coun- as rebates to the participating announced the formation of a agreed to serve are Alex Wil- Therefore, completion of the cycling program, the Union ty, the regional recycling pro- communities. special committee to direct the liams, three term councilman circle project will involve a joint County Utilities Authority (CUA) gram will consist of two curbside CUA Chairman, Kenneth Mac- implementation of a new traffic from the first ward and two term effort among the State, the Coun- recently authorized the negotia- pick-ups of newspapers, Ritchie, noted that similar pro- design to replace the existing Mayor, Beverly Caldora, former ty and The Town of Westfield. 1 tion of a lease agreement with aluminum cans and glass con- grams in neighboring Essex and South Avenue traffic circle. third ward councilwoman, West- hope the project can be underway Frank Musto, the owner of a tainers each month. Somerset counties have been The special committee will be field Chief of Police, Anthony quickly so that we can head off warehouse on Cox St. in Roselle. According to Union County Re- highly successful. "We are op- chaired by Councilman Frank Scutti, Roger Love, prominent any additional problems at the Located in an industrial area of cycling Coordinator, Joan timistic that our regional re- Rogers who also chairs the Westfield Realtor, Emily Craft, circle which could arise as a thettcity, the warehouse would Buhrendorf, Berkeley Heights, cycling efforts will help reduce town's Public Safety Committee. homemaker, and Tom Mullen, result of the Board of Education serve as the central processing Cranford, Springfield, Summit, the amount of garbage that is Vice Chairman will be Council- chairman of the Westfield High decision to transfer ninth grade facility for the regional recycling Union, Westfield and Winfield hauled to Edgeboro and ultimate- man Jim Heimlich, chairman of School Visual Aids Department. students from Roosevelt Junior program scheduled to get under have agreed to participate in the ly to out-of-state landfills when the town's Traffic, Parking and The mayor offered the obser- High to the high school next year. way this June. Newspapers, regional recycling program. The Edgeboro eventually closes." Transportation Committee. vation that, "A state highway, aluminum and glass collected "A new design is expected to remaining municipalities have Route 28, passes through the cir- incorporate numerous pedestrian from the seven municipalities elected to conduct recycling pro- cle, South Avenue is a Union participating in the county's pro- safety features together with a grams on an individual basis, County Road and, of course, West much improved traffic flow pat- gram would be brought to the generally collecting a single Broad Street, Watterson Street facility for limited processing tern, controlled by a series of material. Buhrendorf added, and Westfield Avenue all con- new traffic lights and controls." and storage before the materials however, that the program could are sold for reprocessing. accommodate all 21 Union Coun- According to Frank Capone, ty municipalities, and she would chairman of the CUA's recycling expect to phase-in additional par- Re-count Requested for committee, 11 warehouses in ticipants when Governor Kean Mountainside, Kenilworth, Gar- signs legislation mandating Bd. of Ed. Election wood, Plainfield, Linden, Roselle statewide multi-material re- and Union were under con- cycling this month. sideration as possible sites for William J. Foley, secretary to tain court permission to open up the recycling center. This The Occupational Center, a the Westfield Board of Educa- the back of the voting machines. number was narrowed down to private non-profit organization tion, has requested a recount of The machines were sealed at the three before the Roselle site was that provides work training to the April 7 school board election close of the election on April 7. chosen. mentally and physically handi- results because the readout on At the April 7 election, the "Tbe criteria we used in selec- capped citizens, will provide Easter Egg Hunt Saturday candidates' votes in the first school budget passed by 25 votes, ting' the center included: a labor for the program. The ward is barely legible. with 1,134 votes cast for the $28 minimum of 20,000 square feet of center's clients would assist in The Westfield Lions Club, in its 63rd year of service, will again Dr. Foley said that he sent the million school budget for space or less than half an acre; a the curbside collection and sor- hold its annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children of Westfield, request to State Education Com- 1987-1988 and 1,109 votes cast minimum of three loading doors, ting of recyclable materials. Saturday, April 18, at i p.m., in Mindowaskin Park. missioner Saul Cooperman last against it. one for each recyclable Each municipality participating week. Three of 13 candidates were material; and a turning radius of in the regional program will be All Lions usually participate in this event. Club President William Doyle has appointed William Villane again as chair- "After we receive permission elected to three-year terms on 75 feet for the larger trucks that expected to contribute a per- from the commissioner through the Board of Education. The ultimately pick up the household fee to cover the man of the Easter Egg Hunt. Club Secretary Edward Renfree will cavort about in an Easter bunny costume. the county superintendent's of- three successful candidates materials," Capone said. operating costs of the program. fice, we will open up the voting were: G. Bruce McFadden, Any funds recouped by the coun- The Easter Egg Hunt was started by the local Lions Club in 1,000; Susan N. Mullen, 918; and A collective effort by the Coun- the 1930s and has been a popular event every year. More than machines and re-read the ty Utilities Authority, the partici- ty through the sale of the recycl- results," said Dr. Foley, adding Susan Jacobson, 713. 1,200 colored hard-boiled eggs will be distributed throughout the that only the results of the can- Other candidates and their park for the children to find. A special area will be reserved for votes, as read after the April 7 toddlers three years of age and youijger. didates' votes in the first ward •L were unclear. election, were: Margaret Sur, One hundred plastic eggs will be hidden among the regular \ 593; Robert Mutch, 514; Larry eggs with gift certificates from HiM'sl Ice Cream of Westfield for '•The budget votes and the votes of the three winning can- Williams, 507; Patricia Scott, ice cream treats. In addition, every child will receive a bag of 440; Robert Sheehan, 437; B. jelly beans and other sweets when the hunt is completed. Age didates are clear," said Dr. Smith. "I do not anticipate a Brian McDevitt, 367; Robert E. limits are from infants to seven-year-olds. Lee, 338; Peter RepeCi, 314; In case of rain or muddy park grounds, the Lions will have a change in these results." The board secretary explained Margarita Roig, 168 and Scott stand near the East Broad Street entrance, where children may Poston, 124. receive eggs and gifts. that a recount is necessary to ob- School Board Meets To Elect Officers The 1987-88 Board of Education year terms of office. They are G. was scheduled to hold an Bruce McFadden, Susan Mullen organization meeting to elect of- and Susan Jacobson. Returning ficers last night (April 15). School Board members whose Results of that meeting, were terms expire in 1988 are: Dr. Everyonc is recruited lo help (hiring the Westfield Volunteer Rescue too late for the Leader deadline Alfonse R. Miele, Susan Pepper Squad's animal fund drive. Annabel Benito, on the [eft, and Ann for this issue. Results will appear and George Weimer. Returning Byrnes culs stamps from donation envelopes. The stamps will be in next week's Leader. School Board members whose given to local churches to help fund charitable works. Donations can terms expire in 1989 are: Dr. still be sent in the reply envelope included in the direct mail appeal Three new members will join Susan Fuhrman, Carolyn M. sent lo all Westfield residents. Contributions may also be sent to: the Board of Education for three- Moran and John M. Toriello. Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad l!)87 Fund Drive, c/o Central Jersey Bank and Trust Company, 177 East Broad St., Westfield, N.J. O709O. Local Candidates File Are You Registered? For Primary Election Extended periods for registration for the June 2 Primary Election have been scheduled by the Town Clerk's office. Editing to be filled b.iskds of all shapes and sizes are on Residents may register through May 4. display on a local mei chant porch, parking the imagination of Last Thursday marked the Jennifer Alford, Ishmalia Small. The Town Clerk's office will be open for registration from 8:30 those who's job it will be to fill them in time for Easter morning ex- deadline for candidates to file One one-year unexpired Board a.m. to 9 p.m.
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