WINTER 2015 ERTE Art Deco Master of Graphic Art & Illustration Rosalind Ormiston and James Peacock / Flame Tree Publishing / 2014 12X12 HB 192 Bw & Color Illus

WINTER 2015 ERTE Art Deco Master of Graphic Art & Illustration Rosalind Ormiston and James Peacock / Flame Tree Publishing / 2014 12X12 HB 192 Bw & Color Illus

WINTER 2015 ERTE Art Deco Master of Graphic Art & Illustration Rosalind Ormiston and James Peacock / Flame Tree Publishing / 2014 12x12 HB 192 bw & color illus. ISBN: 9781783612161 1310333 List Import Sale $19.99 You pay $9.99 Perhaps no individual is more associated with the 20th century art deco revival than Russian-born French artist and designer, Erte. Although his talent spanned many creative fields, Erte is perhaps best-known for his theatre and fashion designs, which were often later translated into beautiful silkscreen prints. Few can fail to be charmed by Symphony in Black, one of his most famous designs depicting a slender figure walking her dog. VAN GOGH MASTERPIECES GUSTAV KLIMT MASTERPIECES OF ART OF ART Stephanie Cotela Tanner / Flame Susie Hodge and James Peacock / Tree Publishing / 2014 Flame Tree Publishing / 2014 9x10 HB 128 pp color illus. 9x10 HB 128 pp color illus. ISBN: 9781783612093 ISBN: 9781783611393 1310343 1408087 List Import Sale $7.99 List Import Sale $7.99 You pay $3.99 You pay $3.99 WILLIAM MORRIS, ARTS & ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS CRAFTS MASTERPIECES OF ART MASTERPIECES OF ART Michael Robinson / Flame Tree Michael Kerrigan / Flame Tree Publishing / 2014 Publishing / 2014 9x10 HB 128 pp color illus. 9x10 HB 128 pp color illus. ISBN: 9781783612130 ISBN: 9781783612116 1310335 1310338 List Import Sale $7.99 List Import Sale $7.99 You pay $3.99 You pay $3.99 PAUL KLEE MASTERPIECES JAPANESE WOODBLOCKS OF ART MASTERPIECES OF ART Susie Hodge and James Peacock Michael Robinson / Flame Tree / Flame Tree Publishing / 2014 Publishing / 2014 9x10 HB 128 pp color illus. 9x10 HB 128 pp color illus. ISBN: 9781783612086 ISBN: 9781783612123 1310354 1310339 List Import Sale $7.99 List Import Sale $7.99 You pay $3.99 You pay $3.99 CHARLES RENNIE ART NOUVEAU POSTER - MACKINTOSH MASTERPIECES MASTERPIECES OF ART OF ART Michael Robinson / Flame Tree Gordon Kerr and Tamsin Pickeral Publishing / 2014 / Flame Tree Publishing / 2014 9x10 HB 127 pp color illus. 9x10 HB 127 pp color illus. ISBN: 9781783612680 ISBN: 9781783612079 1404397 1310350 List Import Sale $7.99 List Import Sale $7.99 You pay $3.99 You pay $3.99 1 WHOLESALE DISCOUNT IS 50% OFF SALE PRICE. SEE OUR NEWEST ARRIVALS AT TEXASBOOKMAN.COM 2 LOUISCOMFORT TIFFANY FRIDA KAHLO AND MASTERPIECES OF ART DIEGO RIVERA Susie Hodge and James Peacock / Two Volume Slipcased Set Flame Tree Publishing / 2014 Gerry Souter / Parkstone / 2013 9x10 HB 128 pp color illus. 11x13 HB 450 pp color illus. 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