132 CLlFTON CAMPVlLLE. STAFFORDSHIRE.· Booth Joseph (Mrs.), farmer Goodall Edwd.(Mrs.), farmer,Haunton Simpson .A.da:m, farmer, Haunton Erowne Chas.' Herbert, schoolm~ter, Hanson John, carpenter Simpson Henry, farmer, Clifton lodget- assistant overseer & pa.Tish clerk Hewitt Thomas, farmer, Haunt-an Stevenson Elizh. Mary (Mrs.)p snap- Carter Bro~&. builders & wheelwrightil, Miles Ernest, carrier keeper, & post office Haunton Orton Richard, shopkeeper Tebbitt George Brya11, miller (water)') Carter John, saddler & farmer Pearson William, Green Man P.B & farmer Carter Thomas, farmer Phizacklea Matthw.farmr.Bighfield frm Thompson Thoma&, !a:ume:tr, Hamtton Dickens William, farmer, Haunton Pratt Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Clifton Thorpe Herbert, boot maker, Haunton.• Drew J ames, farmer Campville house · Thorpe Richard, tailOI', H:mnton Duggins Edwa.rd, blacksmith & far- Roberts Thomas, blacksmith Walker James, farmer, Haunton mer, Haunton Sidwells William, farmer & carrier Ward George, farmer & &hoe maker. CODSALL is an agricultural village and parish, with a esq. of Chillington Hall, and Archer B. £mitih esq~. station on the Wolverhampton and Wellington section of solicitor, of Wolverhampton. The soil is arable; sub.... the Great Western railway, 3! miles south from Brewood soil, gravel. The chief crops ·are wheat, barley and oatg, and 4! north-west from Wolverhampton, in the Kingswin· The area of Codsall is 1,613 acres, and of Oaken township<~ ford division of the county, hundred of North Seisdon, 1,288 acres; rateable value of the parish, .£n,&so; the· union of Seisdon, petty sessional division and county court population in 1901 w-as 1,452. district of Wolverhampton, rural deanery of Penkridge, Codsall Wood is about a mile and a half west. Here ig,. archdeaconry of Stafford and diocese of Lichfield. The a Mission church, in which divine service is held by the· churoh of St. Nicholas, a structure of Codsall sandstone, viear. was rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in the year Post, M. 0. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., P. P., S. B. & A. & I. 0 .. 1848, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch Codsall. Joseph Fletcher, sub-postmaster. Letters:. and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing received through Wolverhampton arrive at 6.17 a.m,_ a clock and 6 bells : on the south Bide is a Norman door- & . 3·4'5 p.m. ; d'1spa tch e d a t 10.55 a.m. & 7·45 p.m._ way, with zigzag ornament, foliaged work and enriched & at .8 p.m. on sunday capitals: the church has nine stained windows and con- 1 tains a fine altar tomb with recumbent effigy in armour Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & A. & I. 0. Oaken. Mrs. Annie.-. and a gauntlet at his feet, to Waiter Wrottesley esq. Farmer, sub-postmistress. Letters through Wolver-· sheriff of Staffordshire in I597• d. 1630; in front are hampton arrive 6.Io a. m. & 3·45 p.m.; dispatched at. kneeling figures of five children; the ceiling is of carved 8 p.m. & on sunday at 7·I5 p.m. Oodsall is the· wood, and in the south wall is a rounded arch : there are nearest telegraph office, I mile distant 520 sittings, 160 being free. The register dates from the Post Office, Codsall Wood.-Mrs. Maria Beardmore, sub-- year I587. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value postmistress. Letters through Wolverhampton arrive.o £240, including I6 acres of glebe, in the gift of Lord at 6.35 a.m.; dispatched at 7-35 p.m. ; on sunday at Wrottesley, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Oliver James 6.55 p.m. Postal Orders are iss111ed & paid here. Cod- Dunn M.A., B.C.L. of St. Edmund Ball, Oxford. St. 11all iil the nearest money order & telegraph office, 2'! John's church, Kingswood common, erected in I86t, at a miles dist!Ult cost of £340, is a neat building of stone, consisting of Wall Letter Box, Kingswood Common, cleaTed at 6.1~ nave only, with a turret containing one bell: the east p.m. week days only window is stained : there are about 70 sittings: services Public Elementary Sclioo-ls. are conducted alternately by the VIcars of Albrighton, Codsall, Boningale and Tettenhall. Trinity chapel, erec- Mixed, with ma3ter's residence attached, btrilt in 1800',. t.ed in 1a73, is used by various denominations. The for 290 children; average attendance, 210; Daniet charities are of £6o yearly value. This parish contains Plant, master ' several good and well-situated residences belonging to Kingswood Common (mixed), built, with residence for merchants and manufacturers of Wolverhampton. Oaken mistress, about I874• for so children; averag~ at- House, the residence of Major the Hon. Charles Wrot- tendance, I2; Mrs. Mary Toy, mistress tesley M.A. is a structure of brick, one mile south-west Police Station, Charles Owens, (X}nstable from the parish church. Pendryl Hall, Codsall Wood, is the residence of Waiter Thomas Courtenay Giffard Railway Station (G. W.), John Evans, station master esq. D.L., J.P. The trustees of the late Duke of Cleve­ Carriers to Wolverhampton. William Alcock, evexy land (as lessees under the Ecclesiastical Commissioners) wed. & sat.; Thomas Grimley, every wed. & sat.;; are lords of the manor of Oaken. The principal land­ Henry Brindley, every wed. & sat. ; William Evans. {)Wners are Lord Wrottesley, Henry Ward e!!q. of Rod­ every wed. & sat. ; Ed.ward Powis, every wed. & sa1. ;: baston Hall, Miss Perry, of Dunston Hall, Richard Mase­ Edwin Heighway, every wed. &; sat.; William llogers,. field Shelton esq. John Neve esq. Richard Holt Briseoe of Oaken, every wed, & sat • Shaw John Smith, assistant oTersee:r COMMERCIAL. CODSALL. & assessor of taxes Baker'!~, nursecymen & seed merchnts Smith George Henry, grocer &; tea dlr PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bolcher Jam• (Miss), ladies' school, Tomky;s William Pool, farmer · Jnanton George, Hyde Park cottage Church Hill villa Wilkes R'ichard Nichols, farmer Blurton Edward, Eilbrook Bentley Thomas, '"W~heel P.H Williams Thomas, painter,Church lane­ Bradley Isaac, Codsall house Bird Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Winfield William, haulier Oheadle Miss, Winton cottage Blurton Thomas, coal deale'J York Thomas John, grocer & draper· Cockerill Frank, Ventnor house Clelow George, grocer & tea. dealer Godsall Institute CODSALL WOOD. Co:llens Edward, Osborne house Cockerill Frank, The Laurels Dunn Rev. Oliver Jameg M.A., E.O.L, EvansEdward,quarry owner,Histons hl Farmer William, butcher Oockerill Henry, The Laurels (vicar) Giffard Waiter Thomas Courtena1 Feibush Michael Louis Fletcher Joseph,blacksmith, & post off Gough John, refreshment rooms D.L., J.P. Pendryl hall Gaskell Frank, The Birches Hough Joseph M.A., F.R.A..S Hannen Habeeb Jabboor, The Cottage Grosvenor William, haulier Overton W illiam, Rose cottage Harley Herbert, The Mount Hammonds Edward, farmer Potter Mrs. W oodside Holmes Harry, Fair view Hannen Habeeb Jabboor L.R.C.P. Johnson Mrs. Clifton house Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & COMMERCIAL. J ones Albert, Lyndene cottage surgeon, Codsall Wood road Alcock Richard, carrier Lees Mrs. Borne cottage Hardwal'e Charles Burton (~l:rs.), Brindley Henry, carrier Lewis Eugene Harry, The Firs stone merchant Grimley Thomas, carrier Morson Mrs. Flemynge house Barley Jeremiah, grocer & tea. dealer Rammond Edward, farmer, HusphinSi Phillips Alfred Ernest, Laurel cottage Harvey William, wheelwright Hartill Fredk. Old Gi:ffard Arms P.H Pinson Foster, The Grange, Bilbrook Heighway Edwin, market gardenel' Martin Aaron, beer retailer Price Elijah, The Elms J ones Thomas, boot maker Pickin William, blacksmith Pringle Mrs. Ashfield villa Lees George, Bull P.R Tipler Albert Thos. Cross Guns P.B Redhead John Lilleshall Co. Limited, colliery owners Walsall Harry, grocer Sparrow Burslem, Stoneleigh (Thos. Bishop, agent), Railway statn OAKEN. Under Mrs. Bilbrook house Malpas Charles, Crown P.H. & farmer (Marked thus * receive their letters :Warner Mrs. Old house Malpas Thomas, butcher via\ AIbrig hton.) Wenman William Henry, The Peat Moreton Edwin, bricklayer Wilkes Mrs. Winton terrace Parry James, farmer, Gunstone house PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wilkes "Richard, Roseville Powis Alice (Miss), shopkeeper And er son Jas. Alex. Stenries cottage Wooa John, The Shrubbery Powis Edward, carrier Anslow Mrs. Henry, The Hollies York Mrs Seear William, farmer, Park farm Bate Mrs. Ashdene .
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