Miocene–Pleistocene deformation of the Saddle Mountains and implications for seismic hazards Miocene–Pleistocene deformation of the Saddle Mountains: Implications for seismic hazard in central Washington, USA Lydia Staisch1,2,†, Harvey Kelsey3, Brian Sherrod2, Andreas Möller4, James Paces5, Richard Blakely1, and Richard Styron6,7 1Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA 2Earthquake Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA 3Department of Geology, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California 95521, USA 4Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA 5Geoscience and Environmental Change Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado 80225, USA 6Earth Analysis, Seattle, Washington 98105, USA 7Global Earthquake Model Foundation, Pavia 27100, Italy ABSTRACT calculate the strain accumulation time, inter- cility, and major dams along the Columbia and pretable as a recurrence interval, for earth- Yakima Rivers (Fig. 1; Geomatrix Consultants, The Yakima fold province, located in the quakes on the Saddle Mountains fault and 1996; Benjamin and Associates et al., 2012). backarc of the Cascadia subduction zone, is find that large-magnitude earthquakes could Seismicity, geodetic data, and gravity anoma- a region of active strain accumulation and rupture along the Saddle Mountains fault lies within the Yakima fold province share sev- defor mation distributed across a series of every 2–11 k.y. eral patterns that may delineate important geo- fault-cored folds. The geodetic network in logic features and boundaries. Within the region, central Washington has been used to interpret INTRODUCTION earthquake epicenters tend to cluster near the large-scale N-S shortening and westward- Yakima Canyon and near the Saddle Mountains increasing strain; however, geodetic data are The U.S. Pacific Northwest is a region of con- (Fig. 1). The Hog Ranch–Naneum anticline unable to resolve shortening rates across siderable seismic hazard, largely owing to the ( Tabor et al., 1982) is located between these two individual structures in this low-strain-rate subduction of the Juan de Fuca, Gorda, and Ex- seismically active regions and has been identified environment. Resolving fault geom etries, slip plorer plates beneath North America and clock- by high-resolution geodetic work as a potentially rates, and timing of faulting in the Yakima wise rotation of upper-crustal blocks (Fig. 1). important boundary between two domains of fold province is critically important to seis- Geodetic surveys show that modern strain ac- strain within the Yakima fold province (McCaf- mic hazard assessment for nearby infra- cumulation extends far inboard of the Cascadia frey et al., 2016). McCaffrey et al. (2016) also structure and population centers. subduction zone (McCaffrey et al., 2007, 2013, identified another boundary located immediately The Saddle Mountains anticline is one of 2016). Consequently, seismic hazards are not to the east of the Saddle Mountains (Fig. 1). the most prominent Yakima folds. It is unique only concentrated near the plate boundary, but These proposed strain boundaries correspond within the Yakima fold province in that the also in the backarc. well with steep gradients in isostatic residual syntectonic strata of the Ringold Formation The Yakima fold province, located in central gravity anomaly data and are thus likely long- are preserved and provide a record of defor- Washington State, is a region of active strain ac- lived geologic features (Saltus, 1993; Blakely mation and drainage reorganization. Here, cumulation and distributed deformation across et al., 2011; Lamb et al., 2015). While geodetic we present new stratigraphic columns, U-Pb a series of roughly E-W–trending fault-cored data illuminate large-scale trends within central zircon tephra ages, U-series caliche ages, anticlinal ridges (Fig. 1). The region undergoes Washington, the overall strain rate is low, and and geophysical modeling that constrain two approximately N-S shortening at 2 mm yr–1 due noise within geodetic data obscures the signal of line-balanced and retrodeformed cross sec- to convergence between the clockwise-rotating active deformation along individual fault-cored tions. These new constraints indicate that Oregon block to the south and the stable North folds. The geologic record, on the other hand, the Saddle Mountains anticline has accom- American plate to the northeast (Wells et al., encompasses enough time to clarify spatial and modated 1.0–1.3 km of N-S shortening since 1998; McCaffrey et al., 2000, 2013, 2016). temporal variance in strain rate. 10 Ma, that shortening increases westward Paleo seismic studies have highlighted past The Saddle Mountains anticline is the most along the anticline, and that the average slip earthquake occurrence along several Yakima prominent Yakima fold east of the Columbia rate has increased 6-fold since 6.8 Ma. Prov- folds (Campbell and Bentley, 1981; West et al., River and is bracketed by the aforementioned enance analysis suggests that the source ter- 1996; Blakely et al., 2011). However, fault boundaries in gravity and geodetic data (Fig. 1). rane for the Ringold Formation was similar to geom etries, slip rates, and the general deforma- Its topographic prominence in the landscape and that of the modern Snake River Plain. Using tion history of the Yakima folds remain debated proximity to infrastructure make it an ideal tar- new slip rates and structural constraints, we and are of critical importance to earthquake haz- get for geologic investigation and hazard assess- ard assessment for nearby infrastructure, such ment. The majority of the Yakima fold province †lstaisch@usgs .gov as the Hanford Site, a large nuclear waste fa- is composed of the Miocene Columbia River GSA Bulletin; Month/Month 2016; v. 128; no. X/X; p. 1–27; https://doi.org/10.1130/B31783.1; 17 figures; 2 tables; Data Repository item 2017325.; published online XX Month 2016. For permission to copy, contact [email protected] Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 1 © 2017 Geological Society of America Staisch et al. 121.0° W 120.0° W 119.0° W Kilometers EP 0315 060 YFP NAP JDFP PP GP Co l Kittitas umbia Valley 47.0° Ellensburg R FH FIGURE 12 iver N SAFZ MR BM Active volcanoes FIGURE 2 Cascadian Other YC Othello Seismic line Population SG TTaauntounton UR Saddle Mountains Strain boundary center Earthquakes Borehole sites 2.0–3.0 White Bluf Ringold sites 3.0–4.0 ton River fs Major dams 4.0–5.0 Tie Thrust fault Elevation YR Strike-slip Yakima nuclearHanfor fault 46.5° 0 3 km res d ervatio AR n N Yakima Rive RH Yakima Valley r Snake Mount Adams TR River Tri-Cities HHH Figure 1. Regional map of the Yakima fold province, with inset showing the tectonic setting in the western United States for reference. Ab- breviations on inset: PP—Pacific plate, NAP—North American plate, EP—Explorer plate, GP—Gorda plate, JDFP—Juan de Fuca plate, and SAFZ—San Andreas fault zone; YFP—Yakima fold province. Abbreviations on map: MR—Manastash Ridge, UR—Umtanum Ridge, YR—Yakima Ridge, AR—Ahtanum Ridge, TR—Toppenish Ridge, FH—Frenchman Hills, RH—Rattlesnake Hills, HHH—Horse Heaven Hills, BM—Boyleston Mountains, SG—Sentinel Gap, and YC—Yakima Canyon. Digital elevation model (DEM), and hillshade derivative, is from 10-m-resolution U.S. Geological Survey national map database (ned .usgs .gov). Active fault locations are from the U.S. Geological Survey Quater- nary Fault database (earthquake .usgs .gov /hazards /qfaults). Earthquake locations and magnitudes are from the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) earthquake catalog (http:// www .quake .geo .berkeley .edu /anss /catalog -search .html). Borehole site locations are from Czajkowski et al. (2012). Strain boundary locations are from McCaffrey et al. (2016). The location of Figure 2 is indicated by a thick black outline. Basalt Group, much of which has been stripped In this work, we examined the Ringold evaluated spatial and temporal changes in the of less-consolidated suprabasaltic strata by Formation and the magnitude of deformation deformation rate along the Saddle Mountains catastrophic Pleistocene flooding. However, the of the Saddle Mountains anticline to recon- anticline by measuring the offset along vari- Saddle Mountains anticline is unique among the struct the chronology of deformation in central ably deformed marker beds. In addition, we Yakima folds in that the post–Columbia River Washington. To establish the sedimentological constructed two new balanced cross sections, Basalt Group Ringold Formation (Packer and response to deformation along the anticline, we further constrained by modeling of high-reso- Johnson, 1979; Repenning, 1987; Morgan and measured the stratigraphy in the hanging wall lution magnetic anomaly data, to document Morgan, 1995) is preserved in the hanging wall and footwall of the Saddle Mountains fault, the magnitude of shortening and along-strike and footwall of the exposed Saddle Mountains dated interbedded tephra using U-Pb zircon structural variability. Finally, we used these fault (Reidel, 1988). The preservation of these geochronology, dated variably deformed petro- new constraints on the structure and deforma- terrestrial strata allows for expansion of the calcic horizons using U-series geochronology, tion rates of the Saddle Mountains anti cline Saddle Mountains anticline deformation history and determined the source of strata
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