Every Reader RARITAN TOWNSHIP The Beacon of the Beacon should keep in mind that *avitea new* articles and expressions the advertisements carry as much jf opinions on timely subjects from our "punch" as the news articles. Every readers. We welcome all such contri- advertiser has a mesaaje for tho re»d- era and use* this medium because bt butions and wilt publish thwn as fir knows the readers desire to keep as possible. But, It is very important abreast of every advantaee u well « that all correspondence ba signed by know what's eolnj on. the writer. uThe Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. II.—No. 16 AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 11, 1937. PRICE THREE CENTS The ALLYN PETERSEN ERRING HUSBAND Big s By Little Ones COMBINED FIRE COMPANIES AND RAMBLING AGAIN PRESIDENT MUST GIVE WIFE EXEMPT FIREMEN TO CONDUCT REPORTER \1& '7 ? -Says: OF FORDS LIONS ENTIRLJALARY ] MEMORIAL SERVICES HERE SUN. "It is impossible to miss ENTIRE SLATE OF OFFICERS WILL GET ALLOWANCE OF f - >L 4. ^^mW$ ^W^ iftt Various Groups To Assemble At Forda Firehouse At 7 P. the fact that the Demo- REELECTED FOR AN- 2 5 CENTS DAILY AND 5 0 . "I M. Parade Will Wind Through Business District Before cratic party, so united in OTHER TERM CENTS ON SUNDAYS Going To Church For Services In Honor of Deceased 1932 and so overwhelm- T-^A^JI- it --i FORDS.—At the annual election HOPELAWN. — Judge Arthur Firemen. ingly triumphant in 193G of officers held Monday night at is now split stem to stern," Brown has found a new method to Thomsen's hall by the Fords deal with husbands who drink up wrote Frank Kent recent- Lions Club, Allyn Petersen was re- their weekly salary and fail to Police Escort To Head Parade ly in a syndicated column. elected president of the organiza- support their wives. In an effort to Most of the other political tion. combat a situation that has given FORDS.—The combined fire companies and Exempt commentators have also The nominating committee, con- him some concern, he is ordering Firemen's Association of Fords, Keasbey and Hopelawn, the husbands in the cases to turn will conduct their annual memorial services for departed been discussing this situa- heir pay envelopes over to their tion* •% wives who in turn will give their members Sunday night at Our Redeemer's Lutheran husbands "spending money." church here. Superficially, cause of RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Pic- Clerk Woodward, Mayor Walter C.! treme right blocked out by files. the split was the judicial Albert Majeski, of 137 Ellen tured above are the youthful town Christensen and the youthful may- The entire group will assemble at the Fords fire- street, Hopelawn, was fined five With backs to camera, reading left reorganization proposal ship officials, aided and abetted or for the evening, Elizabeth Han- to right, are: Township Engineer house at 7 o'clock and will parade to the church. by his wife with non-support and by the commissioners, administer- sen; Vivian Brinkman, township In the lead will be the three which alienated many being under the influence of li- Gillis, Louis Shipman, as commis- ing municipal business Tuesday j attorney, and Township Attorney fire chiefs: Robert Jogan, of Fords, Democratic senators and quor, is to turn over his entire sal- .night at the town hall. Seated at f sioner and Commissioner Victor Joseph Naylor of Keasbey and representatives from the ary to his wife. Mrs. Majeski will \uth e tableI u, , lef«t t*o rightZ , facin4-l-niZg the.Thoma s Hansen.-,,-; Renee, Braunstein Pedersen; Commissioner Julius John Sabo, of Hopelawn. COMMITTEE MAY then give her husband 25 cents on camera are: John Powell (hand o as commissioner and Commission- Engel and Michael Skibo as com- administration. But th e weekdays and 50 cents on Sun- Following the chiefs will be the matter goes deeper than face), township clerk; Township er James Forgione are at the ex- missioner. Fife and Drum Corps of the Me- days. jtuchen Fire Company, the Ladies' that. A split has been Vandal Orawski, of 96 Juliette (Auxiliary of the Keasbey Protec- STUDY FIGURES brewing for a long time— stret, Hopelawn, was fined five Bravo! jtion Fire Company, the Keasbey even before the last elec- dollars for being drunk and dis- ALEXANDER ASKS — • ^ .^—^ TOWNSHIP UNDER firemen, the members of the Hope- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — tion. Congressmen were orderly and was, ordered to give lawn fire company, the Fords de- ON PAY RETURNS his wife his pay envelope each Classifed as an extremely : part merit and all the Exempts. becoming restive, though week. Mrs. Orawski is to give her dangerous character, Thomas BOARD TO MEET TO DIS- CONTROL OF 8TH i With a police escort, the group CUSS 20 PERCENT they didn't say so public- husband a two dollar weekly al- REPAIRS TO 2NDRudolph, 42, colored, of 96 [Will march from the firehouse up ly, under what they re- lowance. Howard street, Newark, es- ,Third street, Fifth street, Ford RETURN Samuel Perkell, of 44 Howard caped inmate of the State avenue to New Brunswick avenue, garded as too much boss- street, Hopelawn, did not fare so Home for Epileptics at Skill- GRADE STUDENTS to Hornsby street, Maxwell ave- WOODBRIBGE. •- With the ing. They were losing their well. On the complaint of his wife, DISTRJGIJOADS man, was apprehended by Rari nue and along King George's road Bard of Education fiscal year liking for having major Perkell, a WPA worker, was sent FORDS COMMITTEEMAN IN tan township police shortly YOUTHFUL COMMISSIONERS to the church. reaching its end on June 30, at- bills written by presiden- J. Allyn Petersen to the county workhouse for 60 HEATED FIGHT TO HAVE after midnight Tuesday. CONDUCT ALL BUSINESS Rev. R. Schlotter will deliver the days. Perkell, who has a police re- Officers Clarence McKay tetnion is agai,n focused on tial advisors with minor sisting of Howard Sharp, Frank LOCAL ROADS FIXED FOR ONE DAY sermon. Following the services, the whether or not the Township com cord, was charged with ill-treating and Albert Loblein made the will march back to te lo- official jobs instead of by Dunham and Ernest Link, recom- his wife. FORDS. — Strong demands for arrest at the corner of Route • • j group mittee and the Board of Education mended that "In view of the splen re- will return the entire 20 percent senators or representa- oil on dusty streets and repairs for 25 and Woodbridge avenue, RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Thejcal fire headquarters where tives. They began to frown did progress made by the club following Rudolph's suspicious destinies of Raritan Township freshments will be served. pay cuts to their employees. during the past year, all existing rutty thoroughfares were made An invitation to the services is at White House "must" actions. were in the .hands of an array of J , , „ Board members, interviewed officers be retained for another upon the Township Committee at ,,F , . ... , . , , extended to the public and par- last night, said no decision had Rudolph made his escape youthful eighth grade students ticularIy to the families of orders. term." RELIEF LOAD IS a meeting held Monday night at . de- been reached. Maurice P. Duni- the Memorial Municipal building. from the Skillman institution Tuesday, but all reports have it' ceased firemen. gan, president of the board, is out It is likely that if the As a result the club also re- at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night. that business went on smoothly, The committee in charge con- elected the following officers: J. * Committeeman Charles A. Alex- ul" town for the weekend but it is Republicans had made LOWER DECLARES ander submitted petitions in be- A state-wide radio flash was and without error. sists of Fire Chiefs Jogan, Sabo expected that a meeting will be Wesley Liddle, vice president; sent out and it was through and any kind of a showing in Charles J. Alexander, secretary; R. half of residents of Fords avenue, The one-day municipal admin- Naylor; Leon Jeglinski, of held on his return. 1936, the Democratic split Fords and Florida Grove ro^id, this channel that the arrest istration was the closing program'01 Keasbey and Joseph Dambach, Evidently ihc Township is taking L. Predmore, treasurer; H. W. Mun followed. would never had occurred. day ,tail twister; A. J. Lund, Lion JOHN WOWSER Keasbey Heights. The residents on of the township's annual Safety Jr., of the Exempts' Association. the matter seriously too. Although, Tamer, and Leon Ferbel and Hans the former street demanded oil to Day, time and time again, Committee- When a party's majority is FORMER WPA EMPLOYEES eliminate the dusty condition. Re- Elizabeth Hansen, Piscataway- man Fred Spencer has said that slim and the going is hard, i Jensen, board of directors. MUST BE INVESTIGATED ] The two new members recently cently, the Board of Freeholders SCHOOLBODY IS town school, was the honorable BRILLIANT CATCH the municipality is not in financial it sticks together from i admitted into membership were BEFORE GIVEN RELIEF turned down the Township's pro- mayor, replacing Mayor Walter C. shape to return the entire pay cut, sheer .necessity. But now, position that it take over Ford Christensen for the day. it is known that Township Treas- I welcomed by the president. Ed- avenue as a county road. urer O. J. Morgenson is prepar- with Republican represen- • ward Seyler. and Robert. Mulvaney WOODBRIDGE.—Relief cases Other officials were; Louis Ship in the Township are gradually dim Alexander pointed out that Ford KEPT BUSY WITH man, Piscatawaytown school, for MADE BY LOCAL ing a statement for the committee tation in both branches at are the two new members.
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