Magnon-squeezing as a niche of quantum magnonics Akashdeep Kamra,1, 2, a) Wolfgang Belzig,3 and Arne Brataas1 1)Center for Quantum Spintronics, Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway 2)Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, USA 3)Department of Physics, University of Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany The spin excitations of ordered magnets - magnons - mediate transport in magnetic insulators. Their bosonic nature makes them qualitatively distinct from electrons. These features include quantum properties tradition- ally realized with photons. In this perspective, we present an intuitive discussion of one such phenomenon. Equilibrium magnon-squeezing manifests unique advantageous with magnons as compared to photons, in- cluding properties such as entanglement. Building upon the recent progress in the fields of spintronics and quantum optics, we outline challenges and opportunities in this emerging field of quantum magnonics. The spin excitations of ordered magnets, broadly called We find it convenient to introduce the equilibrium \magnons", carry spin information1{8 and offer a viable magnon-squeezing physics first and later place it in the path towards low-dissipation, unconventional comput- context of the more mature and widely known nonequi- ing paradigms. Their bosonic nature enables realizing librium squeezing phenomenon28,29,31,32. Magnons in a and exploiting phenomena not admitted by electrons9{15. ferromagnet admit single-mode squeezing mediated by The field of \magnonics" has made rapid progress to- the relatively weak spin-nonconserving interactions16,17, wards fundamental physics as well as potential applica- thereby providing an apt start of the discussion. Anti- tions in the recent years1,4,5. Several studies have also ferromagnetic modes manifest large two-mode squeezing, emphasized the quantum nature of magnon quasiparti- mediated by the strong exchange interaction17,18, and are cles resulting in the spin-off entitled \quantum magnon- discussed next. Together, these understandings open av- ics". In this perspective, we outline some recent insights enues towards exploiting quantum phenomena in \classi- and emerged opportunities focusing on the specific topic cally ordered" magnets. 16{19 of equilibrium magnon-squeezing . There are many Consider a uniformly ordered ferromagnetic ground 20{24 other exciting advancements in the field that we will state with all the spins pointing along z direction. A spin not discuss further here. An overview of these can be flip at one of the lattice sites may be seen as a spin − 25,26 ~ found in recent review articles . Since the termi- quasiparticle - magnon - superimposed on the perfectly nology - quantum vs. classical - sometimes depends on ordered ground state. In the absence of an anisotropy the criterion chosen, we briefly mention the latter as a in the x-y plane, such quasiparticles delocalized in the footnote at appropriate places while employing the term form of plane waves with wavevectors labeled k consti- \quantum" in our discussion. tute the eigen excitations. We focus on the spatially uni- 27 A brief comparison between the fields of quantum form mode corresponding to k = 0 that describes the sum 28,29 optics and magnonics is in order, since the ideas to over all spins in the ferromagnet. As per Heisenberg un- be discussed here take inspiration from the former field. certainty relation, the total spin in the ferromagnet may While photons and magnons are bosonic excitations de- not point exactly along the z-direction since that would scribed by similar theoretical toolboxes, crucial differ- entail a vanishing uncertainty in both the transverse (x ences in their physical properties make them complemen- and y) spin components. The latter is not allowed by tary in terms of experimental platforms and parameter the Heisenberg principle as the operators for Sx and Sy regimes. We limit the discussion here to only two of these do not commute. Thus, even in the ground state, the distinctions. First, long optical wavelengths make pho- total spin manifests quantum33 fluctuations and a cor- tons suitable for large systems while magnons fit in on- responding uncertainty region schematically depicted in chip nanodevices. Second, photons need external matter Fig. 1 (a), right panel. The corresponding wavefunctions to mediate interactions between them, while magnons are for the ground state and eigenmode - magnon - are de- intrinsically interacting. A corollary is that photons have picted in Fig. 1 (b) and (c) on the right. much longer coherence lengths, while magnons provide a arXiv:2008.13536v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 31 Aug 2020 Now let us include an anisotropy that levies a larger compact platform for quantum30 effects and manipula- energy cost on the y, as compared to the x, component tion via interactions. This latter point partly allows the of the total spin34. As a result, the system adapts its unique niche of magnon-squeezing to be discussed here. ground-state quantum fluctuations into an ellipse (Fig. 1 In essence, the two fields are complementary and can gain (a), left panel). In this way, it minimizes its energy while from each other. obeying the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which only constraints the area of the uncertainty region and not the shape. The corresponding ground state wavefunc- tion (Fig. 1 (b), left) is constituted by a superposition a)Electronic mail: [email protected] of the even magnon-number Fock states28,29 and is re- 2 the corresponding ground state [Fig. 1 (b)] and eigenexci- tation [Fig. 1 (c)]16. The anisotropies arise from dipolar (a) or spin-orbit interaction, thereby mediating an effective coupling between magnons required for squeezing17. The effect and importance of anisotropies diminishes with in- creasing eigenmode frequency and can become relatively weak. Specifically, the noninteger average spin ∗ of the (b) ~ squeezed-magnon16,17 corresponding to the Kittel mode is & ~ since the x-y plane anisotropy contribution is typ- ically important. This increase in spin arises from the (c) quantum39 superposition of odd magnon-number states that describes the excitation as depicted in Fig. 1 (c). FIG. 1. Schematic depiction of the spatially uniform ferro- The average spin approaches ~ as the eigen excitation magnetic vacuum and magnon mode in the presence (left) frequency significantly exceeds the anisotropy contribu- 40 and absence (right) of anisotropy in the transverse (x-y) plane. tion . The ensuing relation between squeezed (left) and unsqueezed There are several key differences in antiferromagnets, (right) modes is also depicted. (a) Heisenberg uncertainty re- one being that the strong exchange interaction, and not gion in the ferromagnetic ground state saturated along the anisotropy, causes squeezing18. Consider a bipartite an- z-axis. The anisotropy in the x-y plane (left panel) causes tiferromagnet in its N´eelordered state such that all spins ellipticity to minimize energy. Schematic depiction of the on A (B) sublattice point along (against) z-direction. We (b) ground state and (c) magnon-mode wavefunctions for 17 squeezed (left) and unsqueezed (right) ferromagnets related disregard anisotropies and \turn off" the antiferromag- by the squeeze operator S(r). An empty ket and a double ar- netic exchange for the moment. The two sublattices are row respectively denote a fully saturated ferromagnet and a then equivalent to two isotropic ferromagnets with spins spin-~ magnon, which become the ground state and eigenex- oriented antiparallel to each other. The eigenmodes are citation in the isotropic case (right). spin-down and spin-up magnons residing on sublattice A (red in Fig. 2) and B (blue in Fig. 2), respectively. As per the Heisenberg uncertainty relation for the total spin (k = 0 mode) on each sublattice, the quantum fluctua- lated to the magnon vacuum via the so-called single mode tions in the ground state are now circular in both phase squeeze operator S(r)16. Here, r is the so-called squeeze spaces [Fig. 2 (a)]. The total spins on the two sublattices parameter determined for the case at hand by the trans- S A and S B fluctuate independently, which corresponds verse (x-y) anisotropy. Naively, one can expect the cor- to no magnons on either of the sublattices in the ground responding excitation (Fig. 1 (c), left) to be obtained by state. superimposing an additional spin flip (magnon) on the Now let us \turn on" the antiferromagnetic exchange vacuum35,36 [compare Fig. 1 (b) and (c)]. The resulting which forces the spins to remain antiparallel. The uncor- eigenexcitation is correspondingly related to the magnon related quantum fluctuations of S A and S B would cost wavefunction via the squeeze operator [Fig. 1 (c)] and is high energy now as fluctuating independently, S A is not 16 therefore termed squeezed-magnon . always antiparallel to S B. Thus, mediated by the strong The uncertainty region ellipticity, depicted in exchange interaction, S A now fluctuates while maintain- Fig. 1 (a), represents a phenomenon distinct from the ing its antiparallel direction with respect to S B. The spin precession ellipticity in the Landau-Lifshitz phe- system minimizes its energy, while obeying the Heisen- nomenology. The former pertains to the shape of the berg rule, by bestowing quantum41 correlated noise to quantum fluctuations around the average spin direction, S A and S B, which individually maintain circular un- while the latter describes the trajectory of the average certainty regions [Fig. 2 (a)]. The squeezing now takes 9,37,38 spin in a coherent excited state . While determined place in the phase space constituted by SAx + SBx and 18 by the same anisotropies for the case at hand, their man- SAy − SBy , as depicted in Fig. 2 (b). Distinct from the ifestations and dependencies differ. The squeeze param- ferromagnet k = 0 case, the ground state here is two- eter r (> 0) captures the degree of squeezing and the mode squeezed where the participating modes are the concomitant quantum effects, such as superposition and spin-down and spin-up magnons residing on sublattices entanglement.
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