1937 CONGRESSIONAL-RECORD-HOUSE 2025 Thomas A. Gianella, Marysville. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fred R. carpenter, Middletown. GEORGIA TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1937 Raymond G. Hudson, Blue Ridge. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Jesse W. Mundy, Jonesboro. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D .• MASSACHUSETTS offered the following prayer: Thomas D. cUdihy, Marblehead. As we wait in this place of prayer, our Father, we trust Owen W. Gallagher, North Abington. that our grateful emotions are too deep for adequate expres .. Patrick J. McCarthy, Turners. Falls. sian. We give thanks to Thee, blessed Lord God, for Thou Stephen C. Luce, Vineyard Haven. dost remember us on our low estate; Thou givest grace and MICHIGAN glory and withholdeth no good thing. Oh, may Thy praise Enos C. Cole, Fowlerville. be continually in our hearts. We pray that Thy thoughts Emory M. Grilley, Grant. may be our thoughts and Thy ways our ways. Grant that Harry W. Denham, Litchfield. we may be potent factors in the extension of Thy kingdom, Wavial H. Howard, Marion. and hasten the time when men shall understand that "to be Henry E. Murpqy, Pinckney. carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life . Roy M. Gillies, West Branch. and peace.'~ Encompass us with that heavenly charity which recognizes in our brethren the good, and darken the eyes NEBRASKA that -see nothing but imperfection and failure. Unveil the Arthur M. Hart, Burchard. cross and may we behold Him, and help us to live in the Cyril John Dendinger, Hartington. spirit of adoring wonder, praise, and consecration. In His NEW MEXICO name. Amen. Alice L. Huff, Silver City. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and 1 NORTH DAKOTA approved. Sigrid Vick, Sheyenne. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OXLAHOMA A message in writing from the President of the United Lewis E. Sloan, Alex. States was communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of Otis E. Cox, Barnsdall. his seCTetaries, who also informed the House that on the JohnS. Dawson, Bennington. following dates the President approved and signed bills and Brown King, Britton. a joint resolution of the House of the following titles: Roy C. Grider, Byars. On March 1, 1937: LeRoy Parrish, Comanche. H. R. 824. An act for the relief of James Luker, Sr.; Ralph Ownby, Durant. H. R. 2518.· An act to provide for retirement of Justices of Forrest Thomas, Jr., Healdton. the Supreme Court; and Lawson Race, Hunter. H. J. Res. 96. Joint resolution to extend the authority of Willie F. Co-wan, Jennings. the President under section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as John Stewart Keller, Lexington. amended. Walter G. McGiamel'Yf Mooreland On March 5, 1937: Walter G. Baustert, Okeene. H. R. 4609. An act to authorize the purchase and distribu­ William Thomas Whittenburg, Skiatook. tion of products of the fishing industry. Alfred Claude Davis, Woodward. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE PENNSYLVANIA A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative William M. Grumbine, Annville. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed without amend­ Edward Aloysius O'Donnell, Beaverdale. ; ment a joint resolution of the House of the following title: Alvin E. Moon, Blawnox. H. J.Res. 252. Joint resolution to aid in defraying the ex­ Eugene C. Wonder, Chalfont. penses of the International Labor Office incident to holding Joseph R. Thurston, Factoryville. its Technical Tripartite Textile Conference .. Frederic W. Moser, Greenville. UNITED STATES-PHILIPPINE TRADE Abraham H. Scholl, Harleysville~ • < Ralph B. McQuistion, Harmony. " Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, by direction of the Com­ Harry W. Fee, Indiana. mittee on Ways and Means, I present a privileged resolution Frank E. Neumeyer, Macungie. (H. Res. 145), and I ask unanimous consent that the resolu­ Francis J. Kelly, Mansfield. tion and the accompanying report be read. Edwin F. Fox, Mertztown. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Catherine G. Hauer, Mount Gretna.· There was ·no objection. The Clerk read as follows: Lester C. Trauger, Perkasie. ~ Joseph A. Kelly, Roslyn. House Resolution 145 Mary S. Anderson, Royersford. Resolved~ That the President of the United States be, and he George S. McCurdy, Scottdale. Is hereby, requested to report to the House of Representatives, for its information, if not incompatible with public interests, all of Russell R. Lindsley, Smethport. the facts within the knowledge of th~ Tariff Commission relating Charles S. Doyle, South Langhorne. to (1) the expenses involved in gathering information, data, sta­ tistics, etc., in the Philippine Islands for the recently issued Tarilf Homer F. Eshelman, Summerville.' Commission publication-"United States-Philippine Trade", iden­ Burnett W. Weber, Sykesville. tified as report 118, second series; (2) whether any part of the Ernest B. Wolf, Telford. expenses involved in gathering information contained in said re­ George C. Rohland, West Newton. port was paid in whole or part by any person, firm, corporation, or organization other than the Ta.ri.1I Commission and if funds for SOUTH CAROLINA any part of said report were furnished by any other. source than Grady R. Hogue, Blacksburg. the Tariff Commisison that the source of such funds be stated together with the amount of financial assistance contributed; (3) TEXAS the names of those participating in the gathering of the informa­ tion contained in said report whether in the employ of the Tariff Jay H. Riley, Canton. Commission or in the employ of a firm, corporation, or organiza­ Thomas H. McCarty, Lawn. tion, and the names of those voluntarily participating; (4) Leo C. Neutzler, Nordheim. whether public hearings were held at which interested parties in Ethel B. Friend, Rockport. the United States as well as in the Philippine Islands had an op­ portunity to present factual information and testimony upon Wade H. Taylor, Seminary HilL . Which the conclusions set- forth in the report ma.y have been Carlos S. Baker, Sr., Stockdale. based. J . 2026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 9 The Committee on Ways and. Means, to whom was referred the give security. They have no other assets, and it is impos­ resolution (H. Res. 145) to request the President of the United States to furnish the House of Representatives information within sible under present regulations for them to get loans. the knowledge of the Tartif Commission relating to expense, and Mr. RICH. We are making P. W. A. grants and all kinds names of those participating in gathering information involved of grants to the farmers and others. I thought the farmers in the publication by the Tariff Commission entitled "United St ates-Philippine Trade", having had the same under considera­ were in pretty good shape. The gentleman evidently thinks tion, report it back to the House and recommend that the resolu­ they are not? tion do not pass. Mr. LUCKEY of Nebraska. No; they are not. Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I move that the resolution be Mr. RICH. I think from Mr. Green's statement of the laid on the table. number of people unemployed, things are getting worse; and The motion was agreed to. if you will look at the statement of the Treasury, you will A motion to reconsider the vote by which the motion was find that we are $16,000,000,000 more in debt than when passed was laid on the table. this administration came into office. EXTENSION OF REMARKS Mr. LUCKEY of Nebraska. We want these farmers to carry on on their farms. In order to do that we must Mr. PIERCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to liberalize the rules under which these loans are made. extend my own remarks in the RECORD and include therein Mr. RICH. In other words, the gentleman wants more . an address by Hon. JoHN E. RANKIN, of Mississippi, delivered gratuities given? at the National Conference of the Lawyers' Guild in Wash­ Mr. LUCKEY of Nebraska. No; not gratuities. ington, D. C. The SPEAKER. The time of the gentleman from Ne­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the braska has exp~ed. gentleman from Oregon? There was no objection. REGULATION OF BITUMINOUS COAL IN INTERSTATE COMMERCE SEED LOANS TO FARMERS Mr. GREENWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I call up House Reso­ lution 146 and ask for its immediate consideration; and, Mr. LUCKEY of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous pending that, I yield one-half the time to the gentleman from consent to address the House for 5 minutes. Massachusetts [Mr. MARTIN]. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the The Clerk read as follows: gentleman from Nebraska? Mr. GREENWOOD. Reserving the right to object, Mr. House Resolution 148 Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in Speaker, this morning has been set aside for the considera­ order to move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of tion of the coal bill. I will not object to this request, bu~ I the Whole House on the state of the Union for the consideration of must object to any fUrther ones. H. R. 4985, a bill to regulate interstate commerce in bituminous Mr. LUCKEY of Nebraska. This is only a short letter coal, and for other purposes, and all points of order against said bill are hereby waived. That after general debate, which shall be that I want to read. confined to the bill and continue not to exceed 4 hours, to be The SPEAKER. Is there objection? equally divi~ed and controlled by the chairman and ranking minor­ There was no objection. ity member of the Committee on Ways .and Means, the b111 shall be read for amendment under the 5-minute rule. At the conclusion Mr. LUCKEY of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, I want to read a of the reading of the b111 for amendment, the Committee shall rise letter that I received from the Chamber of Commerce of and report the same to the House with such amendments as may Lincoln, Nebr., on yesterday.
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