Hamilton 1» a heavy favorite to defeat Lester in a clash Tf**- * don't expect too much trouble. Two important games are scheduled for next week with the way as they have predicted if they can get the ¿¿pd/sr scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. tonight (Thursday) at Melrose Last night (Wednesday) at Melrose Stadium, Manassas Bertrand meeting the revitalized Warriors at BTW Stadium breaks against Manassas and Washington and can avoid th».'7 Stadium. was scheduled to open defense of its championship against on Wednesday night, Sept. 20, and Douglass going against "Big Head". League observers now see the team» fin In the game scheduled for tomorrow night (Friday) be­ the always-strong Melrose Golden Wildcats in the "game of the Manassas Tigers Friday night, Sept. 22, at Melrose Stad­ this way: (1) Douglass; (2) Manassa»; (3) Washin -t ginning at 8, the Carver Cobras will begin their first foot­ the week" at Melrose Stadium. The Tigers were slight favor­ ium in what some fans say will be the "championship game." Melrose; (5) Bertrand; (6) Hamilton; (7) Carver gtyi ball season against the Washington Warriors. The Warriors ites. '¡7 1 1 ----------------w u ! 7------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- ,--------------------- As it looks now, the Red Devils have the power to go all ol' dependable Lester. * Union Protective In emphi 28th Anniversary M 7 »■'’ Union Protective life Insurance Company at 368 Beale will VOLUME 30, NUMBER 14 observe its 28th anniversary this Sunday, Sept. 17, during the MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1961 regular 11 o'clock services at Cummings Street Baptist Church, Program Sunday T A’"'-1 1220 Cummings. The Rev. W. L. Varnado, pastor of the church, will preach Al Cummings Si. the anniversary sermon. He is one of the insurance company's stockholders. Baplisl Church Lewis H. Twigg, president of Hits Segregated Union Protective, will offer re- marks, and two of the company of­ ficials, H. J. Whalum and Mrs. Juanita Stanback, will render a Sealing Plan For musical selection. This years anniversary is geared around the managers of Union Protective’s four branch offices In Cage Game, Oct. 8 Memphis and these men are offer­ >• ■ ing a special invitation to all The NAACP's Memphis Branch i of their friends to attend the spe­ this week took action to erase cial services Sunday morning at the racially segregated seating Cumflngs Street Baptist Church. plans for the St. Louis Hawks- In paying tribute to the four I branch office managers, President Cincinnati Royals basketball Twigg said: "These men are the game here in the City Auditor­ generals In the field. They are the ium, Oct. 8. men, along with officers of the The game is being sponsored by Negro company, who are extending an in­ the East Memphis Sertoma Club of vitation to all to be present to which D. C. Nance Is president. WOMAN, 2 CHILDREN CHEAT DEATH help us commemorate this occas­ Executive Secretary Maxine ion.". Smith revealed that NAACP pro­ Robert Lee Rankins is manager test letters over the signature of of the Central Branch at 366 Beale President Jesse H. Turner have ROBERT L. RANKIN'S JOHN E. ROACH John E. Roach, manager of the been sent to the owners of both East Memphis Branch at 2364 Park teams. Avenue; Ernest W. Riley, manager "After checking with the presi­ of the South Memphis Branch at dent of the East Sertoma Club, Neither Russell 3. Sugarrngn, 382 Outer Parkway., and Rufus sponsoring organization of a jfeas- , nor A. W. Willis, Jr.,' will Jones, manager of the North Mem­ ketball game between the St. Louis run for Congress in n»xt,jfflBf*» phis Branch at 2167 Chelsea. Hawks and the Cincinnati Royals Officials of Union Protective, scheduled to be played in Memphis Democratic primary. founded in 1933 by the late H. on October 8, 1961, at the munici­ Both of the yoyng qtttfftjwt David Whalum proudly boasts that pally owned auditorium, we were and defenders of human Hgm» the company was "born on a song informed that the seating arrange­ made it known this week that and a prayer." The firm now has ment would be on a racially seg­ they have no idea» of assets totaling more than two regated basis,” the letter read. million dollars. "There is no city ordinance spiking rumprs vfhieh fl|tt«l Union Protective has out-of-town which requires segregated seating through the Bluff Cltyfand branch offices in Nashville, Chat­ at the City Auditorium. The matter by County last week. , tanooga. Knoxville and Jackson, Is left entirely to the sponsoring And, it is hardly likely that W Tenn., and In 8t. Louis, Mo. organization. We feel certain that other Negro will enter the . , rec» Officers of Union Protective are: an organization of the statue of the because, as political observers ■ pdf Lewis Hl Twigg, president; T. H. Hawks or the Royals would not dt, a Negro in the pkfture would Hayes Jr., secretary; H. J. Whalum knowingly become involved in a onlv muddy the water. '■ '; •/ J- vice president actuary; O. 0. segregated affair. Three whiti oandideKa are'-W Horne, treasurer; Dr. W. 0. Speight "The Negro community has a pected to throw their hats in th* Jr., medical/director; 0. T. Turner, considerable amount of interest in ring pretty * “ ' ' agency ¿director; Dr. W. 0. Speight this game, and js hopeful that the Cliff Davl»; matter of Segregated «Sating" can Sr., juice qrcatdent; a.M. -Woods, professor »f be straightened odt. We ag^ re­ vice president; far. c. M. Roulhac, State Senator Lewis Tahafarro assistant medical director: Mrs. questing that ytou use your influ­ ence with the sponsoring organiza­ ERNEST W. RILEY Juanita w. stanbhek, UMslant sec­ An tion, East Memphis Sertoma Club, retary In charge of claims, and W. would be more than hi to make certain that the seating Willie Kelly 01» At 74 W. Russell, associate director of the big Negro rote but ___ agencies. will not be segregated." there's a chance he won't . A recent attraction al the audi­ So, u political observers pi Union Protective is one of the torium, featuring Ray Charles was the white candidates wi strongest business concerns in the conducted on a non-segregated ba­ (Continued on Page State of Tennessee. It gives em­ sis and more than 3,00o persons ployment to more than 100 persons sat together without incident. and has released thousands of policy holders. DOWN THE HILL - This is where the 1955 Pon­ cutting a 60-fool path through trees. Mrs. Poag 700 Coming Here was enroute home from church when the acci­ Given final Rites Carla’s Records tiac came to rest after racing downhill last Sun­ day morning. Mrs. Julia Poag of 1310 Hemlock dent happened. Two young girls were in the Willie Kelly, 74, a retired blacksmith, was buried Thursday lost control of the car when she turned off S. car with her. Only one of the children received Gel Top Airing morning In New P^rk Cemetery following funeral services which For Welfare Neel Bellevue into Warren and went over the hill, bruises. — (Campbell's Photo) ' An enrollment of iM» and 600 is expected during were held from Shady Grove Baptist Church. The Reverends J. W. WHB’s Official Big 56 Survey Approximately 700 persons from tration period this u ........ rated Carla (Gee Whiz) Thomas’ 10 states will gather in Memphis Hardaway and J. C. Clark officiated, with T. H. Hayes & Sons in Moyne college, accor latest record, "In Your Spare Time" for the annual Southeast Region­ registrar, Mr». Marg charge of arrangements. in the 44th spot for the week be­ al Conference of the American McWilliams. 4 Mr. Kelly resided with his daugh­ ginning Sept. 8. The disc was in the Public Welfare Association to be Near-Fatal A heavy freshman enr ter, Mrs. Willie Mae Hudson, at 325 Deadline Is Near For 42nd slot the week beginning Sept. held at Hotel Peabody, Sept. IT- been predicted by the dian of her husband, John Hudson, at 325 1, and was 46th the week beginning 20. college, Dr. Jloyd L. Bass/ ... Walker Avenue. Mr. Hudson oper­ National Teacher Exams Aug. 25. In announcing the program Mrs. ates the Hudson Hotel at 196 W. Friday. Sept. 15. is registration Carla's "Your Love" was No. 11 LeMoyne Wgan HsWyMYMw C. Frank Scott, commissioner of day of this week when its faculty Trigg. deadline for persons planning to on WLOK’s Sept. 10 listing. Both Public Welfare and conference and staff jolted the faculty and The deceased worked at the Hud­ take the National Teachers Exam­ of the Memphis songbird’s hot hostess, said that those attending son Hotel for several years after inations at LeMoyne College on ntfmbers were cut by Atlantic. (Continued on Page Four) staff of Owen College ip a two- he gave up his blacksmith shop. Oct. 7, it was revealed this week by day retreat at Fuller Staft PMkrPiftr He operated the blacksmith shop Dr. Floyd L. Bass, dean of the col­ Nearly 500 At Celebration The joint retreat was addraatt lege. The examinations are now Monday morning by Dr. JunHai (Continued on Page Four) A woman and two children en­ required of all new teachers and Jones, dean of Southwestern--’it route to their home after attend­ prospective teachers. Applications Memphis. Serving as consnlwna as ing mass, narrowly escaped death Orange Mound Day may be secured at LeMoyne or at the two z day meeting were a few minutes before noon Bunday the Board of Education. Dana D. Johnson, Dr. G. W, 81A- Nursery In High Gear «inn the car in >vu>:h they were 23rd Anniversary iey Ish, Atty.
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