Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 11-19-1963 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1963). Winona Daily News. 427. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/427 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cambodians Don't Want U.S. Aid Thompson Lawyer PHNOW PENH, Cambodia (AP)—Thousands of cheering Cambodians' yelled their ap- proval today for Prince Noro- dom Sihanouk's plan to end all U.S. aid by the end of the year. "Go home, Yankee" posters ' ""¦ Rips. ' ¦ ¦ - Into -j Sharp bloomed as the prince, Cam- MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - De- like an accident. "fence bodia's chief of state, assem- Morris once acted as a " the murder but was told tha fense lawyer Hyam Segell On cross-examination today, to dispose of 16 or 18 stolen weapon would not work. In po- bled his supporters for a mass launched one of his sharpest Sharp agreed he had not men- watches, and that Morris rode lice statements, Segell noted, meeting. counterattacks of the T. Eugene tioned the bonus figure in 'pre- around with him as he "cased" Sharp had said the gun was Thompson murder trial today vious statements to police. burglary jobs. Siahnouk last week called for turned over to Anderson while as he tried to dent the testimony Segell's questions amounted to The defense also probed varia- Morris testified the weapon an end to the $31-inillion annual of prosecution witness Richard an all-out attack on the earlier tions in Sharp's and Morris' went first to Norman Mastrian. U.S. military and economic aid Sharp. testimony of Sheldon Morris, the versions of how the murder gun Sharp discounted some of his programs by Dec. 31 unless the Sharp had testified he was of- articulate prosecution witness got to Dick W. C, Anderson, the earlier statements: "at the time United States uses its influence fered the job of killing Mrs. who spelled out dozens of de- alleged triggerman in the slay- I made the statements I was to halt hostile radio broadcasts Thompson last March 6 and was tails of the alleged murder ar- ing. all shook up." from South Viet Nam and Thai- promised $2,000 for the job plus rangements. Sharp said Anderson had tried Sharp said he considered An- land by Cambodian r e b el a $1,000 bonus if he made it look Segell got Sharp to admit to buy the gun shortly before derson an alcoholic. Segell ask- groups. ed whether Anderson would Sihanouk charged that the sometimes go off on week-long station operated with the bless- "benders" and Sharp said SING "JESUS WANTS ME"-, . Police Matron Florence ing of U.S. authorities. Ameri- "yes'." Welshons, right, comforts two little girls who were abandoned can officials in Viet Nam have disclaimed responsibility for the Segell took apart the Luger at an automatic laundry in Des Moines. Police said the girls pistol, the alleged murder weap- only as Jani Laurj 4, broadcasts. They say they be- Barry Seems could identify themselves , 3. and , left lieve the clandestine station is on, and asked Sharp to put it to right, and said they are not sisters. While waiting to be operating inside Cambodia near together. He said he did not taken to the Polk County Juvenile Home they sang "Jesus the South Vietnamese border know how. This was an attack Wants Me For A Sunbeam." (AP Photofax ) and moves frequently. on Morris * previous testimony that the gun fell apart as Sharp Set to Run in was giving it to Mastrian, but JFK Back Washington that Sharp then restored it. in Sharp faces a burglary charge Pennsylvania in connection with theft of tha By JACK BELL pistol from a Minneapolis apart- Associated Press Staff Writer ment last Feb. 14. WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. From jigsaw bits of testimony Barry Goldwater said today he Prosecutor William Randall has Appeals to Cubans sought to fashion a detailed pic- will not call off supporters' ef- forts to enter presidential nom- ture of why and how the attrac- ination delegates in the April "$8 tive young matron, Carol Pennsylvania primary. Thompson, was slain. Pennsylvania's Republican Thompson, 35; is accused of governor, William W. Scranton , In Florida Speech instigating the bludgeon-stabbing is reportedly disturbed by the death last March 6 of his 34- move. By FRANK CORMIER only temporarily, after a hectic Kennedy, who will be taking year-old mate. But Goldwater, Arizona Re- WASHINGTON Bf AP) — Pres- Florida trip capped by an ap- off again Thursday on an equal- publican who has delayed any ident Kennedy settled back -into peal to the Cuban people to ly fast-paced Texas trip, prom- The state charges Thompson announcement of his intention his workaday routine today, but overthrow the Castro regime. ised Monday night that Ameri- entered into an arrangement to seek the party 's 1964 presi- cans will fight to block any fu- with Norman Mastrian, a for- dential nomination , said he can- ture Communist takeover in thee | THOMPSON EYED . ..Murder suspect in Minneapolis for the start of the fourth mer boxer, to find a killer. Ran- not control his supporters in the hemisphere. j T. Eugeae Thompson is eyed by some youth- week of his first degree slaying of his wife, dall said the motives were $1 million insurance on Mrs. key state of Pennsylvania which And the President said the. ful corridor spectators as he arfftes at court Carol, 34, on March 6. (AP Photofax) will have 62 votes toward the Thompson's life and Thompson'! Arrest Puzzles United States is ready to help interest in another woman. 655 needed for victory in the Cubans establish a progressive GOP nominating convention. government without fear of a Some Over-Automated Mastrian and Dick W.C. An- return to the economic and po- derson, also charged with first "I am not a candidate for the degree murder in the St. Paul presidential nomination and Yale Professor litical system of the old Batista By LEWIS GULICK his arrest may never be known. dictatorship. slaying, await trial in St. Paul. there is nothing I can do about Anderson has been named by . AP Diplomatic Writer what my friends in Pennsylvan- But at least three high-rank- Kennedy 's significant foreign the state as the actual killer. '* ia may undertake , Goldwater -WASHINGTON (AP) —State ing officials intend to question policy address climaxed a five- In testimony Monday, Richard said in an interview. Department experts question him in hopes of hitting on a speech tour of Tampa and Mi- Business Ponders L. Sharp said he introduced An- "If they want to enter dele- Yale Prof. Frederick C. Barg- clue. ' ami. derson to Mastrian and that he gates in the primary that's none hoorn today to try to unravel was present when Mastrian of- of my business. I certainly The three are Llewellyn The President's whirlwind the mystery of why Russia Thompson, former U.S. ambas- schedule was reminiscent of the fered the slaying job to Ander- won't discourage them or take jailed him on spy charges and son. any part one way or the other." sador to Moscow and now an itinerary for a political cam- sent a new chill through U.S. - adviser on East-West affairs ; paign. He will spend three days Situation Scranton, who looks with ap- less Job Sharp, speaking slowly, relat- Soviet relations, burden may not be so heavy aft- Goldwater 's un- William R. Tyler, assistant sec- touring the major cities of Tex- By DARDEN CHAMBUSS as existing plants. Many other prehension on Barghoorn , who his mother er all. ed that he himself had been of- but blossoming bid retary of State for European af- as. (AP) industrialists, he guessed, are announced said was handcuffed and "treat- fairs : and his deputy, Richard NEW YORK — The fered $2,000 by Mastrian to kill for the presidential nomination, In White House parlance. Ken- reaching a similar conclusion. "An economy as strong as ed like a jailbird" by Soviet po- H. Davis. Secretary of State head of Chrysler Corp. says his on one "a church-goer — the mother of has arranged to confer with nedy's trips to Florida and Tex- far This is fresh testimony Ours can carry the present load " He said he had lice, has declared the reason for Dean Rusk also may talk with company has gone about as whether un- ( four kids. Goldwater Wednesday. as, the South's two most popu- as it wants to go in replacing side of a debate on about ASz per cent of the labor been told the amount would be him. employment is likely to get dan- ) structur- lous states, must be classed as men with machines. force jobless without increased to $3,000 if the death Foremost on the governor's U.S. foreign policy makers gerously worse. al damage if the politicians will "nonpolitical. " However , few "We've already over-automat- was made to look accidental. mind is a wait-and-see program want to determine how to weigh observers doubted that the merely keep quiet," says Vice Mrs . Thompson, active in a for Pennsylvania's feuding Re- the scholar's case in conduct- ed in some ways," says Chrys- Recent interviews with busi- President Benjamin Stacey of mounting tempo of presidential ler President Lynn Townsend.
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