Neven Olivari • Endocrine Ophthalmopathy Endocrine Ophthalmopathy Surgical Treatment Transpalpebral Decompression by Removal of Intraorbital Fat by Neven Olivari with contributions by E. Eder, D. Richter, G. Noever, G. Deutsch and B. Stark Dr. med. Neven Olivari Professor for Plastic Surgery, University of Cologne (Ret.), Chief, Department of Plastic Surgery (Ret.) Dreifaltigkeits Krankenhaus Wesseling Hohlenberg 26 53332 Bornheim, Germany Photography: Inge Goldberg, Wesseling Drawings: Neven Olivari Translation: Douglas Fear, MA, Heidelberg Language Editing: Brian D. G. Morgan, MB FRCS, London Die Deutsche Bibliothek – CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Olivari, Neven : Endocrine ophthalmopathy : surgical treatment : transpalpebral decompression by removal of intraorbital fat / by Neven Olivari. With contrib. by E. Eder… – Heidelberg : Kaden, 2001 ISBN 3-922777-35-x © 2001 Kaden Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany Typesetting: Ch. Molter, Kaden Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany Printing: Druckhaus Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany Binding: Buchbinderei Schaumann, Darmstadt, Germany ISBN 3-922777-35-x This book is protected by copyright. Reprinting, translation, copying of illustrations, copying by means of photomechanical devices or similar, storage in data processing systems or on electronic data storage media, as well as provision of the content in the Internet or other systems of communication only with previous written permission from the publisher. Any infringement of these rights, even in the form of excerpts, is punishable by law. The advice and recommendations contained in this book have been given by the author and the publisher according to their best knowl- edge and have been carefully checked. Nonetheless, any and all responsibility on the part of the author or the publisher is expressly dis- claimed. All liabilities for damage to persons, property or other are categorically excluded. Insofar as registered trademarks, trade names, and registered names are mentioned or used in this book, these are subject to the corre- sponding protective regulations, even when not expressly identified as such. This book is dedicated to my wife Anna-Maria and my sons Alexander and Nicolas Foreword Endocrine ophthalmopathy, or Graves disease, is a strating a technique which he has pioneered and devel- condition which, over the years, has repeatedly taxed oped over many years. To many, the method and its the ingenuity of ophthalmic surgeons and a small execution has been something of a mystery. All has group of plastic surgeons interested in this condition. now been revealed in this very clear and well produced Initially the operations were technically relatively treatise. This is undoubtedly a giant step forward in the minor but with the advent of craniofacial surgery more treatment of this condition which affects so many of major procedures were developed and performed. our patients. The book must, however, be read Unfortunately, these led to only a minimal improve- extremely carefully and even after having done this I ment in results and sometimes the complications, such would advise for those who are inexperienced to prac- as diplopia, were significant and frequent. The real tice on a cadaver, if possible, using the textbook like a problem in terms of treatment was the lack of an ade- dissection manual. Those who are experienced in quate analysis of the problem. This has now been orbital surgery, of course, will not require this but they greatly helped by more sophisticated imaging tech- must follow the step-by-step instructions provided by niques such as MRI scanning together with the aid of the author. In this way good results will be obtained three-dimensional CT scanning techniques. It has and complications avoided. now become obvious that it is the increase in conal fat We must sincerely thank Neven Olivari for pro- which seems to be the most significant factor in the ducing this publication. He has done a great service to causation of this distressing deformity. orbital surgery and to the unfortunate patients who The method described by Neven Olivari, and so suffer from the problem of endocrine ophthalmopathy. beautifully presented in this book, is logical. I am sure that this will be instrumental in many Unfortunately, when it is presented or demonstrated by patients retaining their sight who otherwise would Neven Olivari, it seems simple to execute. However, at not have done so. This may be the greatest comple- that point we are watching or listening to a master sur- ment that can be applied to this account of his lifelong geon with a huge amount of experience in all aspects study of this distressing problem. of plastic surgery but particularly in the orbit, demon- Ian T. Jackson MD, DSc (Hon), FRCS, FACS, FRACS (Hon) Institute for Craniofacial and Reconstructive Surgery Southfield, Michigan, USA Foreword Endocrine orbitopathy represents one of the main tions have decisively aided many patients. The cos- challenges in the therapy of Graves’ disease, even metic results, so important for women in their social today. Although medicational and definitive treatment surroundings, are surprisingly favourable. Professor of Graves’ hyperthyreosis by means of radioactive Olivari here summarizes his many years’ experience in iodine or surgery is effective and can be carried out particular of surgical treatment of endocrine orbitopa- with a calculable risk, the benefit for the manifestation thy, and in so doing has created a standard work for all and long-term development of endocrine orbitopathy those interested in Graves’ disease. The superb didac- has remained uncalculable to a great extent. Improved tic structure and the clear illustrations explain many diagnosis using ophthalmological examination, deter- connections much more quickly than ever so many mination of the activity score, and also imaging proce- words would do. dures has brought progress in the estimation of illness during the last few years: the severe forms of endocrine I would like to congratulate the author and the pub- orbitopathy, with their considerable physical and psy- lisher on the appearance of this extensive work, which chological impairments, remain a serious challenge can be recommended without reserve, especially to nonetheless. The progress in surgical treatment of those colleagues working in this area. endocrine orbitopathy represent a milestone here. A particularly special aspect is the transpalpebral decom- pression by means of resection of the fatty body. Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Mann Improved and optimized short- and long-term post- Director of the Endocrinological Department operative care in prospectively structured investiga- University Clinic Essen Preface The fate of patients suffering from Endocrine Oph- pression, and I recommended a clinic to him in which thalmopathy (EO) is not an easy one. The basic illness, such operations were performed. Dr. Mies was of the that is immune hyperthyroidism, can be healed in 95% opinion that he had done his homework, and refused an of cases by means of either surgery (thyreoidectomy), ossary decompression for his wife. However, he thyreostatic medication, or radioactive iodine therapy. requested that I treat his wife from the aesthetic The success of therapy for EO is modest, however. aspects, as she suffered greatly with her appearance. Conservative therapy in the acute stages improves the It was clear to me that the enormous swelling of the changes in the soft tissue area of the lids, but has eyelids could be corrected by removing fatty tissue. I hardly any influence upon the protrusion of the eye- performed a classic plastic surgical blepharoplasty. ball, visual acuity, and optic motility. According to Upon opening the orbital septum, a large quantity of optimistic estimates, exophthalmos reduces sponta- fat prolapsed outward under pressure. I removed as neously in about 10% of cases. The rate of remission is much as possible from the upper and lower lids, but probably around 5%, but only in the first 6–12 months. also from the deeper regions of the orbits. After two years at the latest, the protrusion is stable To my surprise, not only did the patient’s aesthetic and cannot be influenced by medication. situation improve, but the Hertel values were reduced. EO is a severe blow for many of the patients. They The well-known nuclear medicine specialist Dr. are affected not only by reduced visual acuity, double Mödder, also from Cologne, heard of this operation vision, and other typical symptoms of EO, but also the and asked me to operate on some of his many patients protruding eyeballs, often seems to change the facial suffering from EO, who had undergone conservative expression quite dramatically. The eyes are the centre treatment for years without benefit. He himself has of the face. Exophthalmos changes the entire face, written numerous books and many papers on thyroid indeed, frequently the entire personality. In a later illnesses. phase, patients show a certain helplessness. Once I let myself be introduced to the complexities of attractive, outgoing persons are shy and unsure of EO by him, in the course of long, friendly discussions. themselves. Such a patient develops inferiority com- After studying the literature concerning EO, anatomy, plexes and depressions; social contacts are drastically and the operative procedures hitherto applied, I decid- reduced. The patient visits his or her endocrinologist, ed to perform individual operations. ophthalmologist, and nuclear medicine specialist During the years 1985–87, a period of three
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