DIRECTORY. J SHROPSHIRE. WITHINGTON', 479 tion of Sir A. W. Blomfield kt. M . .l., A.R.A., F.S.A, architect, Forester H.A. and held since I878 by the Rev. William Henry at a cost of abou' £,6,ooo, by Alexandrina Lady Forester, in Wayne B.A. of Trimty College, Cambridge. Willey Ha1l, memory of her husband, John George, second Baron Forester a handsome mansion of freestone in the Classic style, is th• (d. IO Oct. I874), when aisles were built, and a small memorial seat of the Rev. Lord Forester M .A. chancellor and 'Canon chapel erected, which contains a fine monument by the late residentiary of York, and is delightfully situated in a richly-' Sir J. E, Boebm bart. R.A. to the late Lord Forester: in the wooded park, of ISO acres, containing a succession of fine south wall of the chancel and also in the nave, several pools. Lord Forester is lord of the manor and chief land­ N onnan windows have been uncovered and restored : the owner; a large part of this parish is embraced in his lordship's pulpit, reading desk and seats of old oak have also been park and plantations. The area is I, 379 acres ; rateable remodelled, and the bells increased from three to five. The value, £I,976; the population in I881 was :148. register of baptisms dates from the year 1644; marriages, Parish Clerk, John Taylor. 1665; burials, 1666. The living is a rectory, to which in Letters through Broseley, which is the nearest money order 1822 the vicarage of Barrow was annexed, average tithe & telegraph office, by foot post, arrive at 7.I5 a.m. & rent-charge £199, joint net yearly value £244, including 33 6.45 p.m acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. Lord The children of this place attend the school at Barrow Forester Rev. Lord [chancellor & canon Fisher Gw. herdsman to Lord Forester PownerGeo. wood rangr. to LordForester of York], Willeypark Goff Edward, farmer, Bold farm Price Thomas, farmer, Lodge Wayne Rev. William Hy. B.A.. Rectory Hinsley John, farmer, Dean corner Raby Edmund, farmer, Rudge wood COMMERCIAL. Morris William, farmer, Dean farm Scott Peter, bead gamekeeper to Lord Brown Jn. farm bailiff to Lord Forester Penson John, head gardener to Lord Forester, Rudge wood Bosh'fbos.Wm.steward to Lord Forester lt'orester Thomas Edward, farmer, Bank WISTANSTOW is a township, parish and village, Rev. J. G. Swainson M.A. rector, W. F. Beddoes, of Shrews­ on the river Onny, I! miles north from the Craven bury, H. D. Greene esq. and the trustees of the late w, Arms station on the Shrewsbury and. Hereford section of Pbillips esq. are the chief landowners. The soil is gravel the L. and N. W. and Great W. joint railway, which inter- and clay; the subsoil, chiefly sand. 'fhe chief crops ar& sects the parish, and is 9 north-west from Ludlow and 6 wheat, oats and barley. The area 1s 5, r6o acres; rateablQ south from Church Stretton, in the Southern division of value, £1o,686; the population in 1881 was 960. the county, Stow division of Purslow hundred, Church CwM HEAD is about 2 miles north from the parish church, Stretton union, Ludlow county court district, petty sessional St. Michael's chapel of ease, erected about 185o, is a building division of Upper Munslow, rural deanery of Clun, arch- in the Norman style, consisting of nave, with eastern apse: deaconry of Ludlow and diocese of Hereford. The church the east window is stained : the font is of urinshill stone,. of the Holy Trinity is a fine cruciform building of stone in in the Early English style: there are between 40 and so the Norman, Early English and Decorated styles, consisting sittings. of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and a central em- CHENEY LoNGVILLE township is :J mile south-west. battled tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells: Parish Clerk, James Arnold Evans. the stained east window is a memorial to the Rev. Christopher PosT OFFICE.-Elisba Edwin Owen, sub-postmasteP., Swainson, and Elizabeth, his wife, parents of the Rev. Letters through Craven Arms (Railway Sub-Office) Edward Christopher Swainson M.A. late rector: the church arrive at 7-45 a.m. & s.Io p.m. ; dispatched same time;.- was thoroughly repaired in 7.8771 when a. new porch was sundays, arrive 7·45 a.m. ~ dispatched 4.30 p.m. Craven bnilt: there are memorial windows to the Hoggins family, Arms is the nearest money order & telegraph office. one of whom also--left a legacy for the purpose of erecting Letters for Whittingslow and Felbampton through the finely carved oak pulpit: in 1888 H. D. Greene esq. Q.c., Church Stretton (Railway Sub-Office) ; letters for LL.M. erected a carved oak lych-gate as a memorial to his Woolston & Horderley through Aston-on-Clun (Railway father and mother-in-law, the late Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Sub-Office) Grove, Wistanstow. The register dates from the year 1667. National School (mixed), built in 1859, for 150 children; The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge£769, gross average attendance, 94 ; there is a boose for the master ; yearly value £7991 including 66 acres of glebe, with resi- Edwin Overton Richards, master; :Mrs. Richards, mist dence, in the gift of and held since 1874 by the Rev. John FELHAM:PTON township is I~ miles north. Felbampton Grandorge Swainson M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. There Court is occupied by John Hill esq, J.P. is a. Wesleyan chapel. The charities amount to about £:15 GROVE, :1 mile south, WHITTINGSLOW 1 2~ miles north, yearly, arising from land, Henry David Greene esq. Q.c., WooLSTON, Ii miles north-west and STREFFORD, 1 mile­ LL.M. and W. F. Beddoes esq. are lords of the manor, and the south-east, are townships. Wistanstow. Williams Job~, saddler & harness I Shnker John. farmer, Glenbnrall farm, maker & assistant overseer Horderley Browne Miss, Cwm Head house Williams Thomas, blacksmith Browne Miss, The Gables Wood John, shoe maker, Leemore com ~elhampton. CoxMrs Hill John J.P. Felhampton court Greene Henry David Q.c., LL.lll Cheney Longville. Evans George, Travellers' Rest P.H Speakes J oseph Bach Mrs Goode Benjamin,blacksmith & sbopkpr Stevenson Rev. William M.A. [curate] Clement William :McCartney Robert, miller(water),Marsh Swainson Rev. John Grandorge M.A. H urn preys Miss water mill Rectory Bailey Joseph, farmer Teague Thomas, coal & manure mer• Baker Alfred Richard, farmer chant, Marsh brook COMMERCIAL. Davies Powell, farmer, Newington Thomas Ann(Mrs.),mllr.(water),Afcott Davies Henry, bricklayer, The Gates Haylock Thomas, farmer Davies Henry, farmer Vaughan Henry, tailor Woolston. Davies John, Plough P.H. farmer & Stre:ft'ord. Baynham Thomas, farmer brick & tile maker Dawes Richard, Strefford house Bennett Samuel, farmer Evans James Arnold, tailor Jackson Daniel Davis John, blacksmith Evans Richard, tailor Medlicott William Evans Richal"d, wheelwright, Bosh moor Evans William, wheelwright Newell Charles, farm bailiff to John GloverSampson, farmer, Brokenstones Hnghes David Lloyd, farm bailiff to Darling esq GoughEdward,stone mason, The Corner Thomas Powell Davies esq Groves William, farmer, Bush moor Mornnington George, farmer . Whittingslow. Hotchkins Edwin, farmer Owen Elisha Edwin, shopkpr.Post office Corfield George, farmer, Cross Pipes Jones John, machinist, 'fhe Corner Potter James, grocer, farmer & beer Edwards Charles, farmer, Horderley Lloyd Lewis, gamekeeper to H. D. retailer, Leemore common Lewis Harriett (Miss), farmer Greene esq Rogers Ann (Mrs.), grocer Meredith Richard, farmer, Horderley Teague Richard, wheelwright & shop ... Tomkins Saml. shoe ma.. Leemore corn Price Edward, farmer keeper, The Corner WITHINGTON is a village and parish, 6 miles east from in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, naTe; Shrewsbury, 5 north-west from Wellington and 1t north- north porch and a western tower containing a clock. and east from Upton Magna. station on the London and North 2 bells: there is a handsome reredos, designed by the late Western and Great Western joint railway, in the Northern G. E. Street R.A. representing ""'I'heCrucifix.ion": in the division of the county, Wellingt-on division of South Brad- tower are brasses with effigies to John Olney, c. 7.515, his wife ford hundred, petty sessional division of Wellington, At· and 7 children; and to Adam Grafton, vicar of the church, cham union, Shrewsbury county court district, rural archdeacon of Stafford, warden of Battlefield, principal of cese of Lichfiold. 'fhe Shropshire canal passes through EdwardiV. ob. I530- The church has been rebuilt and was the village. The church of St. John is a building of stone ~:onsecrated in May, 1874- The register dates from the H. & S. 31:1 .
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