Published by tht Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association rainian Wee Vol. Ш No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1984 25 cents Election '84 Hunger striker protests new charges Percy loses Senate race; by Soviets against Horbal, Zisels Bradley, Florio, others re-elected JERSEY CITY, NJ. - Sen. Charles October prior to the election, with Percy (R41L), a long-time backer of separate receptions at the UNA's Jersey Ukrainian causes, was narrowly de­ City headquarters. feated in bis bid for a fourth Senate term Of the 23 senators who co-sponsored on November 7, but other key Con­ the Ukrainian famine bill, five were up gressional supporters were re-elected. for re-election in addition to Sens. Sen. Bill Bradley (D-N.J.), who Bradley and Percy. sponsored a bill in the Senate to esta­ In Kentucky, two-term Democrat blish a Congressional commission to Sen. Walter (Dee) Huddleston, an early study the Great Famine in Ukraine, co-sponsor of the famine bill, was edged easily won a second term by defeating out by Jefferson County Judge Mitch GOP challenger Mary Mochary despite McConnell by a three-point margin. President Ronald Reagan's landslide Re-elected were Sens. Rudy Boschwitz victory over Democrat Walter Mon- (R-Minn.), Carl Levin (D-Mich.), Pete dale. Rep. James Florio (D-N.J.), who Domenici (R-N.M.) and John Warner sponsored the House version of the bill, (R-Va.). won a decisive victory over Frederick In New Jersey Congressional races, 11 Busch for a sixth term. of 13 co-sponsors of the famine bill were Sen. Percy, who was chairman of the re-elected. In addition to Rep. Florio, Foreign Relations Committee, was other long-time supporters of Ukrainian beaten by Rep. Paul Simon, a five-term issues who won were Reps. Christopher congressman and former lieutenant Smith (D) and Bernard Dwyer(D), who governor.,WitlLnearly-98 percent of the in 1982 were original co-sponsors of Pavlo Stokotelnyj on the eighth day of his hunger strike. vote counted, Rep. Simon had a 50-49 House Concurrent Resolution 205 that percent lead over Sen. Percy and was asked the president to honor the Ukrai­ by Natalia Dmytrijuk of before beginning the strike. projected the winner by all three major nian Helsinki Group. "He is completely conscious of what he television networks. Rep. Joseph Minish, a Democrat, NEW YORK - In an expression of is doing and why he is doing it," said Dr. An ardent supporter of religious and was defeated by State Assembly Re­ solidarity with two members of the Woroch, a cardiologist with offices in human rights in the Soviet Union and publican Minority Leader Dean A. Ukrainian Helsinki Monitoring Group New Jersey: "He has faith in God that Eastern Europe, Sen. Percy was instru­ Gallo in a drastically redrawn district. facing new "anti-Soviet" activity this will help." mental in getting the famine bill through Bill co-sponsor Edwin Forsythe died charges, Pavlo Stokotelnyj, a Ukrai­ "In case there is any change I did Congress. Largely as a result of his earlier this year. nian who emigrated to the United States advise him to seek medical help or efforts, the Foreign Relations Commit­ Across the river in New York, where 22 in January 1980, began a hunger strike hospitalization, but at that moment he tee held hearings on the measure on congressmen co-sponsored the famine on Thursday, November I, at Ralph didn't want to talk anymore," continued August 1. The bill passed the Senate and bill, among those re-elected was Rep. Bunche Park across from the United the doctor, who believes t+iat Mr ultimately became part of the omnibus Bill Green, who fought off a strong Nations complex. Stokotelnyj wants "to carry this out to spending bill signed by President Rea­ challenge by Democratic Manhattan One week after beginning the fast, ' the end." gan on October 12. Borough President Andrew Stein. Rep. Mr. Stokotelnyj, who is married to As a branch president of the UM ANA, For his support of the bill and Green, whose district includes New former Soviet political prisoner Nadia Dr. Woroch is organizing area members such issues as the re-opening of a U.S. York's Lower East Side, where many of Svitlychna, said, "I will continue as long to give daily medical attention to the Consulate in Kiev, Sen. Percy was the city's Ukrainians live, has frequently as I hold out." striker. awarded the first Humanitarian Award attended Ukrainian rallies and support­ The two human-rights activists, to be presented by the Ukrainian Na­ ed Congressional resolutions and other Mykola Horbal and Yosyf Zisels, each Peaceful protest tional Association at a September 30 initiatives dealing with Ukrainian issues.: imprisoned at least once by authorities banquet in Chicago. Also re-elected were Reps. Benjamin for anti-Soviet activity, are friends of Bundled in winter clothes and a Both Sen. Bradley, and Rep. Florio Gilman (R) and Hamilton Fish Jr. (R). the protester. Mr. Horbal is married to blanket, Mr. Stokotelnyj sits most of were also honored by the UNA in (Continued on naje 16) Mr. Stokotelnyj's sister. the time, barely moving, on the advice of his doctor, in order to conserve Medical state energy. Each day at 8 a.m. he is brought by a sympathizer, Nina Samokish, to Mr. Stokotelnyj is in high spirits and the park from a hotel room he is renting good health, according to Dr. Bohdar at Second Avenue and 38th Street. He is Woroch, president of the New York/New in the constant company of Mykola Jersey branch of the Ukrainian Medical Movchan, a Red Army deserter who Association of North America, who surrendered to the Afghan freedom examined the hunger striker on Wed­ fighters in December 1983. To pass the nesday, November 7. "His blood pres­ time he listens to tapes of Ukrainian sure and pulse are normal," said Dr. folks songs and classical ballets such as Woroch, adding that results from Swan Lake. a blood test which would reveal He speaks in whispers, his walk is any metabolic dysfunction were not yet labored, and his skin is copper-colored. available. Mr. Stokotelnyj has injested At 8 p.m. Mrs. Samokish takes him nothing but water and has lost between back to the room, which costs S750 for five and seven of the 121 pounds he two weeks, where he will spend the WMM on November I. night. Dr. Woroch noted that his patient A week into his first hunger strike, complained of a pain on the left side of Mr. Stokotelnyj said he was feeling fine. Sen. Charles Percy Sen. ВШ Bradley his chest, a pain that he had complained (Continued on page 16) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1984 No. 46 Pastor's recantation highlights plight Horbal placed on "urgent-action" list of USSR's Reform Baptists by Bohdan Nahaylo the authorities, the Reform Baptists have also managed to producea prodi­ MUNICH -The recantation and gious quantity of religious literature public condemnation of his co-be­ on clandestine printing presses and lievers by an arrested follower of to attract a considerable number of the unofficial church group known as young people. The number of unre­ the Council of Churches of Evangeli­ gistered and therefore, in the state's cal Christians and Baptists(CCECB) eyes, illegal Reform Baptist congre­ is a rare occurrence in the Soviet Union. gations throughout the Soviet Union When Anatoly Petrenko, an unre­ that recognize the CCECB has been gistered Baptist minister and former estimated at 2,000, with a total mem­ prisoner of conscience, renounced his bership of about 100,000. dissenting views and activities at his From the very outset, Soviet policy trial in the spring, it was not surpris­ towards the movement of the Reform ing that the Soviet news agency Baptists has been harsh. To judge TASS promptly issued a lengthy from an estimate made in 1981 by statement on the event. Recently, a Gennady Kruchkov, the chairman of Soviet Ukrainian newspaper has once the CCECB in the 23 years again focused attention on the Pe­ since the Action Group was trenko case with the aim of besmirch­ founded, well over 2,000 Baptist be­ ing the USSR's sizable community of lievers have been imprisoned in the dissenting Baptists. USSR because of their adherence toa The latest article on Mr. Petrenko, schismatic Church outlawed by the entitled "Provocateurs in the Role of state. A far larger number has been Prophets,." appeared in Robitnycha subjected to harassment and extra- Hazeta oa September 23. It provides a judicial persecution. good example of the vitriolic tone of Until his capitulation, Mr. Pe- Mykola Horbal (left), shown above with a man identified only as Pryshlak, in an the current Soviet propaganda cam­ trenko's biography reflected the undated photograph smuggled to the West. paign against the USSR's Reform steadfastness and dedication that Baptists that has accompanied the in­ characterizes the adherents of the tensified repression of members of breakaway Council of Churches. The LONDON — Amnesty International, Mr. Horbal was first arrested in 1970 this outlawed Church. Members of the Baptist minister from the town of which monitors human rights around and sentenced to seven years in a labor unofficial group of Baptists are por­ Shostka. in the Sumy oblast of the world, recently put Ukrainian camp for Ukrainian nationalism. He trayed not only as religious fanatics eastern Ukraine, was first arrested political prisoner Mykola Horbal on its served the first five years in a strict- who refuse to conform to Soviet law for his religious activities in July so-called "urgent action" list after regimen corrective labor colony in but also as a politically reprehensible 1966.
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