• Per spec PACI FIQ::>'J[ITIZEN lives Mlmbrnhlp Publica lion Jooono,. Am.tl,," Clliron, L"Quo, 125 Well" 51, Lo •. Angel ••• C.II' 90012; (213) MA 6.6936 Publl,hed We.kly ~.cept FI"I ."d uti W •• ks of ho ~jl . Second Cf." Po,'oge Paid It Los Angll.s, C.llf. B.~ JbRR1: E OMOTO Nan J CL Pruldenl VOL, 69 NO. II FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1969 SublCrlptlon It,t. P.r v .. an D1~llo U.s..$5. Fer.l",n $7 TEN CENTS 'l ' bu~ '\ ords are written .~ ,,~ I~L urrly If'ave tbt< .1· w.~·s "~('luatt1\' n,ak('l·b~· 1I~, ·. world of DL nrylond and boad (or ' u mo"o. By TEX. NISEI GREETS "Wt" I mun Jo)"'C!f' "ud 8 HATE MAIL SHOWS Cincy-Dayton all set as and lO·ye-ar·old nlt:(!e • Krts.­ IIno and R.""n ,bloDlOlo. II!.\" re\lections b~ltin Ih. ASTRONAUTS 'YELLOW PERIL' evcnmg before our National Bool'd meeting "hen all fOllr OF APOLLO XI STILL FEARED hosts for EDC-MDC meet Reflections CINCINNATI - The biennial by these gentlemen In their three speakers trom Call!or­ Hirasaki Staying Letten Received Easlern-Mldwest joint district own areas have been highly nla. That evening at Lookout cnj~'{'d Ule ASS council conventions have be .. regarded and well received. House, Lookout Heights, Ky., o( us alw Three Weeks Inside Van After Seattle Form. thoughtful (und flllIn!!) hospi­ A,ian Coalition come regarded as the " best Pro,ram In Brief off Interstate 75 at Kyles tality or 0,. B,'n Yumoris. He Helped Design JACL convention" outside of Lane, the Sayonara dinner­ hort~· thcrealler. Joy c e's the national ones held during The joint convention open. dance will feature State Sen. brother Harrl. wife and son SEATTLE - Since eslabUsh­ the even-numbered years, Friday evening, Aug. 29, with Aronoff as principal speaker. p,cked tbem up [or a visit HOUSTON-The first man 10 menl of Ih. Asian Coalition Format 01 the Cincinnati three separate events: a mixer For the new district officers which ended up in Disney­ enter the Apollo XI .pacecrnft for Equality, one of the and Daylon J ACL chapters for the adults, a social for on Monday, Sept. 1, an orien­ land. I ended up closeted in last week (July 24) a!ler its founders has received enough co-hosting the eighth biennial young adults, and a presenta­ tation brealdast meeting ha. the hrsl of two sessions of the trip to the moon's surface was bale mall to convince him that EDC-MDC j 0 I n t convention tion of queen candidate. at been scbeduled. Enomoto Is Nauonal Personnel Commit­ the son of Japanese immi­ the concept ot the "y e 11 a w here nt the Sheraton Gibson Ibe youth function. also calling an Informal meet­ tee. which met for well over grants who rarm rice nenr peril" Is stili In the minds and over the Labor nay weekend On Aug. 30, 9 a.m., MDC Ing of National Board and eigbt hours. Vidor, Tel< .. a Southea.1 Tex­ heart, 01 many people. (Aug. 2D-Sept. I) I. in keep­ Gov. Henry Tanaka of Cleve­ Stat! members present. Critics mlghl question wbe­ as communilv. This Is what the Rev. Mineo Ing with this tradition. land and EDC Gov. Warren He ",as John K Hirasald K ata~lri, ConvenltoD Fees ther all of the tame spent WQS senior minister of ''1",,1t1n1' Indlvldu.1 in­ Walanabe of Philadelphia will t'lece~ry or fully productive. who will be imprisoned with th. Ecumenical Metropolilan volvement" IA the conven­ call the opening joint session Convention registration but tbere is no question at all the spaceme.n Cor three weeks Mlnlsh'Y, said in a recent (Ju­ \Ion them. acd Ibl. will be to order. Greetings are to be chairman Grace Narlta, 5303 about the seriousness of the in O,e Mobile Quarnntine Fa­ ly' 11) speech at Central dramatloally star.d al Ihe extended by convention co­ Moeller Ave., Cincinnati 45212 participants or the facl Ibat cility. which he. os lI1QF proJ­ Washington State College, El­ final joint .eulon on Snn­ chairmen Hy Sugawara, Sto­ Is bandling both senior and we were gathered to do bus­ ecl engineer. helped design. lensburg. d.y, Au,. 31 wben Ibre. gie Told and Pat Tanamachl. junior package deal. at $25 Iness. I wanl to personalJ.y uYes. there i~ some danger Mr. Kataglrl helped form "".11a from California ap.ak Reports will be flIed by and $23, respectively, covering thank chaIrman Yone Satoda, involved in the mission," said the Aslon Coalition for Equa­ to motivate the expecled 300 Washington repreaentatlve all olllcial events. Adults wbo Dr. Roy Nishikawa. Pat Oku­ his Tokyo-born mother at lity, to bring Orienlals into deleptes, adult and youth, Mike Masaoka, National JACL do not wish to attend fue luau ra. Mike Suzuki. Kumeo Yo­ their (arm east o( Beaumont. the struggie for human rights. to become responsibly aware Pres i d en t Jerry Enomoto, can deduct $10 and attend fue sbinari and Henry Kanegae "But we are not overly anxi­ One or Its alms is to recruit I!I c. t I zen - memben In youth director Alan Kuma­ youth recognition event at JACL. $8.50. for thai IitOe extra contribu­ ous about John's olety 01 poor Oriental sludents for col­ moto and naUonal director tion that means so much for l.ge. Ray Okamura, co-chairman Mas Satow. The convention mixer for h. said h.r son .od hb of the J ACL Committee to Re­ adults and young adults is op­ JACL. wite share: the C'oD,llrtion H.ve 1I10r. at Slake Keynole Speaker tional at $2 per person. It .. Out of these sessions come peal the Emergency Detention that the moon doe not har­ Act, of Berkeley will spur not In the package deal. B few improvements in our dealln~ Orientals have more of a Mrs. Virginia Coffey of the bor d.ath - orpn­ .take in promoting equal chapters to extend the Title II Room reservations should be personnel pra.ctices which ma.y isms. Cincinnati Hwnan Relations rl~hts than do blacks because repeal campaign into the Commission will address the made wllb the botel at the not meet all of our staff needs The MQF's main purpose is wider community. following rates: $12.50 single, but do represent serious at­ 10 protect the public [rom any I'they have more to lose," Mr. luncheon to follow. The con­ Kalaglri said. He said t hat UCLA sludent Mike Yamald vention queen will alao be $16.50 twin or double; or $5 tempts 10 do better. male\'olent organisms which of Los Angeles, articulate dormitory (for youth). 'Ve have a dual responsibil­ might hilch-hlke to earth wilh many Orientals have reached revealed. the middle-management level spokesman ror Yellow Broth­ Tbe afternoon I. reserved ity to make working condi­ the returning spacemen. erhood, will bring up-Io-date tions as good as we can, with­ In many lIelds bul have been for J ACL hwnan right.. work­ Alter the capsule was re­ lop·mana~ement reports on the Dr. Noguchi in the context of JACL goals denied jobs. shop, "Five Months Later", co"ered f .. om the PaciHc on YOUD( Oriental II have re .. case and relate the YeUow and budgetary limitations. splashdown. Astronauts Neil and a Jr. JACL workshop on Within the recent pasl. JACL 11>0nded most .nlh.... l.. tt.­ Brotherhood program. JACL. Denver group on A. Armstrong, Michael Collins ally 10 the Idea of lb. Coali­ Dr. David Miura of Long salaries and fringe benefits and Edwin E. Aldrin. Jr., The adult.. will hear LIllIan tion, IIlr. Kalar irl ""Id, b.­ Beach, chairman of the J ACL Kimura, MDC civil rights have improved a great deal wearing isolation c I 0 1 h i n g cau,e "they seem to feel Ethnic Concern Committee, (granted, we had a 101 to im­ went directly inlo the MQF coordinator on whab's happen­ (omml relations .ome of tbe fru.lralions of will assess the activities o[ his Ing nationally; and Jerry Ab­ prove). and we hope to move: aboard the USS Hornet for the moment!' committee and what its effects • further ahead. medical examinations. bott of Cincinnati and Frank He concluded: "Part of tbe has been to the organization Titus of Dayton, chapter hu­ and community. especially in Free Wheeling Inside Van task of this sociely is to open man relations chairmen, on for Title II repeal up society's structures for full the area at internal tensions what'. happening locaJly. Hirasald Wa! inside the participation by non whiles of involving persons of J apanese Th. lUll co .... ra'. of the II1QF van waiting for the as­ HOW IT'LL BE-Hostess Lorraine KitaJlma presents Tony The adult workshop will DENVER - Support for re­ Inlerim :\Ieelln( of the Na­ whatever ethnic group the y ancestry. <Ii ide Into separate buzz ses­ tronauts. NASA physician Dr. Yokomizo, c:hainnan of Oakland JACL's Hawaiian Luau, his may belong to. It is the ftrst time fuese peal of Title n of the In­ tional Board ,,-as publisbed William Carpentier [ollowed lei. The luau will be held Aug. 9, 6:30 p.m., at Castlewood sic s covering (1) individual ternal Security Act of 1950 last week, but I want to "As long as this is not ac­ Cali10mians have been invited involvement, (2) housing and the astronauts [rom the heli­ Country Club, on Foothill Rd, in Pleasanton.
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