Censored Editorial Blames Israel Politics, Not Security For Secret Trial Of Editors JERUSALEM - The Israel said: "The court decided to give Government jtasconflrmed that a light sentence as It accepted the two editors had been sentenced to statement of the accused that they- THE ONLY ENGLISH -JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . ),, one-ye'ar prison terms after a had acted unthinkingly, and also secret trial earlier this month for the reason that this was the I Involving security matters. The first occasion In the history of VOL. L, NO. 52 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1967 15¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES _;: secrecy Immediately came under the state that Journalists had been press attack. sentenced for publishing a report ~~itttE:r~ff:~~~::l~;~~:J ::et:;£:~i~~7::e;;e ~l~~tp:~~ Brown-Pembroke Students Invite Dr. Nesher 1 r:i: ::::t~>E:1i~;::~ ~t!l:t;~r:~~i~~~r~;::f;~ To Tomorrow's Arab-Weighted Conference found guilty and sentenced without state prosecution." a whisper of this sequence of The statement said the court's By LOIS A'TWOOD · oil Interests." The registration events reaching the press." findings, of which one passage was A conference on the Middle fees will al so be used for con- The Government disclosed Ina omitted for "security reasons," East which almost Ignored Israel ference costs. press office statement that She- were that the accused "published was planned for today and Satur- (A Jewish Telegraphic Agency muel Mor, editor of the weekly or caused to be published matters day, Feb. 25, at Brown University story which appeared In a New magazine Bui, and an assistant Impl ying s ecret Information and Pembroke College. Thanks to York newspaper on Sunday editor, Malxlm Gllan, were tried contrary to the state security an editorial In the Brown Dally reported that two New York Con- In sessions Feb. 6 and 12 for an law." Herald and the earnest efforts of gn:ssmen, William F. Ryan and article that allegedly contained The newspaper Ha'aretz said three Israel-oriented persons on Benjamin S. Rosenthal, have false Information "harmful to the the Government had tried to keep the Brown campus, the student "condemned the help which the state." · the trial and conviction secret committee planning the third CIA provides to an anti-Israel or- The statement was issued after 1 'not as a result of securt ty.. con- international conference realized gantzation. 'They have mentioned The New York Times had reported slderatlons but out of pollr!cal the necessity of giving Israel a reports that the CIA finances the that Mr. Mor and Mr. Gilan were considerations." place at the table. Dr. Aryeh so-called American Friends of the arrested Dec. 11, the day of the Ha'aretz said "it was even ~sher. thecoor,~nator oflsr~el's Middle East, a pro-Arab anti- appearance of 8 Bui Issue featur- more shameful that the Attorney Peace Corps, Sherut La am, Israel propaganda front. Ing a story that hinted at the (Continued from page 12) has been Invited to lead a morning They menr!oned the attacks on Is- futur~ downfall o! Premier Levt ~~ group di s c uss i on on "Israel rael which this organization has Eshkol. c· 6' T. k , Today: lntegrar!on of Soclery" and Issued through Its former Middle The Government statement mer am a 1ves IC ets to be present at one of the after- East director .. The congress- stressed that the two editors had noon discussions. men also Indicated that this or- pleaded gull ry under. civil law To 24 For 'Grand Prix' The heavyArab welghting ofthe ganlzatlon helps finance another that prohibits the unauth<lrlzed conference stemmed,!n part from which It has organized, the League giving of secret Information even Twelve pairs of tickets to the title given It: The Middle of Arab Students , which spreads If the Information Is false. The the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer East: A Soctery In Transition." anti-Israel and occasionally anti- statement denied "rumors" that film, "Grand Prix," were Miss ' Nancy Turck, a Pembroke Dr. Aryeh Nesher, coor d1na tor of Jewish propaganda In over 100 the editors had been tried under offered free of charge during Junior, andPatrlckMaley,aBrown Sherut La'am, will also speak "t American colleges and unlversl- I I m!lltary law or had been charged the Herald's "Hope Street En- senior, said when asked about this the Hillel Brunch on Sunday at ties. with espionage. tertalnment Days,'~ by the that Israel has arrived and Is no 11:15 a.m. at Hillel House. His "The Arab Student League ls The Bui articles with the head- Cinerama Theatre on Hope longer a society In transition, and talk Is entitled, "Can Israel's supported by the UAR In Cairo line "Israelis In the Ben Barke Street. The winners, who will · that participants ho-i been advised Social Laboratory Serve Other Na- which Indoctrinates the Arab ex- Affair?" on the cover, also hinted be notified by mall, ai'e S•m to stick to the a,..,4s of concern, tlons?" change students with the anti-ls- at sensational Intelligence opera- Beagle of 39 Jasper Street; H. I.e. Arab rather than lnternation- rael line. The American Friends tlons. The reference on the cover Berman, 127 10th Street; Mrs. al, according to Rabbi Nathan N. man of the Applied Mathematics of the Middle East has several was to the unsolved case of the Dudley J. Block, 146 Ridge Rosen, Hlllel Foundation director faculty; Willi Sadeh, a graduate times openly declared that It has abduction In Paris of Medhl Ben Street, Pawtucket; Miss Donna at Brown. "They just didn't see student, and Rabbi Rosen. Their established this Arab Student Sarka, a Moroccan nationalist, In Bradshaw, 905 Main Street; the point, that an Israeli ought to efforts to point out that you can't League. It has also petitioned October, 196S. Pauline Feuti, 47 Thornley be present when there were so have a conference on the Middle Congress to take an anti- Attacking the secrecy of the Street, Pawtucket; Marlo many pro-Arab official par- East without 4ncludlng Israel Israel stand .. ..Most of the funds trial, The Post said Israeli law Marques, 58 Rochambeau ticlpants," he said, "and they seemed unavailing, but when the of the Friends of Middle East provided for partial release of Avenue; Mrs. LoulsMassover, didn't realize that Israel Is also Brown Dally Herald loudly and were spent on bringing Arab ex- proceedings even In espionage 347 Morris Avenue; Mrs. A. a society In transition." Many editorially said the same thing, change students to America, and cases. Robinson, 212ClevelandStreet, Insights gained by Israel In pro- the studen t-planner.s re- their main extra-curricular "No Israeli can like getr!ng his Pawtucket; Alfred Rossi, 202 gresslng from barren swampland considered, said Rabbi Rosen. activity has been anti-Israel Information from The New York Hlgh Street, Cumberland; Mrs. to nuclear technology might be In the process of trying to In- propaganda.") Times,'' the editorial declared. D. Weinberg, 24Wr!stonDr!ve; valuable to conference partlcl- elude Israel, Dr. Weltsman The Imbalance was un!nten- Both evenlngpaperslnTelAvlv Mrs. James Winston, 515Way- pants, he noted also. learned that part of the cost of the tlonal on the part of the.students, published an account of The Times land Avenue, and Mildred Zut- Among those concerned at the conference will be underwritten by Rabbi Rosen Is sure, but he feels article without additional details. !off, 37 Sessions Street. Imbalance of the scheduled con- the American Friends of the that part of It Is due to Alan w. The Governm en r statement ~ ference were Dr. Yechlel Weirs- Middle East, and part by• "some (Continued on Page 12) ~xperimental Theatre's '-Concept Is Right' - But Money Is Nee~ed By LOIS A'TWOOD forest, and a soldier comes in, Looking Glass Theatre has a they're part of It; or they're total operating budget of $8,700 for citizens In the arena and their 1966-67, and a $2,700 deficit. The response ts necessary. Federated Arts Fund Drive of the "Our 1dea Is as good as It Rhode Island Fine Arts Council could be; the approach needs Im­ decided they could give $2,000 to · proving." the organization, which has - The movement, and here in "always Just used what we could Rhode Island the Looking Glass . get or borrow-material from my Theatre, have brought a new pro­ sewing room, and somebody's fession Into being, that of the stapler. But you can't do this actor-teacher. Art Torg, for all the time. You can't use up the example, "has come to realtze the community like that. You have to Importance of this-as more than make a serious commlnnent,'' said a hobby. Now the seriousness of Mrs. Earl Ostroff, executive di­ this Is leading to something you can rector of Looking Glass. study, something that ls repeatable · She got Involved In theatre for and you can develop, something children after taking her own to a Just being formed, coming out of play and finding It "such a bore. this time we live In. You can see They said for the children to use the searching around In other their Imagination, but gave them areas: music that ls discovering ;~ new ways of making sound, and In nothing to start with. We thought 'I If we got together we could create painting, collage In which you can use parts of the environment. "i something that was really g·ood. I After we got going, we discovered uThere's a breaking down of I that we were part o! 8 movement.
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