![Bilaspur District of Madhya Prad~Sh](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
· B ," )tJ>,Jf~: __ GlAVb~trlA PRE F ACE Thi s ... epo.... t i; s the rt?s\.ll t. of the forest i nvento.ry carried out by the Central Zone of Forest Survey of India du... ing November 1985 to February 1986 1n Bilaspur district of Madhya Prad~sh. The report COVers the entire forest area of the district comprising three Forest Divisions viz. North Dilaspur(Pendra), Bilaspur and Korba. The inventory shows that out' of the recorded forest area of 7974.5 sq.km, about 92% area is under actual forest cover; ax of the area is either blank or under cultivation. Sal forests occupy 51.43% and MiMed forests occupy 44.95% of the forest. Salai fore~ts occur in 3.62% of the area. Sal is the dominant species in the district and contributes L~bout 31% to the totai growing stock. Other impC?rant species are saja and salai contributing nearly 11.9% of the total vol ume. The tot 1211 growi ng stoc~, in .the di ~tr i ct is about S6.5 million cubic metr~s, WhlCh works out at 82.95 cubic metres per hectar~ of th~ forest area. Bamboo occurs as an under storey in nearly 15X of the forest area. TQt~l yrowing stOC~( of bamboo is to the tune of 4.94 1 al:h tonn8s {ai r- dr-y wei ght) • This report was complIed by Shri S.C.Gupte, IFS, Joint Director, Forest Survey of India, Central Zone, Nagpur with the C:\s&istanc:e from Shri M.D.Singh, Senior Technical Assistant and Shri Anil Biala, Junior Technical Assistant. Their work is commended. I hope this report will be useful in the forest management of the district. .J.B.Lal, Director Forest Survey of India, 25-Subhash Road, DEHRADUN TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------~------------~-----~-------------~-------------- Paragraph CON TEN T S Page No. ------------------------------------------------------------No. Map of India showing Bilaspur district of Madhya Pradesh - The survey area. Detailed map of Bilaspur district. CHAPTER --1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 General 1 1.1 Situation and Boundaries 1 1.2 Administrative units"and area 1 1.3 Climate 2 1.4 Topography 2 Diagram No. 1 showing monthly variation of temperature and rainfalk in Bilaspur district of Madhya Prade~h. 1.5 Dr-c::1i nage 1.6 Geology, Rock and Soils C' 1.7 Mineral resources oJ 1.8 Land-use pattern 1.9 Socia-economic conciitions 6 1. 110 I nfr astr-LlcutL.lre 7 1. 11 Forest produce and Forest based indusfries 8 . CH(-\PTER _. I I THE FOf"<ESTS 2.0 General des~ription 9 2.1 Forest. t.yp~' s 9 2.2 Forest olcH"lagement 1'::'; 2.3 Damage to the forest~ 15 2.4 Rights and Concessions 15 2.5 Wild life and its management 16 CHAPTER - I I I RESOUr~CES SURVEY I'1ETHODOLOGY Objectives of survey 17 3 .. 1 Area considered for survey 17 Inventor"y desi gn 18 Di~gram 1, 2 and 3 showing inventory design and layout of sample pluts 19 Location o ·f plot, on the gr"ound 20 3 ....1 Format for data collection 21 3.5 ·Fi el d wor-l: 23 ::_'.6 Fi el d chec Id 'ng 3.7 !'laps and plots 3.8 Consi s tency checking 4.6 SeHllpl i ng dg'si qn 4. 1 l)ata 4.2 Dat~ pr"ocesslng 4.3- Ar'ea 4.4 Sample tree volume 4.5 Local volume equations "1.6 Enumerated tree volume 4.7 Plot volume 4.8 Stand tables 4.9 Stock tabl £?S 4.10 Sampl i ng error- CHAPTER -·V INVeNTORY RESULTS - AREA Genera) 32 5.1 Di~;.tributiDn of ~:Drest ar!;;'i;1 under '1arious land Uti8m 32 Map No, 5.1 M 9hD~ing land use pattern Q~ Dilaspur district 34 "") ..•.:.J • .L.. Distribution of terest area by crop cOlllpm:>i t i on 50 Map No. 5.2 M showlng location of forest types (cr-up cDmposi t i ems) in [Ill iispur d i 5t t .. Distribution of vegetated area by topography classes Map No. 5 .3 M showlny di~trlbution of t.upogn:\phy e1 asses in 8i 1 e:\SPLW du:;trl c-t: 5.4 Distributi on of vegetated area by slope cl aS5'·es 5-.5 Distr-lbution c)f vegr~tat~d t~r-ea by soil d£~pth c: 1 asses :y:; Mi::1P Ho~ 5.4N shol-Hng distrib\l'lion o'f. slope clas~e5 In Bilaspur district. 4 0 S.b Distribution of v8getated are~ by top height classf:!s 41 Map No. 5.6M showing distribution of top hSlght classes in Bilaspur district f:' -. 42 .:J.t Di5t~ibution of vegetated ar~d by 5i~e c:lasses. Map No. !:'-1. 71'1 Shf.:)~li fig d i str i but j, on of various sj~G classes in Bilaspur district 44 5.8 Distribution of vegetated a re. by canopy :1 aye l~~, 45 5.9 (Plantable area in Goyl. forest l and 46 5.10 Regeneration 5ta tu ~ 47 5. 1.1 Soil erosion ;1-7 ~~. 12 Grazing incidence ,t8 5.13 Fire incidence 48 5.14 Occurr-ence of bamboo 48 Map No. 5.1~:;N '.=;howing distribution oJ bamboo densIty in Bilaspur dist r ict . CHAPTER - VI INVENTORY RESULTS -GROWING STOCK (TREES) 6.0 G,enel""~l 6.1 Total number of stems and stems/ha. In Stratl"m- Sal 50 6.2 Total nU$ber of stems and stems/ha. in Strt,"d:l..lm-·Sal ai 51 6.3 Total; number- of stems.and stems/ha. in Stratum -Miscellaneous 6.4 Total volume and volume/ha. ~n StratL-lm -Sal 6.5 Total volume and volume/ha. in StratLlm -Sal iH 54 6.6 Total volume and volume/ha.in Stratum -Miscellaneous 54 6.7 Combined g~owin9 stock -Stems 6.8 Combi ned growi ng stod; -Yoll.Hfle 56 Map no. 6.eM~showing distribution of yolume/h~. (M~) in Bilaspur district. 57 6.9 Mean volume per hectare by topography cli-'sses 6.10 l1ean volume per hectar-e hy slope <.:l"ls~;;es 6. 11 Nean Volume per lu~c.:t.arti.' by SOll cj~pth classes> 59 6.12 Mean volume p~r hectare by canopy 1 ayt,W5 60 6.13 t1ean voll.,lme per hectare by top height classes 60 6.14 Mean volume per hectare by si:z~ classes 61 6.15 Growing stock by forest type with standard error 61 .... I~ no. 6. 1 <A) and 6. 1 m) ; Distribution of total number of stems and stems per hectare in Sal stratum. 63 Table 00.6.2 (A) ~nd 6.2 (S): Distribution of tot&l number of stems and stems per hectare in Salal stratum 64 Table ._-no. 6.3(A) --and _._6.2 ---(B): Di str i but i on of tot"al numbf~r of stems and stems per hectare in Miscellaneous stratum 65 Tab 1 e. No.. ~ .ttl.!... ~n_q_ ~L~. ..1. L~.L: ~ Di stri but i c:m 9·f tot.::·\} vol ume <M~) and voll..lme per hectare(M~' in ~al gt~atwm 66 Tab 1 e O~. ~. 5 (14.L and ~L'!_~ .tiU• ..!." Distribution Of total volume(M~)and volume per hectar-~{M~) in Galal stratum 67 Tab! e no!!.. ~~ s.al. and 6.6 W}: Distribution of total volume and volu~e per. hectare in Miscellaneous stratum 68 Table QO. 6.7 : Combined growing stock ··Stems 69 I.@ble No. 6.B : _ Combined growing stqck -Volume(M~) 70 CHAPTER VI I INVENTORY RESULTS: GROWING STOCK -BAMBOO 7.0 Area 71 7.1 Bamboo clumps pel'" hect"we by ql.lcllity . and si~e c.lasses -'2 7.2 Bamboo culms per clump by 90undness, quality ~nd clump 51ze cl~sses 73 7.3 Culms per hect~re by soundness,quality and clump size classes 7.4 Total number of culms by soundn~ss, quality ilnd .clump Slze classes 74 7 .. 5 Green-stock of baruboo in tonnes by soundness of culms, theIr quality and clump size classes 75 Bamboo stoc.( by quality and clump sizes 76 Consolidated b~mboo growing stock 77 T€lble no •. 7.7: Green, b&mboo stock in tonne.·by quality, size classes, age and-soundness of culms Species - DendroCBlamus strictus 78 CHAPTEr~ VII I WOOD CONSUMPTION SURVEY RESULTS 8.0 General 79 8.1 Methodology adopted 79 B • .2 Method of estimation 80 8.3 Constraint in data collectitin 80 8.4 Population 81.:1 8.5 Wood consumption in straturu A 01 8.6 "lood cons\.lmption in stratum B 82 0.7 Wood. consumption in.stratum C 8~~ 8.8 Wood consumption in stratum 0 134 8.9 Comparison of wood consumption pattern in various strata 8.10 Economic aspects of ~ood consumption in different strata 135 8.11 Estimated present wood consumption and future projection of demand 87 Glossary of local and Botanical names of common treesjweeds, climbers and grasses found in 8il.spur dietrict 90-92 Anne>:ure :: II B i b 1 i NI!':..E..Qlly 93 List of villages &urveyed in stratum A 94 Appendi >1 Ii. List of villages surveyed in stratum B 95 List of towns surveyed in stratum C 96 List of towns/cities surveyed in stratum D 96 MAP OF I NOlA SHOWING SURVEY AREA SCALE :- I I 15.0 00.000 AREA COVERED IN THE REPORT nnmUllllll!UU ROAD MAP OF ""', B I LAS PUR DISTRICT r-J '''\ SHAIlI)OL ( (MADHYA PRADESH) SCAL.E:- I: I t OOOrOOO /.) l ...._ / I NO EX :- OISTFUCT BOUNDARY .
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