A1 WA/2016/0887 Installation of a Pay and Display ticket machine at Y Cleary National Trust Information Centre Car Park, National Trust Webb Road, Milford 21/04/2016 Committee: Central Area Meeting Date: 10/08/2016 Public Notice: Was Public Notice required and posted: N/A Grid Reference: E: 493219 N: 140660 Parish: Witley Ward: Witley and Hambledon Case Officer: Zyra Knight 8 Week Expiry Date: 16/06/2016 Neighbour Notification Expiry Date: 10/06/2016 Time extension agreed to: Yes Extended expiry date (majors): 12/08/2016 RECOMMENDATION That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED Introduction The application was presented at the July Central Committee Meeting, where the application was deferred to obtain additional information from County Highways and the applicant. Location Plan Site Description The application site measures 1 square metre in area and is located within the grounds of Witley Common, maintained and administered by the National Trust. Proposal Planning permission is sought for the erection of a pay and display ticket machine within Witley Common, adjacent to the Webb Road parking area. The proposed machine would take up approximately 0.5 square metres in area and would be 1.86 metres in height, 0.4 metres wide and 0.3 metres in depth. The pay and display ticket machine would be made from welded reinforced steel and composite security materials. The external material colour would be black. Ticket Machine Elevations Relevant Planning History WA/2016/0888 Display of advertisements Approve 16/06/2016 HM/R9124 Temporary use of mobile Approve 02/07/1957 canteen and permanent site for erection of building for refreshments. Planning Policy Constraints Green Belt – Outside Rural Settlement Boundaries Surrey Hills AONB & AGLV Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Special Protection Area (SPA) SSSI Common Land Development Plan Policies and Proposals Saved Policies C1, C3, C6, C7, C9, D1, D5, D7, D8, D9 and D4 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002. Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires all applications for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The adopted Local Plan (2002) and the South East Plan 2009 (solely in relation to policy NRM6) therefore remain the starting point for the assessment of this proposal. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is a material consideration in the determination of this case. In line with paragraph 215 due weight may only be given to relevant policies in existing plans according to their degree of consistency with the NPPF. The report will identify the appropriate weight to be given to the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002. The Council is in the process of replacing the adopted 2002 Local Plan with a new two part document. Part 1 (Strategic Policies and Sites) will replace the Core Strategy that was withdrawn in October 2013. Part 2 (Development Management and Site Allocations) will follow the adoption of Part 1. The new Local Plan will build upon the foundations of the Core Strategy, particularly in those areas where the policy/approach is not likely to change significantly. Public consultation on potential housing scenarios and other issues took place in September/October 2014. In the latest provisional timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan (Part 1), the Council is scheduled to approve the plan for publication in July 2016. Other guidance: National Planning Policy Framework (2012) National Planning Practice Guidance (2014) Surrey Hills Management Plan (2014-2019) Consultations and Parish Council Comments Following the request of the Central Area Committee members, the application was deferred to the August Central Area Committee meeting to allow for additional information and consultation of the application. The application was referred to the Surrey County Council Highway Authority for advice. The SCC Highway Authority comments have been included in the table below. Natural England Statutory nature conservation sites – no objection Protected landscapes – advise to consult with relevant AONB partnership or Conservation Board. Protected species – refer to Standing Advice on protected species. SSSI – no requirements. Witley Parish Objection – inappropriate development in a quiet Council woodland area. Potential for vandalism if money remains in the machines. Surrey Wildlife No comments received – to be reported orally Trust SCC Highways The County Highway Authority has no highway requirements to make on the above planning application. It is noted that concerns have been raised that the proposal will result in vehicles choosing to park in surrounding roads and would cause a highway safety problem. The Highway Authority considers any displacement parking resulting from this proposal would be very minor and would not have a severe impact on highway safety. Representations In accordance with the statutory requirements and the “Reaching Out to the Community – Local Development Framework – Statement of Community Involvement – August 2014” neighbour notification letters were not sent out due to the site having no statutory neighbours. Seventy-nine (79) letters have been received raising objection on the following grounds: Users should not be charged to use the town common Proposal will result in congestion and inappropriate parking within adjoining streets and areas that are not restricted by paid parking Proposed development could increase risk to pedestrians and drivers due to being forced to find parking in adjoining streets and inappropriate locations Unnecessary development in the AONB and AGLV Restrict service and delivery vehicles servicing residents of Webb Road and the Common due to improperly parked vehicles Car park charges would discourage healthy activity Proposed development would prevent the community from enjoying the common Cost of maintaining and enforcing the paid parking will be pointless One (1) submission in support was received, outlining support for the following reasons: Need to fund land maintenance Three (3) letter of observation was received, outlining the following: Common land should be kept for use of the people and not those who can afford to pay. Concern that users of the Common will park in the private road of Gasden Copse. Submission in Support In support of the application the applicant has made the following points: Proposal will bring Webb Road car park into line with many other National Trust car parks, across the Surrey Hills area Machine raises revenue to help maintain the countryside and carry out daily and ongoing nature conservation work National Trust members also obtain tickets, the Trust receives ‘membership credits’ from the National Trust central finance for every member that utilises the machine, thereby generating income for park maintenance Other charging areas across Surrey Hills has not resulted in a displacement of users to other locations Machines are not generally targeted by vandals or thieves, as the machine accepts cashless payment, there is less incentive for machines to be attacked In addition to the above information, the applicant provided additional information which was request by the Central Area Committee. The following response is provided in relation to the additional information sought by the Central Area Committee: Use of Pay and Display monies collected Surrey Hills is a property in its own right and is run like an individual business. All the net contribution that is generated in the Surrey Hills stays in the Surrey Hills but apportioned correctly. Current car parkings have generated a net contribution in 2015 of £166,000 of which the following was spent: 1. Redesign of Box Hill car park - £90,000 plus £7,000 for signage 2. Signage and car park for Frensham Little Pond car park - £17,000 3. Dog waste bins in Frensham/Witley area £6372 per year to rent and empty 4. Currently updating all mapping in car parks to increase visitor enjoyment - £1000 per car park 5. Maintenance of car parks from pot holes etc. Other Pay and Display locations in Surrey Hills Box Hill Main car parking and Box Hill East, outside of the village of Box Hill Denbies Hillside – a few residents on either side of car park The above car parking areas are not similar to Webb Road’s proximity to a more urban population, however, residential properties are located in close proximity. National Trust Membership Credits National Trust members pay membership fees directly into the central National Trust account. Each time a member parks at a Surrey Hills Pay and Display car park, the members scan their membership card and are provided with a parking ticket with a ‘free value’ (nothing to pay). The information from that transaction is imported to the National Trust back office and a credit of £1 is transferred to the Surrey Hills portfolio. This allows membership monies paid into the central National Trust to be directed back to their local National Trust branch. As the Surrey Hills branch of National Trust is run as an individual enterprise, monies collected from the pay and display will enable the continued maintenance of the parking area and the common. National Trust have advised that if monies cannot be collected, Surrey Hills may not be able to continue maintenance of the Webb Road car park and may need to consider the closure of the car park. Determining Issues Principle of development Green Belt considerations Very Special Circumstances Impact on the AONB and ALGV Impact on visual amenity Impact on residential amenity Response to Third Party Representations and Parish Council Effect on the SPA, SAC and SSSI Biodiversity and compliance with Habitat Regulations 2010 Accessibility and Equalities Act 2010, Crime and Disorder and Human Rights Implications Environmental Impact Regulations 2011 (as amended) Pre Commencement Conditions Working in a positive/proactive manner Planning Considerations Principle of development The site is located within the Green Belt outside any defined settlement area. Within the Green Belt there is a general presumption against inappropriate development which is, by definition, harmful and should not be approved except in very special circumstances.
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