ANNOUNCEMENTS https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055400224830 TRANSFER OF NEWS AND NOTES SECTION . Beginning with the last quarter of 1967 the information previously pub- lished in the News and Notes section of the REVIEW will be circulated as part of a newsletter prepared by the Washington Office and mailed periodi- cally to every individual member of the American Political Science Association. The sixty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Association will be held September 3-7, 1968 at the Washington-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C. https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms NOMINATIONS The Association's Committee on Nominations invites all members to propose candidates for the elective offices of the Association: President- elect; three Vice Presidents; Secretary; Treasurer; and eight Council members for two-year terms. Suggestions and supporting statements may be sent to any member of the Committee: Aaron B. Wildavsky, University of California, Berkeley, Chairman; Richard F. Fenno, Jr., University of Rochester; Robert E, Ward, University of Michigan; Harry Eckstein, Princeton University; Leon D. Epstein, University of Wisconsin; and William S. Livingston, University of Texas. The sooner suggestions are received the better; to be considered at all , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at they must arrive by March 1, 1968. SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION 29 Sep 2021 at 10:10:38 , on Minutes of the Council Meeting The Council of the American Political Science Mendelson, Alfred C. Meyer, Jack W. Peltason, Association met at 9:10 A.M., September 5, 1967, Clara Penniman, Paul L. Puryear, Laurence I. at the Pick-Congress Hotel in Chicago, with Radway, Austin Ranney, William H. Riker, President Robert Dahl presiding. The following Victor G. Rosenblum, Clinton Rossiter, Glendon officers, members of the Council, nominees for Schubert, Kenneth N. Waltz, Daniel Wit. election in 1967, and former presidents of the The Editor of the REVIEW, Professor Austin . IP address: Association were present: William Anderson, Ranney, presented his report. There was dis- M. Margaret Ball, Marver Bernstein, William cussion of the large backlog of manuscripts for Buchanan, Holbert Carroll, H. Paul Castleberry, the REVIEW, of the relation of national to regional Robert A. Dahl, James C. Davies, Alex N. Drag- journals, and of the possibility of publishing addi- nich, David Easton, Harry Eckstein, Heinz tional periodicals divided by subject matter. Eulau, Merle Fainsod, Carl J. Friedrich, Samuel A motion was unanimously passed that a Com- Hendel, Charles 0. Jones, Max M. Kampelman, mittee be appointed by the President of the Asso- Herbert Kaufman, Evron M. Kirkpatrick, Merle ciation to study these matters and report to the Kling, Robert E. Lane, Avery Leiserson, Harvey Council at next year's meeting. The Editor an- C. Mansfield, Charles McClelland, Wallace https://www.cambridge.org/core nounced that Robert Lane had resigned from the 1187 Downloaded from 1188 THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW Editorial Board. A motion was unanimously discussion, it was emphasized that openness con- passed that Fred Greenstein replace Professor cerning the sources and conditions of support for Lane. research is a fundamental responsibility of The Chairman of the Program Committee for scholars. The Committee was encouraged to de- 1967, Professor Harry Eckstein, gave his report. fine the standards and methods that will serve to https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055400224830 . There was some discussion of the omission of the implement the principle of full disclosure. question of Viet Nam from the program for the The motion was unanimously adopted that, meeting. It was pointed out, however, that panels having discussed and seriously considered the re- on violence and revolution are part of the pro- port of its Committee on Professional Standards gram. The Executive Director added that, if re- and Responsibilities, the Council (a) commends quested, the Association would try to arrange the Committee for its efforts to date and en- facilities for meetings on special topics. courages the Committee to continue its work and The Executive Director, Dr. Evron Kirk- to prepare a report early enough in 1968 to permit patrick, then gave his report. He mentioned that its full consideration by the Council prior to its for the first time the Executive Director's Report next meeting, (b) agrees with the Committee that was printed in the Final Program of the meeting. the general principles of ita first three recommen^ https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms A motion was unanimously passed encouraging dations should be incorporated in its final report, the Executive Director to continue this practice. (c) joins with the Committee in requesting the Dr. Kirkpatrick reported that the Political Sci- Executive Director, the Editor of the REVIEW, ence Directory would be published sometime and officers of the Association to follow its 4th during the fall and also that the Association will and 5th recommendations, (d) favorably acts on maintain a directory of retired professors who the Committee's 6th recommendation and directs wish to make known their availability for tempo- the Executive Committee to plan and execute de- rary teaching positions. Dr. Kirkpatrick then re- tails for implementing the recommendation, and ported that the Helen Dwight Reid Award Com- (e) adopts the Committee's 7th recommendation. mittee had decided to make no award this year An amendment was moved advising the Bern- because of the small number of theses submitted stein Committee to consider recommendations The Executive Committee, however, authorized indicating both the responsibilities of political next year's Committee to receive theses for both scientists with respect to government or other re- 1966 and 1967 and to make two awards if it should search support and the responsibilities of govern- wish to. The price of panel papers was discussed ment or other research supporters toward main- It was decided that the costs of the reproduction taining the freedom of social scientists in their and sale of papers should be examined in order to research. Because it was felt that the mandate of , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at see if there can be a reduction in the price of the Committee was already sufficiently broad, papers. the motion was tabled. In submitting his report, the Treasurer, Dr. After unanimously passing a motion that the Max M. Kampelman, indicated that the Associa- Council accept the report of the Executive Com- tion was in fine financial condition. The projected mittee as printed in the June, 1967, issue of The budget for 1967—68 was unanimously approved by American Political Science Review, the Council 29 Sep 2021 at 10:10:38 the Council. The Council unanimously authorized turned to resolutions submitted by members of , on the Executive Director on behalf of the Council the Association. to express appreciation for the grants and gifts Since the whole question of the future relations received from a number of donors. of officers, staff members, and members of the Marver Bernstein, Chairman of the Committee Association to any other organization is now on Professional Standards and Responsibilities, under consideration by the Bernstein Committee, reviewed the Committee's report. With the per- the Council accepted a motion recommending the mission of the Council, the Chairman of the De- rejection of the Clarke resolution with respect to partment of Political Science at the University of the outside activities of elected or staff officers of . IP address: Oregon spoke before the Council and asked that: the APSA. (1) a staff director be appointed who would sys- The resolution submitted by George Carey, for- tematically ascertain the feelings of a wide range bidding elected officials of the Association using of political scientists about the ethical standards their positions to advance their personal views on of the profession, (2) that there be appointed to policy, and the resolution by A. Lee Fritschler the Bernstein Committee additional members et al., requiring that officers and staff of the Asso- who would represent conflicting points of view ciation apprise the President and the Council of and, (3) that specific attention be paid to the re- the receipt of any governmental funds, were re- sponsibilities of government to political scientists. ferred to the Committee on Professional Stan- https://www.cambridge.org/core The seven recommendations of the Bernstein dards and Responsibilities. Committee were then discussed at length. In the The resolution by Samuel Hendel, condemning Downloaded from ANNOUNCEMENTS 1189 certain activities of the House Unamerican Ac- Association. Dr. Hendel appealed this ruling. The tivities Committee, and the resolution of William appeal was not carried. J. Parente, on racial and urban problems, were The Council adjourned at 5:45 P.M. next considered. President Dahl ruled these reso- KENNETH N. WALTZ lutions out of order as being in conflict with Secretary https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055400224830 . Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting The Annual Business Meeting of the American moved the adoption of his resolution; the motion Political Science Association was called to order was defeated. by President Robert A. Dahl at 4:45 P.M., The Editor of the REVIEW, the Treasurer, and September 6, 1967. the Executive Director, whose reports were avail- President Dahl thanked the officers and staff of able to the membership, made brief remarks. The the Association, the members of the Council, and Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Profes- https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms the members of other committees for their co- sor Gwendolen Carter, proposed the following operation during his term of office. He drew officers for 1967-68: special attention to the imaginative work done by President Elect: David Easton, University of the Chairman of the Program Committee and Chicago emphasized the importance of the Committee on Professional Standards and Responsibilities to the Vice Presidents: Stephen K.
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