Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-19-1966 The Ledger and Times, May 19, 1966 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 19, 1966" (1966). The Ledger & Times. 5363. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5363 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I—Lee 41* 8e1ected-4G- A IWIFAilltoW irtntucty Owninsity Newspaper Largest Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And Both In City Calloway County And In County United Press International In Our 87th Year Murray, Ky., Thursday Afternoon, May 19, 1966 100 Per Copy Vol. LXXXVII No, 118 Miss Twila Adams Is een & Heard Murray High Annual Staff For Scholarship Winner Commencement Exercises For Next Year Is Announced MINS Teel& Adams, daughter of Around Mr and Mrs Cody W Adams of Murray High School Announced Farmington Route One, a-nd sen- the Murray ior at Calloway County High Staff posarens for business manager. Advertising man- Commencement exercises for the Max Russell, third honor student. have I School, has been selected as the MURRAY High Annual far next year ager will be Nancy Baker, daugh- Murray High School graduating will give the invocation. The Sen- been announced and Linda Ryan winner of the college scholarship ter of Mr and Mrs Dale Baker. clam of 1966 have been announced. ior Girls' Ensemble wet sing "A editor edition. of the Kirksey Parent-Teacher As- will be of the 1966-67 Other positions include: Senior Barra/aureate services wilt be Prayer for Today." Linda, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Class. Sharon Lockhart, Kenneth sociation, given in honor of Mr. and A Baptist publication at Mayfield held in the First Baptist Church Maurice Ryan, is outstanding in Carson; Feature Editors, Betty Us- Mrs. Max Hurt who have worked Salutatorian Mike McDaniel will comes up with the following at 8 o'clock on Sunday evening, sch aarship, band and TO -Hi -Y . rey, Den Kavanaugh; Music Edi- faithfully for the PTA. May 29 Miss Lillian Wetter,. or- deliver the welcome Superinten- ' Dan Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. tors, Marilyn Wilson, Dtane Tali- The winner has been active in ganist, and Miss Lynda Allbraten, dent Fred Schultz will speak to the When Pa is sick. When Pa is sick clubs Robert 0 Miller, will be aseistant ferro; Snapshot Editors, Hugh Col- and organizations during her pianist, will play for the proces- graduating sensors and their frt. he's scared to death And Ma fah editor, David Meltee, son of Bro. son, Rebecca Parker; Foe/tate Edi- years at CaSoway County sional and recessional. Bro. Jay ends The Senior Mixed Chorus will and us Just hold our breaths, High and Mrs Audit McKee, will be tors, Ann Griffin, Melanie Boyd; School. She has served as Lockhart will give the invocation sing "You'll Never Walk Alone" He crawls in bed and puffs and state Club Editors, Phyllis Mitchell, Russ reporter for the Kentucky and benediction grunts . An' does all kind of Hargis will give the valed- Howard; Senior Activities. Jamie FBLA club and also heal reporter Judy assay stunts The Mixed Chorus, under the dir- Principal Eh Alexander will Murray Women At Diuguid. Tommy Williams; Sports her FBLA and the Laker Band. ictory He wants the doctor nughty ection of Mn John Bowker, will recognize the honor students. Editor, Buster Scott, Steve Sam- Mite Adams is also a member of quick . For when Pa's ill he's WSCS Assembly sing "Wondrous Love" and "Beau- mons. Greek MaKeet; the Beta Club and Calloway chapt- Maurice Ryan, thairman of the awfully sick tiful Bevies" Bro. William Porter Junior Clam, Janice Hughes, Ed- er of the Future Teachers of Amer- Board of Education, will present He gasps and groans and rolls will preach the sermon. die Young. Sophomore Cams, Phil ica. diplomas The benediction win be hes eyes. Ma Jumps and rare and Portland, Oreg. Mrs. Bun Jones, Ralph Jones; Peahens:1 Miss Adams attends the Goshen Ushers for the services will be given by the fourth honor student, I all al us And all the house Ls Crawford and Mrs. Goldie Curd are Class, Dale Guthrie, Steve Moody, Methodist Church. She plans to en- Kenneth Carson, Bob Dunn, Bill Carol Champion in a rum among 8.000 Methodist women from 1Joe Forme. ttati Grade, Sheri Bog- ter Murray State Univernty this Hart, Terry Lax, Jerry McCoy, Ushers for this occasion will be And police and Joy Is mighty all 50 states who are attending the SIUMMer Bid- ard, Martha Finney; 7th Grade, working toward a degree Tony Ftayburn, Steve Sammons, Suzanne Adams, Mary Jane Mince When Pa is act, its Seventh Amenably of the Woman's in elementary Griffin, Kay Pinkley, Mitzi Cook, Tony education. Gary Wilkins, Burton Young and wet Melanie Boyd, Ann steneaung fierce Sancta: of Christian Service arid The winner Debbie Rayburn. Artists, Rebecca Tarry, al the twenty-five Eddie Young. Kaye Hale, Janice Hughes, Wesleyan Service Guild here May dollar Prances Martha Robbins, Steve Bell, Glenn sohalarthip was selected by Commenceanent exercises will be Simmons., Rebecca Tarry, When Ma is sick. • group of Williams. Nanny: Photographers, Bob Hulse, teachers at Kirksey on the Murray High campus. wea- Williarns and Lavonda When Ma is sick she pegs away School. To be Mass are The Assembly is held every foi r Mike Lyons: Theatre Kaye Hale, eligible, the senior ther permitting, at 8 o'clock on Sponsors of the senior She's quiet. tato' — not much to at Calloway had to be a Brown, Mrs. Lucy Lil- years to bring Methodist women to- Bonnie Shelley. Rita Stroud, Mary graduate Friday, evening, June 2 Mrs. Peggy Bay. She goes right on aelogi things of Kirksey Elementary School. The Tarry Shelton, arid gre- aser for inspiration. study and Pat Hedges, Cass History. Raley The Murray High Band will play ly, Ball Jeffrey, . And some'emes laughs and presentation of the award will be Hart. felawehip and to focus attention Sykes, Jane Belote, Levoncle Wil- for the proceasional and recessional. Mrs. George even sings. She says she don't feel made by Ihricsey Principal M. B. out their work in mission.s. Chris- liams, Mary Beth Odle: Ota-ss Pro- extra well . But then It's just Re,ogers at school's tian Kcal relaeons and other are- pihecy, Swan Tesseneer. Kathy a kind o' spell titte'll be all right graduating exercises on Tuesday as of chinch life Sinarnona, Kathy Farrell, Ed Park- Pledge Class Of ASA ' Maythe24 class Night Itantimied On Page Throe) The Woman's Society of Chris- er: Clam Will, Cindy Koenen, Honored By Alumnae tian Service is the women's organ- Joyce Cooper, Theresa Resig, John Bill Jeffrey, Distributive Education teacher at Murray isation of The Larson. Plans For Booth Are Mettlieckst Church. The AN Sigma Alpha national High School, presents Gary Turner, left, With the "Out- and the Wesleyan Service Guild la Sponsors of the clam are Biologist To Speak At Calloway Mrs, social sorority Alumnae Chapter of standing Student" plaque. The award was made at Its auxiliary for employed IdeN Made By Scout Troop the WOMMO. Bailey, Mrs. Vonnte Shelton, To Group,Tonight Murray honored thi_ pledge class of The women attending Gary first annual banquet for the students. the Assem- Boggess and Bob Tcon. Mrs, the ASA local chapter of Murray Plana for a booth at the "Scout- bly are among 1,722,000 members Clara Griffin will sponece the an- May 20 G State Ureversity on Saturday even- Is of the ander" to be held at Paducah June Society and Gudld in its 36,- nual. The group will begin work ing, May 14, with a buffet supper • 4 and 5 were made at the regular ary Turner Wins Plaque As 000 local units on it immediately. Mr Oscar Touiter, chairman of at the home of Mrs. John Nanny The Senior Claw of Calloway meetus of Boy Scout Troop 46 at A special feature of this Assem- the department of molecular bio- on the Coldwater Road. The alum- County High School Ms issued an FIrst Methodet Church Tuesday mlls bly is that it climaxes the obser- logy, Vanderbilt University will honored Mrs. nae members also Invitation to the public to its (be. evening The booth will feature it- ng DE Student vance et the 25th Anniversiry of Girl Scout Council speak at a meeting of the Murray Joe Dick who be moving from Friday. May 20, at 8 00 pm. ems of leattiereork rnade by the the Society and Gued Reports on Night, Outstandi▪ State chapters or Students Affiliat- Murray to Louisville in the near Connie Hopians, the valedictor- members of Thep 45 under the the 25th Anniversary achievements Meets On Tuesday es of the American Chernical Soc- fir tire. Pen- The first amnia Murray High presented as the outstanding stu- ian of the class, Wein Eddie Instruction of &mestere Scoutmas- of the roolety and Guild in mem- iety and Beta Beta Beta biology ABA pledges attending were: Car- SchicaUm am- nington, the salutaitithein. with the ter Joe Reeder School Distributive dent In the department. Gary is bership, giving and monary re- fraternity The Murray Neighborhood GM May 19 olyn With, Murray. Margaret help of Mark Lamiter, Keith Curd, A demonstration of first aid for ployee-lamployer banquet was held the son a Mr and Mrs.
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