HOLBROOK. 1~5 DI R 'ECTORY •] SUFFOLK. Oldham Robt. Wm.insnr.agt. Duke st; Stiff John, beer retailer !Turner Waiter Eugene. farmer,. Proffit John, tomato grower, Raydon Sutton F.head gardener to Sir Gerald . insurance agent, landowner & over- corner J H. Ryan J.P. Hintlesham hall 1 seer, Northlands & Mill farm Prentice Waiter, farmer Turner H01-ace Henry, farmer & land- Turner Wait. George Sydney, farmer,. Rout Joshua, builder owner, Priory & Norman's farm Old house &:; Old hall Smith George, farmer, Manor farm l Turner Robert Edwin, farmer HINTON, see Blythburgh. HITCHAM is a parish and village, 5 miles east-by-north Stanstead Hall. The principal landowners are Sir from Lavenham station on the Bury and Long Melford Thomas Courtenay T. Warner bart. C.B., M.P. of Brat­ section of the Grelllt Eastern railway. 7 north from Had- tenham Park, Samuel Thomas Harwood esq. J.P. of' leigh and 7 south-west from Stowmarket, in the Southern Battisford Hall, Mr. Willie Wailer and Mr. Henry Fair­ division of the county, Cosford hundred and union, weather. The soil is clayey; subsoil, clay and graveL Hadleigh petty sessional division and county court district, The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley and turnip&. rural deanery of Lavenham, archdeaconry of Sudbury The area is 4,308 acres; rateable value, £3,532; the and d1ocese of Ely. The church of All Saints is a large and population in 19II was 835 in the civil, and 734 in the­ handsome building of flint with stone dressings, in the ecclesiastical parish in 1901. Later Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of By Local Government Board Order 16,46g, March 25,. five bays with clerestory, aisles, south porch and an em- r885, a detached part of Brettenham was added to hattled western tower containing 6 bells: there is a pis- Hitcham. cina in the chancel and others in the north and south Parish Clerk and Sexton, Harry Charles Sewell. aisles: in the chancel floor are stones containing the Post Office.~Mrs. Lavinia Eliza Grimwood, sub-post- matrices of three brass effigies: the roof is beautifplly mistress. Letters arrive from Ipswich at S-45 a. m. & carved: the interior was restored and beautified in 1878, 4-55 p.m.; dispatched at 10.10 a.m. (9·35 a.m. July,. and affords about soo sittings. The register dates from .August & September) & 7-45 p.m.; no delivery on the year I575· The living is a rectory, net yearly value sunday. The nearest money order & telegraph offic& £63I. including 28 acres of glebe and residence, in the is at Bildeston, 1! miles distant gift of the Crown, and held since 1903 by the Rev. Wall Letter BoxE>s.-Hitcham street, cleared at 10.20 RobPrt Russell Cobbold M.A. of Caius College, Cam- a.m. & 7.50 p.m. & Cross Green, cleared at 8.45 a.m. hridge. St. Edmund's Mission Church (formerly a & 7 p.m Baptist chapel), will hold 100 persons. The parish Public Elementary School (mixed), ereoted,with teacher'& charities amount to £64 yearly. Charles J. Grimwade house, in 1872, at a cost of £950. for 150 children; esq. of Hadleigh, is lord of t,he manor of Hitcham, 8Jld average attendance, 117; Richard _<\mory Preece,master Col. J. H. Rivett-Carnac C. I.E. lord of the manor of • Carriers to Stowmarket.-T. & E. Squirrell, daily PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cobbold James, farmer, Lodge farm Sewell Harry Charles, thatcher & tax Cobbold Rev. Robert Russell M.A, Dade Albert, blacksmith collector for Hitcham, Brettenham,. (rector), Rectory Drew James, bricklayer Thorpc Morieux, Wattesham, Bil- F'airweather Henry, Causeway house Fairweather Hy. farmer & landowner deston & Chelsworth Hawes Miss, The Hall Ford Rachel (Miss), farmer,Poplars fm Sewell Jack Harry, assistant overseer Hurren Anthony, The Grange Gosling Alfred Thos. farmr. Bloxhall & tax collector for Brent Eleigh. COMMERCIAL. Green Thos. M. farmer, Church farm Monlis Eleigh & Preston Bracifield Elijah, farmer, Bird street Hall Stanley, farmer, Chapel farm Sheldrake Fredk. Wm. farm bailiff t() Brett John, farmer, Wetherden hall Hubbard Charles Potter, farmer,East- 1 Mr. Herbert Sqnirrell, Laurels frm Brook William Cornelius, grocer, wood farm Steggles Thomas, blacksmith Cross green Hudson William G. White Horse P.H Thorington Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper Brown Wm. Morris, grocer & draper Hymns William, farmer Thorpe George, farmer, Startles farm Bull John, miller (wind) Le Grice Thomas Joseph, farmer, Hill underwood Robt. farmer, Browns frm Bull John, jun. farmer, Crossways farm )Valler Willie, farmer & landownerr Bull Samuel, farmer, Brick house Pearl John, boot maker Ennals farm Butcher Harry, farmer. Boxtree farm Rampling Waiter, carpenter Wailer Willie, jun. farmer, Plains fm Cob bold Horace, farm bailiff to S. T. Roberts Henry, wheelwright Westley Wm. farmer, Oak Tree farm Harwood esq. J.P. Luckey's farm Sahler Isoline (Miss), farmr. Clay hill: HOLBROOK is a parish and scattered and picturesque Br·idges Hulllter Rodwell esq. is affiliated to the count1 village, with a small rivulet running through it, which scciety at Ipswich. The interest of £1,ooo is distributed empties itself into the river Stour at Holbrook Bay, 3 annually by the rector and churchwardens, under the miles east from the Bentley station of the Colchester and will of Mrs. Catherine Deane, on 26th Dec. to the sick Ipswich section of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 south and deserving poor, and the Clench and Herring from Ipswich, in the South Eastern division of the county, charities, consisting of the interest on £10, is likewise Samford hundred', petty sessional division and union, distributed annually to the poor of the parish. Charle& county court district of Ipswich, rural deanery of Sam- Hugh Berners esq. of Woolverstone Park, who is lord of f'lrd, archdeaconry of Suffolk and diocese of Norwich. the manor, Gifford Sherman Reade esq. and the devisees­ The church of All Saints is a large and ancient structure of t-he late Benjamin Bridges Hunter Rodwell esq. Q.C., of brick and rubble, in the Perpendicular style, consisting M.P. (d. 1892), are chief landowners. The soil is light; of chancel, nave, aisles, vestry, south poroh and an em- subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are roots, wheat and battled western tower containing 5 bells: in the church is barley. The area is 2,028 acres of land, including 267 an altar-tomb with recumbent effigies to John Clench, of wood and' plantations, 26 of inland and 46 of tidal first recorder of Ipswich, 1574, Baron of the Exchequer, water and 329 of foreshore; rateable value, £3,360; the- 1581, and justice of the Queen's Bench 1591-1602, a.nd population in 19II was 741. Katherine (Almot) his wife; he died 19 Aug. 1007; on the Parish Clerk, William Ward. sides of the tomb are smaller figures of his 7 sons and 8 Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Charles Philip Kerridge, sub- daughters, one of whom, Thomas Clench, was M.P. for postmaster. Letters are received from Ipswich at 6 Suffolk in 1620: the church was restored in 1863 and en- a.m. & 3-15 p.m.; sundays, 6 a.m.; dispatched at larged by the addition of a nol'lth aisle in memory of the r2.15 & 7-25 p.m.; sundays, dispatched at 1.5 p.m Rev. John Brewster Wilkinson, rector from 1832, at a cost Letter Box on post, Woodlands, cleared at 7.15 a.m. & of £900, and affords 327 sittings. The earliest register 3.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.15 a.m dates from the year 1559. The living is a rectory, net County Constabulary Police Station, Charles Smith,. yearly value £254, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, acting sergeant in charge built in 1822. in the gift of the Church Patronage Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), erected in rrustees, and held since 1910 by the Rev. Marmaduke I86o, for 180 children ; average attendance, 136; J ohrr Washington !\LA.. of Trinity College, Cambridge. There C. Young, master is a We.;;leyan chapel here. The village reading room, Carriers to Ipswich.-Mrs. George Hart, daily excepiJ built in 188o, on land given by the late Benjamin wed.; John Smith, daily Rodwell Mrs. Hunter, Woodlands COMMERCIAL. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Rodwell William Hunter J.P. Hol- Carey William L.R.C.S.I., L . .l.H. Carey William, The Beeches brook lodge Dub. surgeon, & medical officer ~ Hempson Miss, Rose cottage Sale Mrs. The Hollies public vaccinator of Holbrook dis­ Mash Mrs. Reed hall Sleigh Henry Paterson M.B. Den­ trict, Samford union & medical Murray Col. Kenelm Digby D.S.O., mark house officer to the union workhouse J .P. The Croft Washington Rev. Marmaduke ~LA. Catchpole Wm. sen. market gardener Reade Gifford Sherman, Holbrook ho (rector), Rectory C-:>llinsun William, beer retailer .
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