an«! putting Miss Easton in the Camber 8, with a cast headed by Otto Skilton's Indian allegory. New Russian Tenor Cultivated Pearls and Real Kruger, Emmet Corrigan and Márgalo AMERICA'» FOItKMOCT THEATREa AWt» »Ti. DfBtttmON OF 1>EE AND J. J. »HT BEBT Both of these ladies wore in the cast Clillmore. Hugh Fora wi'h.ntitge thl- Th«â «îd Ht A Ont Park W so Ones of new as lh" .""i»' Kfs. »I 8. Only Mat. Today at Z Pieces Given bv last night, and was Mr. Gigli, who At Best in Held Equal Value production, h? did the Original 8HUBERT vaudeville ää«1 Jolien'i BSth$»."»._fCîlrete 36ïi. CEMTUB1_ first disclosed his fine voice to us in Songs one. "tíalomy Jan«" will bo presented WINTER GARDEN i 44thST THEATRE Trt-day A \\Vrl!ii-»<1»y, S:M. the opera, and their re¬ later, with Miss Gillmorc in the title I» BTAft Itm Wti ÎMII». 9:16 und 8:16, performance French Sciential» Declare Only role. Al in «»BOMBO" SOTHERN-MARLOWE Stransky Players«/ newed the agreeable impressions of Of His J0LS0Ñ Tin» WV»k: Marchant »f Vraie«. Moa Twelft't last year's Mar- Countrymen Difference Is Core in "Aliga Jimmy Valentine." based on FÜHRTET ïl?»».» t*. W, ôTÏ'y. Btf». S-oft, Nlih». Tur* Hamlat. \\-l Tamla« gl ih« representation. Mr« Larger <íth SL, W 8r By. B»s. «88. Merwtaat «t V) dones was tho Meilstofele. He sang Product 0. Henry's "A Retrieved Reformation," Mut«. To-day & VVed., 2:80. Bhltw. Tliura,: Vente«, 59e-1? Japanese wiiH produced bore 1000 Songs Prove Interesting, hut sonorously and rar. trvio to the conven¬ Hosing Fails to Measure PARIS, Nov. 25.. Pearls are penrlfl, originally in ts ns of tho tak¬ Up und proved one of the suooesses of the provincial theater by whether produced the It was 6REENW.6H VM.L46E FOLLIES 1921 JDUUIn Maii.To-'ijy * w. Ijfick Artistic Pregnancy; ing a curtain call after the to Demanda of by .fupanese year. later produced in London, T57tll fc SSWl TIME* TO-CAY prologue Program; method of their where it ran for a year with Gerald "Mefistofele" Is disclosing tiw fact that when Satan Misa Gauthier*« Concert artificially stimulating Du Maurler in the skats at nnx arvicsi Sing by discoursed laid a in or formad lu the leading role, which THEGREEN good-humoredly aiui production oysters II. R, Warner created here, «Mt4*lh8t. li Adhcc Fine Cast at with God he did so the dis¬ of Chamber Music Please« RAVE* Kn-filnMÍ.ÜO. Metropolitan wager in usual manner, bo far uh French science "Saiomy Jane," presented in 1007, was PRINCESS í^57^¿^iVyA:.í^ ARLISS» GOOBESS of a friai.a nuance which guise gray can determine. M. Boutan, in a report one of the most uharacter por¬ A pi.ay or Aj>yjçvrvKr.. we believe will be searched for in vain Vladimir Rating, Russian tenor, trayals made by popularEleanor Robson 5ÜZETTE f^aWEe. By H. E. Krehbiel in the Book of Goethe's and made first in Now York to the Academy of Science, shows that (now yrTHL iikbt misîcat. rojrEDY in tow.nm Job, poem hta appearance Mrs. Augur t Belmont) during bar sstge Bl Avumicc We* ** 8t- Rr> *'. At a concert the Philharmonic the acoro of Boito's The other last night at Aeolian Hall. the of fortriatîcri la the name Th«««r» rLAinUUoC WnA-M. »tt* to-u»v*wc: by opera. Vocally procesa career. nHNATiONAII *'»' W«t .( Bway. Orchestra in Carnegie Hall pOQpl« [n the cast were Flora Pcrini, Mr. Rosing; was a disappointment. His in both cases, and the only difference _ht«. 8:30. IVilHâ. Phéne BRYANT 1584. yesterday as voice was not remarkable in o;' «J«l Kl «Il Mc.'.iif. To .in y ananil Wed., 2 1)0. afternoon Mr. exhibited the .ai Pantallàj Kathleen Howard, timbre, is In the larger core of tho "Japanese" Stransky Marta; Angelo linda, as Wagner, and mediocre quality, and not always agree- iatest which has fallen able. This him in pearl. Dickens! SE. MAIN STREET *Sto.n°ette0»E as Mr. tola sours | attempt under; Giordano Paltriniori Ncreo. agatn.lt there has .some iV&ü EOVMAR. Among jewelers been Pelightful ¦ By our notice to utilise phrases from the Moiansani conducted. which required tonal beauty to be difference of opinion, but the. majority Si'li, n'r »>. »a. I'M, I effective, as in Mousaorgsky's "Cradle Master of the story-tell¬ DlvJUU¦I IAH THBA 4Vli, W, or ll'way. f.r<. R:.sn. ilHl» T. «lay and vvH. "Mo$t alluring ttoge picture* native music of the aborigines of seemed to agree that only by holding here at last Matliu'M To-day & W»«liiii¡xluy, 2:00, have ever seen.".Alan Dale. Sonff," Rubinstein'» "Prisoner," Raeh« to the and the ing art! And RACHEL 0RQTHËR8' Xow America in the construction of an Admira! Chatfield to nianinoffs and Grotehaninoff's pearls light judging or flay, "Night" Bise of the core could they distinguish all the charm bis quaint St. Thaa. 8:80. Mala. To art.-tic composition. He performed "The Steppe." Mr. Roaing's chief as¬ between "real" and cultivated. characters and intriguing 48'h Kvgs -day U on set is bis as an pearls. three numbers from a "Primeval Suite" Sail Cedric To-day! ability interpreter of In tho "Japañóse" method some small plots baa been transferred EVERYDAY" songs by his countrymen. Those on Challes Sanford Skilton, who U object is placed in tho oyster which to theacroen with remark¬ by Return» to From 'last night's program included songa of promptly protects itself by able and admirable of theoretical ar.d England oppression and suffering, of love, and depositing fidelity mRPgST r/ie #i !('<«»« r'omedy «ufi-w! With Mar/ professor applied about the intruder the pearl substanco, sincerity. Se« 4 Jullttta Day. "J.ot* of dinaer ¦-¦S't-\ music in of Kansas Washington? and cf humor and si'tire. In those both his as ¡t does when such an Veunf the University Oropesu and his to establish exactly object Niemv Amsterdam sincerity ability into the shell accidentally. Thor© Watt 4!<! Ht. Bvanlnn I " The pieces were two soups which ac- Departing moods wore, gota, DCBtiBI II» Admira! Sir E. Chatfield and contrasting praiseworthy. was no explanation as to why "real" nCrUDLiv Mat«. \vei>. aril BAT; : company tjambHsjJ gt»mes of the red-| Lady But even as an interpreter, Mr Roa« pearls are found only about small cores. ATTBACT,0N8 Chatfield have on tho ing's performance more ap¬ THEATRE, Wa.t «4th St men and a serenade. The themes, we engaged passage nearly The reason for the largor core in tho Charles Dickens LONGAORE»vimnHiii, Mak'ne«j and I I tf TO^VW*To-day Wed I i L Mat». 4 2:38 are wire down Star proached the gentle nrt that flourish >» cultivated stone is the need to hasten LITT t T»-day W«d., told, noted by Professor Whito liner Cedric, sailing to-day in >alons than Skilton fron) performances by members for The Admiral is second the riper attainments of the process so it will be. prolitable. ft of the Sioux Liverpool. concert stage, and at no time did lie respectively Dragon, and; assistant attache to mis- soar above "OUR ELTINGE Winnebago tribes, ar.,1 in the second the British mediocrity. Francis Mae.millen Heard in "Tula In tho same Year" afternoon at the "Thank-U piece, far the most of sien at Washington. hall Thy. by interesting Miss Eva Gauthier and the Chamber Second Recital at Town ómlth-Qnahlng Comedy Stiocj» »nd With 1IIANK CHAVEN the three, an effort at verisimilitude Other passengers in tho Cedvie's first Hall STAGED BY WINCHKLLBy. SMITH was made the flute toi Music Art .Society gave an interesting Francis Macmillen, an Amorican vio¬ MUTUAL íi¿!iii^:ii'íi^¡:j by permitting cabin include Professor B. concert of chamber music bv Imitats the pipe used ¡n their court-, Chauncey- Mozart, linist who has won deserved repute, .THKATKK ÜUIMJ rBODlCTIÜNS' shins by others of ".lie plains Indians] Tinker, of the faculty of Yale Uní- Holst. Quiller, Schubert, Hugo Wolf, FRIEND" 'he Sioux, the Indian ¿engen and other composers. A fea¬ was heard for the second timo this besides though versity; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M, llar-1 of the FULTON, W. 48. Matin9f3 New Gultd Pre- is not a fluto, strictly speaking, ture concert Wai the perform« season last night at the Town Hall. Mr. at the and 2:30. pipe riman, of New York; W. McNeil Rode- anco of Eiehheiin's Im- Lyric Theatre, day Wednatday, auction ilnv. and might, we fancy, have been as Henry "Oriental Macmillen's playing is marked by in¬ beginning eve¬ AMBUSH,rSn»J ULI0M SSohlldkraut & La Gallienne. WIFE\ SMILE Uarrir* Nov. 28. easily introduced Into the orchestrai wald, of Tuxedo; Mr. and Mrs. Brooks pressions," a series of Japanese. Chi- Monday of the nesci Corean and Siamés;« themes telligence and refinement. He is al- ning, and feel the thrill of (for the original exposition Adams, of Boston; the Rev, A. Mc- seeing a classic at a; the Indian gathered by him during travel in the most too zealous in outlining the com- perfectly melody, least) drum, M. '"¦' ¦'" ¦" Clenthan, of Baltimore; A. Lockett, East, and conducted by the composer. pictured. What a treat .Arthur Hoaklnt Praunt«1 .Arlbur Htpklni rrewat«* * Arthur Haaklna Praitnti" ""¦l ¦ with its persistent be;.t, which Profes- These formed poser's thought down to the last de¬ for the sor Skilton used in the two gambling; chairman of toe Industrial Canal Com¬ but one incident of an tail, for in pursuing this end hu is apt whole family For a hundred of, New Frank unusually interesting program which to be .for father, moth« "Anna songs.
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