Sa it * “PublishedbyAuthority "Prive$81000,00 : General Notice56.of 2006. / Tender number — SEEDS ACT(cHaPtER 19:I3] : TelOne.9665. Supply and.detiveryof Krone’accessories! TelOne.9666. Supply anddelivery ofyellow TelOne plastic warning " Designation of‘Contifying Agency, tape. St NOTICEiis hereby.given,“jntennis ofsection 4 (3).of thene Seeds TelOne.9668, Supply:andéelivery oftelephonesoekets anda linejacl . (Certification Scheme) Notice, 2000, publishediin Statutory Instru- . units. oo Qe : ment213 of 2000,thatthe Certifying Authority has designatedAgpy TelOne.9669. Supply and delivery of drop wirew outdoor twin: (Private) Limited, to be a: certifying agency‘in respect of cowpea, Documents are.obtainable from the TelOne Buying Recep millet seed,Sorghum,and sugar beans. tion; Room 3N2;Third Floor, Runhare House,-107,.Kwam« oe C. MUJAJU, | - Nkrumah Avenue, Harare, upon paymentofa non-refundabl -10-3-2006. “Head; Certifying Authority. deposit.of$30 000,00. Tender documents are’sold between 1( 00 and 12 00 hours;daily Monday.to Fridayexcept on publi Notice 57 of2006. oats holidays, Theclosing date isi 11thth April, 2006. , STATEPROCUREMENT BOARD General Notice 59.0f 2006. io Tenders Invited _ STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD sa os Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the - oS ve ‘TendersInvited | ; f advertisedtender number, description,closing date and must be posted in timetobe. Tenders mustbe enclosedinsealed envelopes, endorsed onthe outside with th sorted into Post OfficeBox Number CY 408, Causeway, or delivered byhandtothe advertised tender number, description, closing date. and must-be posted in timeto b Principal Officer, State ProcurementBoard, Fifth Floor,Old.Reserve Bank Building, sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causeway,or delivered by handto th Seat” Samora MachelAvenue, Harare, before 10 a.m. on the closing date, PrincipalOfficer, State Procurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building E.M: USHEW!OKUNZE, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10 am. on theclosing date. 10-3-2006. Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. E. M. USHEWOKUNZE Tendernumber 103.2006, ‘ Principal Officer, State Procurement Board Tendernumber ZEDC.01/2006. Annual supply of treatedwood poles. Closing date is 11th April, 2006. Documents for the above-mentioned . NOC.01.01.2006.Photocopiers.Tender documentsare available.fo collection at the NOCZIM Reception;Fifth Floor, NOCZIN tender can be inspected and are obtainable upon paymentof House, 100, Leopold Takawira Street, Harare, uponpaymen anon-refundable fee of $200 000,00 for each set of bidding- _ documents from the ZEDC ProcurementOfficer, Zimbabwe of.a non-refundable’ fee of $200 000,00 per set of tende Electricity Distribution Company, Offices 222 and 223, Second ’ documents. Closing date is 11th April, 2006. ‘Floor, Electricity Centre, 25, Samora Machel Avenue, General Notice 60 of 2006. - : Harare. CONSTITUTION OF ZIMBABWE General Notice 58 of 2006. Appointment of Commissioners of the Ant-ComruptionCommiisio STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD’ IT is hereby. notified that thePresident,in terms ofsection 108/ TendersInvited ofthe Constitution, as read with section 4(1) of the Anti-Corruptioy Commission Act [Chapter 9:22], has appointedtthe following pet Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the sons as Commissioners to the Anti-Corruption Commission— advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be postedin time to be Mr, Abdulman Eric Harid (Chair;person) sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causeway,or delivered by hand to the Dr. Rutendo Faith Wutawunashe (Deputy Chairper:son) Principal Officer, State Procurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building, Mr. Casper Khumalo Mrs. Juliet Machoba Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10 a.m. on the closing date. Reid. Brigadier Elasto Madzingira E.M. USHEWOKUNZE, Mirs. Bessie Fadzai Nhkandara 10-3-2006, Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. MsAlice Nkomo 152, :. aa ape at a -ZiwsaswsayGovern Gazer,10mMarcy, 2006. Mn}Kuziwa Nyamwanza " a CHANGEOF NAME. :.Mr JohannesJomana rotice that, ‘on‘the16thday ofFebruary;3006; beforeime, : —MCIM.SIBAN luliso:Siziba, a legal practitionerahd notary public, appeared, . feel132006Chief Secretarytoothe President andl Cabi in Masawiin: his:‘personal capacityas the: father. and: natural- -- ian ofthe’ minor. child :KabeloNyathi (born.on:the-16th of — Mo CHANGEOFNAME ay,,1995) and hechangedhis.nameto Kabelo Masawi,so that, enceforth,forallpurposes and occasions he;shall be knownby the. TAKEnotice’‘that,on the28th Februaty; 2006,JesterMuchiirehw: Kabelo’Masawi. © “ “(bom on the 17th June, 1960); appearedbeforeine,Virginia Mudimu,. ‘Datedat‘Bulawayo this1 22nd day0ofFebruary,2006:Sijabutiso= : .. a legalpractitioner andnotary public; and changedher name:to_ ‘Siziba, legal practitioner/notary public,c/o Cheda and Partners, ‘Sixth... Mudl nuaid Charewa: (born: on:2nd-December, 1959).- -Virgini : ulawayo,,: Cc ‘ANGE OFNAME CHANGE OF NAME _NOTICEiigs hereby giventhat Webstér Rugube(born on‘Ist Jain: * NOTICEiis. hereby piven that, by.notarial deed executedi before ye ary,’ 1974) appeared. beforé: me, Blessing Nyamusamba, on 13th ' me, Davison Kanokanga, a notarypublic and legal. practitioner,at . February, 2006, a-‘notary public, at Harare, and changed his name Harare; onthe 20th day of February, 2006, Shorai Katsande (born - ‘ to Webster Mahona. on 23rd October, 1986), did abandon thename:Shorai‘Katsande © : Dated at Harare on this 13th day ofFebruary, 2006.—Blessing : _ -and assume’ the.riame Shorai Tatenda:Manjéya; which name‘she: | -Nyamusamba; c/o B: Nyamusamba andPartners, legal practitioners, .- Shallhenceforthuséinall deeds, documents, Proceedingsand trans- =. 17, Wellington’Court,cnr. Maze Street/Fife Avenue, Harare.: actions ofwhatsoever nature. » 2017688 foe Dated at Haratethis 20th dayofFebruary, 2006:cleiRanga _ clo Kanokanga and:Partners,P.O. Box 7283, Harare. aa E CHANGE CHANGE : "CHANGE OF NAME. TAKE noticethat, on the 9th dayofDecember, 2005, Taurai Mutasa eeer . appeared before me, Hebert Shenje,’a notary public; at Bulawayo, "NOTICEis herebygiven that Muzvate Shoko appeared before - and changedhis name toTomKatiyo,so that, hericeforth,heshall be me, Winston Tshakalisa,a notary. public, on the Sth January, 2006, known as Tom Katiyo.—HebertShee eeepractitioner, Bulawayo. and changed his name from | Muzvare ‘Shokoto Muzvare 201597E. - Mahlokozela:: : Shed Dated at Beitbridge. on:this Sth Tanuary: 2006._Winston = CHANGE OF NAME, - Tshakalisa, clo W. Tshakaliga’TeePractitioners,PO. “Box 238, - Beitbridge. - 201785 . ‘ NOTICEis. hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before’ ; me, Munyaradzi Nzarayapenga, a notary public, at Bulawayo, on: yo : CHANGE OF NAME the 6th January, 2006, Terence Phiri (bom on 6th July, 1982) did” abandon and renounce the name Terence Phiri and assume in its. NOTICE isi ‘herebygiven that, by notarial deed executedbefore, place the name“Terence Muli so that he shall be knownas Terence me, Denford Halimani,‘a legal practitioner and notary public, at Muli, which nameshall béused in all records, deeds, documents Harare, Jane Burnein her capacity asthe sole guardianofthe minor and transactions. _ child Jordan Dirk changed the minor‘child’s nameto Jordan Burne, Dated at Bulawayo on this 22nd‘day ‘of February, 2006— - Dated at Harare this 3rd dayofMarch, 2006.—Denford Halimani, Munyaradzi Nzarayapenga, c/o Dube & Partners, legal practition- c/o Wintertons, legal practitioners, Beverley Corner, 11, Selous ers, Suite 3,.Second Floor, Astra Complex Phase 2, 106, Hebert Avenue, Harare. ; 201786 Chitepo Street, Bulawayo.— oO 201579f . CHANGE OF NAME “CHANGE OFNAME ‘TAKE notice. that, on the 28th day of February, 2006, Victor .. TAKE notice that, Stephen Diibein His’‘capacityas thenatural par-. Antonio (born on 12th October, 1977) appeared before me, Daglus “ent arid legal guardian of Gamaliel Antonio (born on 4th June, 1992), Pundu,a legal practitioner and notary public, and changed his name - Priscilla‘Antonio (born on. 1st June, 1989) and Prisca Antonio (born " from Victo Antonio to Victor Phillip—Daglus Pundu, c/o Pundu Ist June, 1989) appeared before me, Davison Kanokanga,a notary & Company,legal Practitioners. 20 1639f -public; at Harare, on the 17th day of February, 2006, and changed his children’s names from Priscilla Antonio to Priscilla Dube, Prisca” CHANGE OF NAME Antonio to Prisca Dube and Gamaliel Antonio to’Gamaliel Dube. Dated at Harare this17th February, 2006.—Davison Kanokanga, ‘NOTICEis hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before- legal practitioner. 201772£ me, Jasper Musimbe,a legal practitioner, at Harare, on 15th dayof: February, 2006, Shelly: Chakurangeyi did abandon the surname. CHANGE OF: NAME Chakurangeyi and assumeinits place the sumame Nhipura which surmameshall be used in all deeds, documents, records and trans- NOTICEis hereby giventhat, bynotarial deed of change ofname actions. Hence she shall be Shelly Nhipura. : executed before me, Bright Mugomeza, Talent Tawani appeared Dated at Harare this 15th day of February, 2006.Jasper~ , before me and changedhis hameto Talent Office. - Musimbe, c/o Kwenda and Associates, legal practitioners, Third Dated at Harare this Ist March, 2006.—Bright Mugomeza,c/o Floor, Equity House, cnr Rezende Street/Jason Moyo Avenue, Mutezo and Company; Fourth Floor, Coal House, Nelson Mandela Harare. — 201638f Avenue/Leopold Takawira Street, Harare. ~ 201770 CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE isi hereby given
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