Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-9-2006 Arbiter, March 9 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. THURSDAY MARCH 9 2006 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT VOICE OF BOISE STATE SINCE 1933 VOL.UME 18 FIRST "ISSUE FREE ISSUE 47 NEWS ::PAGE 3:: .. Asthe demand for nurses increases, Supreme Court sides with military on recruiters' can BSU's nursing . BYGINN~i~~':i:,~~~ access to campuses. OPINION program keep up? ::PAGE 5:: •• South Dakota ushers in a 2nd Victorian era. orcochairman and CEO Jim Kissler an- nounced three new $15,000nursing schol- Narships for Boise State's nursing program. CULTURE Two of the scholarships are aimed at baccalaureate students and one is being reserved of an anticipated nursing master's program. , 'The problem is that The donation comes at a time when Idaho is at risk of a nursing shortage. According to the Western \ there's no room in Interstate Commission for Higher Education, -be- '" \ hospitals for [nursing tween now and the year 2010, 10,000 registered ,\~ students] to do their nurses need to be hired to fill Idaho's healthcare de- ,:'\ clinicals. That's un- mands. Idaho faces strong competition for the new _;~ derstandable though • nurses from neighboring western states who are also dealing with severe nursing shortages. \~ because the hospitals' However, there's no shortage of students. ~ number one concern Up to 700 new students apply to BSU'snursing pro- ~ is their patients -' gram per year. Out of that number, BSUonly admits not students. " 120to 130new students, according to Pam Springer, - Lacy Hawkins ::PAGE 7:: .. nursing department chair. Freshman BSU -Fine cuisine at its finest. Springer said the department is making" efforts to Nursing Student . / expand, but there isn't enough funding. ./ SPORTS "We're trying to get a new building, but we've not ----~~. been too successful." Inadequate facilities are not the only challenge to BSU's nursing program. "It's not that BSU (or any school for that matter) wouldn't want more nursing students," said Lacy Hawkins, a freshman in the nursing department. "The problem is that there's no room in hospitals for them to do their clinicals. That's understandable member in anyone ofIdaho's universities. though because the hospitals' number one concern .'''In the last two weeks we've had three faculty is their patients - not students,' [members] resign. I will be lucky to get one to two Hospitals are anticipating a nursing shortage. The applicants for every open position I have," Springer _major factors contributing to Idaho's nursing short- said. age include the aging population and growth, aging Tocombat the nursing shortage, the INWC is lob- nursing workforce, new opportunities for women in bying the Idaho Senate. INWC is asking the senate ". other professions and a smaller pool of young peo- to increase nursing program faculty salaries and ::PAGE 11:: .. ple entering the profession. increase state funding to university nursing pro- Men's basketball play "You have to really want to take care of people grams so they can build more labs and classroom 1st round today, women to get into [nursing]," said Carol Wolter, R.N. at St. facilities to meet the demand of nursing program advance to semifinals. Luke's Meridian. applicants. Wolter said that nursing is an extremely difficult But, according to Springer, even if the state ONLINE 'field in an often challenging work environment. takesaction now, it's likely Idaho will still ---------------------------- "[Other degreed professionals] get a job that pays feel the strain of shortages in the future. WWW.ARBITERONLINE.COM more and they don't have to deal with blood and ex- "We're caught in something we didn't crement." plan for very well. Now we're able "WEATHER The shortage is exacerbated by the lack-of space to attract people into the profes- sion, but we can't train enough ---------------------------- for new students in existing nursing education pro- By 2020/ grams, and a shortage of nursing faculty. According nurses for what we need. We to a survey conducted by the Idaho Nursing should've started [prepar- Idaho is "Workforce Center, a nurse with a master's degree ing for the shortage] 10 ::FRIDAY:: •• must take.a 40 percent pay cut to become a faculty years ago." High: 39F / Low 23F .expected to have only 40 percent of ::SATURDAY:: .. High: 41F / Low 22F the nurses needed to care for the health needs ::SUNDAY:: .. afthe state's pupulation. High: 41F/ Low 22F . - Boise State News Services CONTACT ---------------------------- ::NEWS:: •• (208) 345-8204 x 102 Just hours left to vote [email protected] BY EMILY POITEVIN located on campus, though It is maintain the site: ::OPINION:: .. NewsWrller recommended that students vote Lastyear 1,584students voted In anywhere they can access the the election, which was almost 9.5 (208) 345-8204 x 112 Voting. for the spring 2006 Internet. percent of the total student body. [email protected] ASBSUelections began yesterday According to ASBSU Election ·pbviously our. voter turnout and continues today until mid- Board Adviser Jerilyn Grow, im- is not a substantial portion of ::CULTURE:: .. night. provements are being made to the the student population,burlt is (208) 345-8204 x 104 Students can vote. from any' online voting system everyyeat. not inconsistent with other col- [email protected] " computer with an Internet con- °Theremay riot bemany chang- leges anduniversitie$"Grow . nection.The link can be found !lstha~students notice, but.our .said. ·Providlng, the ballot on- ,::SPORTS:: .. _ on therightslde ofthe Broncoweb . energya.nd, reS(lurces g~es to- line has helped increaseou~ turn-- homePage, • with . the heading. .wirdmaking the ()nline voting outqulte a bit, becausestiident(' (208).345-8204 x 103 "ASBSlJ.Voting.", ...." website both user-friendly and do.notJIave ~obeon ciuDpus or~) sport$l§larl)lter()~llne.cOIll-i In oider tOV(lte!a studentm:ustsei:ure,"Gr~W'.said."Tbeiblg-at~sPecifii:JoClitiontoi,vot~.;,' ..' , ' .. ' loglni~t!i.th~'~llllleuset,name ·ges(#ia.nge,tJU$~·.iSthatwe . C:lI~didate prome~are avauable,'~ ::4PV~~l1S~NC;:~o~"',%\ :.~uldp~'· "'usedto"atces$areWQrkingwithapdyat~teCh~ " on theballot,liicludtnga plctUie-';: World/National/What the? stories courtesy of KRT Campus Wire Services unless otherwise credited. Local/B5U stories are courtesy of the Boise State Website at www.bolsestate.ed~. All stories are compiled by News Writers .. Registration is $55 for the April 19 Just after midnight in one western foundation on religious freedom. pre-conference workshop. and the Baghdad neighborhood, residents Under mounting pressure, Rellly. world all-day April.20 conference, or $10 heard an imam begging for help on appointed a working group of stu- for the pre-conference and $50 for their local mosque loudspeaker. He dents and university officials in the conference. A discount is avail- Top general TOUTS said that he and the mosque were December to help craft a new sys- able for full-time college'or univer- under attack, witnesses said. Some temwide policy governing resident progress in Iraq sity students with 10. To register, Sunni residents ran toward the assistants. call 426-3861 or go to. http://cpd. WASHINGTON ~ The nation's mosque carrying weapons while Reilly's recommendation was ap- boisestate.edu/courses/Celebrate_ top general said Sunday that Iraq other fired from their yards. plauded by critics of the UW-Eau Wellness.html. isn't slipping into Civil war and The fighting, which killed three Claire policy. blamed the violence there on a people and wounded seven, contin- Reilly said each UW institution "relatively small number of indi- ued for a half-hour and was brought would be responsible for devel- ASBSU Hall of Fame viduals" who he said are trying to under control only when American oping a process to address com- restore "tyrannical rule." helicopters arrived,. nearby resi- plaints from students who feel co- Recognition Slated Appearing on NBC's' "Meet the dents said. The attack was broad- erced. He said campuses would be for March 22 ";\1" Press: Marine Gen. Peter Pace, cast live on local television. required to provide information about the policy while training the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of The Associated Students of Boise resident assistants. dL.~ • Staff, said there's been progress in national . State University (ASBSU) will pres- . , training Iraqi defense forces and ent the annual Student Hall of Fame "."""'., '(' disputed accounts, some from con- awards in recognition of excellence servative commentators, that U.S .. UW closer TO local/bsu ~." -:z: . at Boise State University at 6 p.m. efforts in Iraq are failing, allowing RA-Ied March 22, in the Student Union "It is not a great smiley picture nor BSU hosts Jordan D Ballroom. The event is is it a disaster:' Pace said. "What is Bible study free and a light buffet will be served. it is a very tough environment that 'Celebrate Wel1ness' Event parking is also free. Resident assistants in the still has a lot of work to be done but The event was reorganized this University of Wisconsin System conference !be ,eg,~r pro<11<e of MUmio. "" botn ,110.. to ,Ilho"" ""l' olpO<loIlrio,_litncily. ,hyskolly and ,~ritoolly, one in which we're making very, .year to honor one student leader 11Ib _l101ioo.,OII' .111pmido 0 b,ilI inlrod"'loalo;he ,,011•• "'" _I, followed'" 0 MilOtic .....
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