WESTCHESTER September 2020 -- Elul 5780-Tishri 5781, Volume 26, Issue 9 1994-2019 JewishWESTCHESTER COUNTY’S ONLY MONTHLY JEWISHLife NEWSPAPER Shofars Resound from Beth El Synagogue Center Parking Lot BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN the New Year coming. It serves as a wake-up to teshuva, to return to G-d.” Beginning on Sunday, August 23rd at 10:00 The Shofar is mentioned frequently in a.m., Elul 3, the Beth El Synagogue Center, New the Hebrew Bible, Talmud and rabbinic litera- Rochelle (BESCNR) parking lot resounded with ture. In Exodus 19, the blast of a Shofar ema- Shofar blowing from participants’ cars. nates from a thick cloud on Mount Sinai, mak- Shofars are blown in synagogue services on ing the Israelites tremble in awe. It was used Rosh Hashanah, at the end of Yom Kippur and to announce the new moon, Jubilee Year and weekday mornings in the month of Elul running signified the start of war. They were employed up to Rosh Hashanah. in processionals as musical accompaniment According BESCNR Assistant Rabbi Zach- and were inserted into the Temple orchestra ary Sitkin, the idea for the activity originated by King David. from Beth El’s collective staff, inviting all motor- Shofars may be made from the horn of ists that the parking lot can hold, “primarily for any animal of the Bovidae family except a cow. the Beth El community, through Facebook, Ins- Ashkenazi and Sephardi Shofars are made tagram, e-mail and bulletins, etc. from horns of domestic rams, while Yemini “Masks are required while on Beth El prop- Shofars are made from the horn of a kudu (Af- erty or building, when not in your own car. rican antelope). “It is customary to sound the Shofar Bovidae horns are made of a layer of kera- through the month of Elul in order to awaken us tin around a core of bone, with a layer of carti- spiritually to the experience of Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Zachary Sitkin (middle) lage in between which can be removed, leaving a hollow keratin horn. Apples and Honey, Symbols for a Sweet New Year BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN Despite the ongoing threat of COVID-19, Temple Israel Center, White Plains (TIC), is eagerly making plans for the High Holidays. For Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, TIC is giv- ing members a choice of many servic- es to attend in the Milstein Sanctuary; Tent Aleph; Tent Bet; and Teen Talk. TIC Director of Teen Engage- ment Grades 6-12 Adam Bender ap- Adam Bender peared on TIC’s website, “Virtual and dates,” Bender added. “They grow ates supposedly contain 613 Happenings,” asking, “How do we well as a fish head on a plate, sym- quickly and serve as a positive omen seeds, representing the 613 prepare for the New Year? What are bolizing the “head of the year. We for one’s actions during the coming Mitzvot. all the food symbols we eat annually want to embody heading into the year. “Beets or selek, Ara- around Rosh Hashanah?” New Year and not the tail. A round “Carrots, or Hebrew Gezer maic for ‘remove,’ are eaten Kicking off the program, TIC Teen challah represents the cyclical na- sounds like g’zar, the Hebrew word to express that our enemies Board member Max Kohn sounded a ture of the year. As a new year be- for ‘decree,’ expressing desire that will be removed from us.” Shofar, “blown every day during the gins, we ask ourselves, ‘What was so G-d will nullify any negative decrees. Finally, Bender de- month of Elul, awakening, re-charging great about last year? How can we Squash, or Aramaic Kara, to ‘rip fined an English pun, and energizing us,” Bender noted. improve?’ apart,’ is eaten to hope that Hashem “peas.” “Peas,” he said, “are Bender began by naming apples “The Talmud states that a per- rips apart any evil decrees. all together in a bunch. Peas and honey for a sweet New Year as son should eat squash, leeks, chard “Folklore states that Pomegran- represent ‘world peace.’” Max Kohn sounding a Shofar. Visit www.westchesterjewishlife.com. Birthright Israel Launches First Interactive Tour Due to the global Covid-19 were cancelled, as well as past eat in an Arabic Bistro or a Vegan report studying all Birthright pandemic and for the first time and future Birthright partici- restaurant, visit Birthright’s Tel Applicants whose trips were in its history, Birthright-Israel pants, their families and loved Aviv Center for Israeli Innova- postponed. The study found has postponed all trips since ones, to take part in a virtual tour tion or a local winery and then that Covid-19 has had a signifi- mid-March. “While tens of thou- of Israel using unprecedented float in the Dead Sea or surf the cant impact on the emotional sands of Jewish young adults technology,” she adds. beach. In each location, Navee in- distress of Birthright appli- were planning to visit Israel this Birthright Israel is launch- troduces visitors to local Israelis cants; At least one in five feel summer, the organization quick- ing the first of its kind interactive providing a deeper perspective lonely, hampered by emotional ly turned to online high-quality video, “Choose Your Own Adven- about Israeli culture. The tour difficulties and that they are engagement with its alumni and ture,” on a platform called Eko, only takes about 8 to 10 minutes not coping well. In addition, prospective participants. Since allowing people to choose in real and one can do it again and again about a third are interested in mid-March they reached 4.4 mil- time which sites in Israel they with different choices each time. any kind of Jewish online en- lion people around the world,” want to visit. This means that the As Birthright was work- gagement. says Noa Bauer, VP of Global online tour led by Navee, a real ing on the project, Professor According to Saxe’s study, Marketing at Birthright. “Today and local Israeli guide, allows Len Saxe of the Cohen Center 18% of Birthright applicants we invite the thousands of Birth- you to choose between a visit to for Modern Jewish Studies at whose trips were cancelled are right applicants whose trips Masada or the Western Wall, to Brandeis University issued a willing to board a plane to Israel “Right Now”. for Birthright trips to resume, around the world. Now cel- “The tour is available for supporting both Israel’s rela- ebrating 20 years since incep- every person that wants to get a tions with the Diaspora as well as tion, more than 750,000 young Ben’s Rosh Hashanah Dinners for 6 or 10! glimpse of what Israel has to of- providing massive support and Jewish adults from more than fer, from historic sites to Israeli income to Israel’s periphery and 68 countries participated in a Order By September 13, 2020 To Earn Rewards! Innovation in a fun, innovative tourism industry”. 10-day free educational tour in way,” says Bauer, “But we are still Birthright Israel has a Israel with Birthright Israel. Of working relentlessly on making steadfast partnership with the these 115,000 are Israelis, most the proper adjustments in cre- government of Israel, donors of which are IDF soldiers, stu- ating safe and possible options and Jewish communities from dents and young professionals. Uncovering the Gender Gap in Top Leadership at Jewish Organizations Ben’s Preferred Patron Club Members: Order our package for 10 and receive Leading Edge, based in New communal land- two BUY-1-GET-1 FREE meal rewards or order our package for 6 and receive York City, influences and inspires scape: practitio- one BUY-1-GET-1 FREE meal reward for future use.* dramatic change in how Jewish ners, academics, lay $379.90 for 10 $239.90 for 6 organizations attract, develop leaders, funders, and retain top talent. They work and more. Across APPETIZER APPETIZER with all Jewish organizations and many dimensions, 12 Mini Stuffed Cabbage 6 pieces of Gefilte Fish are led by Gali Cooks, President the project strove to Plus Choice of One: 1.5 pts. Chopped Liver 1 qt. Chopped Liver OR 10 pieces of Gefilte Fish and CEO. keep in full view the SOUP In 2019, Leading Edge ways that barriers to SOUP 2 qts. Chicken Noodle Soup & 7 Matzo Balls 4 qts. Chicken Noodle Soup & 12 Matzo Balls launched a project to uncover top leadership over- ENTREE (Choose One) ENTREE (Choose One) the root causes of the gender lap across lines of 3 Roast Chickens with Tray of Stuffing gap in top leadership at Jewish gender, race, ability, 5 Roast Chickens with Tray of Stuffing 2.5 lbs. Fresh Turkey Breast organizations. Through building class, and more. Whole Roast Turkey (15 lb. avg.) 2.5 lbs. Fresh Brisket 4 lbs. Sliced Brisket with Gravy the leadership pipeline for the The cumula- ACCOMPANIMENTS (All Included) ACCOMPANIMENTS (All Included) Jewish nonprofit sector, Leading tive findings, about 1 pt. Cranberry-Pineapple Compote 1 qt. Cranberry-Pineapple Compote Edge has found that the Jewish 75 root causes, are 1.5 pts. Fresh-Cut Cole Slaw Gali Cooks 1 qt. Fresh-Cut Cole Slaw community continues to elevate organized into five overarching 1 qt. Carrot Tsimmes 1 pt. Carrot Tsimmes Round Challah only certain kinds of leaders. The themes. Systems are constantly other forms of discrimination Round Challah problems this issue faces are big, in motion, and no static repre- hinder the diversity of top lead- SIDES (Choose Two) SIDES (Choose Two) complex, and varied. sentation will be perfect or set, ership; Deprioritizing the prob- String Beans Almondine String Beans Almondine Building on the ground- like an ecosystem in the natural lem—The Jewish community Egg Barley & Mushrooms Egg Barley & Mushrooms breaking work of Shifra world.
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