Newsman to talk about First Amendment Britt Hume, nationally-known investigative journal­ In less that 10 years of reporting, Hume has become ist and consultant to ABC News, will discuss the first recognized as one of the outstanding journalists of his amendment at 9:30 a.m. March 3! in the Wichita State time. Now the Washington editor of the journalism University Campus Activities Center Theatre. review. More, he has written a book about his Hume will be the sixth speaker in Wichita State experiences with Jack Anderson. University's 1976-77 Forum Board Series. Misaddress, He also is a consultant to ABC News and has ‘The First Amendment in Danger.” is open to the assisted in the production of a series of investigative public and there is no charge. documentaries. His articles have appeared in Harper’s, the Ailaniit the ^ashinglon Post. Most Washington reporters spend their time A familiar face on television, he has appeared on writing down the words of those in power and then several national television shows The Advocates, passing them on to the public as news. That's not Today. CBS Sixty Minutes and Martin Agronsky’s reporting that’s repeating.” said the controversial Evening Edition. young journalist. Hume has consistently defended the first amend­ Hume’s work with Jack Anderson in the early 1970's ment, both in Congressional testimony and in an covered subjects ranging from the Inter-American article published in the New York Times Magazine. He Development Bank, whose president resigned follow­ also took part in a televised debate with Patrick ing H ume’s disclosures, to the illicit sexual activities of Buchanan, former President Nixon’s speech writer and cartoonist/commentator Al Capp, whose conviction media critic, on the Dick Cavett Show. Cavett said the on a morals charge was partly the result of Hume’s debate generated more public response than any show reporting. he has ever done. Vote delayed Fees question unanswered ^STUVWxyz By W.E. TURNER M M ^ N \ abcdefghijkim W V SUff Writer Student Senate Wednesday postponed final action on the fiscal 1978 level of student fees until next week’s meeting but, the opqrstuvwxyz allocations approved indicate those fees will be at least 26 cents higher than present levels. Funding for the Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association (ICAA), Marching Band and Debate were referred to Senate standing committees for further considers- costs: and for The SunPower for lion. Statute changes to the SGA salary increases. funding act instituted this year All other allocations were ap­ stipulate that items to be reconsi­ proved at last year's levels except dered against student fee commit­ for increases to: Student Govern­ tee recommendations must be ment Association, from $50,000 to referred to another committee and $51,000 for increased salaries and approved at the next regular materia! costs; Concert, from 0 >. Senate meeting. Since all funding $18,195 to $18,930 for increased ■oc was not approved, no final deter­ ticket costs: Music Group travel, U mination could be made as to the from $12,474 lo $14,826, and level of next year’s fees. Opera, from $13,000 to $16,286, Ann F9mb—, showing tfW w WBdneBday during a lectura Of the allocations approved, both for increased out of town AraBIC on environmental graphics. The alphabet appears In both increases in the fixed line items will concert commitments; Day Care English and Arabic. have the most effect on increasing Center, from $7,000 to $7,500 for fees. Fixed line items are figured on increased staffing; and Bureau­ a per credit hour basis and make up cracy Ltd., from $5,000 to $6,800 the bulk of the fees assessment for increased staffing. Budget .students pay. decreases from last year’s levels Fixed line item increases were were approved for: Associated approved for the Library (from Student of Kansas, from $8,385 to Winfield High Schooi senior 60.3 cents to 63 cents per credit $7,068: School Spirit Groups, from hour), the CAC (from $1.50 to $7,014 to $6,200; and Parnassus. $1.75 per credit hour) and The from $23,040 to $16,197. named WSU Gore Scholar Sunpower (from 16.2 cents to 17.1 The ICAA allocations recom­ cents per credit hour). mendation of $80,(X)0 was referred manager of the track team memorial to their father. Harry Jodi A. Buterbaugh, who will Gore, former Wichita oilman who Funding for the Library was to the Academics Committee for She is a member of the Winfield increased to meet increased re­ further study. The referral was the graduate from Winfield High came to Kansas in 1916. High School and Southwestern venue bond debt obligations; for School this spring, has been named The purpose of the scholarship is result of a motion by committee ihe 1977-78 Gore Scholar at College orchestras and was chosen the CAC to defray cost of repairs to chairman Jay Fulton “so we can to be a member of the District 6 to assist a student who shows a Wichita State University. potential for leadership in develop­ the heating/cooling systen^. a new orchestra. , . * Turn to page 3 The $12,000 Gore Scholarship, ing his talents by releasing him dishwasher and increased Staffing awarded by WSU each year to an In addition to school activities. Miss Buterbaugh has been secre­ from financial worries related to outstanding high school student, is his education, giving him the the largest scholarship offered by tary and vice president of ibe Methodist Youth Fellowship and opportunity to participate inextra- WSU to an entering freshman and curricular activities. Outstanding is one of the larger no-need Secretary of Stale at the annual Inside today American Legion sponsored Girfs scholarship is not the only consid­ undergraduate scholarships availa­ eration in the selection of a Gore ble in the United States. State. She is also a member of the Kansas............................. page 2 American Legion Junior Auxiliary Scholar. A member of the Winfield High and Teenage Republicans. Miss Buterbaugh was selected as Festival............................. page 3 School Student Council, National She wgs also a delegate to Oirls recipient for 1977-78 from among Honor Society. National Forensics Nation where she served as Under­ more than 270 high school seniors Religion........................... page,5 1 eague, the “W” Club. Fellowship secretary of Commerce. who were on the WSU campus of Christian Athletes. American The renewable Gore Scholarship Feb. 19 to participate In the annual Softball............................. page 7 Held Service, and Debate Club, was established at WSU in l‘^52 by WSU scholarship competition. she is also a member of the varsity Theodore and Ralph Gore as a tennis and basketball teams and is -ll d Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives The Sunflower, Monday, March 21, 1977 This Week Wichitans win leadership ■ 11111 ] I Nine young Kansas scholars, Wichita high school seniors NCTE Achievement Award in four from Wichita high schools, included in the 1977 winners are Writing and is a General Mills Friday have been named University Lead­ Sean M. Lynn-Jones, son of Mr. Family Leader of Tomorrow. er Scholars at Wichita State Uni­ and Mrs. D.M. Lynn-Jones. 143 N. Wimmer. who is president of the The National Student Speech and Hearing Association versity. Fountain; George J. Pollock, Jr., student body at East, is a member will hold a talent show at 7:30 p.m. in the Robinson Junior Winner of the $2,000 four-year son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. of the swim team, the House of High Auditorium. All interested persons are inviteri University Leader Scholarships are Pollock, 3903 Westport; Karen Representatives, and is active in Admission is free. chosen on the basis of scholarship Christian, daughter of Mr. and journalism and dramatics. Harold J. Jebens, Professor of Engineering at thR tests given each spring at WSU. Mrs. R.V. Christian. 2272 N. Christian, a senior at Wichita University of Wisconsin at Platteville. will speak from 2 3n Fountain, and Kurt Andre Heights High School, is a member to 3:30 p.m. in 123 Engineering Laboratory bulldino Hie Wimmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. of the Student Council. Spanish topic is "Space Colonization-The Shape of the Future " Marion M. Wimmer. 4027 Coun­ Club, Pep Club and National The College of Business Administration Golden Anni tryside. Honor Society, of which she is versary Awards Banquet will be at 7 p.m. In the CAC Wimmer and Lynn-Jones are president. Ballroom. both seniors at Wichita High She received the Optimist Club The flick is The Big Sleep at 7 and 10 p.m. in the CAr f e l l School East, where they are both Youth Appreciation Award and is Theatre. Iling* active on a number of activities. the High School Winner of Betty Lynn-Jones, who has been presi­ Crocker Search from Family Lead­ Saturday Is Here dent of the Chess Club and the ers. Spanish Club, also is Model UN Pollock, a senior at North High Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship presents "Ransom" at CAC-T.C.I.F, Student Coordinator. Active in School, is active in forensics, 7:00 p.m. in the CAC Ballroom. Admission is $2. /■ debate, forensics and competitive president of the Chess Club, and The Wichita Black Nurses Association will hold a sickle Student congress, he is a member has been both fiction editor and cell anemia and hypertension screening from 10 a.m. to 2 of the Kansas State Championship editor-in-chief of Polaris. He also p.m. in the Grove Community Center, 1631 E.
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