'’ 7 ^ ^ CTB WEATHER ‘ • NET PRESS RUN Foreeiuit by U^ S. Weather Boreaii,, „ -Civ AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Hartford. ’ for the MLonth of May« 19S0 Cloudy tenli'ht and Ttanrsd»y Conn"state fair; net mnch changed in tempera­ 5 , 5 1 8 ture. Members of the Andtt Bnresv of CIrcnIntlons TWENTY PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1930. VOL. XLIV., NO. 215. (Classified Advertising on Pdge 18)' i ARE KILLED STEAMER SINKS TANKER OFF BOSTON I GLIDER CUTS ROPE x^ND LANDS SAFELY HOOVER BOARD CANNON ON STAND Norwalk, June 11.— (AP) — Lyman P. Voelpel, glider pilot, PASSENGERS LEAP OVERBOARD who escaped death last night, landed at Ascension Beach, Nor­ NOT TO STUDY walk, and not in Noroton as AGAIN IN SENATE early reports declared. The tow- line, which attached the glider to VOIOTIAW INTO THE OIL BLAZING WATER an airplane, was severed by Voelpel himself and did not ■<$> Walks In On Lobby Probers break. SPARKS CIRCUS I “The motor of the plane ap- Wickersham Says Its Duty is I peared to be skipping so I As Suddenly as He Walk­ 1 thought that the best thing I Sailor Gives Up Life IN TOWN TODAY could do was to descend” Voel­ To Find How to Enforce It ONE RESCUED pel stated today. ed Out Last Week; Refus­ The glider pilot landed in marshy land near Calf Pasture, Best— Its Desirability Not Attempting a Rescue Norwalk’s municipal bathing T A N K A ’S CREW ed to Answer Questions. South Manchester Sees Big beach, and although the glider was wrecked, he was not injured. To Be Discussed. Boston, June 11.— (A P)—Rolling■»bursting before one’s ey^, stunned Washington, June 11. — (AP) — Tent Show for First Time; waves, fog. fire, screams and ou t! those b^uried“ nto fh“ Walking in on the Senate lobby Washington, June 11.— (AP) — of it all a man wl?o died true to ladded across a deck rail, Liner Bound for Norfolk Va., Had Just Left Boston Por^ committee as abruptly as he walked No Parade Held. Anyone who thinks the Hoover law United States Navy traditi- , hanging limp Md unconscious. enforcement commission is going to Such is the story of Seaman J. B. ‘ Slowly her body sagged toward out -on it last week, Bishop James QUESTION LAST the sea. Collides in Fog With Tanker Carrying 12,000 Barrels report on whether “prohibition is or Walker of Kittery, Me., who sank burning oil that covered Cannon, Jr., answered questions to­ Heat and flames played about her. Today is circus day. is not a desirable thing for the coun­ beneath a firc-coated sea clinging day on activities of the Southern to a woman he had hoped to save. Just as her weight drew her down­ Of Gasoline— Fire Follows and Tanker Sinks Within Sparks Circus, one of the fore­ try” is wrong. ward, Walker ran to her. He threw Methodist church but persisted in most amusement institutions in the STATEMENT OF This tale of heroism was told by his refusal to undergo examination The House appropriations com­ Seamin Fred Jam of the U. S. S. his arms about her legs in a foot­ entire world, arrived here early this ball tackle. Her weight was too Twenty Minutes— Flames Sweep Liner, Melt Radio on his 1928 anti-Smith campaign­ morning and -within a remarkab’y mittee revealed today that Chair­ Concord, a passenger on the Fair­ man Wickersham thinks “there is a much and slowly the two slid over ing. short time the spires of the big fax. The crash, the explosion like The churchman surprised the com­ ALIANO VICTIM very large public misapprehension” that of a monstrous firecracker the rail. tents were pointing skyward at the of the commission’s duties. Antenna and Calls for Help Delayed— Some Yictin^ mittee meeting which had been showgrounds at Center and caUed to determine what to do Testifying on the. second deficien­ about his defiance. The investigat­ Dougherty streets, the first to come to South Manchester. The big show cy bill, which carries $250,000 for Burned in Their Berths hy Blaze That Sears Side of ors decided to give him a chance to Handwriting Expert Says the Hoover agency, he said there testify and to consider their future arrived on special trains from New Britain, where two performances had been attempts “ to cause the REAL HEROINES course only after learning his atti- Words Were Written Aft­ commission to take up the study of WOMEN Ship— Sailors and Marines Heroes in Tragedy. were staged yesterday. the problem of prohibition—that is, ^'^Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon­ Welcoming Committee. as to the -wisdom of the policy of tana, brought up the matter of anti- An unofficial welcoming commit­ er Dying Man Had Siped National prohibition.” VESSELS COLUDE tee, consisting of a huge throng of WHEN Boston, June 11.— (AP)— Flaming oil, spurting froiii the Smith funds obtained by CaMon “Failing in that,” the chairman from E. C. Jameson, New York youngsters and their elders, was on depths of a stricken oil tanker believed to have been the Pinthis hand to -witness the unique spec­ continued, “ the attempt has been to capitalist, but the witness r f erred Paper in Hospital. create the impression in the minds of Fall River, today was thought to h a ^ e claimed the lives of again and again to his objections to tacle of unloading the circus trains. answering questions on his political They saw the unloading of what is of the country that such -was the Refuse to Become Panic' MARINE D^CRIBES more than forty persons aboard that ship and the passenger study which the commission was considered the “biggest and best” Hartford, June 11.— (AP)—Testi­ liner Fairfax outbound from Boston when they collided in ■work. carrying on.” “Do you care to say anything show ever sponsored by the Sparks mony challenging the genuiness of Massachusetts Bay last night. ________ about the $48,000 that was not re­ Conceding that there has been a Stricken So That Men SCENE AT TRAGEDY Circus in its long career of 40 the confession of Alphonse Min- difference of opinion among the So suddenly did the tragedy occur® ported,” asked Walsh. years. that not a single survivor of the marines did much to save the situa­ Senator Robinson, Republican, nitti taken by Detective Sergeapt commission members, Wickersham Two performances are to be giv­ said it had proceeded on the theory Could Help Put Out Fire; tanker was, believed to have escap­ tion, the service men, among tha Indiana, sided with Cannon saying Nicholas R. Gallicchlo and questions en today, the first starting at 2 that it should not “go behind the ed the fog enshrouded inferno which coolest of the passenger?, dashed he wondered “what that has to do p. m. and the evening performance alleging the officer had advised the Eighteenth Amendment,” but should followed the impact. iiito--cabins to- -rescue the burned, with the lobbying investigation. IVburines True to tradition Passengers in Bow of Vessel at 8 p. m. Doors to the menagene accused to flee to South America or decide “how best we can. enforce it." At least a score of the Fairfax’s broke down doors where those In­ As Cannon refused to answer a Italy were introduced in the second passengers and crew were unac­ opened at 1 p. m. this afternoon Commlssloii’s Views side were unable to help themselves question of Senator Blaine Repub­ and will open “nt 7 p. m. this eve­ day of the triad of Sebastiano N. counted for while the Plnthis car­ and aided the ship’s crew in pre­ lican, Wisconsin, about the 1928 “ It has been our view,” he ex­ Boston, June 11.— (AP)—The wo­ Never Had Chance— Sea ning in order to allow a full hour's Aliano in Criminal Superior Court ried a crew of 19. serving order. Virginia anti-Smith funds. Chair­ here before three judges today. plained, “ that when we came to a men, “God bless ’em,” acted lika Aboard the big passenger liner time for the inspection of the com­ thorough Inquiry into the problem majors, A. E. Abbott of Quincy, One of them, said by his com­ man Caraway said the objection of prehensive zoological collection be­ Aliano is charged with the murder Covered With Blazing Oil. scenes of wildest confusion succeed­ the bishop would be considered by of the enforcement of prohibition, bronzed first sergeant of the Ma­ panions to be the chief radio opera­ fore the start of the big show pro­ of Minnittl one of his “fall guys” ed the shock of the crash. Men and tor of the U. S. S. Charleston, Dut the committee. - employed by the former in his alleg­ under the amendment and the laws, rines said in describing a four hour women belie-vdng that the ship was Blaine’s Comment. gram. ed bootlegging operations. if we were convinced that prohibi­ battle against fire and deadly whose name was not immediately No Parade. • Boston, June 11— (AP) —Graphic doomed hurled themselves into the available, worked with the radio op­ In the Huston matter had Mr. First Witness tion could not be enforced, we smoke as flames blanketed the sea only to perish amist the ragpn" Huston made such answers we No parade is being staged by the Albert D. Osborne of New York, ought to say so, and that if we were Fairfax almost instantly after the accounts of-events aboard the Fair­ erators of the Fairfax and finany Sparks show this season.
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