We have enough Baseball knocks The best blue phones off Delta Devils Tuscaloosa getaways OPINIONS, Page 4 SPORTS, Page 6 THE SCENE, Page 12 Thursday, April 20, 2006 Serving the University of Alabama since 1894 Vol. 112, Issue 119 Dorm security measures planned measures would vary from Communities. will be at every door to every Cameras, new ACT card building to building, on aver- Browne said cameras will residence hall or only certain readers coming in fall age the University will spend be installed outside each resi- doors, Browne deferred to $14,000 per dormitory for the dential building to monitor Michael Kelly of the UA Police BY KRISTIE BUSAM upgrades. who comes in and out. Department, who deferred Senior Staff Reporter the question to Andreen, who ■ [email protected] was not able to provide the “This is state of the art technology that will put us information by press time. This fall, many dorms will Most cameras should be have security cameras and ahead of most other universities because most other installed by fall, Andreen new readers for ACTion card universities don’t have this technology.” said. entry as UA officials try to Andreen said the cameras LICIA ROWNE bolster residential security, — A B will feed into one site and be which has been an issue this assistant director of UA Housing and Residential Communities recorded, and the UA Police year. Department would monitor UA spokeswoman Cathy “This is state of the art “The cameras will be them 24 hours a day. Andreen said officials are technology that will put us recorded 24 hours a day, Also, ACT card swipe planning to install an “Inte- ahead of most other univer- seven days a week and will machines in place to unlock CW/ Elliot A. Knight grated Security Management sities because most other cover exterior doors that are residence hall doors will be Michael Bishop, a freshman majoring in computer science, swipes his System” that will provide the universities don’t have this designated as entrances to removed and replaced with ACTion card to get into Parker-Adams Hall Wednesday afternoon. UA offi- latest in security technology technology,” said Alicia residence halls,” Andreen new technology for the fall, cials are planning to install new card readers in every dorm by the fall. to the campus. Andreen said Browne, assistant director of said. that while the cost of the new UA Housing and Residential As to whether the cameras See DORMS, Page 2 Trolley runs empty Happy routes around UA not get any funding from the Daze Students don’t know of times University for these routes, said or routes, official says Deborah Sanford, the transit author- ity’s manager. Students, experts talk BY KATIE STALLCUP About 50 to 75 students ride the about risks and benefits Staff Reporter campus trolleys each day, Sanford ■ [email protected] said. The reason for so few student of smoking marijuana riders could be that students are An empty bus. uninformed, she said. and the pot subculture That’s what many students see “I think a lot of it is the lack of BY MIKE FAULK knowledge,” Sanford said. “A lot of when the Tuscaloosa Trolley rides Student Life Editor the streets around campus. the students don’t know about it.” ■ [email protected] Until a new UA transit system is Students might also be attached to in operation in fall 2007, the trolley their vehicles, Sanford said. Stoned, quietly watch- system will have to do. But a many Sanford said the transit authority students said they have never used runs two campus routes as a favor ing television at his friends’ the trolley. to the University. If Tuscaloosa Tran- apartment, he said the police The system, operated by the sit is short on drivers elsewhere in were in the room before he Tuscaloosa Transit Authority, only even knew who had come runs two routes on campus. It does See TROLLEY, Page 3 to the door. They searched everyone and arrested him after they found a small bag of marijuana on him. “I was a little scared and surprised,” said the UA soph- omore, who insisted on ano- nymity to protect his reputa- tion. “Well, very surprised.” Getting caught can be a pot smoker’s worst nightmare, but for the many UA students who smoke pot and will likely celebrate their subcul- ture’s holiday today, April 20 or “4/20,” that fear is nearly non-existent because the habit feels so innocent. The sophomore said since he’s been arrested he’s stopped smoking, but only because he’s been subject to drug test- ing. He and other students said they should be allowed CW/ Cory Johnson See SMOKING, Page 5 A Tuscaloosa Trolley bus sits empty at Rose Towers. Several students have said they don't use the system, which runs two routes around campus. Students sometimes smoke marijuana from homemade “gravity bongs.” CW photo illustration/ Charley Parden ■ GREEK LIFE Student to lobby Congress for tax break to help greek houses has a new issue it’s taking to The bill would allow alum- renovations to keep them Cochran said every greek asking for support from the Legislation would make Congress next week — tax- ni donations for housing pur- relatively modern and safe, organization is trying to get Alabama Panhellenic Assoc- donations to greek deductible donations for poses to non-profit organiza- Cochran said. at least one or two members iation and the Interfraternity greek housing. tions, specifically fraternities “Greek houses are getting from around the country to Council because the issue housing tax-deductible John Cochran, a senior and sororities, to become older, they’re less modern speak to Congressmen next affects every greek organiza- and former president of Phi tax-deductible. than the other student hous- week about the bill. Because tion. BY ALEXANDRA BATTITO Kappa Psi fraternity, will join Under the current tax code, ing that’s available, and the Cochran is the southeastern “A lot of houses are doing Staff Reporter other fraternity and soror- donations to greek organi- greek organizations don’t district representative for his renovations,” Cochran said, ■ [email protected] ity members from across zations must be for schol- understand why you can make fraternity, he is one of two Phi pointing to the Sigma Nu the country in Washington, arships to be tax-deduct- tax-free donations for housing Kappa Psi members who will house and the soon-to-be- Move over, illegal immigra- D.C. next week to lobby for ible. But greek houses on to the University of Alabama, attend. He is also the only UA built DKE house. “All that tion. A national delegation the Collegiate Housing and the UA campus and around but you can’t give it to your student who will attend. of greek college students Infrastructure Act. the country are in need of chapter,” Cochran said. Cochran said he has been See GREEK, Page 2 ■ ■ ■ The Crimson White Box 870170 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Newsroom — 348-6144 Fax — 348-4116 Advertising — 348-7845 www.cw.ua.edu ■ Classifieds — 348-7355 ■ Letters, op-eds — [email protected] ■ Press releases, announcements — [email protected] online Thursday, April 20, 2006 ■ NEWS 2 by press time. no privacy concerns regard- should help. CAMPUS DORMS Browne said a plan for new ing the cameras. “You live in “I don’t like if the door is Continued from Page 1 security has been in the works the University’s dorm, so you propped open because it’s for a while. have to live by their rules,” more of an invite to come in Browne said. Browne said officials hope she said. than a closed door,” he said. The difference is that Horne said he has had to instead of scanning the ACT deal with a stalker harassing INTobrief submit a brief, e-mail [email protected] card, “You will be able to sim- female residents. ply hold your ACT card up “I wouldn’t mind security cameras because they “Unfortunately, there will within a few inches of the are there for your safety. You live in the University’s always be an issue with peo- ANNOUNCEMENTS scanner, and it will be read,” ple sneaking in,” he said. Andreen said. dorm, so you have to live by their rules.” Casey Calhoun, a sopho- SGA looking for committee chairpersons The new system will be more majoring in biology more convenient for stu- — RACHEL BEARD and a Riverside resident, said SGA committee chairperson applications are now avail- dents, Andreen said. junior majoring in accounting and a resident of Somerville Hall security cameras would make able online at sga.ua.edu or at the SGA’s office on the New ACT cards will be her feel safer because the Ferguson Center’s third floor. Applications must be turned required for the new system, side doors to her building are into the SGA office by Tuesday at 4:45 p.m. supposed to be locked but and re-carding will be phased the new measures will attract Beard said the new ACTion in as the new system comes they are not, but she said an students to the University. card readers will be more online, she said. alarm for propped doors is CW positions still available Safety is often a main con- convenient. Another security feature not needed. cern for potential students “There have been times The Crimson White is still accepting applications for planned for next year is tech- “It will probably be an and their parents, she said. when my hands were full and managing editor: outreach and for a copy editor for 2006- nology that will cause an annoyance because some- 07.
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