(12) Unlted States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,740,847 B2 Allan Et Al

(12) Unlted States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,740,847 B2 Allan Et Al

US007740847B2 (12) Unlted States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,740,847 B2 Allan et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 22, 2010 (54) VARIANT FC REGIONS 5,550,362 A 8/1996 Sherman 5,595,721 A 1/1997 Kaminski et a1. (75) Inventors: Barrett Allan, Encinitas, CA (US); 5,624,321 A 4/1997 winter et a1, Weidong Jiallg, Sunnyvale, CA(US); 5,648,260 A 7/1997 Winter etal. Yillg Tang, San Die/g9’ CA (Us); Jeffry 5,677,180 A 10/1997 Robinson et a1. Dean Watkins’ Enclmtas, CA (Us) 5,721,108 A 2/1998 Robinson et a1. (73) Assignee: Applied Molecular Evolution, Inc., San 5’736’l37 A 4/1998 Anderson et al' Diego’ CA (Us) 5,776,456 A 7/1998 Anderson et a1. 5,843,398 A 12/1998 Kaminski et a1. ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,843,439 A 12/1998 Anderson et a1. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,985,599 A 11/1999 McKenzie et a1. U-S-C- 154(1)) by 195 days- 6,015,542 A 1/2000 Kaminskietal. 6,090,365 A 7/2000 Kaminski et a1. 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