SAPIENTIA UNIVERSALIS EX LIBRIS UNIVERSITY OF NEWHAMP5HIRE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY <:a CLASS/V315.1^ NUMBER N O O I 7 O ACCESSION 3 7 I ? I : LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE PASSED JUNE SESSION, 1876. CONCORD EDWARD A. JENKS, STATE PRINTER. 1876. Ai6"3 STATE OFFICERS PERSON C. CHENEY, aovernor. BENJAMIN F. PRESCOTT, Secretary of State. AI B. THOMPSON, Deputy Secretary of State. SOLON A. CARTER, State Treasurer. PHIN P. BIXBY, Assistant Treasurer. EDWARD A. JENKS, State Printer. CHARLES HOLMAN, President of the Senate. TYLER WESTGATE, Cleric of the Senate. CHARLES P. SANBORN, Speaher of the House. CHARLES C. DANFORTH, Clerk of the House. IRA CROSS, Adjutant- G-eneral. JOHN C. PILSliURY, Warden of State Prison. OLR^ER PILLSBURY, Insurance Coynmissioner CHARLES A. DOWNS, Superintendent of Public Instruction. JAMES 0. ADAMS, Secretary of Board of Agriculture. NATHANIEL BOUTON, State Historian. WILLIAM II. KIMBALL, State Librarian. SUPREME COURT CHARLES DOE, Chief Justice. WILLIAM L. FOSTER, ^ CLINTON W. STANLEY, | AARON W. SAWYER, V Associate Justices. GEORGE A. BINGHAM, | WILLIAM H. H. ALLEN, j MASON W. TAPPAN, Attorney- General JOHN M. SHIRLEY, State Reporter. 2 nl "^1 : — LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, PASSED JUKE SESSION, 1876. CHAPTER I. AN ACT AUTHORIZING CITIES TO APPROPRIATE MONEY FOR THE CELEBRA- TION OF THE FOURTH OF JULY. Section Section 1. Municipal appropriations for celebrating 2. Takes effect—when. the one hunclredtli anniversary of American independence atitliorized. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened its Section 1. Any city may, by vote of city council, or any town Municipal ap- at any regular or special meeting, appropriate a sum not exceeding propriations for celebrating tlie two thousand dollars for the celebration of the fourth of July, one liundredtli anniversary of eighteen hundred and seventy-six ; and all appropriations and votes American inde- therefor, pendence au- heretofore passed by any city council for that purpose, are thorized. hereby legalized. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect on its passage. Takes effect when. [Approved June 20, 1876.] : 558 Chapters II, III. [1876. CHAPTER II. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FOUR OF CHAPTER THIRTY -FOUR OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES IN RELATION TO THE POWERS OF TOWNS. Section I Sectiojt 1. Towus, at special meetings, not to appro- 2. Takes effect—when, priate nioiiej' except by vote by ballot. [ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Towns, at spe- Section 1. Section four of chapter tliirty-foiir of the General cial meetings, of said section not to appro- Statutes is hereby amended by adding at the end priate money the words, —" Provided, that no money shall be raised or api)ro- except by vote by ballot. priatcd at any town-meeting other than the annual town-meeting, except by vote l^y ballot, nor unless the ballots cast at such meet- ing shall be equal in number to at least one half of the number of the names of legal voters borne on tlie clieck-list of said town at the last preceding annual town-meeting." Takes effect — Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after when. its passage. [Approved June 28, 1876.] CHAPTER III. AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION AND BETTER PRESERVATION OF TROUT. Section Section | 1. Pickerel, etc., not to be put into waters 2. Penalty, containing trout. 3. Takes effect—when. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened Pickerel etc., Section 1. No person shall put any of the fish called pickerel, or not to be put in- to waters cou- pike, or the roe, fry, or spawn of the same, into any of the public taiuing trout. w^aters of this state now containing trout, and free from pike and pickerel. ' Penalty. Sec. 2. Any person violating section one of this chapter shall be fined one hundred dollars for each offence, one half to the use of the prosecutor. Takes effect — Sec. 3. This act shall take effect on its passage. when. [Approved July 5, 1876.] : — 1876.] Chapters TV, V. 559 CHAPTER IV. AN ACT TO PREVENT THE INTRODUCTION OF THE SPANISH OR TEXAS CATTLE FEVER. Section Section 1. Peualty for bringing certain cattle into 8. Provisions of this act executed— by wliom. this state. 4. Takes effect—when. 2. Texas and Cherokee cattle—how construed. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. Any person or company that shall hring into the Penalty for bringing cer- state, between the twentieth day of May and the twentieth day of tain cattle in- October, any Texas or Cherokee cattle that have not been kept to this state. north of the Ohio or Missonri river during the winter immediately preceding, shall be punished for such offence by a fine not exceed- ing twenty-five dollars for each and every animal so brought into this state. Sec. 2. For the purposes of this act, the term Texas or Cherokee Texas and Cher- okee cattle cattle sliall to the be construed mean native cattle of Texas and how construed. Louisiana, and the classes of cattle known under these names. Sec. 3. The provisions of this act shall be executed by the cattle Provisions of tliis act exe- of commissioners and selectmen towns, as provided by chapter cuted—by eighteen of the Pamphlet Laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- whom. )ne. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Takes effect — when. [Approved July 11, 1876.] CHAPTER V. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE A TOWN BY THE NAME OF LIVERMQRE. Section Section 1. Town boundaries and name. 4. Classed for sending a representative. 2. Corporation constituted. 5. Takes effect—when. 3. First meeting—town oflicers. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened Section 1. That the following tract of land, situated in the Bound.aries. county of Grafton, bounded as follows,—beginning on the southerly line of the town of Bethlehem at the north-easterly corner of the town of Franconia, thence running easterly following the southerly line of said Bethlehem to the easterly line of the county of Grafton, thence southerly following the easterly line of the county of Grafton to the north-easterly corner of the town of Waterville, thence west- : 5G0 Chapter VI. [1876. erly following the course of the northerly line of said Waterville to the easterly line of the town of Thornton, thence northerly follow- ing the easterly line of the towns of Thornton, Lincoln, and Fran- conia, to the bound begun at,—shall be a town by the name of Name. Livermore. Corporation Sec. 2. The inhabitants of said township be and they hereby are constituted. made a body corporate and politic, with all and the same rights, powers, privileges, immunities, and liabilities of similar corpora- tions in this state. First meeting- Sec. 3. For the purpose of duly organizing said town, a meeting town officers. of the inhabitants thereof, legally qualified to vote in town affairs, shall be holden in said town on or before the second Tuesday of September next, at which meeting selectmen and other necessary town officers may be elected, to continue in office until others are chosen and qualified, agreeable to the laws of this state; and that Benjamin Akers, John Tewksbury, and Charles N. Saunders, or any two of them, be authorized to call said meeting, by giving the same notice as is by law required for calling annual town-meetings ; and that either of said persons may preside in said meeting until a moderator is chosen. Classed for Sec. 4. Said town shall be classed with the towns of Woodstock sending a repre- Lincoln for the purpose of sending a representative to the gen- sentative. and eral court. Takes effect — Sec. 5. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. when. [Approved July 11, 1876.] CHAPTER Yl. AN ACT RELATING TO COSTS IN PROCEEDINGS BEFORE COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS. Section Section 1. In proceedings relating to highways, com- 2. Takes effect—when. missioners may apportion costs. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Ee]3resentatives in General Court convened SECTION 1. In all proceedings before county commissioners re- In iroceedinTs" reiatiug to latiug to liigliways, they may adjust and apportion the costs of mfssi^ners'^m™y such procccdings bcforc them between the parties in such manner apportion costs. ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ j^^^^^ ^^^' ^* '^^^^^ ^^^ ^\\^\\ take cffcct from its passage, and all acts Takes effect - when. and parts of acts inconsistent therewith are hereby repealed. [Approved July 11, 1876.] smn : — 1876.] Chapter VII. 561 CHAPTER VII. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED THIRTY OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES, RELATING TO TRUSTEES. Sectiox Section 1. Trustee not chargeable on default, unless 4. Repealing clause. he neglect to answer after notice. 5. Supreme court may make rules and adjust 2. Disclosures may be taken any time after costs in trustee process. service of writ, clue notice, and tender of fees. 6. Takes effect—when. 3. Depositions of other persons relative to trustee's liability may be taken. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened Section 1. No person summoned as trustee in any action now Trustee not chargeable on pending, or which may be hereafter brought, shall be charged on default, unless default until he shall have neglected to answer in said action, after he neglect to answer after such notice as the court, at the term when the action is entered or notice. at some subsequent term, may order ; and any court may extend the time of taking the deposition or disclosure of any trustee, in ac- tions now pending, to any term of said court.
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