until they attain a sufficient size to be into the containing old- CATCHERS WATCH BATTER'S FEET TRAINING TRIP STAR put ponds VETERAN EXPERIENCE er fish. The Chinese have long under stood ail the intricacies of incubation, in- and were amongst the first to use “Texas” Russell Quickly Picks cubators for the hatching of hens' OF MOTHERHOOD eggs, long before such machines were Up Difficult Curve. made in this country. At one time a considerable business was done in Advice to Expectant Mothers this style of Bpawn hatching.—Week- Scotchman. Pitcher Has Nothing but Fast Ball ly The of Motherhood is a try- When He Joined White Sox—His experience ing one to most women and marks dis- Frisco Seals “NON-FUSSING” CLUB FORMED 8howlng Against tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not ono Lands (dim With Comiskey. woman in a hundred is prepared or un- be- derstands how to properly care for her- Head of the Cliff°Buddha "Quit your fussing and let’s all Of course have,” is the object of a club formed Oftlmes the career of a budding self. nearly every woman’f has medical treatment at such at the state Presbyterian college at baseball player hangs by a thread. nowadays but the Emporia, Kas., for the study of eti- One little turn of the wheel may times, many approach experi- ence with an unfitted for the quette. The faculty is behind the send him back to oblivion or into organism trial of and when it is movement, and is not averse to ad- the calcium of fame. Albert (Lefty) strength, over_^, her has received a shock from* mitting that spooning, unchaperoned Russell, of the White Sox, Is a case system which it is hard to recover. strolls and late hours are the underly- In point. Today he lookB like one of Following this comes the nervous strain ing elements that call for reform. the real finds among southpaws in re- right upon of caring for the child, and a distinct Primarily the course is to promote cent years. Yet he came mighty near change in the mother results. more pleasant relations between stu- being shipped back to the bushes. dents—to eliminate the little factional Russell, who is called Tex. or Reb., There is nothing more charming than quarrels and to teach the erring ones because he came from Bonham in the a happy and healthy mother of children, politeness. But all the rest is includ- Lone Star state, has had exactly one and indeed child-birth under tye right ed under the heading "general and year of professional baseball experi- conditions need be no hazard to health or compartlve etiquette.” Never again ence. He wound up the season at Fort beauty. The unexplainable thing is will co-eds think for a seconcj of mak- Worth In 1912, but was only there one that, with all the evidence of shattered ing "dates” unless in accordance with month. The rest of the year he play- nerves and broken health resulting from the rules laid down in this course of ed on the Bonham squad of the Tex- an unprepared condition, and with am- study on etiquette. Never again will as-Oklahoma league. Prior to that he ple time in which to prepare, women it be permissible to take a partner by was a semi-pro, content to make his will persist in going blindly to the trial. the arm as they trip down the stair- $10 or week. $15 per Every woman at this time should rely way for chapel. “Custom affirms that While in Texas several scouts upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable woman is able to walk down stairs un- heard of this big fellow who seemed Compound, a most valuable tonic and assisted,” is the warning given. to have lots of control but little be- invigorator of the female organism. sides that and a fast ball. Comiskey In homes LAKE DRIES, THEN REFILLS happened to get hold of him, and many "Tex.” reported for his tryout at Paso once childless there Robles late in and he con- are now children be- Near in the Black Forest, February, Lorrach, cause of the fact tracted la grippe on the journey. He is the strangest lake in the world. It E. Pink- was under the doctor’s care for near- thai Lydia is called the Eichener See, and is per- ham’s ly a week at the training camp. Vegetable fectly dry for from ten to thirteen makes This Compound at after which wasn't an especially good years a time, periods women normal, start for a green hand. Callahan and subterranean springs refill the lake and Gleason looked him over healthy strong. without any previous warning, flooding carefully and discovered his curve was of the and destroying any crops that have If yon want special advice write t» , round-house n been planted. The soil in the bed of character—the kind that Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confl- big batters eat the lake is very productive, but the league literally up. dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will So Gleason set about to teach him the farmers and peasants never know in be opened, read and answered bj*»,, difficult hook curve. Much to his sur- what year their work will be useless woman and held In strict confidence. "Reb." it in a and their young crops "drowned.” A prise picked up single He was able to a terrific few weeks ago the Eichener See, after day. get break to the ball having been dry for the last ten years, with the over-arm began refilling with water, which in motion, but couldn’t control It—as was natural. ALBERTA the deepest part is now fifteen feet, the average depth being twelve feet. Russell was shipped along with the THE PRICE OF The waters of the lake generally re- Yannigan crowd and had exactly two main a year or two, and then gradual- trials in the month of traveling. The BEEF first was a team at ly disappear into the earth, leaving a against Redlands, T8 HIGH AND 80 The cliff-Buddha of whose head is here is rich soil behind. and he won that "S.THK P1UCK OF strange Kiatang, pictured, Cal., game, striking ;attlk. about 150 feet in It is full and the feet are washed a foam- out 16 men. he height. length by But looked awfully For years the Province Ira Thomas of the Athletics. of Alberta * ing mountain torrent. It was, indeed, to guard against the dangers of the green then, didn’t field his position (Western LADIES’ HATS IN KOREA iCanada) wus tho Big rapids here that the figure was cut In the cliff-side by the life-long labor of a especially well and didn’t use the KunehingCountry.Many Veteran catchers, like Stange or thi of these ranches today single priest. The rook is rather soft and, as can be seen, there Is much hook at all. He depended entirely on ; are immense grain fields Tigers, Sullivan ot the White Sox and tho cattle have earth In the crevices which has been utilized for a monstrous of his growth hair, Thomas of the Athletics, Archer ol speed. given place to tho cultivation of eyebrows and mustache. In the wheat,oata. barley and flax; tho the Cubs, and Gibson of the Pirates meantime negotiations were change has made many thousands under way to have him sent back to of Americans, seitled on these watch the batter's feet closely. Thej plains, wealthy, but It has in- the minors creased the price of live stocc. more attention to the footwork ol when, by chance. Acting pay There la Gleason of the splendid opportunity GRAVE OF “PRINCE” CARROLL FIGHTING SEA-SICKNESS the hitter than to any other motions Manager Yannigans now to got a sent him The reason for this is obvious. against the San Francisco i-1 At team. “Reb.” shut out the Seals and last, It Is claimed, sea-sickness is Take the prize-fight game, for ex held them down to five hits. going to be abolished. The gyroscope ample. Battling Nelson once said ht He had Free Homestead of 160 acres is what is relied the hook well (and another as a pre- upon to accomplish could tell from the position of his op working wonderfully emption) in the newer districts and either cattle or this desirable consumma- and showed a big Improvement In prodnee grain. exceedingly ponent’s feet what he was intendlnf The crops are always good, the tion. climate is excellent, schools d'W' You Install a graduated selec- to never watched his fielding the job. do; "I eyes,' churches are convenient, marked tion of these scientific double spin- the former cham Gleason immediately wired on to splendid, in either Manitoba, Sas- said light-weight or katchewan Alberta. a ning-tops aboard your and forth- mo Callahan to withdraw waivers on the Send for the latest J ship, plon. ‘‘His feet betrayed every literature, ~ with she information, railway rates, etc., to ceases to roll or pitch. tlon he planned. This never onc< youngster: "He seems to have the So, at least, says the inventor of failed. Persons often chided me foi makings of a great pitcher,” Gleason J. 8. CRAWFORD, the 301 East Geneses apparatus; but the ordinary indi- looking down all the time Instead o: said. Street, Syracuse, N. W, { or address Superintendent of vidual will probably “hae his doots." the But there was A couple of weeks ago Russell was watching eyes.
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