International SMS Rates

International SMS Rates

International SMS Rates ISO Country/Provider Rate AD ANDORRA Outbound SMS - Mobiland 0.035 AD ANDORRA Outbound SMS - Other 0.035 AE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Outbound SMS - Etisalat 0.051 AE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Outbound SMS - Other 0.051 AE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Outbound SMS - du 0.051 AF AFGHANISTAN Outbound SMS - AWCC 0.1071 AF AFGHANISTAN Outbound SMS - Afghan Telecom 0.1071 AF AFGHANISTAN Outbound SMS - Etisalat 0.1071 AF AFGHANISTAN Outbound SMS - MTN 0.1071 AF AFGHANISTAN Outbound SMS - Other 0.1071 AF AFGHANISTAN Outbound SMS - Roshan 0.1071 AG ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Outbound SMS - APUA 0.065 AG ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Outbound SMS - Cable & Wireless 0.065 AG ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Outbound SMS - Digicel 0.065 AG ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Outbound SMS - LIME 0.065 AG ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Outbound SMS - Other 0.065 AI ANGUILLA Outbound SMS - Digicel 0.068 AI ANGUILLA Outbound SMS - LIME 0.068 AI ANGUILLA Outbound SMS - Other 0.068 AI ANGUILLA Outbound SMS - Weblinks 0.068 AL ALBANIA Outbound SMS - AMC 0.10667 AL ALBANIA Outbound SMS - Eagle Mobile 0.10667 AL ALBANIA Outbound SMS - Other 0.10667 AL ALBANIA Outbound SMS - Plus Communications 0.10667 AL ALBANIA Outbound SMS - Vodafone 0.10667 AM ARMENIA Outbound SMS - Beeline 0.0992 AM ARMENIA Outbound SMS - Karabakh Telecom 0.0992 AM ARMENIA Outbound SMS - Orange 0.0992 AM ARMENIA Outbound SMS - Other 0.0992 AM ARMENIA Outbound SMS - Viva Cell 0.0992 AN NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Outbound SMS - Digicel 0.06983 AN NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Outbound SMS - Other 0.06983 AN NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Outbound SMS - Telcell 0.06983 AN NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Outbound SMS - UTS 0.06333 AO ANGOLA Outbound SMS - Movicel 0.07 AO ANGOLA Outbound SMS - Other 0.07 AO ANGOLA Outbound SMS - Unitel 0.08067 AR ARGENTINA Outbound SMS - Claro 0.0891 AR ARGENTINA Outbound SMS - NEXTEL 0.0891 AR ARGENTINA Outbound SMS - Other 0.0891 AR ARGENTINA Outbound SMS - Personal 0.0891 AR ARGENTINA Outbound SMS - movistar 0.0891 AS AMERICAN SAMOA Outbound SMS - Bluesky 0.14 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - 3 0.11317 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - A1 0.11317 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - Barablu Mobile 0.11317 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - Lycamobile 0.11317 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - Other 0.11317 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - Smartspace 0.1132 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - T-Mobile 0.11317 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - Tele2 0.1132 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - UPC 0.11317 AT AUSTRIA Outbound SMS - m:tel 0.11317 AU AUSTRALIA Outbound SMS - 3 0.075 AU AUSTRALIA Outbound SMS - Lycamobile 0.075 AU AUSTRALIA Outbound SMS - Optus 0.075 AU AUSTRALIA Outbound SMS - Other 0.075 AU AUSTRALIA Outbound SMS - Pivotel 0.075 AU AUSTRALIA Outbound SMS - Telstra 0.075 AU AUSTRALIA Outbound SMS - Vodafone 0.075 AW ARUBA Outbound SMS - Digicel 0.06983 AW ARUBA Outbound SMS - Other 0.06983 AW ARUBA Outbound SMS - SETAR 0.06983 AZ AZERBAIJAN Outbound SMS - AzerCell 0.163 AZ AZERBAIJAN Outbound SMS - BakCell 0.163 AZ AZERBAIJAN Outbound SMS - Nar Mobile 0.163 AZ AZERBAIJAN Outbound SMS - Other 0.163 BA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Outbound SMS - BH Mobile 0.1 BA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Outbound SMS - ERONET 0.1 BA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Outbound SMS - Other 0.1 BA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Outbound SMS - mtel 0.1 BB BARBADOS Outbound SMS - Digicel 0.06983 BB BARBADOS Outbound SMS - LIME 0.05467 BB BARBADOS Outbound SMS - Other 0.05467 BD BANGLADESH Outbound SMS - Airtel 0.094 BD BANGLADESH Outbound SMS - Banglalink 0.094 BD BANGLADESH Outbound SMS - Citycell 0.094 BD BANGLADESH Outbound SMS - Grameenphone 0.094 BD BANGLADESH Outbound SMS - Other 0.094 BD BANGLADESH Outbound SMS - Robi 0.094 BD BANGLADESH Outbound SMS - Teletalk 0.094 BE BELGIUM Outbound SMS - BASE 0.12 BE BELGIUM Outbound SMS - JOIN Experience 0.12 BE BELGIUM Outbound SMS - Lycamobile 0.12 BE BELGIUM Outbound SMS - Mobistar 0.12 BE BELGIUM Outbound SMS - Other 0.12 BE BELGIUM Outbound SMS - Proximus 0.12 BE BELGIUM Outbound SMS - Telenet Mobile 0.12 BF BURKINA FASO Outbound SMS - Airtel 0.07 BF BURKINA FASO Outbound SMS - Onatel 0.05467 BF BURKINA FASO Outbound SMS - Other 0.05467 BF BURKINA FASO Outbound SMS - Telecel Faso 0.05467 BG BULGARIA Outbound SMS - M-Tel 0.12617 BG BULGARIA Outbound SMS - Other 0.1 BG BULGARIA Outbound SMS - TELENOR 0.15 BG BULGARIA Outbound SMS - VIVACOM 0.1 BH BAHRAIN Outbound SMS - BATELCO 0.04167 BH BAHRAIN Outbound SMS - Other 0.04167 BH BAHRAIN Outbound SMS - Royal Court 0.14 BH BAHRAIN Outbound SMS - VIVA 0.04167 BH BAHRAIN Outbound SMS - zain 0.04167 BI BURUNDI Outbound SMS - Econet 0.11967 BI BURUNDI Outbound SMS - Leo 0.101 BI BURUNDI Outbound SMS - ONAMOB 0.101 BI BURUNDI Outbound SMS - Other 0.101 BI BURUNDI Outbound SMS - Smart Mobile 0.101 BI BURUNDI Outbound SMS - Tempo 0.101 BJ BENIN Outbound SMS - Glo 0.08067 BJ BENIN Outbound SMS - Libercom 0.04817 BJ BENIN Outbound SMS - MTN 0.07417 BJ BENIN Outbound SMS - Moov 0.12833 BJ BENIN Outbound SMS - Other 0.07417 BM BERMUDA Outbound SMS - CellONE 0.05467 BM BERMUDA Outbound SMS - Digicel 0.071 BM BERMUDA Outbound SMS - M3 Wireless 0.05 BM BERMUDA Outbound SMS - Other 0.071 BN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Outbound SMS - B-Mobile 0.039 BN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Outbound SMS - DSTCom 0.039 BN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Outbound SMS - Other 0.039 BO BOLIVIA Outbound SMS - Entel 0.0791 BO BOLIVIA Outbound SMS - NuevaTel PCS 0.09 BO BOLIVIA Outbound SMS - Other 0.0791 BO BOLIVIA Outbound SMS - Tigo 0.0791 BR BRAZIL Outbound SMS - CTBC 0.077 BR BRAZIL Outbound SMS - Claro 0.077 BR BRAZIL Outbound SMS - NEXTEL 0.077 BR BRAZIL Outbound SMS - Oi 0.077 BR BRAZIL Outbound SMS - Other 0.077 BR BRAZIL Outbound SMS - Sercomtel 0.077 BR BRAZIL Outbound SMS - Surf Telecom 0.077 BR BRAZIL Outbound SMS - TIM 0.077 BR BRAZIL Outbound SMS - Vivo 0.077 BS BAHAMAS Outbound SMS - BTC 0.07 BS BAHAMAS Outbound SMS - NewCo2015 0.07 BS BAHAMAS Outbound SMS - Other 0.07 BT BHUTAN Outbound SMS - B-Mobile 0.066 BT BHUTAN Outbound SMS - Other 0.066 BT BHUTAN Outbound SMS - TashiCell 0.066 BW BOTSWANA Outbound SMS - Be Mobile 0.115 BW BOTSWANA Outbound SMS - MASCOM 0.115 BW BOTSWANA Outbound SMS - Orange 0.115 BW BOTSWANA Outbound SMS - Other 0.115 BY BELARUS Outbound SMS - MTS 0.0791 BY BELARUS Outbound SMS - Other 0.0791 BY BELARUS Outbound SMS - Velcom 0.0791 BY BELARUS Outbound SMS - life:) 0.0791 BZ BELIZE Outbound SMS - Digicell 0.03083 BZ BELIZE Outbound SMS - Other 0.032 BZ BELIZE Outbound SMS - Smart 0.048 CA CANADA Local Outgoing SMS - Bell & Virgin 0.0275 CA CANADA Local Outgoing SMS - Other 0.0275 CA CANADA Local Outgoing SMS - Rogers 0.0335 CA CANADA Local Outgoing SMS - Telus 0.0275 CD CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - Airtel 0.1 CD CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - Orange 0.11 CD CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - Other 0.05467 CD CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - Supercell 0.1 CD CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - Tigo 0.07 CD CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - Vodacom 0.05 CF CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Outbound SMS - Moov 0.039 CF CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Outbound SMS - Nationlink 0.039 CF CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Outbound SMS - Orange 0.039 CF CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Outbound SMS - Other 0.039 CF CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Outbound SMS - Telecel Centrafrique 0.039 CG CONGO, REPUBLIC OF Outbound SMS - Zain/Celtel 0.085 CG CONGO, REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - Airtel 0.05467 CG CONGO, REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - MTN 0.085 CG CONGO, REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - Other 0.05467 CG CONGO, REPUBLIC OF THE Outbound SMS - Warid 0.07 CH SWITZERLAND Outbound SMS - Bebbicell 0.089 CH SWITZERLAND Outbound SMS - Lycamobile 0.089 CH SWITZERLAND Outbound SMS - Orange 0.089 CH SWITZERLAND Outbound SMS - Other 0.089 CH SWITZERLAND Outbound SMS - Sunrise 0.089 CH SWITZERLAND Outbound SMS - Swisscom 0.089 CH SWITZERLAND Outbound SMS - Tele2 0.089 CH SWITZERLAND Outbound SMS - UPC Cablecom 0.089 CH SWITZERLAND Outbound SMS - in&phone 0.089 CI IVORY COAST Outbound SMS - GreenN 0.13 CI IVORY COAST Outbound SMS - Koz 0.1 CI IVORY COAST Outbound SMS - MTN 0.1 CI IVORY COAST Outbound SMS - Moov 0.1 CI IVORY COAST Outbound SMS - Orange 0.17167 CI IVORY COAST Outbound SMS - Other 0.1 CK COOK ISLANDS Outbound SMS - Other 0.046 CK COOK ISLANDS Outbound SMS - Telecom 0.046 CL CHILE Outbound SMS - Claro 0.078 CL CHILE Outbound SMS - Entel 0.078 CL CHILE Outbound SMS - Netline Telefonica Movil Ltda 0.078 CL CHILE Outbound SMS - Nextel 0.078 CL CHILE Outbound SMS - Other 0.078 CL CHILE Outbound SMS - Tribe Mobile 0.078 CL CHILE Outbound SMS - VTR Movil 0.078 CL CHILE Outbound SMS - movistar 0.078 CM CAMEROON Outbound SMS - MTN 0.09583 CM CAMEROON Outbound SMS - Nextel 0.0958 CM CAMEROON Outbound SMS - Orange 0.16083 CM CAMEROON Outbound SMS - Other 0.09583 CN CHINA Outbound SMS - China Mobile 0.048 CN CHINA Outbound SMS - China Telecom 0.048 CN CHINA Outbound SMS - China Unicom 0.048 CN CHINA Outbound SMS - Other 0.048 CO COLOMBIA Outbound SMS - Avantel SAS 0.07 CO COLOMBIA Outbound SMS - Claro 0.07 CO COLOMBIA Outbound SMS - Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogota (eTb) 0.07 CO COLOMBIA Outbound SMS - Other 0.07 CO COLOMBIA Outbound SMS - Tigo 0.07 CO COLOMBIA Outbound SMS - movistar 0.07 CR COSTA RICA Outbound SMS - Claro 0.06 CR COSTA RICA Outbound SMS - Kolbi 0.06 CR COSTA RICA Outbound SMS - Other 0.06 CR COSTA RICA Outbound SMS - Virtualis 0.06 CR COSTA RICA Outbound SMS - movistar 0.06 CU CUBA Outbound SMS - Cubacel 0.1 CU CUBA Outbound SMS - Other 0.1 CV CAPE VERDE Outbound SMS - CV Movel 0.09367 CV CAPE VERDE Outbound SMS - Other 0.09367 CV CAPE VERDE Outbound SMS - T+ 0.09367 CY CYPRUS Outbound SMS - Cyta Mobile-Vodafone

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