'.- I 7 A (XKISV&M THE RAHWAY Rj FRIDAY; SEPTEMBER 30, 1938 PATES TO / JOIN NOW ""' . FwttaU. B. Tbe Needlework' Guild of America, the BiisTare'tutTS charity that helps all oharitie*, conducts, ' ltrmembershipdrive-here from October 9 to-lG.-For-year» ihis-orjanlzatlon has_ r!!Neetoworker^Inwtherta* worked with other groups in fnrnishlns the scrapbook iCi it Ucture, Explorer MaoMUUn. clothing for the needy. Join now. Com- History of Rahway Prom Record Files 2». « 'General Election. municate with Mrs.- George Gallaway, U70 Broad Street "^a^SOO- ^^— «" « (SlESRASKA WIFE SEEKS DIVORCE If Granted Will »J; fr. Recital, HUdeiw president of the Rahway branch. Mamie SE HER. HUSBAND ALWAYS Rale Tor City Rahway 65 Years Ago Howard - C. Woodrnf f FEU. AS—EP IN THE MOVIES Riders This newspaper was founded and is maintained upon the principal Prom The Advocate -_3-Times, October I, 1873 foTm.No.1085 Three Cents a- Week Delivered: by Carrier PRICE THREE CENTS of a clear, concise and unbiased presentation of all the interesting CAUSING • HER EMBA"^t>SM£NT., PnblUhed Fna»j Morainji • RAHWAV, N. J.- FJRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1938 news of the community, and upon the basis ot a progressive A man of large muscular proportions appeared, on the Public hearing on the»_ editorial policy. depot on Sunday afternoon last and' attracted the curious Public Service to reduce' around- him, from^being^ressed in a suit made of seal- fare between Rahway Jacobsen Feels Barger Should Make Intentions Clear; Wants To Know School Board Moves skins. He had~recently arr«ed"7rofh a wKalihg~-voyage-in and~RtUiway ixpect 400_Persons the Arctic Ocean and was on his way to Baltimore where wUl be held before, the K He~Wm ResigiTAiidTake Better Job If He Is Elected As Mayor IT APPEARS WE ARE belonged. • Utilities Commission. 1060 USING THE WRONG METHOD street. Newark at u A. M. ToStartConstruction j| ill Attend Dinner his position clear for the judgment seriously considered the various Points To Other Derao- The Athenian Association of Rahway having reorgan- 18. it was announced thlj. Cites Barker's. Apparent - —These-news-items catch the-eye: ized will^give their" first regular entertainment at Charn- NIGHTSHIRT? of the voters. - ••-'. obligations that that- entails. In crats^Who" Quit Elective The WPA expects to have an all-time record number Those Interested are Reluctance To Run Jacobsen pointed to three mem- the light of same, having accepted s berlin's Hall on Wednesday. JThe performance will be write or to attend the bers of Barger's party who, during the candidacy, I propose, if elected, Posts For Paying Positions of 3,150,000 on its payrolls soon. This will exhaust_by "Honor Of Dunphy For Office Again to give all the time and,effort Of New High School "Everybody's Friend:" George P. Gordon is president; grantedTthie lare" between the Barger administration, quit January the billion and'a half that was supposed to last their'elective posts for paying po- that the executive position of Thomas Garson, stage manager; A. E. Miller secretary and Newark and New Because of repeated statements affairs, he had Intended to resign through March. ."Carl P. Herbert of the St. Paul Bureau i by Barger thathe wascon litical positions. Although these Mayor requires without any hope as Mayor as soon as the then and C. Budman, treasurer. will be reduced from 30 to » aiicina; And Jintertaiiiment will-Followi ^^ - men were_elected by the^peopl-j of rew-urd,-lqr-4ntent to ..use ...the present_pr£ssing_iusjness_of_the Must Bceak Ground By November 9 To of Municipal Research says that "We are creating a-class' ullu Z r W J A pumpkin weighing one hundred and sixty-five pounds and_hourly7service will be "' O . _ _ e " ue temDlatinot hU> c resimation and be- -hey-didLnot-complete-thei-Ltenns. Mayoralty as a springboard to po- CouncU-had-been-completed. There " ~ ""~'" - --"--•-'treasury's Banquet In Elizabeth Elks' Cltih 'i ** . -»pparent-reiuctance V.MfTVac ph ud q l deficit for the first two months of the year was nearly half roltedout"frf~a~wagoh"m _tt«H»;«r-tttw by putting on more buses. pointments' of their successors . "I feel that-this statement is our newspapers to the effect that ; candidacy was announced, Rahway owing to the people, who, as I see To Be Purchased For$15,000 a billion dollars. Federal tax collections for the last knocked him over, slightly injuring him. A large number of Next Wednesday Evening jvoters have wondered since, late were made by the. party in power, our Mayor had been offered a residents recently petitions] Jacobsen pointed out. it, desire a candidate who serves position w'ith some large'corpora- 1 fiscal year were greater than ever before, even in post-war I last stunmer whether the present to further- Rahway's "interests Rahway 30 Years Ago better service between h I incumbent would serve out. his 7 Acalnst V. 8. Principles tlon which would necessitate his : This method of selecting offl- rather than one who desires to resignation as Mayor of the Cityj Criticism Of Officials Is Answered ~lx>onr"daysrTT^ 1 From The Ugon^DembcratrOctober-1—1908 New Brunswick. ,'te'nn" if re-elected or. as rumors All of that adds up to just thisr We have been priming further-his-own-personal-interests^! of-Rahwajr;—Howeverr-some-time The handsomest factory in the city of Rafiway today is { ln conformity with the ideals of Citizens In Quandry elapsed, and.nothing came to that. .The seven-acre tract owned by Miss Clara Vander> the pump for eight years, piling up deficit after deficit.. We An attendance of about 400 persons is. expected to be | American, government, Jacobsen "I cannot but help feel that the "Shortly thereafter, there was that of the Wheatena Manufacturing Company, just com Carl Jacobsen, Republican can- citizens of Rahway are, at the hoven in Madison avenue at the end of Central avenue wili have boosted taxes to their highest levels in.history. We -ttstmtomaWmnerwhich Rahway Chapter, :d|date tor mayor, brought this said. His statement, made as Re- talfc=-of-_ha'ving the Maypr' ap- pleted situated along the tracks of the P, R. R. at Gran< New Hours SetlJ [lohorary P. B. A., will sponsor for Police Chief Clifford W.;Issue out into the open today with publicans opened their Irving present time, in a quandry as toI pointed as an Assistant Prosecutor house Rahway's new $764,000 high school, it was announced m have taken the personal touch out of relief. And we still my opponent's-.attitude. Shortly ^~^ union cTunty Prosecutor's street. • . ~ . tophv Wednesday evening at the Elizabeth Elks' Club. !a public• statement in which he street headquarters last night, [urther by the Board of Education during: a special-meeting-this ' have around ten million unemployed or on relief -work, reads: after his re-election in 1936 there office and ther§ was {urther — Thomas Lee pomes to the front again with the larges said he would serve his full term It was | week. The board has agreed ,to "payt.$15,000 for the sitfe. ..draining away the income of those who-do have work Police Desl final arrangements will be made during a meeting of the ; and stated he _felt "In accepting the candidacy for was a statement made by him on rumor ot his-resignation, La France roses now in bloom in -his^GrancTstfeeT yard nittee in the office of Judge Needell this evening. Dur-iarger,In view~of the statements!Mayor on the Republican ticket the floor of the Common Council | jancI^fficlara^pp It looks as though it is about time for us to clean up that due to pressure of his private j One of the fragrant beauties measures seven inche' iChnngeIn Shifts' he meeting a week ago, it was announced that 250 hf has .martp. should also make I for the ensuing election, I_have this mess andi- uat : " "- — -the- b<_.ng<; nm» hping made to determine the character of across. vide More Manpovre the soil. It was originally planned to decide on the site 1! have worked. xnO umbrella's to be given_away_at the- Stratton' mati°ns had been received. The dinner will be in! last Friday night but*this meeting was cancelled at .7.P. Mv Two morof Dunphy's appointment as chief as well as his_suc-:l. Honor Guest- } Clark Officiak Prepare To Set Dancing Class function tonight are on. exhibition'in the Star Po-operation completion of the Course ol the National Police j, wheh~itwas found that it^would beinrpossibte^te^have^^ait^ TAX COLLECTING—A BIG - eh iiuurns A chance In the Academy in Washington. Although J. Edgar Hoover, di-i^j data ready for the meeting. The~plot7hai"a~lrontage~ of CTrrtounia. - - ; _ deskrnen at police Assessment On New Inland Plant 500 feet in Madison avenue and a depth of 600 feet. The S. R. Ryno returned from Atlantic City Monday where By D. Ww.. Bartholomeww I With Recreation Commission Program which will provide the i ctor of the Department of Justice's Federal Bureau of \&Z Tax collecting has become a big business in this coun- : : •buildiag will set 100 feet bade he attended a convention of the Automobile Clubs of the j • with more manpower tl to| _^ had planned to at-* ; '-*— — I i j Locust Grove Given More Time To Pay Back Taxes; I from the street, according to plans. try. State. The return trip wag made by auto. Is Criticism Of Brennan And Reed Unfair; Not crease in expense, goes lntac I ht t_ notified the.
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