UME^XXIV. NO. 5. SOUTH AMBOY, X. J., SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1914. Price Three Cents. Brunswick Rowdies Will Give Reception PI TV flTI IllfPV FUNERAL Of Create Midnight Row To Rev. C. S. Lewis MRS. IDA K. LdHUE A bunch of rowdies came to this A reception will be tendered to I The funeral of Mrs. Ida K. LaHue city from New Brunswick last Satur- Rev. and Mrs. Chapman S. Lewis at as held from her late home at POSTAL SEME our o'clock last Sunday afternoon Tl hrist Church Parish House on ! day night looking for something. They had visited South River and uesday evening next at 8 o'clock by j .nd was attended by a large number Authorities Prohibit Public Ser- had told around there that they were Rev. H. C. While, Formerly of Chat- he members of the parish. The com- j Congressman Scully f ndcaVOriflg tO if people. The service was conduct- id by the Rev. J. 13dward Shaw, pas- vice Gas Company From Opening a bunch of woolie wolves from littee In charge are making great j Wolvetown and that it was their tanooga, Tenn., to be Installed reparations for the event, and hope i Secure It for This City—A Little or of the Methodist Episcopal Streets, Until Certain Demands night out to howl. They hadn't been hat it will prove one of the 'b-esL ever ! Church, who made an address in As Pastor of the First Presbyte- More Activity on the Part of Our which he eulogized the Christian in this, town very long when they :icl(l. Kerr's orchestra has been en-' j for Gas From the People are evidently found all that they were rian Church, on Thursday, May aged to furnish the music, and dain- People Would Bring Results— :'.haracti r and sterling qualities of looking for and a little bit more be- ,y refreshments will be served.! :he deceased. The church choir sang ,Complied With. 14—Ceremonies Impressive. Good Walks Necessary. ieveral hymns impressively , Inter- Chief McDonnell arrested Mr. Tho-sides. So much so that their Mg Ovrry member of tho parish is cordi- Thomas automobile couldn't get them ' 11 y invited to bo present, and it is ment was made on Monday in the mas h, Mellick for opening a street ilechanics cemetery at Philadelphia, / out of town (jiilclc enough. It didn't The Rev. H. C. White, formerly of ioped that there will be a largn Deeause Congressman Scully has without a permit last Friday. It been active in obtaining city delivery jnder the direction of Stillwell & seems there is soine little difficulty last long enough for an officer to get • Chattanooga, Tenn., will be Installed 'othering to weleomo the new in on the melee, and he wasa't u ja 's pastor of the First Presbyterian nd his wife. service in nearby town, do not think Mason, undertakers. Many beauti- between the city fathers and the Pub- iil floral pieces, tributes of love for block away at that, or the city would I Church on Thursday evening next, Notwithstanding invitations have for one moment that he has been lic Service Gas Company about sup- he departed one, were presented. probably be the richer for a fewJ^W H. eeh sent out, should there be tiny neglecting his home city. He has plying certain residents with gas, and beon personally in touch with the the aforesaid city authorities arc de- nes. jr~ Tjhe entiro arrangements are In iiembnrs of tho pariah who have not ! I'oat Otnco Department In this matter, termined to bring the matter to an o • charge of tho 1'rosbytery of Mon- eceived one, they are wclfomo just T but finds that tho receipts lack about Jssue. To this effect tho Public Ser- ^I1USTIA> STHAUU I nioutih'. The installation ceremony Is bho Bnmo ua If they did, The church Resolutions On $500 of the amount necessary to se- vice Gas Company is not to be allow- very impressive and interesting, nnd list is not aB complete as It should LOSES TAX AM'EAlJ cure this service. A little hustling ed to do any more extending of their will commence at 7.30 o'clock, to De, therefore It Is probublw that tho Death of Mrs. LaHue Tlio State Hoard of Taxation hns on the part of our business men and • ,Bervice until the demands of these which tho public is invited. Tha tol- 'oinmlttao missed some names, lisinissed the appeal others might obluin it. If stamps) ^fcertain citizens are met and complied of Christian | lowing clergymen have been, assigned o Straub, (if this city, who objected to woro secured at the post office for all At an executive session of the wjth. Mr. Mellick is an engineer of to ofllclato In the exercises: IIIH8 U;N V IMSItltOW TO valuation nf $!l,0OO placed on his rniill sent out by the different de- Hoard of Education held on Saturday, the^-Public Service Company and last Hov, R, II, Stolr, of Soyfevillo, will roperty in Sayreville township, Tho lUJCOiri) A KUKSE imrtmonts of tho Pennsylvania Rail- May 2, the following resolutions on Friday morning he started to dig -i preside, and propound tho constitu- »pr;il was heard at iOllzabcth re- Miss Lena Dlabrow, of Broadway, road in this city, tho freo delivery he death of Mrs. Ida Kirby LaHue trench on Henry street. The Chief tional questions, wero unanimously adopted: ently, with Thomas H. Hnge'rty as loft this city to enter St. Barnabas would bo obtained nt once. However, ordered him to stop, but he refused, RBV, Frank Lukona will preach, tho jounsel for Snyrovillo township and Honpltnl In Newark last Friday. Miss thoro Is another drawback, wo must chOliitlinis 1'asscil by the. Hoard of and seizing a shovel started to dig soniion. •',••'•'. Munition. Edward W, lllcks as counsel for Mr. passed tho entranco ox- navo • good continuous sldewayks, himself. Then the Chief of Police Rev. S, J. MoClonagihan, of Prince- Inasmuch as an Inscrutable Provi- Striuib. The valuation was confirmed. nnilnfltions of thlH InBtltutlon with crosswalks and house numbers. TMB denco has permitted the lift of M^a. ' made the arrest and brought Mr. ton, will mako tho charge to the lilgli honors xome weoltfl ago and hna i» very Important, and It Is up to Ida Klrby Lai Jim to come to a c'.ose \ Mellick before Police Justice Birm- congregation. now entered upon a course of train- tho property owners to provide them. in the midst of her work and her \ ingham. Mr. Mellick stated that ho I'OHT—OEANT. Rev. J. W. Roggan, D. D.,' of lied usefulness as a teacher in the South ing, proparntory to tailing up tho Tho following letter from the Post desired to have his counsel repre- A very quiet wedding took plnco Bank, will charge the pastor. Amboy public schools, the Board of urofeBslon of a trained nurao. She OIllco Depurtinent clearly cites that Education desire to record their deep / sent him and that aa it would be im- ast Tuesday evening at the home of ReV, P. Wi Johnson, of Rahway, B a graduate- of tho local high Congressman Scully has been fully sense of the IOBS to our schools of a possible to have him appear that he rector of Christ Church, Mlsa will make tho Installation prayer, Bchool, having graduated In 1912. alive to tho situation: eacher that was so conscientious, so '' evening the hearing was set for ten Rmma Geant, of Catherine street, nnd earnest, and so devoted to her work Miss Dlsbrow has long been Imbu- Hon. Thomas J. Scully, o'clock on Saturday morning. At r. William Post, of Perth Amboy, as was Mrs. LaHue. She was faith- BIRTHDAY CKIJiBRATION ed wit/h tho Idea of becoming a nurse, House of Representatives, the appointed time the attorney ap- were the principles. Mr. nnd Mra. ul to every duty, and worked with a ; and she undoubtedly has tho best My dear Mr. Scully: set purpose both to build character peared, and the hearing was started. Victor Geant, also of Catherine street, THAT 1VAS CELEimATED Referring to your call at the De- wishes of her many friends for suc- and to Impart knowledge. By ex- Colonel Gillmore represented the icted aa the attendants. The eore- "MuBh" (John) Perrlne thought he partment today with reference to the ample and precept she strove to in- could turn himself Into an old mnn ess In the realization of her ambl- matter of the establishment of city culcate right principles, and to hold Public Service people and Francis P. nony was preformed by the Hev. C, delivery service at South Amboy, without anybody getting "hep," so ever before her pupils high ideals, Coan represented the city. Col, Gill- 5. Lewis at eight o'clock. It is pro- New Jersey, 1 beg to say that under for them to follow. This she did more brought up an ordinance of iable that the honeymoon trip will last Wednesday he -went and had a the law the Institution of city de- with •unobtrusiVB ease, yet with the 1900 which he claimed allowed the e postponed until some time In the birthday all to 'himself—-aa he in- COYNE CASK AI'l'KAIiKI). livery service may be considered at same unquenehafble zeal that she dis- tended. This mado forty-eight times post offices where the gross receipts played in training her pupils to think, company to do the work .-of laying luturo. Ex-Senator George S. Sllzer and for the preceding fiscal year amount- pipes without obtaining any permits that he'd had this same thing happen John A.
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