THE PublishedC by the StudentsOLBY of Colby College since 1877 Volume CXXXXIII, No. 7 CHO October 29, 2020 E Waterville, Maine Colby Democrats host event for students to hear from Senate candidate Sara Gideon BY SONIA LACHTER head of ColbyVotes’ data in Maine. This is due to of the Maine House for the trying to pit people against decision to uphold the Af- News Editor team, Carolyn Jones `19, Maine’s youth turning out past four years. each other, or to paint peo- fordable Care Act, which Gideon’s special assistant at the highest rate in the Gideon shared that ple who are poor or immi- Gideon said provides Speaker of the Maine or “body woman,” Gideon past two elections com- while she was state rep- grants as people who are health insurance for over House and Democrat- herself, and Julia Panepin- pared to other states. resentative and speaker, your enemies, you stand 100,00 Mainers. ic Senate candidate for to, Waterville organizer for Brown shared her per- Paul LePage was governor. up and you say ‘absolutely “Senator Collins has Maine Sara Gideon paid a the campaign. sonal experience of hav- “I don’t know if any of not, that is not who we are, never cast a consequen- visit to Waterville on Oct. Brown and Nash called ing her vote challenged in you lived in the city of Wa- we are one people we are tial vote against a Trump 26 for an event specifical- students to action to join 2018 along with 150 other terville back when Paul one nation and that is who judicial nominee and ly geared toward Colby Colby Democrats’ week- Colby students, emphasiz- LePage was mayor here,” we are going to be as Main- that includes tonight,” students. ly phone banking and ing that the students in the she said, “but let me tell ers and as Americans,’” Gideon said. The event, hosted by the shared that ColbyVotes crowd do have the right to you: he was an incredibly Gideon explained. Gideon’s answer to Colby Democrats, could has registered 700 stu- vote in Maine. She also list- divisive person who didn’t Gideon told the audi- whether she would sup- not be held on campus dents in Maine. They said ed the Democratic candi- believe in government and ence that they should not port expanding the Su- because of COVID-19 re- that Maine is ranked high- dates up and down the bal- who wanted to divide us. look at this election just as preme Court in response strictions on visitors but ly for the power of the lot that Colby Democrats [He was] someone who a referendum on what is to Barrett’s confirmation took place instead at Head youth vote, so students hope students will vote for. called himself Trump be- going wrong in the coun- was a maybe. She said that of the Falls, a short walk should be sure to vote and Jones then introduced fore Trump.” try or who they want to she would consider what- from the Alfond Commons to vote safely. Gideon, who began her Gideon said that what vote out of office, but on ever proposal came before in downtown Waterville. Indeed, the 2020 Youth speech by commending she learned from working what can be fixed going her as senator through the The event featured stu- Electoral Significancestudents on how they’ve while LePage was in office forward. She mentioned lens of maintaining an dent band “Basement Index (YESI), put out by maintained the safety of was to seek out those who the COVID-19 pandemic, independent, non-politi- Picnic” and speeches by Tufts University’s Center Colby’s campus during the could help her accomplish systemic racism, and cli- cized judiciary. Lutie Brown `22, Colby for Information and Re- pandemic. what she needed and to mate change as challeng- Gideon told The Colby Democrats co-president, search on Civic Learning Gideon outlined her ex- stand up to people who are es that she would “make Echo that she came to Wa- Maine College Democrats and Engagement, found perience in government, doing wrong. opportunities out of” if terville to specifically see president, and chair of that among all the Senate which began as a town “When there is someone elected. Colby students because ColbyVotes, Jake Nash `21, races in the country, the councilor in Freeport, who is doing something Gideon’s opponent, Re- of the power of the youth local engagement chair significance of the youth then as a state representa- that is not right, when publican incumbent Su- vote. for Colby Democrats and vote is the second highest tive, and then as Speaker there is someone who is san Collins, was the talk “Young people under- of much national conver- stand that the future is sation the same day as yours today. It is not just Gideon’s Waterville event about what life looks like because of the vote to con- when you are 25 or 30 but firm Judge Amy Coney in fact you have the ability Barrett to the Supreme to change what is happen- Court that took place Mon- ing right now,” she said. day night. While Collins Gideon said that she voted against Barrett, the thinks young voters are only Republican to do so, particularly enthusiastic Gideon told the press that about voting to change who Mainers shouldn’t take this represents them and what protest vote as a reason to those representatives work vote for her opponent be- towards once in office. cause Collins “knew her Gideon said that stu- vote wasn’t needed” by the dents, many of whom are Republicans to confirm voting for the first time in Trump’s nominee. a national election, should Gideon also said that look to each other for sup- Collins has already voted port during divisive times. for Barrett, referring to “The thing that keeps Barrett’s appointment to me grounded is the belief the Seventh Circuit Feder- in us as people,” Gideon al Appeals Court in 2017, said. “...There have been which Collins voted in fa- these times of incredi- vor of. According to Gide- ble division before and on, Collins knew at the we make our way through Photo courtesy of Sonia Lachter time that Barrett opposed both Roe v. Wade and the CONTIUED ON PAGE 2 Alex Ozols ‘22 speaks with Sara Gideon at the event hosted by her campaign at the Head of the Falls. Supreme Court’s previous Ahead of State of the College, Greene offers confidence, concern BY DONOVAN LYNCH According to Greene, it to its economic apex— program hasn’t been while making a clear faculty and students to Contributing Writer would be the first of its only this time without launched yet, and an ar- exception when a law make their voices heard,” kind nationwide. mills. tistic counterpart looks or policy threatens the Greene said. As we run the final This expansionary “Portland has taken even more distant. school’s mission. However, he did not leg in a daring bet that thinking lies in striking off in Maine, but Maine The question remains, This summer, in re- commit the school to en- our small Maine college contrast to the radical needs another great then, whether these ini- sponse to two civil suits gage in any legal recourse can outmaneuver a virus financial austerity grip- city,” Greene said. “Wa- tiatives will see the same filed by the U.S. Depart- should some constitution- that has killed 226,000 ping other American cen- terville has had a great success enjoyed by the ment of Justice against al jiggerypockery arise in Americans to date, Pres- ters of higher learning. tradition and is poised Harold Alfond Athlet- several Ivy League the democratic process. ident David Greene ad- “Many colleges and uni- to really reinvent itself at ics and Recreation Cen- schools over their affir- The College would only mits his initial worry: “I versities, including the this time, too.” ter—a multi-hundred mative action practices, throw its weight behind a definitely had my breath wealthiest in the United Greene envisions the million dollar behemoth Colby involved itself on voter suppression lawsuit held for August and Sep- States, are cutting back College playing a central that has drawn some behalf of the defendants, if Colby students were tember, and maybe the significantly on programs role in this revitalization, criticism for its exces- offering legal aid and personally involved. first part of October. I and personnel. We’re not transitioning the town’s sive cost and over-allo- support. Encircled by political feel much more com- doing that.” economy from post-in- cation of resources for The administration turmoil and the worst fortable now.” The well of opportu- dustrial to intellectual. a Division III sports pro- also offered broad legal pandemic in a century, But Greene—sitting nity from which Greene Though Colby current- gram. counsel in opposition Greene still sees the state in the Eustis board- draws his enthusiasm is ly only offers a bachelor’s At Wednesday’s State to a Waterville lawsuit of the college as strong. room on the dull gray certainly not dry. A re- degree, the president of the College, David challenging the abil- While concerned for afternoon before his cent gift of $101 million didn’t rule out the possi- Greene’s ambitious ity of Colby students the world and the coun- State of the College ad- from the Harold and Bib- bility of expansion. plans will contend with to vote in the city. The try, he remained op- dress—discussed how he by Alfond foundation has “Could we have a small a school anxiously await- case made its way to the timistic about Colby’s wants this to be a time invigorated with new cap- number of focused ing next week’s election Maine Supreme Court, ability to maintain its of growth, not decay.
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