INFORMATION BULLETIN JUNE 2016 CONTENTS Service Page No. Community Resources Notices and Licences issued by Community Resources 1 - 9 Services: 7 April to 2 June 2016 Development & Housing Services Delegated Items and Appeals: Planning Applications, 10 - 71 Determination of Appeals and Building Warrants: 25 April to 17 June 2016 Finance & Resources Delegated Licensing Applications: 11 to 26 May 2016 72 - 84 RI To: Information Bulletin On: June 2016 Report by: Director of Community Resources Heading: NOTICES AND LICENCES ISSUED BY COMMUNITY RESOURCES: 7 APRIL 2016 TO 2 JUNE 2016 1. Summary 1.1 The Notices and Licences issued by Community Resources are listed in Appendix 1 to Appendix 7 attached hereto. 2. Recommendations 2.1 For Members’ information only. 3. Background 3.1 Listed below are the Notices and Licences issued and appended hereto:- Appendix Title Contact Officer Environmental Protection Act, 1990 - Part III: Section 80 Statutory Nuisance - Abatement Notice and Building (Scotland) Act 2003: Section 28 Defective Building Notice and Appendix 1 Colin Hunter Housing (Scotland) Act 1987: Section 114 – Closing Orders and Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949: Section 4 – Destruction of Vermin Notice Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006: Hygiene Appendix 2 Improvement Notices and Robert Marshall Remedial Action Notices Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006: Appendix 3 Robert Marshall Voluntary Closure of Premises Health & Safety at Work Etc Act 1974: Health & Safety Appendix 4 Robert Marshall Improvement and Prohibition Notices. Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, Section 39 Street Appendix 5 Robert Marshall Trader(s) Licence(s): Certificates of Compliance. 1 RI Appendix Title Contact Officer Antisocial Behaviour Etc. (Scotland) Act, 2004 – Part 5: Noise Notices Issued and Wardens Fixed Penalty Notices: Appendix 6 Carolanne Robertson Environmental Protection Act 1990, Dog Fouling Scotland Act 2003 and The Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005 & Environment Act 1995. Appendix 7 Trading Standards: Formal Warning Letters Issued. Faye Wilson 2 RI APPENDIX 1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT, 1990 PART III SECTION 80, STATUTORY NUISANCE - ABATEMENT NOTICE DATE OF REF NO ADDRESS NUISANCE NOTICE EI/3/16 05/05/16 74 Paisley Road, Renfrew Refuse accumulation Water penetration from EI/4/16 25/05/16 4b Knox Street, Paisley verandah BUILDING (SCOTLAND) ACT 2003 SECTION 28 – DEFECTIVE BUILDING NOTICE DATE OF REF NO ADDRESS REASON NOTICE NIL RETURN HOUSING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1987 SECTION 114 – CLOSING ORDERS DATE OF REF NO ADDRESS REASON NOTICE NIL RETURN PREVENTION OF DAMAGE BY PESTS ACT 1949 SECTION 4- DESTRUCTION OF VERMIN NOTICE DATE OF REF NO ADDRESS REASON NOTICE NIL RETURN The contact officer is Colin Hunter 3 RI APPENDIX 2 FOOD HYGIENE (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2006 HYGIENE IMPROVEMENT NOTICES DATE BRIEF DETAILS OF NAME & ADDRESS ISSUED CONTRAVENTION 20/04/16 Clare's Place, 67 Neilston Road, Paisley Damaged floor 19/04/16 Spice Magic, 2B Rowan Street, Paisley HACCP 26/04/16 Noodle and Rice, 8 Moss Street, Paisley Food hygiene training Insufficient sink 07/05/16 Inchinnan Post Office, Old Greenock Road, Inchinnan provision 18/05/16 Bishopton Wok Ltd, 27 Greenock Road, Bishopton Food hygiene training 18/05/16 Bishopton Wok Ltd, 27 Greenock Road, Bishopton HACCP 12/05/16 Noodle and Rice, 8 Moss Street, Paisley Food hygiene training 18/05/16 Moorpark Post Office, 1 Porterfield Road, Renfrew No intervening space 19/05/16 Houston Brewery, Unit 6, Kelvin Gate, Hillington Park No intervening space 19/05/16 Chargha, 4 Glebe Street, Renfrew HACCP Insufficient sink 23/05/16 Inchinnan Post Office, Old Greenock Road, Inchinnan provision 20/04/16 Clare's Place, 67 Neilston Road, Paisley Damaged floor FOOD HYGIENE (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2006 REMEDIAL ACTION NOTICES DATE BRIEF DETAILS OF NAME & ADDRESS ISSUED CONTRAVENTION 07/05//16 Inchinnan Post Office, Old Greenock Road, Inchinnan Happy Valley Chinese Takeaway, 49 Brediland Road, 16/05/16 Paisley 23/05/16 Simon's Cuisine, Hazel Avenue, Johnstone The contact officer is Robert Marshall 4 RI APPENDIX 3 FOOD HYGIENE (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2006 VOLUNTARY CLOSURE OF PREMISES DATE BRIEF DETAILS OF NAME & ADDRESS ISSUED CONTRAVENTION No food safety management system, insufficient washing 07/04/16 Scoops, 82 Glasgow Road, Paisley facilities, no hot water at wash up, no intervening space Lack of disinfectant, no food safety 08/04/16 Spice Fusion, 143a Main Road, Elderslie management system, cross contamination risk Poor hygiene, not adhering to food safety Tony Macaroni, Unit 2 Soar Intu Braehead, 2 Kings Inch 27/05/16 management system, Road, Renfrew cross contamination risk The contact officer is Robert Marshall 5 RI APPENDIX 4 HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORK ETC ACT 1974 HEALTH & SAFETY IMPROVEMENT NOTICES DATE BRIEF DETAILS OF NAME & ADDRESS ISSUED CONTRAVENTION Safe system of work Mr Scally, Bar 2010, High Street, Johnstone for use of the cellar 18/04/16 access behind the bar HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORK ETC ACT 1974 HEALTH & SAFETY PROHIBITION NOTICES DATE BRIEF DETAILS OF NAME & ADDRESS ISSUED CONTRAVENTION Lighting tandoor 08/04/16 Spice Fusion,143a Main Street, Elderslie from above The use of unsafe Happy Valley Chinese Takeaway, 49 Brediland Road, 18/05/16 fixed electrical Paisley installation 27/05/16 Renfrew Tandoori, 132 Paisley Road, Renfrew Use of gas flamer Use of rope 31/05/16 McConechy's Tyre Service Ltd, 39 Well St, Paisley operated vehicle lift The contact officer is Robert Marshall 6 RI APPENDIX 5 CIVIC GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1982, SECTION 39 STREET TRADER(S) LICENCE(S) - CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE NAME OF VEHICLE TYPE OF DATE DATE ISSUED APPLICANT REGISTRATION VEHICLE RECEIVED Craig Ure 7034991 Snack Van 13/04/16 13/04/16 Brian Dealey S963 FCZ Snack Van 13/04/16 13/04/16 Steve Miller SY57 ACU Snack Van 18/04/16 19/04/16 William Patrick SB15 P2A Snack Van 18/04/16 19/04/16 William Patrick WR59 KHG Snack Van 18/04/16 19/04/16 Neil Scally FD04 KCA Sandwich Van 04/04/16 19/04/16 Alexander Brannigan Y991 UOA Ice Cream Van 12/05/16 12/05/16 Robert Leith SJ13 KGN Snack Van 11/05/16 13/05/16 John McLeod MK03 MKN Snack Van 29/04/16 13/05/16 SA9CAT0007P06 Stewart Rankine Snack Van 29/04/16 17/05/16 3075 Patricia Docherty EA56 UKH Snack Van 18/05/16 24/05/16 William Allan Newsome Sk63 WJE Snack Van 24/05/16 24/05/16 Gordon Muir M99 TUB Ice Cream Van 31/05/16 31/05/16 The contact officer is Robert Marshall 7 RI APPENDIX 6 ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR ETC. (SCOTLAND) ACT, 2004 – PART 5 – NOISE NOTICES ISSUED AREA WARNING NOTICE FIXED PENALTY NOTICE Renfrew & Gallowhill 9 0 Paisley North 16 0 Paisley South 9 0 Johnstone & Villages 7 0 Erskine & Riverside 3 0 Grand Total 44 0 COMMUNITY SAFETY FIXED PENALTY NOTICES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT 1990, DOG FOULING SCOTLAND ACT 2003, THE SMOKING, HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (SCOTLAND) ACT 2005 & ENVIRONMENT ACT 1995 Dog Vehicle Flytipping Smoking Area Litter FPN Fouling Emissions FPN FPN FPN FPN Renfrew & Gallowhill 4 0 0 2 0 Paisley North 1 0 1 2 0 Paisley South 0 0 0 0 0 Johnstone & Villages 2 0 0 0 0 Erskine & Riverside 2 1 0 0 0 Grand Total 9 1 1 4 0 The contact officer is Carolanne Robertson 8 RI APPENDIX 7 TRADING STANDARDS - FORMAL WARNING LETTERS ISSUED DATE OF REASON FOR WARNING LETTER WARNING LETTER NIL RETURN The contact officer is Faye Wilson 9 RI RENFREWSHIRE COUNCIL To: INFORMATION BULLETIN By : HEAD OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: June 2016 Subject: DELEGATED ITEMS, APPEALS AND BUILDING WARRANTS 1. SUMMARY 1.1 The undernoted items have been determined by the Director of Development & Housing for Planning Permission under delegated powers. 1.1.1 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Attached as Appendix 1(a) to this report is a list of planning applications dealt with under delegated powers during the period 25th April 2016 to 17th June 2016. Attached as Appendix 1(b) to this report is a list of applications withdrawn under delegated powers during the period 20th June 2011 to 2nd September 2011. Attached as Appendix 1(c) to this report is a list of non-material variations dealt with under delegated powers during the period 25th April 2016 to 17th June 2016. Attached as Appendix 1(d) to this report is a list of treeworks applications dealt with under delegated powers during the period 25th April 2016 to 17th June 2016. 2. DETERMINATION OF APPEALS 2.1 Attached as Appendix 2 to this report is a list of appeals determined by the Scottish Government Directorate for Planning & Environmental Appeals during the period 25th April 2016 to 17th June 2016. 3. APPEALS RECEIVED 3.1 Attached as Appendix 3 to this report is a list of appeals received by the Scottish Government Directorate for Planning & Environmental Appeals during the period 25th April 2016 to 17th June 2016. 4. BUILDING WARRANTS 4.1 Attached as Appendix 4 to this report is a list of applications dealt with under delegated powers during the period 25th April 2016 to 17th June 2016. Contact Officer: David Bryce (Extension 7892). 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