PA G E FO RTY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1967 iRattrbPBtifr lEpj^ntng ifwatit Aeem e DNlr Net Prees Rod VM> JChe Week Ended Manchester Junior Women’s Lt. Col. Charles A. Pinney package of eight bulbs, the Jay ­ Club, Inc., will sponsor a Home (USAF ret.) of Reseda, Calif., Light Bulb Sale cees will be offering the Hart­ Town Democrats eeptcEBter ta. 1M7 The Weather About Town Baked Goods Sale Saturday at formerly of Manchester, has a RUny, iwtoity IxnegM. Itm Thi Wintered Apprentice de­ ford Electric Ldght Company’s 10:30 a.m. at W. T. Grants at bit part in the current offering Set by Jaycees "Reddy 24-pack.’’ Under this Air Amendment in eOiEi Riabiy, wlnd|y temor- gree wiM\be conferred when at the State Theater, "Divorce HOUSE H A LE the Manchester Shopping Park- plan, the "24-pack" will be sold 15,207 rrlendahip ^l^dge of Masons i«W. HIgti in 60k. ade. Proceeds will benefit club American Style." A 1936 grad­ ^ e Manchester Jaycees will at the regular HEDCO price and On Membersbip meets at theiC^Mnlc Temple charities. Donations may be uate of Manchester High School, turn on their annual house-to- customers may charge the pur­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm at 7:80 tomorrowNtight for a The Democratic Town Com­ brought to the home of Mrs. Pinney attended Emerson Col­ hpuse light bulb sale at a rally chase to their HELCO account. special meeting. Marshall VOL. LXXXV I, NO. 305 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Raymond Lydon, 166 Clinton lege, Boston, majoring in dram­ These arrangements were made mittee tonight will consider a MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1967 Hodge, senior deacon, will pre­ at the Municipal Building at 1 (OlMwUled AdverttUng on Page *1) PRICE SEVEN CBNTi Dr., Wapping, chairman of the atics, before entering the Air possible through the efforts of proposed amendment to its by- side. Officer dress is summer p.m. on Saturday; it runs sale, Erlday night, or to Grants Force. His sister, Mrs. Ray­ Marvin Osterling, manager of law^, to permit its membership formats. There will be refresh­ mond Dotchin, lives at 66 through Oct. 16. SALE! by 10 a.m. Saturday. HELCO'S Manchester (rffice. ments after the meeting. Dougherty St. to be elected at-large. Mem­ Richard Bohadlk, president, The Jaycees also intend to bers now are elected by dis­ The VFW Auxiliary will announces the chairman of this run two sales booths, one on Miss Angela Maiy Teate, Sunshine Buses to Norwich tricts, with each of 'the seven Ne^oes Charged sponsor a kitchen social tomor­ Main St. and one at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. year’s sale will be Kenneth Rey­ voting districts gpuaranteed at GROUP OF LADIES' Hospital will leave Sunday noon Parkade, on Thursday evenings Havens Peck of 68 Harlan St., row at 7:46 p.m. at the post nolds of Kane Rd. He will be least 10 members: home. The event is open to from Central Row, Hartford. and all day Saturdays, during is entering her third year as On the return trip, they will assisted by Jerry Finn, 668 Hil­ Town Chairman Ted Cum­ France Calls on U.S. members and guests. the light bulb campaign. a student nurse at Victoria Col­ leave the Administration Buiid- lard St.; Charles McDonnell, 92 mings said that most 'requests for committee membership With Poison Plot lege Hospital, Blackpool, Eng­ ing at 4:15. Anyone wishing to Deepwood D r.; and Richard land. She has recently returned The Golden Age Group will make reservations may contact Erickson, Tolland Rd., Bolton. come from those districts where DRESS PUMPS FinL^BLE>HIA (AP) — The said In a court affadavlt that the meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the 23 Can Escape Fire the quotas already are filled. to school from a vacation in the Capitol Region Mental The ligdit bulb sale has been R e^ u tion ary Action Move- plan was to incite a riot this The rules state that districts Spain. Her brother, H. Havens Senior Citizens Center. Health A.ssociation, 217 Farm ­ conducted by the Jaycees for CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. — ment, a Negro extremist group \past summer, then put cyanide with less than 10 members have Peck m , has recently returned ington Ave., Hartford. the past nine years as the or­ P art of the Apollo launching fac­ FROM ARNOLD CONSTABLE ^ been charged with planning in food distributed free to police priority when vacancies on the to the University of Georgia, Members of Manchested ganization’s principal fund-rais­ ility here is an underground to start a riot then poisoning on riot duty as well as in res- For Qnick Viet Move town committee exist. Athens, where he is a junior. Grange will rehearse the first The executive committee of ing activity. The proceeds from chamber fitted out for 23 men. FIFTH AVE.—NEW YORK Unus^ls of policemen and top taurants throughout the city The committee is meeting at and second degree ritual tonight Cub Scout Pack 143 of Nathan last year made possible the A Teflon-lined 'escape hatch zig­ . " where "policemen and citizens 8 tonight in the Municipal at 7 at Orange Hall. Hale School will meet tonight E aster Egg Hunt, in which 1,600 zags down from the 365-foot DIst. Atty. Arlen Specter said wotdd be taking food and Building Hearing Room. Warrants Were Issued for four drink." at 8:16 at the home of Mrs. children participated, the Saturn V rocket to the chamber, FREE Manchester Bridge Club will Paul Maloney, 166 Wells St. Junior Olympics this past which has enough supplies for m e n ^ r s of the group which Specter said one Informant U.S. Planes sponsor a duplicate bridge spring, and the covered foot three days. Regulariy has been blamed in the past for also claimed the lives of James Bombs Halt DELIVERY game tonight at 7:30 at the The Guard Club of the North bridge at Oak Grove Nature The theory 1^ that a sudden Delay Approved p la n ^ to assassinate moder- H. J. Tate, Police Commissioner 15. 18. 20. ate Negro leaders and to blow Frank L. Rizzo, and Specter Engage Migs Italian American Club, 136 Eld- American Benefit Association Center, which will be dedicated fire on the huge pad might force NOW Is Suggested ARTHUR DRUG ridge St. Registrations will be will meet Friday a t 8 p.m. at in October. an entire launching crew and In GRC feport & 23. a pair up the Statue of Liberty and oth- “were to be taken ’’ taken at 7. The game is open the home of Mrs. Agness Mor­ In addition to the regular astronauts to seek refuge. to uncovering the plot In 9 Battles to the public. gan, 42 Madison St. The Manchester Charter Re­ !“. «***?“**’ toformatlon offered by a By MurviDe vision Commission (CRC) has Choose from Del-iso Debs, DaVinci, Troyiings, identified by Specter^ as SAIGON (AP) — American .warplanes fought nine air bat­ UNITED NATIONS. NY. the Informal permission of the night and siurenoered. At a he was a member of the plotting tles with swarms of MIG fight­ (AP) — France asserted today Board of Directors to file its Fiancee and many others.' Medium and high THERE’S NOTHING LIKE A hearing in Chicago Criminal group. ers over North Vietnam that only a decisive initiative Today . os always ... leaders in fine meaf report' in November, instead of Court before Judge Joseph A. heels in the group, for casual or dressy wear Last week Jones went to the Wednesday, while the ground from the United States can cre­ October, as originally planned. Power today, Monteiro said he war generally slackened and the PINEHURST U& CHOICE STEAK Philadelphia office of the F B I ate conditions to end "the ster­ The one-month delay Is be­ in a choice of colors— Mostly one of kind, was wUling to return to PhUa- and turned over more than half embattled U.S. Marine post at cause HRC chairman Donald a oelphla and waived extradition. ile and indefinite pursuit of TO CHEER YOUR MENUS a pound of potassium cyanide to Con Thlen had the li^ te st day A DELUXE SIRLOiN Conrad has been out of the Judge Power ordered Montei­ special agent Edward Cole, of its month- long artillery fighting” in Vietnam. broken sizes... ro held in the Cook County Jail r FOR THE LARGE FAMILY country for weeks, traveling on Specter said. selge. In a policy speech before the PINiEHURST U.S. CHOICE awaiting the arrival of authori­ United Aircraft business. WeeWy casualty figures re­ 122-natlon General Aasembly, ties from Philadelidiia. The amount was ‘.‘sufficient to 'The commission will present leased by the U.S. Command to­ FYench Foreign Mlnlater Mau­ Specter said Jrnies gave him a kill at least 4,500 persons, ac­ CUBE STEAKS ^Jl.39 an informal report next Tues­ day reflected a lull in the rice Oouve de MurvlUe asked day, when the directors hold charged solicitation and con­ cording to experts.’’ said Spec­ ter. ground war. Last week the Uniti' whether this initiative might be PINEHURST D ELU XE LEIAN, FR ESH LY GROUND their regular monthly meeting. spiracy to commit murder, in­ ed States lost 128 killed and "as many say, the unconditional This report will fulfill the ori­ cite a riot and arson, a)tempted Specter saldJones gave him a U,S. CHOICE 34-page sworn statement de­ 1,434 wounded, weU below the suspension, and unlimited in ginal requirement. murder and other charges.
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