/ 1 ¦gßSga THE BISMARCK.TRIBUNE ram-1 tSHED 1873 BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'extile War Near Zero Hour jents Arrest Seven in Dillinger Mop Up SILK WORKERS GET ORDER TO Looms to Stop, Plants to Close at 11:30 p. m. Zero Hour In Dash for $3,500 j JOIN IN i * .u-LIFTERS WHO LONG OPENS PROBE DOUGLAS TO RESIGN — -? 1 i§§§! GENERAL WALKOUT 1 SiSMI §1 WORKED ON BANDIT OFWAimrW AFTER CONFLICT ON Strike Now Embraces Entire In- IN GUARDED OFFICE NEW DEAL POLICIES dustry With Over 800,000 AMONG THOSE HELD Persons Involved MIp ¦ Troopers With Fixed Bayonets Resignation Will Be Accepted by Plastic Surgeons Admit Opera- Keep From Sky- 11:30 P. M. DEADLINE SET on Gangsters; Put Un- Newsmen President, Reliable Reports tions scraper Uppi der Heavy Bond Fortress Indicate ¦ )' 1,281 Cotton, 500 Woolen anq •^ - w ;T ~ ..: f : : 'jh 1 ¦•••:• f-'' s\ " FriMitifrftfclt y nr^.-;t.,... k>4> :i-i :-S- '}% I -^v. ;•~^ : > *™n*Sf Ir |i- "im IllSimmii$ l isßw '.iß HOPES TO REMOVE MAYOR Worsted and 1,000 Silk Mills Iff MARIE CONFORTI IS NABBED iMßiii Myiiiiiiiiiiflyhi nil 11 fcJMjiPFl' i iiii'in hi DECISION REACHED FRIDAY P#ip to Close Down '£ tip - Committee of Nine to Take Tes- "k ¦ Lawyer Who Pfcmntd Slain Out- Roosevelt Goes Ahead With Hit Washington. Sept. 1. <>»») The ffeL •>r-s;i|i* 4 timony of Vice and Gamb- Plant; Confers With Hopkins Bl£wV Defense Alto Arrested general textile strike was extended ling Chargee and Tugwtll Saturday b« Agents to Include 150.000 silk work' -St! I ers. inclusion of workers New Orleans, Sept. I—(ff>—Sena- BULLETIN The the silk (JP)— Two plastic a in the general walkout, effective rfif'l Bchicago, BWp I.— tor Huey P. Long opened his investi- I.—(AV- at gKgeons Saturday they per- Hyde Park, N. Y., Sept. COL. ROSCOE TURNER 11:30 p. m., local time, in all textile adnßed gation of the hostile New Orleans President Roosevelt Saturday accepted gpj,. • /iWS H§Md on the faces and communities, makes the walkout Dillinger and Homer city government Saturday in a sky- the resignation of Lewis Douglas as Cleveland Airport, Sept. 1 .—(A*)— complete in the textile industry. Roscoe Turner, flying in eluding de- scraper office building guarded by and Col. from Los Already, the strike had involved ||||||BdJpthem director of the budget named Angeles to New York for a new officers. the bayonets of state soldiery. acting trans- some 425,000 workers in the cotton Hie Revolution Flannel Mills (above) Daniel W. Bell director. continental record, Cleve- gfKrrainged before a United States Confusion prevailed in the heart landed at textile and 100,000 more in the wool —one of the largest producers of cot- land airport at 2:28 p. m., eastern and worsted industries. Some of IHhmlssloner. Dr. Wilhelm Loeser, and materials, Greensboro, of the New Orleans business section Hyde Park, Y„ Sept. Harold Cassidy ack- ton in N. C.— N. I.—(A»>—'The standard time. these are now unemployed. |HI Bernard is only the many huge plants as military trucks rolled up to the resignation Douglas as ¦owleged guilt one of of Lewis W. Pilots who greeted him said his Employers have contended, how- their and were held in giant building and disgorged nation- budget '-•ir> I* f|25,000 which will be closed down late Satur- director of the was believed chance to break his present transcon- ever, that not more than 15 per cert bond for the federal grand day by the textile walkout, calling for al guardsmen who rushed inside Saturday be in the hands of Presi- jury. to tinental record of 10 hours and five of the workers would be involved. a strike of over 500,000 workers. At with a clatter of arms and took their dent Roosevelt, the result of a differ- very Louis Piquett. attorney for the slain posts eighteenth floor, where minutes were slim. Over 800,60$ Involved left is a map of the area directly af- on the ence of opinion over expenditures for Turner said joining r leader of the outlaw band, pleaded not the hearing will be held in small he wanted to cross the With the silk workers in fected by the strike order. North and a unemployment and drouth relief. guilty to the charge that concealed nation in nine hours, or more than an the walkout, the total number of ''v* y he South Carolina, Georgia, Massachu- room of the Louisiana insurance Although it was not officially an- Dillinger was or- hour less than it took him when he workers was estimated at strike and harbored and setts and Rhode Island willbe hardest commission. nounced, there were reliable reports his previous mark headquarters between 800,000 dered held in $50,000 bond. Senator Long roared up set a year ago. at and hit when the looms stop turning. himself that Douglas had handed his resigna- Ifhe succeeds, he may win 850.000. At the same time an employe of through crowded traffic with an es- Thursday $3,500. a tion in a conference after- special prize which put up Friday The mills were estimated as: Cot* Piquett's law office, Arthur W. cort of soldiers and went upstairs in accepted. was noon and that it would be night at Cleveland in connection with ton textile. 1.281; woolen and worsted. ;;p O’Leary, pleaded guilty and waived a private elevator. His secretary, Douglas had disagreed with Mr. rayon. ™ the national air races by Vincent 500; silk and 1,000. examination. I Earl Christen Berry, stuck close to Roosevelt some of the administra- Ben- AnHlailMtMkNi on dix, and sponsor Within a few moments after an- Piquett’s hearing was scheduled for Mississippi I SUPREME COURT TO the senators side. Christenberry policies, manufacturer an- tion spending and it is well nually of the order calling out Sept. of the transcontinental speed nouncement 8. carried a small revolver. known that the president has dash, long workers, agents Brigadier-General Guer- over- distance event of the races. the silk President Thomas Their seizure by government Louis F. ruled his budget director on several of Textile commander of the P. McMahon the United Kpzj Friday night climaxed successfully an HEAR IN re, guard detach- major propositions this year including Workers and other officials of the 19 CASES ment, ordered all newspapermen undercover hunt for the group held the determination to spend $525,000,000 Typhoid union left strike headquarters for a responsible by the department of jus- from the committee room. The above the budget for drouth relief. Scare Here conference with Chairman Lloyd tice, which ended for both in death. corridor was lined with soldiers and Douglas, who resigned from congress of the natural labor rela- h\ ts'-m Definitely at End Garrison r newspapermen kept 100 * Women Plead Not GaOty TERN SEPTEMBER 11 were feet as a member from Arizona to become tions board, which hr been working away. Williams and Ella Finerty, alleged director of the budget, has made the tjfchoid fever desperately In an effort to ccmt kept home, Radio equipment was set up in budget principal Bismarck’s scare to have Van Meter in their balancing of the his has come to definite Satur- the differences between labor and the room to broadcast proceed- has favored policies a end and Maria Conforti, reputedly Van List Includes Ward County Ac- the aim and therefore day with the xeport of Dr. A. M. management in the textile industry. Meter’s woman companion, pleaded ings. which would restrict some of the gov. Fisher, Bu if ah-embracing \ JF*S) Number ofmills \ \ legislative committee city officer, that thd strike now .'toot guilty.” Bonds of $5,000 each \ The mem- eminent outlays. He was especially health exception of or.’. ' the small mtS Product ower 10% oftotal \ | tion Over Commissioner assert- disease is definitely under contntifl set for two women, and one f Prosluce 5% oftotal bers making the inquiry into opposed to expanding activities of the HHA such aa carr* .. hosiery, Oftre the EBB ewer gov- no new casesliaving been report** for Finerty. They willcome yj V^j District Changes ed “vice and corruption.” in the public works administration, contend- during the ynS s|nt 'retie ya-n. cf\lo,ooo ernment Mayor T. Semmes employment paa(f. several weeks. M up Wa hearing Sept. V. TUTItt S/m thmktf Staffs contain 724% ofths mills of ing the resulting not To date, Walmsley, Long's dictator rival, took ex- Dr. "Fisher said, thel It was Dr. Cassidy who was impli- «IOMO. mxfproduct 64J%oftfts prodoetsXfyurss on great enough to justify the huge has been a total oh n cases ii given Stotts) their places in the committee room. 1 1111 cated in alleged perjured testimony in WI4 tSlofihoproducts orr not by Nineteen cases have been set for penditures involved. typhoid fever in t« city. Ozn of Frank Zimmerman, a pris- Primary Sept. 11 to Decide Despite Douglas’ reported resigna- behalf hearing on the September calendar of The investigation precedes by a resulted in death. Tide six other! oner held at Ottawa, HI., for the rob- tion, President Roosevelt went ahead with exception, fully supreme will days the September 11 congress- plans. one hive jfl lH $ bery of the Union National Bank of the state court which few Saturday with his relief He covered and all were recently ional primary which is expected to two aides, Streater, 111. He was indicted at Ot- open its term September 11. had with him of his closest charged from the hospital.
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