Volume 10, Number 4 MANLEY NOTES January 1, 2009 USS Manley Yesteryear A Look Into The Past On a hot, muggy evening in August, my TV news was interrupted by a telephone call from Mr. French L. Alkire of Gainesville, Florida. Within nanosec- onds the conversation became a refresh- ing respite from the rhetoric being spewed forth by the politicos on the tube. I was about to receive a history lesson on the good ship Manley. French is a 91-year young navy retiree who as a teenager walked aboard the USS Manley in 1936, served until 1940, USS Manley - DD-74 - Photo before losing her stem on March 19, 1918 left the naval service only to be recalled 1898. Manley resided at the Naval soon after December 7, 1941, and retired Academy in Annapolis where she in 1968. The conversation with Mr. served as a training ship for the mid- Alkire led me to research the history of shipmen until 1914. Manley and write this article. This is not a story about Alkire but one of a fighting On April 1, the first ship named ship and an experience not too far distant “Manley” was placed out of service from the one many of us shared in our and the next day was struck from the youth, but now there is a bridge that links Navy’s active fleet, but she continued French’s generation of seafarers with our to serve as a ferry launch at Annapolis. generation and we have so much in com- But because the Navy was soon to be- mon. gin construction on a more modern Manley, Manley #1 was renamed Le- Manley, for now, comes in three chap- vant II and on April 21, 1920, Levant ters: TB-23, DD-74/APD-1, and DD- was sold to Jacob Meyer of Catons- 940. No one chapter is less interesting ville, Maryland. End of chapter one. than the other and combined, they make a good read but regrettably a volume too The second Manley was laid down Au- large to do justice in this limited newslet- gust 22, 1916 by the Bath Iron Works; ter. Still, it’s a good start. launched August 23, 1917; sponsored by Miss Dorothy S. Sewall; and com- Little can be found on the TB-23. Built missioned October 15, 1917. in London, England by Yarrow & Co., Captain John Manley (1733-1793) the vessel was purchased from Charles R. With Commander Robert L. Berry in Flint April 13, 1898 during the Spanish- command, Manley sailed November American war and delivered to the New (Continued on page 4) York Navy Yard for active service in Manley Notes Reach Out And Feel The Pride Page 2 Boot Camp Reunion Refunds Association Prez Resigns Your Association likes to do things Dan Brewster, who assumed the top of- right! Every person who registered for fice in the USS Manley (DD-940) Asso- the Boot Camp reunion in Lisle, Il has ciation on June 1 after the elected presi- Editor: Joe Dennison Office: 905 Sea Duck Drive received a full refund, including all dent, Tom Young, resigned, has himself Daytona Beach, FL 32119 registration fees and the fees associated resigned effective September 1, 2008. 386-767-8068 with credit card payments through Pay- Dan also resigned as the custodian of the editormanleynotes Pal. ship’s store. @ussmanleydd940.org Mike Haynes has resigned as Secretary Officers: Association Dues Due effective September 1, 2008. President - Joe Dennison, Acting Vice-president - Vacant Annual Association dues remain at $15.00 In the interim, Joe Dennison, sitting Treasurer - Joe Dennison and are now due. Please make your check or Treasurer, has taken over the duties. Joe [email protected] money order payable to USS Manley Asso- founded the Association and served as its Secretary - Vacant ciation and mail to 905 Sea Duck Drive, president for seven years until relinquish- Webmaster: Daytona Beach, FL 32119-8764. ing the post in September 2007. Bill Gowan: [email protected] Here’s our procedure: Invoices and member- A business meeting and election is Welcome Aboard ship cards for the upcoming year are mailed planned during the next reunion in June Ronald Richards - 66-67 - EM2 in November to those who paid dues or who 2010. Thomson Heinrichs - 75-77 - MM3 have “enlisted” at any time in the two Curtis Flaharty - 74-77 - HT3 preceding years. Hopefully, you will respond Milton Giddens - 73-74 - SN with your dues payment. Those paying dues Stephen Rogers - 70-72 - LTJG for the first time will receive a complimentary Newsletter Change Everett Hoyt - 80-83 - EN3 gift. Manley Notes will begin publication Russell Gregory - 65-67 - IC3 three times a year rather than quarterly Michael Gallagher - 72-74 - LTJG Others not receiving an invoice or advance beginning with this issue. The publica- Don Gornall - 67-68 - ETN3 membership card will be mailed their mem- tion dates will be January 1, May 1 and William Orem - 75-77 - BT1 bership card upon receipt of their payment. September 1. David Mummey - 63-65 - BMSN Every effort is exerted to keep Association Reuben Beck - 62-63 - MM2 Special announcements will be published administrative costs down, but as you already Randy Chapman - 74-76 - OS2 when appropriate on the Manley website know in your own household, that can be at www.ussmanleydd940.org. difficult today. Postage, paper stock, ink In Memoriam supplies, web site rental fees and all the other Those not having Internet access are re- Raymond Tillett - 57-59 - SOG3 items necessary to manage the Association minded that most libraries offer open keep us on our toes - and sometimes wide computers and are very willing to extend awake at night. assistance. The early response has been overwhelmingly Newsletters are also mailed to those who positive, and a huge thank you goes out to all have opted to receive their issues by of our members who have mailed in their regular mail. checks. Undoubtedly, some of our shipmates will find it difficult to make a payment this The Manley Association distributes year because of downward economy. You nearly 700 copies of the newsletter - should not worry; you will not be deleted about 400 by e-mail and 300 by regular from the active records. Perhaps those who mail. If you are not receiving your issue, can afford it might consider adding a bit extra you should notify the editor at to their check. [email protected]. Did you know - the cruise liner QE2 moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel fuel it burns. Manley Notes Reach Out And Feel The Pride Page 3 Ship’s Store Blowout Sale Reunion Planning On Track The Essence Of Christmas Just in time for the Christmas The Kentucky Colonel Reunion - June I am taking this opportunity to extend my stocking. Purchase now and save. 24-28, 2010 - Holiday Inn Airport, Er- good wishes to all of you at this holiday Get your order in before Decem- langer, KY. The special reunion room season. Undoubtedly, some of our mem- ber 15 to be sure of delivery before rate is $99.00 plus taxes and has been bers may be experiencing challenges one Christmas Day! Everything is on extended to the three days before and time thought to be too distant to visit sale! after this twelfth reunion of the USS upon them. For this Christmas, I wish Manley (DD-940) Association. for a gift of national leadership that will Prices shown do not include ship- take this great country we all love to a ping. See HOW TO ORDER be- Ken Cournoyer, Art Saucier, and Doug new level of peace and prosperity. low. Mateja comprise a panel to advise the reunion planner, Joe Dennison, during From time to time, I receive notes and Ball cap - 6 panel, snap-buckle the planning phase. emails from our membership and thought adjust, best quality, pro-style, em- it appropriate to include this one received broidered, flag on side, was $20 Planning for tours, motor coaches, ca- from ET2 Robbie Robinson (61-62). now $10. tering, entertainment and everything in between is ongoing and you may ex- “Joe...I have been blessed this year with Men’s golf shirt - Devon-Jones pect an announcement in the first quar- good health and a new employment when pima cotton quality - embroidered ter of 2009. Registration forms will be others are having it rough. I have dou- in gold lettering - navy blue - sizes made available by regular mail, email, bled my dues payment and ask that you XXL, XL, L, M - limited quantity and online at the Manley website. mark one of my shipmate’s dues paid for - was $40 now $30. the year in gratitude of being able to be a Reunion check-in will begin on Thurs- member of such a great organization. Women’s golf shirt - Devon-Jones day (June 24, 2010) at 11:00am. The pima cotton - embroidered in gold hospitality room will be available at Thank you, your lovely wife and Bill for lettering - white - sizes XL, L, M, that time. Tours will be conducted on all that you do to keep our ship on S - Shirley wears hers around Friday and Saturday. The opening course. Daytona Beach all the time! - very ceremonies will be held on Thursday This past year has been a joy to be able limited quantity - was $40 now evening with a buffet dinner and a pres- to wear my Manley ball cap and be rec- $30. entation of Gunsmith -a video of Man- ognized as a valued veteran of the great- ley during operations.
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