S2660 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 16, 2013 printed materials. We look forward to par- also help coordinate the efforts of other part- United Way of Central Maryland has joined ticipating in the program as it continues to ners donating technology and equipment to their call to help recruit one million readers, grow. ensure smooth coordination into the finished tutors and mentors and will launch a new DLA PIPER library. JRS Architects, Inc. will be donat- volunteer program: Read, Learn, Succeed ing the time required to coordinate the ef- this fall. We look forward to recruiting mem- Financial donation. forts of the partners in the three QZAB-fund- bers of the community to read to young chil- DYSLEXIA TUTORING PROGRAM ed projects. dren to fill in some of the volunteer gaps The mission of The Dyslexia Tutoring Pro- KIRK DESIGNS that exist in many local programs. gram is to provide free screening and reme- Kirk Designs Inc. will design and detail all VPC, INC. dial tutoring for low-income adults and chil- aspects of the library pertaining to selec- Handles all of the production and multi- dren throughout Maryland with dyslexia and tions for, but not limited to, lighting, floor- other language based learning differences. media content creation for Library Project ing, wall and window treatments as well as events. Volunteers take a free 20-hr training course all furnishings while creating a usable and WELLS FARGO in preparation for tutoring. The program exciting space for grades Pre-K through works to achieve the following: (1) Train Eight. Kirk Designs will interface with ven- Wells Fargo is proud to further its commit- teachers in Orton-Gillingham, a proven dors as well as provide and enforce a sched- ment to Baltimore City students by serving method of teaching reading, writing and ule for completion. Kirk Designs will be do- as the Baltimore Elementary and Middle spelling; (2) Tutor students that are accepted nating a substantial design cost for each School Library Project’s Financial Literacy into our program by providing free tutoring; project, approximately $15,000 per library. Partner. Their commitment will include a (3) Provide In-Service Workshops to school $20,000 donation to fund library technology KNOTT MECHANICAL staff to help identify potential students. thereby providing access to a world of infor- Knott Mechanical will provide for modi- ENOCH PRATT FREE LIBRARY mation including www.handsonbanking.com, fications to the libraries’ existing air dis- The Enoch Pratt Free Library will be a the online portal to its free financial lit- tribution systems including installation of eracy program. The company also commits major partner in the library project. Each el- new diffusers and low-pressure ductwork to ementary school library will include an its most valued resource, the time and talent conform with the new designs. Knott Me- of local Wells Fargo team members. Local ‘‘Enoch Pratt Parent Corner’’ with a com- chanical is one of the Baltimore metropoli- puter connecting parents to the Enoch Pratt team members will provide financial literacy tan area’s premier commercial HVAC and to members of the Weinberg Library commu- system. In addition, each library will have a plumbing service providers, serving more permanent loan collection on parenting nities, including teachers, students and their than 150 clients including Johns Hopkins and families. Additionally, through Wells Far- books and other appropriate adult literature. Comcast. Enoch Pratt will also provide four Family go’s Reading First program, team members MARYLAND FOOD BANK Reading Circle programs during the school will read aloud to Pre-K through 1st grade year. This six-week program brings a library Maryland Food Bank is happy to inves- classes to support early childhood literacy professional to the school, with high-quality tigate the implementation of their school and will then donate those books to the li- books and dinner for the group. Enoch Pratt pantry program in each of these school loca- brary. will also provide limited funding for students tions and can also help with summer feeding Mr. CARDIN. I yield the floor. programs when school is out of session. to take public transportation from their The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- homes or from school to the closest Pratt Li- PARKS AND PEOPLE FOUNDATION ator from Virginia. brary. Finally, Enoch Pratt Free Library Parks & People will consider each ren- will host students from each school for field ovated library as a potential site for after f school and summer programming. Site as- trips to the central library each year. The COMMEMORATING VIRGINIA TECH estimated value of this partnership is $20,000 sessments for the first six libraries could per library, or $80,000 for the first four librar- amount to as much as $2,000 per site, or a SHOOTING ies. total of $12,000. For libraries that are deter- Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I rise to FUND FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE mined to be a fit for an after school or sum- perform a solemn duty today, which is mer program, services provided would range The Fund for Educational Excellence has to commemorate the shooting at Vir- from $5,000–$80,000 per site. The organization worked side by side with Baltimore City is also involved in green initiatives at each ginia Tech of 32 students and faculty Public Schools for over 25 years securing the school including asphalt removal and the members who were killed 6 years ago financial, human, and knowledge resources creation of reading gardens. today and many others who were in- necessary to support policy and practice re- jured: sulting in increased student achievement for RAISING A READER Baltimore City Public School students. On Raising A Reader is partnering with the Ross Alameddine, Jamie Bishop, this project the Fund serves as the fiscal Weinberg Foundation to provide library Brian Bluhm, Ryan Clark, Austin agent working as an intermediary between project schools with an opportunity to im- Michelle Cloyd, Jocelyne Couture- City Schools and the Harry and Jeanette plement the program in kindergarten class- Nowak, Daniel Alejandro Perez Cueva, Weinberg Foundation to ensure all grant dol- rooms. The partnership covers the cost of Kevin Granata, Matthew Gwaltney, lars are allocated to the project appro- training, materials and the financial support Caitlin Hammaren, Jeremy Herbstritt, priately. needed to implement Raising A Reader for Rachael Elizabeth Hill, Emily Hilscher, many of our youngest learners and their HEART OF AMERICA FOUNDATION families. Jarrett Lane, Matthew La Porte, HOA will coordinate the purchasing, sort- STATE OF MARYLAND/MARYLAND STATE Henry Lee, Liviu Librescu, G.V. ing, cataloging and delivery of brand new li- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Loganathan, Partahi Mamora brary books for each school. In addition, to The State of Maryland, through The Mary- Halomoan Lumbantoruan, Lauren address the fact that as many as 61 percent McCain, Daniel O’Neil, Juan Ramon of children from low income families do not land State Department of Education will have any books in the home, HOA will pro- provide focused technical assistance by Ortiz-Ortiz, Minal Panchal, Erin Peter- vide three books per student for his or her working with the Manager for Library Media son, Michael Pohle, Julia Pryde, Mary home library. This year, HOA will deliver Services for the Baltimore City Public Karen Read, Reema Samaha, Waleed more than 9,800 library books in total and Schools to support the library/media special- Mohammed Shaalan, Leslie Sherman, over 4,800 take home books for the students ists in the Weinberg Library Project schools Maxine Turner, and Nichole White. for this project. with the incorporation of digital resources, the utilization of the MDK12 Digital Library, I read those names to honor those INCITE CREATIVE assistance with professional development who were killed and had their lives The firm’s focus group facilitation with needs, and with collection development. snuffed out on April 16, 2007. I acknowl- students and their parents helped guide their MSDE staff will also facilitate linkages with edge also that many students and fac- design and development of the Library public libraries to promote professional de- ulty members were injured. We have Project’s logo and overall identity. velopment opportunities and broaden access with us today both family members of JRS ARCHITECTS, INC to materials. During the transition to the those who are deceased and even some JRS Architects, Inc., as a consultant to new Maryland State Common Core Cur- students who were injured. I also honor riculum, MSDE staff will commit time and Baltimore City Public Schools, will work all in the Hokie, the Virginia Tech closely with Kirk Designs to incorporate the energy to supporting the work of the library/ media center specialists in providing assist- community that is very close, that elements of the concept plan into the archi- still suffers the wounds from this hor- tectural plans, including coordination of pro- ance to teachers who are engaged in inte- posed lighting and technology with elec- grating primary resources into their lessons. rible shooting. trical and data plans, incorporation of floor, UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL MARYLAND In the aftermath of the shooting at wall and window treatments into the con- As part of United Way Worldwide’s effort Virginia Tech 6 years ago today, we struction documents. JRS Architects will to cut the high school dropout rate in half, learned a lot. We learned that we have VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:39 Apr 16, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16AP6.004 S16APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 16, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2661 to make fixes to the mental health sys- killed because he bravely waited for Monday for most, I know he walked tem: that school security and safety is the other students to go out the win- into his class thinking about Yom incredibly important, that alert sys- dow first.
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