Mobil Oil Corporation P.O.BOXS444 DENVEA. COLOAADO 80217-5444 May 14, 1986 Utah Board of Oil, Gas and Mining 355 West North Temple 3 Triad Center, Suite 350 MAY16 1986 Salt Lake City, Utah 84180-1203 DIVISIONOF Attn: R. J. Firth OiL. GAS & MINING Associate Director SUPERIOROIL COMPANYMERGER Dear Mr. Firth: On September 20, 1984, The Superior Oil Company (Superior) became a wholly owned subsidiary of Mobil Corporation. Since January 1, 1985, Mobil'0il Corporation ,' (MOC), another wholly owned subsidiary of Mobil Corporation, has acted as agent for Superior and has operated the Superior-owned properties. On April 24, 1986, Superior was merged with Mobil Exploration and Producing North America Inc. (MEPNA), which is also a wholly owned subsidiary of Mobil Corporation. MEPNAis the surviving company of the merger. This letter is to advise you that all properties held in the name of Superior will now be held in the name of MEPNA; and that these properties will continue to be operated by MOCas agent for MEPNA. Attached is a listing of all wells and a separate listing of injection-disposal wells, Designation of Agent and an organization chart illustrating the relation- ships of the various companies. If you have any questions or require additional documentation of this merger, please feel free to contact me at the above address or (303) 298-2577. Very truly yours, CNE/rd R. D. Baker CNE8661 Environmental Regulatory cats• Form 3160--3 suamT m Fons ved. (Novesaber 1983) (Other imot en Budget sean No. 10044136 a.,,..,,, s..saac) ED STATES r•••••• I Empires August 31, 1985 DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR a.,.........,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,_ ' BUREAUOF LANDMANAGEMENT 14-20-603-246A APPLICATIONFORPERMITTO DRILL,DEEPEN,OR PLUGBACK ' "'"""""""""""'""'"" Nava1o la. TTPs or woax ¯ ' """ ''""'"" "'"• DRILL DEEPENO PLUGBACKO SW-I-4192 b. errmor was,,, *.T.'" "".LT"" - -:-•==• a...O ''.".. O ..... O O s. mass or oramason Ratherford Unit Phillips Petroleum Company . wm.m so. Annassa er oranaan 11-41 - 152 N. Durbin, 2nd floor, Casper, Wyoming 1 . wasta una weer, on wasacar avri wau, ( port seen a early an saaceoren... wt any este n Greater Aneth NE NE) 350' FEL, 860' FNL u. amo.m., m..oa as.m. At proposed prod. maae DIVISIONOF same , GAS&MINING Sec. 11-T41S-R23E 14. DiaTANCE IN MII.ps AND DImacTaos FBOM Naas-st TOWN 08 90-9 orrica* ÍS. coDWTT 05 remism 18. stata San Well is avoroximatelv 5 miles West of Montezuma ('.reek rtah Juan Utah 16. osetasom amoM 95070850* 10. mo. or acans IN I.asÃa 11. No. •w acais asslex-o secATaas to x-Aasst to r txe w-u, reoramer os s.=ass uns. ww. 970 ft 1200 (Also to bearent drig. mait time,it say) AÛ 18. o-TAses raox raorosso Locatsox* 10. Paotossa e-PTR 20. ROTART 08 CABLE SUOLO so unassar wiLL, þ$$MetNO, COMPleBTED' 1026 ft 5500' en arruno son. en wm. saass, wr• c Rotary armar• si. saavasons (Show whether DF. kÝ,M. ste.) 22. armaan. mars wens was.t, 4467' ground I immediately upon approval PROPOSED CASING AND CEMEWTING PROGRAM sisa er not.- assa or CAsime watear s•smpoor a-Traxe omrwil quANTrrt er esalaxe 18" 13-3/8" 54.5# K-55 120' Circulate to Surface 12-1/4" 9-5/8" 36# K-55 ST&C 1600' Circulate to Surface 8-3/4" 7"' 23# K-55 ST&C 4200' Desired TOC is 2000' 7" 26# K-55 ST&C 5500' Final cement volume will be based on caliper hole volume plus 20%. Phillips Petroleum Company proposes to drill a 5500 ft development well to the Desert Creek Formation. Blow out preventers will be tested weekly. I hereby certify that I am responsible under the terms and conditions of the lease to conduct lease operations in conjunction with the application. Bond coverage pursuant to 43 CFR 3104 for lease activities is being provided by Phillips Petroleum Company - cc: 0+6 BLM Farmington - 1 P.J. Konkel - 1 R. Redington - 2 Utah O&GCC i L.E. Hasely 1 R. C. Arnim - 1 Casper RC - 1 M. L. Menghini su amova arAos pascassa Paoposso Paoemast : R proposat is to deepen er plag linet, give data en present predettive somesai 55095550 asw preisettwo same. H proposal is to drill or Geopen direetionally. give pertiment data *a asianrtsee leentions and mensafetami tras vertiaal depths. Give Mewest preventer ptestem, it any. District Superintendent May 4, 1990 ..... 3 ..... spese Federal or State elles ase) (This APPROVED BY THE STATE ' 3- .3\5 --... 31 ••- -- or UTAH Divle'0" O , GAS, AND MINING APPROTED ST STELS COWBITibWS OF Appao?AL, R AWT: LL SPACING: Ë U.15 0 *SeeineirectiourOs Revers.9 Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, makes it a crime for any person knowingly and w to make to any department or agmaar of the United States any false. fictitious or fraudulent statements or representadons as to any matter withis its sheet 1 of 4 Phillips Petrole Macch 30, 1 390 Location · for hiell 11 1 (Ratherford 3 2 0 Un t) 2 1 10 11 - 11 12 to I (O I \ SECTION 11, I T.41S., R.=3E., S.L.M. San Juan C unty, Utah Well 11-41 is located n the NEkNE f Section 11; Sc : T.41S., 1.23D., S.L.M•> 1".- an Juan Count ¿, Utah 000' Brass cap 10 11 11 12 12 ' 15 14 1 13 3 Basis of bearing: SO 01'00"W. Solid lines on location indicate staked site. Dashed lines indicate additional to be included in actual permitted and constructed location. 13 18 24 19 Brass cap Dry Wash , Benchmark elev. used was Well 12-12 - elev. 4463 - as supp11 Ref. elev. 4463.5 by Phillips. N N.34 22'E.-200.7' - Well 11-41 Ground elev. 4467 Edge of cliff . N.67°20'W.-77.7' Access road to Well 2W44 S.34°22'W.-219.8' N.89°40'W.-394.8' Laydown ref. elev. 4471.2 * N.77°45'W.-46.5' S.O°15'E.-295.2' C/L proposed o access road - Ref . point See Sheet 2 for legal description KNi'W ALL MENnnY THE5E PREnSENTS:Ÿ. THOMAS ÍÊÕÏÀÊÌEng/neering Inc. de hereby certify that I proposed this ptet from o,, Scale tŒl"Itfun,, 00 ' eetuoi and Occurote turway of the lated and that LAN RIS N. Linden the ago, ) • •., sornebe letros and correct to I e my e corser, c.i.r.o. F DRMACS ' [ nronic P TuoMAS Benting by '. A A Beg L.S. ond P E, *, 9 ITHOMig! AgihGOMAg AC- 215 NOATH LINDEN STREET COATEZ. COLORADO 61321 PHONE: SO3-58&-4496 Sheet 2 of 4 Phillips Petroleum March 30, 1990 Location for Well 11-41 Legal Description, Centerline of Proposed Access Road to 11-41 An easement for purposes of access in the NE§ of Section 11 in the NW\ of and Section 12, all in T.41S., R.23E., S.L.M., San Juan County, Utah, the centerline being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at point a on an existing roadway to Well 2W44 in the NW§ of Section 12, T.41S., R.23E., S.L..M., San Juan County, Utah from which point the SE Corner of said Section 12 bears S.50 57'30"E. a distance of 6682.61 ft. thence, N.77°45'W. a N.89°40'W. distance of 46.50 ft.; thence, a distance of 394.80 ft.: thence, N.67°20'W. a distance of 77.70 ft. to a point on the location for Proposed well 11-41, from which point the SE Corner S.53°17'35"E. of said Section 12 bears a distance of 7112.65 ft. • FREDRIC P- Fredric PE-LS P. Thomas, .'~5 Utah Reg. No. .. Phillips Petrol Sheet 3 of 4 i March 30, 1990 Location for 1 11-41 (Ratherford Unit) Solid lines on location indicate staked site. Dashed lines indicate a'dditional to be included in actual permitted and constructed location. A A ;\ 4470.9 4461.7 C,3.9 F 5.3) 4472.8 C 5.8 4467.2 - C 0.2 top I C 10.2 bottot 75' 4476.8 _, _Well 11-41 I C 9.8 top Ground elev. 4467 19.8 botton Proposed pad 4467 'N'4465.8 C O.0 F 1.2 C Reserve o 4472.2 C 5.2 top - 2 15.2 botton o 4467.9,,, C C 0.9 top C 10.9 bottom 35' 100' 4467.6 4466.6 461.4 C 0.6 F 0.4 F 5.6 210' Scale: 1" = 50' ÍÏÎÏOÑ Engineering Inc. 215 N. Linden Cortez, Colorodo 585 Sheet 4 of 4 Phillips Petrol March 30, 1990 Location for 1 11-41(Ratherford Unit) MUN -- (HtH d .I 11 '¯ (-( C'JJCF('JJCF ---- .« .. - - , - ,. ma .- an Horizontal scale: 1" = 50. Eng/neering Inc Vertical scale: 1" = 10' 215 N. Unden Cortes, Colorodo RMHEREORD INIT 11-41 amr:rni PEmoIEON omPANY NE NE SEC. 11-T418-R23E SAN JUAN ODONTY, UTNI Supplement to form 3160-3 "Application for Permit to Drill, Deepen or Plugback. " DRIIZENG PROGRAM l. ESTIMMED TOPS OF GEDI,0GIÇ :• Dune Sand surface Ismay 5157 Shinatump 2098 Gothic Shale 5312 Noen Kopi 2112 Desert Creek 5327 Cutler 2282 Desert Creek Zane I Porosity 5337 DeChally 2400 Desert Creek zone II Peresity 5387 Hermosa 4322 2. Top and Bottem Depths at which Nater, Oil, Gas, Salt, Uranium, Coal, and other Mineral Bearing EDImationsEezzations Are Expected: Water is expected in the Navajor Wingate, and DeŒelly formations. Oil and gas are expected in the Ismay and Desert Creek formations.
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