Appendix: Maps of the Sea of Japan and the East and South China Seas 88 doi: 10.1057/9781137310149 Appendix 89 The Sea of Japan doi: 10.1057/9781137310149 90 Appendix The East China Sea doi: 10.1057/9781137310149 Appendix 91 The South China Sea doi: 10.1057/9781137310149 Index Notes: Page references in bold followed by “m” refer to maps. Abe, Shinzo, 38 claims to Senkaku/Diaoyu Agreement between Japan and Islands, 33–4, 36 the Republic of Korea constructions on Mischief Concerning Fisheries (1965), Reef, 62 25 energy cooperation with differences between 1998 Japan, 12 provisional treaty between energy disputes with Japan and South Korea neighbours, 13–14 and, 25–6 energy needs and concerns Aquino, Benigno S., 65–6 of, 10–11 ASEAN (Association of fishery products exports Southeast Asian Nations) of, 9 conflict management of fishing activities in East South China Sea disputes, China Sea, 39 67–70 hydrocarbon exploration in JMSU’s impact on solidarity East China Sea by, 41 of, 63 illegal fishing by, 10 Aso, Taro, 38 need for sustained reconciliation process with Brunei, 14 Japan, 82 claims to Spratly Islands, 54 rejection of international and Malaysia 2009 arbitration of disputed commercial agreement, waters, 79–80 64–5, 82, 83 rejection of ZoPFFC Brunei National Petroleum proposal, 66 Company, 64–5 seafood consumption in, 8 and United States Chen Shui-bian, 37 competition in East Asia, Chiang Kai-Shek, 53 70–2 China (PRC) and Vietnam agreement of claims to Paracel and Spratly Gulf of Tonkin (Beibu), Islands, 52, 53 60, 82 92 doi: 10.1057/9781137310149 Index 93 see also Paracel and Spratly Islands East China Sea dispute; Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands fishing activities in, 39 dispute hydrocarbon potential of, 40 China-Japan-South Korea Trilateral territorial disputes in, 12, 90m Summit, 46–7 see also Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands China National Offshore Oil Company dispute; South China Sea (CNOOC), 59, 62, 66 EEZ, see exclusive economic zones Chunxiao/Shirakaba field, 40, 41, 44–5 energy security Clark, Mark, 23 of China, 10–11 CLCS, see United Nations Commission of Japan, 11–12 on the Limits of the Continental of Philippines, 13–14 Shelf of South Korea, 12 Clinton, Hilary, 39–40, 71 of Taiwan, 12 Cloma, Thomas, 54 of Vietnam, 13 CNOOC, see China National Offshore see also hydrocarbon resources; Oil Company joint development of hydrocarbon conflict management and resolution resources joint development formula for, 80–7 exclusive economic zones (EEZ), 4–5 of Paracel and Spratly Islands dispute, in Dokdo/Takeshima Islands, 25–6 67–70 in Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, 42 of Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute, UNCLOS provisions on, 15–17 46–7 UNCLOS provisions on, 15, 79 fisheries resources Con Son (company), 62 competition in East China Sea, 39–40 continental shelves competition in South China Sea, 54–5 CLCS, 64 East Asian needs of, 8–10 UNCLOS provisions on, 16 see also joint development of fisheries use to claim territory in South China resources Sea, 54 Fukuda, Yasuo, 82 use to claim territory, 16 see also Okinawa Trough Gates, Robert, 71 Crestone Energy Corporation, 56–7, 61 Gulf of Tonkin (Beibu) Treaty, 60, 82 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties Hu Jintao, 82 in the South China Sea (DOC), hydrocarbon exploration 62, 68 China’s capabilities, 66 Deng Xiaoping, 36 in East China Sea, 41 Dokdo/Takeshima Islands dispute, in Sea of Japan, 27 21–4, 89m in South China Sea, 56–8 conflict management by joint see also joint development of development agreements, 81–2 hydrocarbon resources conflict management issues, 79 hydrocarbon resources fisheries resources competition and China’s need of, 10–11 management, 24–7, 28–9 competition in East China Sea for, 40–1 hydrocarbon resources competition East Asian joint development and management, 27–8 agreements on, 3 doi: 10.1057/9781137310149 94 Index East Asian needs of, 10–11 JDA, see joint development agreements issue in Dokdo/Takeshima Islands JMSU, see Joint Marine Seismic dispute, 27–8, 29 Undertaking Japan’s need of, 11 joint development agreements (JDA) potential in South China Sea, 55–6 and de-escalation of maritime see also joint development of territorial disputes, 2–3, 4–5, hydrocarbon resources 80–7 definition of, 2 illegal fishing, 10 significance of, 2–3 Indonesia joint development of fisheries and Malaysia cooperative fisheries resources, 3 management in South China Sea, 60 in East China Sea, 42–3 seafood consumption in, 8 as means of cooperation and conflict track-two workshops on managing management, 80–1 potential conflicts in South China repeated failures in South China Sea, Sea, 61 59–60 ‘in-principle consensus’ (2008), 44–5, in Sea of Japan, 25–7 82, 85 see also fisheries resources international arbitration, and joint development of hydrocarbon East Asian maritime disputes resources, 3 resolution, 15, 79–80 causes of failures of, 84–6 international law, and quest for natural in East China Sea, 42–5 resources, 14–17 as means of cooperation and conflict islands management, 81–3 UNCLOS provisions on maritime risks for weaker claimants in, 83–4 zones of, 16 in South China Sea, 60–7 see also Dokdo/Takeshima Islands see also hydrocarbon resources dispute; Paracel and Spratly Islands Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking dispute; Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands (JMSU), 62–3, 82 dispute Koizumi, Junichiro, 41 Japan Korea Gas Corporation, 27 claims to Dokdo/Takeshima Islands, Korea National Oil, 27 21–2 claims to Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, Law of the People’s Republic of China 34, 35 on the Territorial Waters and conflict management of disputed Contiguous Areas, 53 waters, 79 Lee Myung-bak, 29 energy needs and concerns of, 11–12 hydrocarbon exploration in East Malaysia China Sea by, 41 and Brunei 2009 commercial need for sustained reconciliation agreement, 64–5, 82, 83 process with China, 82 claims to Spratly Islands, 54 seafood consumption in, 8 energy security, 14 termination of 1965 fisheries submission of supplementary claims agreement by, 25 to CLCS, 64 doi: 10.1057/9781137310149 Index 95 maritime territorial disputes, Philippines de-escalation by joint development Chinese illegal fishing in the agreements, 2–3, 4–5, 80–7 territorial waters of, 10 claims to Spratly Islands, 54 nationalism, impact on joint energy needs and concerns of, 13–14 development agreements, 5, 84–6 hydrocarbon exploration in South natural resources China Sea by, 57–8 needs of East Asian countries, 8–11 seafood consumption in, 9 quest for, and international law, 14–17 stand-off at Scarborough Shoal with significance of, 2–3 China, 58–9 Nguyen Tan Dung, 63–4 submission of supplementary claims Noda, Yoshihiko, 38 to CLCS, 64 see also Paracel and Spratly Islands Obama, Barack, 71 dispute oil and gas exploration, see PNOC, see Philippine National Oil hydrocarbon exploration Company Okinawa Reversion Treaty, and Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute, Republic of China (ROC), see Taiwan 34–5 Republic of Korea (ROK), see South Okinawa Trough, significance in East Korea China Sea, 35–6 Roh Moo-hyun, 22 Royal Dutch Shell, 57–8 Paracel and Spratly Islands dispute, 13–14, 52–4, 91m San Francisco Peace Treaty, and Dokdo/ conflict management issues, 79–80 Takeshima Islands dispute, 22–3 fisheries resources competition in, seafood consumption, in East Asia, 54–6 8–9 fisheries resources management in, Sea of Japan, 89m 59–60 see also Dokdo/Takeshima Islands hydrocarbon resources competition dispute in, 55–8 Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute, 33–9, impact of Sino-US competition in 90m East Asia on, 70–2 conflict management issues, 79 and joint development of resources, fisheries resources competition, 82–3 39–40 recent escalation of, 58–9 fisheries resources management, rhetorical commitment to joint 41–2 development of hydrocarbon hydrocarbon resources competition, resources, 60–7 40–1 People’s Republic of China (PRC), see hydrocarbon resources management, China 42–5 Pertamina, 57, 62 and joint development of resources, Petronas, 64–5 82 PetroVietnam, 57, 58, 62, 64 militarization of, 37–8, 46 Philippine National Oil Company Shimonoseki Treaty, and Senkaku/ (PNOC), 62 Diaoyu Islands dispute, 34 doi: 10.1057/9781137310149 96 Index South China Sea conflict management provisions in, militarization of, 70 15, 79 territorial disputes in, 13–14, 91m ratification of, 15 see also East China Sea; Paracel and United States Spratly Islands dispute and China competition in East Asia, South Korea (ROK) 70–2 claims to Dokdo/Takeshima Islands, position on Dokdo/Takeshima 21 Islands dispute, 22–3 criticism of 1998 provisional position on Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands agreement with Japan in, 26–7 dispute, 39–40 energy concerns of, 12 USNS Impeccable (ship) incident, refusal of international arbitration of 70–1 Dokdo/Takeshima Islands dispute, 79 Vaalco Energy, 57 see also Dokdo/Takeshima Islands Vietnam dispute and China agreement of Gulf of Spratly Islands dispute, see Paracel and Tonkin (Beibu), 60, 82 Spratly Islands dispute claims to Paracel and Spratly Islands, 52–4 Taiwan (ROC) energy concerns of, 13 energy concerns of, 12 submission of supplementary claims see also Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands to CLCS, 64 dispute see also Paracel and Spratly Islands Treaty of Amity of Cooperation, 67 dispute Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation, 62 UNCLOS, see United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Wen Jiabao, 71–2 United Nations Commission on the Woodside Petroleum, 27 Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS), 64 Zhou Enlai, 53 United Nations Convention on the Zone of Peace, Freedom, Friendship Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), 14–17 and Cooperation (ZoPFFC), 65–6, Article 74 (3), 26 82 doi: 10.1057/9781137310149.
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