~? ~~~'-;'~ ~/_ j __ U JUDO, OLYMPIC AND JUDO,GREEN,BROWN '-,- NIPPON SUITS AND BLACK LABEL SUITS. ,- Rucanor AS WORN BY THE AS WORN BY THE sporting goods BRITISH WOMENS TEAM. BRITISH MENS TEAMS. ALSO KARATE GI'S. ALSO KARATE GI'S. JOGGERS BAGS ETC. CLUB SUITS TRACK SUITS MATS JUDO SUITS RED, WHITE, BLUE JUDO LTD. CLUB AND STARTING AT £6.60 OR NAVY & WHITE COMPETITION MATS SPECIAL DISCOUNT BY RUCANOR OLYMPIC S.A. MATS TO CLUBS, ALSO CLUB SUITS BY SPORT RHODE. ALSO KARATE SUITS DETAILS ON REQUEST END NOW! J)]]~ FOR -~-~",=~-r:--. .. -. 116 Stockport Road, COMPLETE Marple, Stockport, CATALOGUE Cheshire AND SK66AH. PRICE LIST Telephone: SEND 30p 061-421 5551 TO: LIMITED z © JUDO LTD 19a) All material published in JUDO Magazine is copyright and reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden except by written consent of Judo Ltd. Contributions to JUDO should be ad­ dressed to the Editor and sent to Heatley House, 9 Mill Lane, Healley, Lymm, (" ire. Contents It semns to have t-1 a quiet moud1 on the Diary of Events Page 4 National Judo scene with the only major event being the British Students Chmnpionships. Sumio Endo My Judo Career Pages 5 and 6 Scottish Open It has also been a bit quiet Internationally although the Championships Pages 8 to 9 British Team did well in the West German Womens 'Let's do Judo' ... .. .. Pages 10 and 11 Open. There are rumours that the International Star Profile. Dietmar Lorenz ..... Page 12 Programme for the next year has been cancelled or at 'Judo' Competition Page 13 least postponed until the British Judo Association Round arld About Page 14 appoints a new Team Manager. 'Judo' Poster Pages 16 and 17 BritiSh Students With the European Championships only a few weeks Championships Pages 19 arld 20 away and both Junior and Senior World Championships Leners Page 21 only months away, this decision (if it is true) will be a big Top Technique Pages 22 and 23 disappointment for many players. Franklyl .. ....... .. Page 24 On the Mat- Roy Inman, British Womens Team Manager, has urice Allan. ... .. .. Pages 25 and 26 taken over the position of Team Manager on a eason's Mar1l:et Stall .•....... Page 30 temporary basis until an appointment can be made; I believe he is trying to arrange some Squad Training Sessions and will be contacting the National Squads shortly with details. Whatever way you look at it, it is an unsatisfactory situation which surely could have been JUDO is published by Judo limited, avoided with a little thought. Publications Division, 1BJ7 Oumbryden Gardens, Wester Hail_, Edinburgh EH14 2NN. Scotland. Head Office: 116 Stock· port Road, Marple, Stockport, Cheshire Former Team Managers, Tony Macconnell and Dave SK66AH. Starbrook MBE seem, in my opinion, to have been Executi~ Editor: Colin Mciver Editor: Peter Campbe41 shabbily (if not unfairly) treated by the Association. It Correspondem:s and Contributors: Devid Finch, Anne MeGowan. KAtrl Bacon, would seem that the Management Committee do not kank Smith. MDureen Sutton. consider continuity as an important factor in the training ...,hCompilation and Originat Design: Frank Distribution: FJR Publishing of British top players. Designed and Printed by: P_rteas Press limited, Spon Lane, West Bromwlch. • • As of May this year Tony will become National Coach SuMcription• Rftes: SiJII issun-£4.5D Tvwelve i__-£:9.00 for Norway and I believe Dave is considering the """'- position of Team Manager for Holland. No doubt our Six issues-Ili.2D Twefveinue.-£13.40 Airmail loss will be their gain. , ;ssu8$-[10.5D T_lve issues-£21.00 COVER PICTURE: Kobayashi (Japan) PeterCampbell...EditDr scores Ipport with Eri 5eoi-nage dUring the earty rounds of the 1981 Paris Muhi-Nation Tournament. Photo: COUNMcIVER 3 Sunday 10th M.y 1.1 Gillllall GflIdes, Bicton-12-OlJ noon NATIONAL ANO INTERNAT70NAL EVENTS SundIIy 11th M.y 1981 Boy,; all Grades, Lincoln-ll).JOam Setum.y 4th.-.d Sund.y 5th April 1.1 Sunday 11th May 1111 DUIChOpen Men Kyu Grades. Noltingham-l0-00am Setum.y 25th April 1981 Sunday 31-' -''1 1981 British Qpen, CrysUlI Palace Men Kyo Gr1des, Samthofpe-l-OOpm Applicalions fOl' lickelS 10 BJA. 70 Brampton Rood. london SW31 DR n",•...uy 14th to SunUy 17th -''1 1981 Mens European Championships, HungalY MIDLAND AREA SQUADS SwMMy 11th M.y 1981 Men-Second Sunday.-h month National Teem Championships '01' Women, Northem Ireland Haden Hillleisu" Cen!lll Satum.y ad M.y 1981 Women-Arst Sunday.-h month Homa Inte<TlI'ionaIIOf Men and Women, Meadowbank Hardy Spicef Judo Club Boy,; - No April session AREA AND MAJOR EVENTS s-cs.., 11th April 1911 GilllI_Hardy SpicefJudo Club- 11-00801 Satum.y 11th April 1981 Mi(fIa.nd AIM Memaoo Boys Team Championships. Closed to Area Bop.._Nexl session s-cs.y f7th May.l at the Hardy Spicef Judo Club. Inita~~tOf Tuwd.y 1"'" to n",...III.y 11th ApriI.l Area Team Championships-YOU MUST ATTEND. BSJA Annual Conference. Wodacomb, Devon FIfIlII selections Sunday 1..... June .1-11-OlJam. Do not be late. Sunday 11th April 1981 Nonhern A,ea Champiomhips, Consen NORTH SHROPSHIREJUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS SwMMy 11th April 1981 llM CIvic Cent.., Whitchurch, ShropetIiN MidIlInd Area Girls Centr. of EJlcelence Squad SATUADAYIth MAY 1981 Sunday 21th April.l Midland Area Conillrence of EJlaminers Nationllwe;ght ~tegoriesup to 60 kiloand Over 60 kilo ()pen in bolh boye and Sunda;y 3rd M.y 1.1 girls events. Midland Area Annual Gefl8flll Meeting T~ Star Uoance has been applied for. Seturd.y 9th M.y 1.1 Boo«ing in from: 9-Of)am 101 first two we;ghl$ in boye and girls e\/'lnlS. Enm.s North SIw~" JuniOf Championships lsee advert on lhis pagel 10: Rowland lee, Wem Judo Club, Ash GIOYII. Wem. Shropshire. Fee: £1.25 NOTE••• Satum.y 9th -''1 1.1-0pen Inlllr-County Charnpic)nships fOf m&de payable to 'Wem Judo Club:' fine IOf no licence £1.00. JuniOf TMIrlS wi. not now be held on thisdalll {Midland Areal. Altemillive Name Weighl Club dates are being sought. MIDLAND AREA PROMOTION EXAMINATlONS Sund.y 5th April 1.1 Boys all Gr&des. Dudley-l().()()am Send S.A.E. 101 confirmation 01 entry and weighing in times. No late lOuin Sund.y 5th April 1.1 accepted. Entries 10 be received by Tuesday 5th May 1981. Gills all Gllldes, Dudley-12-OO noon Sund.y 5th April 1.1 Women Kyo Grades, WllllingbolOugh-1l).OOam Sund.y 5th April 1981 mrls Kyu Grades. Wellingborough_ 12-00 noon Sund.y 5th April 1.1 Men Kyo Grades, lincoln- HXlpm Sunday 121h April 1.1 Women Kyo Grades, Derby-l().()()am Sunday 121h April 1.1 Mlln Kyo Grades. [)erby-12·00 noon Sund.y 28th April 198' BOYlall Gfades. K.I(.I". -lO·OOam ~und.y 21th April 1981 Girls al! Grades. K.K.K. -12-00 noon Sund.y 3rd M.y 1.1 Boys all Gradel, Linton-10-OOam Sund.y 3rd M.y 1.1 Girls all Gradel. Linton- 1-OQpm Sund.y 3rd M.y 1.1 Men Kyu Glides. Dudley-10-OOam Sund.y 3rd M.y 1.1 Gifls all Glides, Grimsby-1~am Sunday 3rd M.y 1.1 Women Kyo GllldM, Grimsby-2-OOpm Setum.y 8th M.y 1.' Gills all Grades, leicester-9·30am Sunday 10th -''11.1 Boys a. Gradee, WOfClSter Judo Society-I().OOam Sunday 10th May 1.1 Gifle all Grades. WOfcestef Judo Society-1-OOpm Sunday 10th M.y 1911 Boys: all GI8dIs, ChBpelhouse-10.OOam Sunday 10th May 1981 Girls all Grades, ChBpelhouse-12-OO noon Sunday 10th May 1981 Bave II Grades, Bicton-9-JOam TO SUBSCRIBE TO JUDO MAGAZINE SIMPL Y SEND name your tracksuit ~YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ~ I • ALONG WITH YOUR CHEQUE ~been lAS PER THE RATES ON PAGE THREE) TO JUDO LIMITED, bagl Tep O".Jrly .. O",Repur.,1OIt PUBLICATIONS DIVISION, 2817 DRUMBRYDEN GARDENS, WESTER HAILES, EDINBURGH EH14 lNN. CROOKHlLl TERRACE. CROOKHILL mONo TYNE AND \"'v'EAR. NE40 3ER Don't send cash and don't forget to state when you would like Telephone Ryton 3159 ISTD Code OB9 422) your subscription to commence. ~U~IO f~DO My Judo career By the reigning World Open Champion. nslated from the Japanese Kodokan Journal. By Brian N. Watson. Photos: David Finch, Frank Smith. This year, if I succeed in me to train diligently and to attend In 1969, after passing university winning the elimination con­ practice sessions regularly. entrance examinations, I left my home· tests, I shall be appearing in I continued in this manner throughout town and moved to Tokyo in order to the All Jepen Championship both secondary and high school. While enter Nihon University. My four years for the tenth successive time. at high school my enthusiasln for the there were the hardest years of my life. The daily routine of cleaning, studying, It is, I think, a fitting occasion sport was given an added boost when I was selected for an international High preparing food for meals and hard on which to reflect upon my School Team Contest in Hawaii, thus training sessions was almost unbearable Judo career. allowing me to make my very first visit to at times. The only free time I seemed to have was at night, sleeping. However, I My introduction to the sport was a foreign country. W3S fortunate in that I was able to widen made when I was twelve years old. I my circle of friends, most of whom happened to be fooling about with came from many different parts of several friends.
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